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Gen 3 bros
>hamtato homo
KYS brownie
>gen 3 screenshots have to be compressed to oblivion to make it actually look bad
What's up?
The hamtaro game looks like a GBC game
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Minish Cap is a disingenuous comparison, it came out at the end of the GBA's lifespan. Something like Metroid Fusion is fairer and still looks better than Pokemon RSE.
Should have made the Gen 3 screenshot even crustier so that I could maybe start being convinced
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Just a bit more compression and you'll get Golden Sun as a result, keep going
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let me help you out with that one. Don't use hamtaro as an example.

minish cap came out in 2004, while r/s came out in 2002 you are grasping straws dude.

>legend of mana/seiken densetsu 1 remake
Magical Vacation
>summon night

Cut the crap.
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A better comparison would be both mystery dungeons to D/P
>minish cap came out in 2004, while r/s came out in 2002 you are grasping straws dude.

The number of years since a console's release doesn't matter so much as already having developers on staff with experience making games for the console. I would assume Capcom had less trouble with Minish Cap since they'd already made Ace Attorney among other games.
>>legend of mana
I'm guessing you meant "Sword of Mana" (even if the art directions are exactly the same); still, you get a pat in the back for being a man of culture. It has its problems, but man what a gorgeous fucking game.
the DS games getting mogged by Red Rescue Team graphically is really funny
Basically this, all of these other games don't sit on complex battle and damage calc systems, encounter systems, RTC functionality for berry growing and daily events, multiplayer functions and record mixing/eReader dedicated calls.
Graphics were basically at the bottom of the to do list.
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The shit quality of pokemon games during the 6th generation of games (PS2/GC/XBOX/GBA) actually made me dive deeper and search better RPGs.

If I saw a good score on a rare game, I would buy it. Due to that I found about numerous gems.

>arc the lad
>Seiken Densetsu series
>disgaea/NISverse games
>Jade Cocoon
>star ocean
>DQ spinnoffs
>Shin Megami
>Magic Pengel
Some really off the beatten path stuff.
Damn, looks worse than I remembered.

I don't know if it's because a lot of GB games looked bad, but the first 2 gens looked good in comparison considering the hardware.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 looks like absolute dog shit tho
Metroid fusion and Zero Mission looked amazing.
>in comparison
To what? Gen 1 also looked mediocre, especially considering there were better looking games on the GB that came out before it.
Such as? Everyone always makes these statements with no proof and then duck out.
in comparison to the games at the time retard did you read the thread?
most original gameboy games looked like garbage
Pokemon in general doesn't have super detailed graphics, it's not only a gen 3 thing.
Let me know when you're done cherry picking your examples.

For 1996 it could have looked a lot worse, there were some really ugly games.
What's top left on top right?
Sword of Mana I think.
the problem is, the bigger the ambition and scale, the more noticeable the gap in graphics is. on a handheld, pixel art game it's just not that big of a deal..the graphics are simple, but they're still clean, and have a consistent style, and being pretty low res and abstracted by nature, your imagination is able to fill in a lot of the gaps. but that doesn't work in a full 3d console game, the gap in quality is just way more apparent. you can't hide it as much, and your imagination isn't enough to fill the gaps because it's not simple and abstracted enough. it just ends up looking uncanny. if you can't see the difference, idk what to tell you.
also, show me another GBA game that has a seamless open world as large as RSE. you can't overlook how impressive that was, to be able to walk from on end of the map to the other without a loading screen. Minish Cap is probably the only one that even comes close, but not really.
Since that anon left, here's a couple examples of games that came out at around or after gen 1.
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Here's some random games around gen 2 launch.
Look at all these great games, feels good to be a GBAchad
No need for cherry picking, I can already cite Link's Awakening and Seiken Densetsu 1 off the top of my head. (note that I'm not counting any GB platformer games like Belmont's Revenge as I feel they're not relevant to this)
>only those two?
That's enough to prove my point, which was: there were better looking GB games before Gen 1. Quantity doesn't matter, and as it happens, I never said there were many, although I'm sure I could "cherry pick" more examples if I wanted to put that much time and effort just so I could prove an anonymous retard wrong on the internet even further.
>For 1996 it could have looked a lot worse
Yes, which is why I said "mediocre". Not "ugly" or anything, "mediocre". Thanks for your input.
It looks really rough even compared to FRLG, which they must have started working on right after.
Gen 3 runs at 60 FPS which makes it automatically better than any gen that's come before or after it.
Didn't post any proof, I accept your concession.

>No need for cherry picking,
>Link's Awakening


>(note that I'm not counting any GB platformer games like Belmont's Revenge as I feel they're not relevant to this)


>That's enough to prove my point


>if I wanted to put that much time and effort just so I could prove an anonymous retard wrong on the internet even further.


Thanks for playing!
>sword of mana
>both golden sun
well there was a transition from the overworld to towns, but still
cut the fucking crap and stop defending that trash.

gen3/4 were blatantly obvious on how bad they were.
>there were better looking GB games before Gen 1

what kind of stupid fucking point is that? no one was even saying pokemon was ever the greatest looking
just admit you never touched a gameboy in your life
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Since other anon is a faggot, here's some random late GB games. Took all of 2 minutes.

You're right Gen 1 looking mediocre in comparison.
what's the bottom right game?
Metal Walker, a Capcom game.
You think comparing gen 3 games to other GBA games looks bad, just wait until you see Switch games compared to the average PS2 game
Those games have 1/3rd of RSE's content and features
Besides Pokemon, the average switch game can't possibly look that bad... right?
Imagine caring about the framerate of a static RPG
>literally just nicer to look at objectively
>inputs battle menu commands faster so mindless battles go by faster
Wooow why would anyone care?
>nicer to look at objectively
not with those gba graphics
>inputs battle menu commands faster
how just turn off battle animations if you care about battle speed
Gen 3 looks the best in both of these. Most aesthetic artstyle and the best colors.
Except it is nicer to look at even with the GBA graphics.
Just your guy running around in the overworld looks way better when it's not in super choppy 30 FPS.
And how does turning off battle animations matter at all? If I turn off battle animations in both games RSE is still faster just by virtue of how responsive the menus are.
JFC I fucking hate people who only play Pokemon and don't know anything about games.
Is this the same guy posting this cringe defense or are all Gen 3 tards this brainwashed?
The gap between the bottom games is much larger.
There's more to quality then being detailed and well-drawn. Gen 3 has the best style there, especially if you count the great looking Pokemon themselves (AKA the most important part)
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Random GBA games that came out years before 3. Some screenshots may be crusty.
Did any of the the 2nd versions ever update the overall graphics? Why was Game Freak always so lazy?
The whole point of this is to show that they've always looked worse than studios who had to earn their crusts. They MAY have had an excuse for RG/B's looks but Yellow WAS decent with the battle/pokédex art and GS was less excusable but the novelty of colour on GBC negated that one.
Everything since lagged behind the other studios Nintendo got to make games for their systems. Conversely, they've outsold all but the absolute normalfag-tier or traditionally powerhouse series, with an abberation in a long-time series more favoured in the west traditionally, suddenly finding its Japanese love and rocketing to the top of its all-time and the top 5 of the Switch's lifetime title sales lists in BotW.
They've all drank the tard-aid to handle the fact they got a SNES in the era of Playstation 2's and the Nokia N-Gage.
minish cap came out in 2004, while r/s came out in 2002 you are grasping straws dude.
2 years can makes a big difference when it came to technology at the time. The GBA was one year old when R/S came out, and Minish Cap came out the same year as the DS.
Pokemon games are so fucking pathetic kek
Bottom middle looks like gen 3 lol, GF has always been lazy

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