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We are gathered here today to talk about Pokemon XD

Why are you a fan?
Lug’ I am your father.
I'm just a fan of the first part, the second has great mechanical improvements, but the story and atmosphere feels more relaxed.

Even so, I appreciate that in the sequel they introduced wild Pokemon that are appropriate to the region and not just a Pikachufest like it was in USUM.

I hope that one day TPC gives some love to this no man's land region.
anyone that makes a le epik xd fuck off joke after this post is a cumguzzling turbo faggot and their mother will die in their sleep tonight
reminder that shadow lugia is an actual turnermon
I've accepted bigger monstrosities in the franchise, I can live with an edgymon.
>shadow lugia
>shiny primals
>Wes and Michael
>paradox beasts
What the fuck was his problem?
The 'tism.
Hehe thanks anon
I like the animations and I have fond memories of getting to see my old mons in 3d. Since it was the only way to get Lugia at the time I kinda just loved it for that too. My favorite box legend thanks to Pokémon 2000 and that one episode of the anime with the baby lugia. Also just thanks to it being the best one.
There were memorable characters in this for sure Mirror B I remember getting wiped by him and his music was sick.
Every game should be all double battles. The common complaints with this didn't bother me and still don't. I don't expect perfection from pokemon games not called Mystery Dungeon.
Rejected Humanity
Embraced Cyberrap Monkeyism
Daddy issues
I haven't played it since I was a kid, but I remember it being a really charming game, the setting and characters had a lot of personality. To me it defined how Pokemon should "feel" in 3D and I always find myself comparing modern 3D Pokemon to it in that way. I should give it another go as an adult though, because I barely remember anything about it other than the kind of abstract impressions it left with me, mind you they are strong impressions.
>wears glasses that surround 100% of his eyes
>wears googles around his neck
I like Shadow Pokémon and Double Battles.
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go back
>their sleep
I personally prefer it's prequel but it's a pretty awesome game. Shadow Pokemon are more fleshed out, the game can get pretty damn hard towards the end, and the postgame battle tournament area is fairly challenging.

Plus the sheer style of the animations and VFX on Pokemon moves. It is truly a chef's kiss game
I love both Colosseum and XD but XD improved a lot of things from Colosseum. More tracks and overall better OST, you can pick the Eevee evolution of your choice and the Shadow Pokemon are more interesting than in Colosseum, you have better options for teambuilding. The only thing that is better in Colo is the main character, the XD one is pretty bland and forgettable.
Honestly Micheal isn't even that bland, in a vacuum he'd be pretty cool. He's got that futuristic dbz scanner visor and a robotic looking snag machine, they outright said his dad is dead rather than just not around and everyone at the lab is clearly expecting/pressuring him to live up to his father's legacy. Plus he got a few cool moments in game, not quite blowin up your old group's hq before running off, but he rescued a kidnapped professor, got mugged by a gang and kicked that gang's collective ass to get his gear back, and piloted a cool prototype kyogre boat through seas so rough no pokemon and most ships can't pass. He's just a downgrade from Wes and a bit disappointing in the context of being yet another kid protagonist after they finally showed a bit of what pokemon could be if it had a series of games that grew up with its audience in addition to the easy entry points for new kids the main series aims to be.
>Turner just colored Lugia black
>Sugimori was impressed by his skills he hired him to be part of Gamefreak
>got tons of shit designs ever since
Gamefreak has really the lowest standards and requirements when it comes to hiring
ever since we got the legends games there is hope for pokemon colloseum games coming back anon
Honestly I like both games, even though they all have their problems.
For GoD, not a big fan of the more sanitized Orre, and Citadark Isle is genuinely a slog, even for Orre standards. (Yeah, the animations are great and honestly what modern Pokémon games should be using as a base, but even then, the games are still pretty slow.)
>Why are you a fan?
Because a certain gay feral lemon from 20 years ago had left a lasting impression on my 13'YO mind back then.
with correct grammar, maybe
>Fight 99 in Mt Battle
>Trainer has three Regis
>Every single one knows self destruct
Not to mention all three Regis were already part of previous trainers teams in Mt battle, so why the fuck do they all come back right before the final fight?
obsessed AND retarded
Wait, isn't Rhydon in this game?
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This is an Aggron region
yes but he is late game
If there were a third game, I would like them to play with the idea of divergent evolution, as happens on islands or isolated areas where the entire ecosystem derives from a few pioneer species and from a common ancestor they diversify, like the lemurs of Madagascar.

It would be a good place to exploit all the mechanics with only 9 species; Mega evolution, Regional forms, Totems/Alphas, Gigantamax, Convergents, Paradoxes.

For example, a Lairon without competition could live outside the caves and increase in size or a group of Zubats could become terrestrial and become the apex predator of the desert.
Ok. Worst Pokémon Game for daring to think Rhydon is strong enough to be late-game.
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love colosseum and XD. they tried something different while also having amazing animations. loved the emphasis on shitmons that make you rely on strategy for longer than the main games. it's telling that gf has denied them sequels and it's clear why, despite their age they put modern games to shame.
These are the only pokemon games I replay regularly. About once every 2 years vs 2 or 3 playthroughs ever for the rest. Not much to say about why that hasn't already been said.
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I love Orre, Drowzee. I LOVE ORRE!!!!
Best music in the series.
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Agree with what >>56209617 said, Colo and XD just "felt" like what Pokemon would be like in the real world. I've been playing through XD for the first time since I was a kid, and its just as fun and charming as I remembered. I feel like Gamefreak never "got" battles right in the same way Genius Sonority did I wish GS had gotten to do more with the IP, or that Gamefreak had taken more inspiration from them.
Never ever
I will come back when I am proven right in the future you'll see (;
>loved the emphasis on shitmons that make you rely on strategy for longer than the main games
No, you're just terrible at the games.
Orre Colosseum, disc challenges
Nah bro not happening.

They go out of their way to exclude or gloss over these games (and pbr) whenever there's some history of the franchise thing be it for an anniversary or to hype up a new release, even when other spinoffs get a decent amount of focus. Game Freak hasn't done anything close in game design philosophy even after absorbing most of Genius Sonority's staff and relegating the leftovers to mobile trash. They're too prideful to learn from their peer's work, instead choosing to ignore it and double down on the opposite direction. Masuda WISHES anything he composed after gen 2 was as iconic and holistic as Tawada's music. The variety in team building strategies, even for random npcs, from the competitive to the thematic is far more care than some of the gym and league trainers in main series (who mostly just have their type specialty) get. Shadow pokemon having the potential to kill themselves and you needing to manage battling the rest of the team while weakening the shadow is more engaging than just chucking balls at a wild mon you can count on keeping asleep until it catches. Don't get me wrong, pla is a bold step forward, but nothing to suggest we'll see anything like orre again.
Coliseum had a cooler protagonist who got to rapefuck a ginger with the byakugan on the daily. So I never got gale of shitness
I want to shoot Rui to death
Takeshi Shudo? Is that you, sir?
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>Why are you a fan?
It has an actual nicely designed, hard as balls but fair post-game challenge in the form of the Orre Colosseum. The Battle Frontier can suck my cock and I'll never understand the appeal in the gaming equivalent of being repeatedly kicked in the nuts.
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Surprised the Orre Colosseum rarely gets discussed. It's my favorite postgame content from any Pokemon game. I recently did a solo run on XD and I am thinking of attempting the Orre Colosseum by using PkHex to create a team of six Delcatty, since doing it with one is pretty much impossible.
I like edgy things, sue me.
I haven't beaten round 3 yet but so far it's been a lot of fun having my FireRed and Emerald bros joining forces like some kind of crossover to battle out it to the tune of the absolute bangers that is the Colosseum/XD soundtrack.
colosseum and gale of darkness bro don't lose hope genius sonority and the one who composed the spinoffs music is keeping us fans not forgotten

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