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should've been water / steel type
just wait for the mega evolution in pokeamon za
>pokemon zaza
what were they smoking
Water/Bug is the only typing that makes sense.
actually that makes sense, why was paras a bug type but not crabby
Paras is a Cicada.
Crabs are sea bugs, taxonomically.
vice grip should've been a bug-type move
Seafood industry hates this and tries as hard as possible to not let the public conscious know that stuff like crabs and lobsters are closer to insects then any spider. I don't think every crabmon thus needs to be bug but in krabby's case it really is just a normal crab and should be one.
Bug doesn't do anything to help Kingler, but it should at least be in that egg group.
Kingler is a shitmon no matter what, just may as well have it for thematic reasons and to add better type diversity to Kanto.
It's just a couple of moves away from being decent. Its main problem is the same one many physical Sheer Force users suffer from, no moves.
Crabs can feel pain and have memories, that's a whole different level of consciousness than nature's cleaning robots.
Mega soon. Trust the plan.
She already has a Giga. They could just reuse that as her Mega.
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Kabutops too, the whole "fossilmons need to be part Rock" is idiotic. Speaking of, Aerodactyl(which is even revived from amber not rocks) would be Dragon/Flying. Omastar remains Water/Rock due to its shell and add to that Cloyster and TRIGGER WARNING Blastoise
>the whole "fossilmons need to be part Rock" is idiotic.
Gen VIII introduced only non-Rock fossils.
Too many bait posts itt
There are only 151 pokemon
ok boomer
Bug/Steel, like Genesect
At this point, just retcon "Bug type" into "Arthropod type". It'd make more sense, open up more possibilities and would be the perfect excuse to make this type suck less without the need to introduce a new one
Bug doesn't have to mean strictly insect, it's a catch all for all creepy crawley invertebrates
I literally eat bugs too, that doesn't change anything. Are you going to point out how niggers are supposed to be like us even though they obviously aren't next?
This is my favorite pokebro
I mean, sure, but I've never heard anyone refer to crabs or lobsters as "bugs" or even "creepy crawlies". The main reason nobody sees them as such is because they're worldwide food and don't live in the same environment as us (so less likely to be considered a disgusting nuisance), unlike actual bugs or insects.
Non sequitur.
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With Anorith existing there's a precedent for aquatic arthropods to be bug
Bot post.
No, you literally responded with a non sequitur to >>56215109. Nothing in your response relates to the image.
Why did you forget Wimpod?
If you genuinely can't relate taxonomy to race you're just retarded.
>dinosaurs are dragons
Why are you arguing with someone who's only trying to stir shit up and not actually bring anything to this conversation?
>Dinosaurs are rocks
>dinosaurs are niggers
Fun fact, in Dragon quest frog monsters are part of the Bug type (with crabs being Aquatic type)
That's not a non-sequitor, read the entire reply chain. The relevance of the image is being directly refuted.
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The fictionalized understanding of pterodactyls in the 90s makes them very much dragons, yes. There's a reason Lance uses one.

There's nothing about this creature that reads as Rock, a lot about this creature reads as Dragon
He's more Dragon than most pokemon currently classified as dragon type
Explain what a "Dragon type" should be, then. I'm guessing reptile-like creatures with wings that can breathe fire, right? Man, imagine if they made a seahorse mon, a cloud bird mon or a fucking coconut tree mon and gave them the Dragon type. That would be so retarded
Those literally are retarded.
Then you should be saying that to GF, not me. Fact of the matter is, you can't possibly claim Aerodactyl shouldn't be a Dragon type when we have shit like Altaria or A-Exeggutor.
I didn't say that nor do I disagree with it. Dumb non-sequitur poster.
Yo but if that bug grew to the size of a lobster and developed a beautiful bright red color after cooking and then bore succulent delicious meat I would eat it too.
Have you seen her Mega?
>that bug
Left and right are both bugs.
NTA but if you showed a layperson Aerodactyl and told them to assign it two types it would always be a combo of Flying, Rock, and Dragon.

Dragon bc dinosaur and it’s Wyvern traits, Flying bc common sense, and Rock because it’s grey and pointy and also has gargoyle traits. If you told them it’s revived from a fossil, the chances of them guessing Rock/Flying will soar to near perfection.
>try to eat a shrimp
>you can peel it and it'll have a perfectly mushy and edible inside
>try to do the same with a common bug
>you can't do this
Pretty much. When people tell me they find bugs disgusting to eat, I imagine people thousands of years ago who probably thought shrimp looked horrific/nasty to eat too.
Many land bugs are edible. But either way that's not a taxonomic criterion and doesn't change the fact that crabs and lobsters are water bugs.
They're edible, but you can't remove meat from shell. That's why eating them is not appealing.
Lobster used to be peasant food because elites felt too dignified to eat sea bugs
Both Altaria and Exeggutor have reasonable justifications for being Dragon-type.
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>have you seen the mega that was created 15 years after aerodactyl was a assigned a type?

>and Rock because it’s grey and pointy and also has gargoyle traits.
water/fire kingler when?

>If you told them it’s revived from a fossil
it is not revived from a fossil
As soon as I get my pc to work I'm making my own Kanto reremake with blackjack and hookers and Kingler will be Water/steel.
I'm also removing the dragon type and Kingdra will be a Water/Fire and you would evolve Seadra by letting it bath in a Cinnabar hotspring.
I'd love that, it was one of the best Giga designs and would work as a Mega as well (just normal-sized).
>t. seething flygoncuck
Altariachads just keep winning.
Amber is fossilized tree sap retardbro. The mosquito no longer exists.
Just because they don't draw it anymore because Jurassic Park could sue them doesn't mean the concept isn't still there. Until they literally retcon Aerodactyl into literally being part tree you are wrong.
Is tree sap a rock? Amber is not a mineral. In a conventional fossil the bones and other remains like shells(which are pretty mineral based to begin with) undergo the process of mineralization(so what you get are casts of the remains, they are not actual bones).
Amber is just hardened resin that polymerizes, the animal remains inside are preserved by being completely dehidrated
water bug or bust
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>Fighting resistance
>Ground resistance
>Loses Grass weakness
>STAB X-scissor in Gen 4+

Bug would help it quite a bit. It still wouldn't be good, but if it got a good Bug type attack in Gen 2 or 3 it could've been OU viable.
See >>56215253

I like Altaria too, you faggot schizoid. Doesn't keep me from using it to demonstrate that Dragon types aren't limited to "reptile-like monster" (and why the fuck Flygon out of nowhere? Do you think I'm malding that it's not a Dragon/Bug mon even though it's perfectly fine the way it is?)
Humans used to eat plenty of bugs. They're still frequently eaten in Africa and Asia. It's only in Europe and European-descended countries that eating bugs is seen as gross but eating sea-bugs is perfectly normal.

I, for one, refuse to eat either.
More reasons Gen 8 is dogshit.
Flygon fans have been jelly of Altaria since 2013.
>if it got a good Bug type attack in Gen 2 or 3
Retype Crabhammer to Bug-type
>One claw grew massively and as hard as steel. It has 10,000-HP strength. However, it is too heavy.
The logic checks out.
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It would still be a shitmon. It's slow and frail. Sure, it hits hard, but it dies to even neutral hits on the special side.
Crawdaunt gets Crabhammer starting in Gen 3 so Kingler could've gotten a signature Bug type move.
I got news for you about rock, buddy. You may be surprised to learn that even ice is technically a rock.
Yeah like that's honestly my problem with eating bugs. I don't want to chew exoskeleton or eat bug meal. If they were big enough to eat like crustaceans I'd be fine with it.
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oh yeah we should totally get hang up on those technicalities. lets start a petition to make these guys rock type asap
Retard I was telling YOU to not get hung up on the technicality of if amber was a rock or not because lots of shit you wouldnt expect are rocks.
Boy do I have news for you
Not eating bugs. Fuck you guys.
So you don't eat crab and lobster.
Okay cool. I won't eat sea bugs or land bugs. No bugs will enter my maw.
Still not eating the bugs.
Ask your grandma if a cicada is a bug. Then ask her if a crab is a bug.
Grandma isn't a biologist. Crabs are bugs, scienticically.
>Crabs are bugs, scienticically.
They're arthropods, not bugs. It's only a bug if it's of the order Hemiptera.
They're aquatic bugs.
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>Crabs are bugs,
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Taxonomically, you never stop being what you evolved from. Crabs aren't bugs, but crabs and bugs are both arthropods alongside millipedes/centipedes, spiders/scorpions, sea scorpions, isopods(pill bugs), barnacles, horseshoe crabs, and anomalocarids.

If you want to have a definition of bugs that includes worms, you have to go back to Ecdysozoa, which will then also include tardigrades and nematodes.
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I'm glad we've all come to a consensus in this thread that crabs (and lobsters and shrimp) are bugs and that we shouldn't eat bugs.
Regional variant of Rellor
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What about this one, wise guy?
You think that crab just fell out of a coconut tree? It exists in the context of all in which it lives and what came before it.
That's the gen 10 Bug/Flying mon
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Water/Bug type with an ability that gives it STAB on Flying type attacks.
Oh you meant Gigantimax. I thought someone stole my fanfic idea for Giga Evolution for a second.

Just incase anyone wants to know. If you don't just stop reading.
> artificial alternative to mega evolution using the same energy meaning you can't use both in one battle.
> despite the name invoking superiority. It's more of a sidegrade
> gives the Pokémon a 5th move option that it cannot normally learn but it doesn't change typing or ability
> team that was developing Giga Evolution split apart because they all couldn't agree on what Giga Raticate should be and as such all developed their own Giga alloys for Raticate independently over the years after the team disbanded
> Giga Evolution's equivalent to Mega Stones are artificial metals called Giga Alloys.
There's only one i in Gigantamax.
>Explain what a "Dragon type" should be
let's see
>竜 : The kanji 竜 is composed of three components: "立" (tatsu), meaning "to stand," "龍" (ryū), meaning "dragon," and "井" (i), representing a well or a source of water.
>龍 being borrowed from chinese and meaning Thunder (it originally looked like a whiskered serpent)
In Pokemon terms It should means "Pokemon that stand over its enviroment" therefore
>imagine if they made a seahorse mon, a cloud bird mon or a fucking coconut tree mon and gave them the Dragon type.
Makes sense if you see them as the peak pokemon of their enviroment
Why does seafood make autists seethe so much? What exactly do you get out of trying to convince people that crustaceans are icky and shouldn't be eaten? Is it a sour grapes thing?
Crustaceans are just big bugs from the ocean. Either eat both or eat neither. Being choosy is as ridiculous as enjoying turkey while refusing to eat chicken or squab.
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Kingler would be stronger if it was Water/Bug type. Change my mind.
Nothing about it is steel you stupid
>One claw grew massively and as hard as steel. It has 10,000-HP strength. However, it is too heavy.
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Give it an evolution
HP: 55 -> 75
Attack: 130 -> 125
Defense: 115 -> 110
Special Attack: 50
Special Defense: 50 -> 65
Speed: 75 -> 110
BST: 475 -> 535

Water -> Water/Steel

Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor/Sheer Force -> Clear Body/Weak Armor/Sheer Force
>hard as steel = steel
ok retard
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ok zoomer
What is there to even be jealous about? All you're doing is convincing me Flygon haters are schizo.
Should be bug-types list
Questionable if they deserve the bug typing:
She literally has steel spikes on his boydy.
Add Gligar
>Grandma isn't a biologist. Crabs are bugs, scienticically.
thanks, you fell right into it.
You are mistaking "bug" for "arthropods". Those are not synonyms. "Bug" is not a scientific term, it's just a general common sense one.
Again, in this ase ask your grandma, not a biologist. Only a biology freshman (or a school kid) would act like its a taxonomical term, those who are at the minimal level of knowledge that makes them think they fully mastered the subject instead of realizing they barely grasp it.
Ah, yes right. Gligar and Gliscor are kinda like bats, but more of lobsters so I guess they are bugs.
I think it should get a steel coat evolution. Turn its claws into some digimon tier shit.
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they are the facehugger from Alien

gligar is called gliger in japanese. gliger is one letter away from giger as in the artist who created Alien. its even more evident in its beta design

pokedex entries:
>It flies straight at its target's face then clamps down on the startled victim to inject poison.
>This Pokémon hangs on to the face of its foe using its clawed hind legs and the large pincers on its forelegs, then injects the prey with its poison barb.
>Its tail is tipped by a thick, horrible stinger. To bring down prey, it will first obscure their vision by covering their faces with its body, and then it will use the stinger to inject them with venom.

Should be poison/bug but thats too common
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The beta finally revealing what it was just makes this decision even more baffling. Funny to think for decades people speculated what it was based on the bug typing when it was always meant to be a rock type only. I know this is the series that made a snail a bug type but adding on bug to what is suppose to be a snake is bizarre, I imagine it might have been added to make Shuckle feel like a more original, fantastical creature.
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I dont see why it couldnt have been rock poison, its a pretty unique typing that made sense
Why does Gen 1 have so many 2 stage shitmon lines?


Seriously, what the FUCK was Game Freak's problem? That's 50/151 Pokemon that are just 2 stages of shitmon. They had to have known because several of them got evolutions and signature items, movies, and abilities in the coming generations.
because creature design for world building was far more important than gameplay consideration specifics
Because it made three stage lines even more special. Must have blown people's minds back then when they thought their two stage mon was done and instead it evolved into something even bigger. That kind of thing just isn't possible now that the formula is so established. Wish they would do more weird shit like Shedinja though, probably blew people's minds to see another pokemon just randomly appear in their party.
They could've made them better. Tauros was literally just a bull and also the 3rd best Pokemon in the game, behind only Mew and Mewto.
Tauros was a Safari Zone exclusive and many other Safari Zone exclusives are top tier in RB (Exeggutor, Chansey, Rhyhorn)

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