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Making a new one so we don't have to wait two weeks for somebody else to do it
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Gardevoir giving the thread a kiss to bless us with a good thread
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Breeding innocent Gardevoirs!
its good to wait a few days or a week between threads, gives people a chance to stock up on new images
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Counter argument: Gardevoir!
>new images

yeah right. that artist from last thread was the first new content these threads have seen in months
There's new gardevoir fanart from the far corners of the internet every day
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Nooooo I don't want my Garde to stay at the Daycare!
Cheating with maid Gardevor that got huge boobs!
>Gardevoir frequently sleeps upright so it's able to protect people or Pokémon at any moment.
If gardevoir have such an intense drive to protect people and pokemon in general, what's so special about their relationships with their trainers?
Do you think other pokemon are jealous of how popular Gardevoir is? The probably hate Gardevoirs.
That's Pokemon Sleep lore which I imagine is probably secondary to the base games, but given that the ralts family is generally benevolent, I could see them having a less committed role to serving others compared to their trainer who means the world to them.
Literally sleeping on your toes seems pretty committed already.
In universe, Gardevoir is considered to be beautiful so it must inspire lots of jealousy on other pokemons and maybe even humans
>people capture Gardevoirs and then keep them locked in pokeballs forever, to stop them from flaunting their beauty
>people capture Gardevoirs and then have them live in terrible conditions to feel better about themselves, to be able to say "see, I am prettier than Gardevoir"
We need legislation to protect Gardevoirs from trainer abuse, immediately.
Nobody does that. Name one time in any form of media.
gotta keep them locked up
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I hate you all. Because of you people, SaltyXodium is allowed to terrorize the internet with his awful art. When will you fix this mistake of nature for the rest of humanity?
What did Salty do, Anon?
gardevoir naturally desire to protect others due to their personality but their strongest bond is with their trainer, this has always been the case
The sleep entry was the first time anything said they like protecting non-trainers.
there was a fanfic I read one time that talked about how some trainers would have their gardevoirs' dresses "cropped" like people do dogs' ears or tails so they look cuter and can wear human clothes. Basically snipping the dress off and sealing up the scars.
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we've seen gardevoir protecting others since the first mystery dungeon game
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Horace's also reactivated when she saw Inteleon getting beaten up.
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Gardevoir are sapient creatures with agency and wouldn't agree to do something like that if they didn't want to.
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Gardevoir don't look like this and wouldn't do this.
You wouldnt hold her big gardegrippers, would you?
Women in real life can't even compete with plastic doll robots with zero ability to sew or cook or in Gardevoir 's case aim a gun I guess, and it already drives them insane.
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she would (they're very into petplay)
I wish I were Garde (male)
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In terms of desirability its
1- the horn
2- the sticc legs
3- the hands
so the answer is yes
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alright everyone, there's not enough gardevoirs to go around. draw straws to see who puts on the suit
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Love you too man.
Sad Pokémon time! Its crying hours!
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Why do they hate him so much
No clue, he's just chilling. You can't hate a Gardevoir who's just chilling.
They're jealous of his 8 inch penis and lack of refractory period.
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fusing 2 of the cutest pokemon... cute...
Do you think its possible to get a gardevoir addicted to cuddling?
They're easily addicted to anything. Cuddles. Gaming. Rare candies. Sex. Hobbies. Even recreational drug use.
Should've given the males a tailcoat instead of keeping the girly dress
the ralts family are like emotion vampires, the dex entries state they feed from them, they probably have a natural affinity for cuddling
They don't feed off emotions so much as they're sustained by them
That being said Emotionally-manipulative Leech Gardevoir is sexo
They absorb positive emotions ambiently, like a plant absorbs sunlight, and only to power their psychic abilities. For nutrients, they just eat like everything else.
>Your cheerful energy turns into my power!
Gross furfag.
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>bringing up furries out of nowhere
>Making Gardevoir sick by forcing her to learn Nasty Plot and putting her on a regimen of nothing but negative, naughty and mean thoughts
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god I wish that were me
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