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Should disabled people be allowed to own Pokemon?
Yeah, don't see why not considering we already have service animals IRL and Pokemon are slightly smarter than animals already.
>all are "normal animal" based 'mons

The Raltz line could unironically make good autism support 'Mons because they're hyper-specialized in empathy, which autism is literally defined by a dysfunction in, so they can substitute for the 'tism's lack of ability to grasp social queues.

They'd also be able to sniff out the ongoing misery for a decent shot at refusing transing over unrelated body dysphorias, which are oddly enough a common thing in autists.
Yeah, but a ralts to an autist will eventually be raped.
Yes OP you'and this entire board re allowed to own a pokemon
>that flag
Autistic people tend to believe they're trans way more often than non-autistic people.
luv the subtle transphobic remark
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I don't know if an Absol should be a service animal. Maybe to a blind person, since they can predict missfortunes.
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Oh shut up
This board is so gay
I'd shoot you (Midnight Form)
Maybe the reason why we don’t see almost any cripples is because they do the humane thing and put them out of their misery. Preferably with the help of a Magmortar.
wouldnt this be an ableist perspective?
The lefty artist made that connection, not the reply here
Isn’t autism service just glorified pets?
“I’ll have a panic attack if I’m separated from my dog” type shit?

Pets are generally a safety blanket to carry around for everyone in general. What does an autism service Zoroark do that an average poster here wouldn’t get from a Gardevoir?
I don't see why not. He already spends a lot of time around you, Shaun.
With the advanced technology in Pokemon, shouldn't they find cure for disability?
Did ya hear they found a cure for autism
They didn’t
There is no cure
Only mind control pills
disable people don't exist in pokemon
the only time I have ever seen an "autism support dog" was a tiny girl with a shitbull twice as big as her.
More like an autism removal dog
it's actually a huge problem right now that retards are putting service vests they got off of amazon on their pit bulls to justify taking them into stores
as opposed to service dogs which require a ton of training from birth and cost an obscene amount of money
Why does the autism dog have to automatically be associated with trannies as well?
I mean it seems pretty fitting to me given how most of the LGBTards seem to be on the spectrum. .
Sorry man, didn't mean to be
Probably but I'm not sure any of them except the Umbreon would actually have equipment like that.

There are better pokemon for mobility. Many that you can ride or fly on and psychic pokemon could probably use their powers to move your legs for you or some shit. Get a Kadabra or Alakazam to fix it.

I suspect the cardiac/diabetic one would be better served by Chansey or something.

Not sure why Autism needs a service animal but like other Anon said something like Gardevoir or Hypno would be better. Lucario would probably work too.

No comment on the Psychiatric one. Once again I feel like Chansey's healing powers would work better since they have moves that actually could heal a seizure or something. Other healers would be fine too like Gardevoir, Umbreon, Alomomola, or Slurpuff. Hell I bet even a Clefable or Slowbro with heal pulse would be better than a growlith in this case.

For the guide pokemon I think any of them would be fine since pokemon seem to be near or equal to humans in terms of intelligence. I'd probably want one with hands to hold mine and/or grab shit for me. Any pokemon with some form of grasping appendage would be best for this.
what a dumbass no wonder they are afraid of AI lmao
Yes (except pokefuckers)
Autistic people get service animals now? For what?
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>getting any support at all
>Gardevoir for autism
I am not sure, I am autistic and I would feel very uneasy around Gardevoir, they look too sleek and I like to touch sleek surfaces. Many pokemon wouldn't be suitable to be around me because I would annoy them, like Lapras or Dragonair, I would much rather have something fluffy like Mareep or Eevee, because I wouldn't need to touch them all the time.
>Autism associated with Trans
No kidding.
They service human men
That's adorable, I'm sure they'd love all the petting.
Autism isn't a disability though. It's more like running Linux when everyone else is on Windows or something like that. They aren't disabled mentally or physically. If they get emotional support animals then I want them too.
A Zoroark's functionally human-level, capable of human speech, capable of looking and acting convincingly human.
Fucked up to have one muzzled like a dumb dog.
this feels like the fucking creepy autism fetish shit
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>They aren't disabled mentally
We are in fact disabled because it does in fact entail at least one deficient cognitive function. Usually several between the issues understanding social queues and apparently a dysphoria-causing glitch in propioception playing a big part in the transing.

If autists could socialize efficiently with other autists, clearly demarkating it as simply a different "domain" of social functionality, then your analogy would be good. But we can't, the spergouts do not synchronize.
Why are groomers allowed to trick autists into transitioning?
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Are there any disabled characters in Pokemon? The closest that comes to mind is that kid with cancer (or whatever) from Twilight Wings.
I’m autistic but I’m just a cute femboy not a tranny. We exist.
Gay people are forced to have (male) Vaporeon for......reasons.
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3"03' tall and 63.9 pounds. this means they're large enough to be able to handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there's no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll eyes, Captivate, Charm and Tail Whip along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it'd be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close with this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat + high HP pool + Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more.
That’s what I was thinking. Real service animals don’t look like this. There is way too much emphasis placed on the disabilities than there should be. >>56209607 is a much better and more accurate interpretation of “service pokemon”, at least to me.
No, we never had one.
It's a Japanese story, so it's unlikely to have one.
Anything involving eeveeloutions is bound to have furfags following close behind.

To contrast with all of the nice images of pokemon helping people in this thread, Ghetsis is, funnily enough, probably the most disabled guy in the series.
Otherwise, there’s Wally’s anime asthma I guess and the old folks who use canes like Pryce, Blaine, and Magnolia. Courtney, N, Colress, and a bunch of others are probably on some spectrum.
N is probably autistic.
Bro what's the !qFT30hHsUk
Disabled people should be ground up and used as fire wood
Pokemon Adventures Pryce used a wheelchair, but I don't recall if that was due to a disability or if it was a result of age.
People should be screened before they can own a Ralts. Should mainly be given to chronically ill people and whatnot
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I wonder which Sneasel/evo would be easiest to get for GAD, if any of them fit the bill.
Gorilla Arm Dragon? Sneasler comes the closest because it has very long arms, but they're not particularly buff nor is it a dragon.
It's unrelenting anxiety shit in circumstances that don't warrant it, the kind of thing you could typically get a support animal for, but Gorilla Arm Dragon is a cooler name for it.

I'm cool with Sneasler
It’s a “Gentle Leader”, not a muzzle. Notice how it doesn’t close the mouth?

They’re for weak people who can’t control their dogs without mechanical assistance. But they get called “eye removal collars” by vets because of the number of eye injuries on dogs left unattended with them on (since they try to scratch them off their faces).
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less of this
more of this
How can disabled people exist if Pokémon can use healing abilities?
Well, nurses and doctors for both humans and Pokemon exist, so I'm guessing it might not be as simple as having a Pokemon use a healing ability on a person/another Pokemon to make them well.
yeah, Nemona is disabled, and she managed to become a Champion

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