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oh waiter ! more human men please !
Can I volunteer?
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Why do I always get the nuts?
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(Why do I always get the freaks?)
Watch me swooce right in
Does she digest you in the jaws, or somehow pass your body past her head?
That doesn't make sense. That's a Mega Evolution, which requires a human to even happen.
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No, you need to go on a diet.
Don't humans taste pretty fucking mediocre compared to most other animals?
Only to another human's sense of taste
It's an evolutionary thing to keep us from eating each other
I've heard accounts of human flesh tasting like a more rubbery version of chicken. Don't know how true that is though.
I've heard it compared to salty, bitter pork.
apparenty human tastes like pork
There have been a few tigers who got a hankering for human flesh. I think what you are saying is more true for animals like crocs and sharks.
Apparently the comparison comes from cannibals who stated that the flavor of human flesh closely resemble the taste of pork.
Maybe its like a venus flytrap or some shit where it uses enzymes and fluids to absorb nutrients who knows
Like what this >>56211869 said, humans don't want to eat other humans by choice, if a human willing wants to eat other human just means those ones hasn't evolved past their beast stage.

Also to add Vorefags has cannibalistic tendencies, I wouldn't trust being alone in the same room as them..
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I can be trusted alone with delicious, helpless anons...
jeez mawile lay off the human men
Humans can't taste the flavor as much in raw meat like pure carnivores.
*pulls out dick*
The gen 7 pokedex entry mentions Mawile uses the jaws to swallow her prey whole, but doesn't really elaborate on that. Might be some weird hammerspace thing going on, as I can't see her being able to pass her food through her head.
Just read about what she's based on: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futakuchi-onna
So yes, the food through her head, before becoming a fairy the theory was, she compacts her food as it enters her digestive system, but now she's part fairy it's most likely she has some magical portal in her headmouth that sends her food to a void that she draws nutrients from it until depleted to non-existence, either way will be a grim end for any living thing she consumes.

I'm surprise that Vorefags aren't really into the literal Voremons like Mawile and Swalot.
Also, being a Yokai she should've been part ghost, but they chose fairy for some reason.
Swalot is an ugly blob instead of a cute waifumon. I've seen it occasionally in monster vore art but that's not as popular as female pred. Mawile definitely should have more vore art, though. She's pretty much the pokemon equivalent of the all-devouring voreloli.
Come to think of it, she shouldn't have been steel either, she should've been primary ghost then her secondary would be fairy when they added her, that would've made a lot more sense with her design.
*type to
*in gen 6
Yokai is kind of a generic term for various spirits and monsters, not just ghosts. Mawile's design doesn't really have anything particularly ghostly about it, so fairy is probably a better fit. In the original mythological context fairy didn't just refer to cute winged sprites but just about any kind of supernatural being that wasn't a demon or angel. For example the dullahan (headless ghostly rider) was also considered a type of fairy.
I feel Mawile should have been a dark-type. It being called a deceiver pokemon and the thing about it appearing cute and harmless and then turning around and using its head-jaws to bite things fit with dark-types being associated with underhanded tactics.
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You take that back about Swalot, she's cute too, men loves a waifumon who swallows!
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the funny thing is i ALWAYS thought it was steel/dark as a counterpart to sableyes dark/ghost; it is "the deceiver pokemon" and most dark moves have to do with cheating and deception; it fits perfectly as flavor but I guess fairy works as well considering the yo kai shit (it doesn't even give steel vibes but whatever steel is a cool type)
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>Looks at the Ghost type and some of the Dark type mons
>Yokais are part of those types
>Looks at the Fairy type mons
>No Yokais except Mawile being the only one
If the Dullahan was in Pokémon, you know they would've made it a Ghost type, the reason why Grimmsnarl is in Fairy because Goblin/Troll are common in Fairytales, Dullahans rarely pops up in Fairytales compared to their common appearance in Horror Tales and most people wouldn't think of a Dullahan as a fae until they read up on it.

When I was a kid, I thought Mawile was a Grass type, because it looks like peapod.
Also, Venus Flytrap.
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Sorry Mawile, we're out of human men.
And besides, you need a diet change.
We got an influx of Non Sentient Alcremies and Vanilluxes that need to be dealt with.
I wonder if it's legal to eat foodmons and to feed foodmons to Pokémon?
I dont see why it wouldnt be legal people probably already eat pokemon all the time
Yeah, there's surprisingly little Mawile vore out there, and even less that actually looks good. It seems people prefer generic waifumons instead of the actual voreloli-mon. While searching around I even found a poll some artist had done about what pokemon to draw a vore picture from, and while Mawile was actually at 1st place it was tied with Gardevoid and Lopunny, neither whose design or lore has anything vore-ish about it.
Personally I'm fine with that. I love Mawile but hate vore
>Gardevoir and Lopunny won the vore poll over the mon who dex literally says it does vore
I hate vore, but even I see the illogical choice on that..
>Lopunny: Rabbits don't eat meat, their digestive system can't handle it
>Gardevoir: Elves rarely eat meat and whenever they do it's in small portions with a lot of vegetables and Angels don't need to eat, the Voir part of its name does not mean it does Vore it means See/Sight in French its name literally translate into GuardWatch as in being a Guardian who Watches Over
Even Morpeko makes more sense than those two, as that thing will eat anything in Hangry mode.

I'm also for this too, I don't want vore to tarnish the mons I like.
Vore isn't really among my favorite fetishes (it's more that it's adjacent to some of my fetishes), but I found it weird how despite being able to find tons of pokemon vore on even a cursory glance there's so little of it for a pokemon whose design and lore should make it ideal for it.
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It's really not that rare, compared to most Pokemon Mawile has quite a bit if you look hard enough.
My waifumon has the opposite problem, she has a disproportionately high amount of v*re art despite not really lending herself to the fetish at all.
>somehow rotom gets vore art
Vore aside, Mawile does get a good amount of creepy-cute art, which I do appreciate.
>humans don't want to eat other humans by choice
Not quite, it's the whole either brain fluids or the chemical composition of the brain that turns poisonous when it's digested by a human, slowly killing from the inside
>if a human willing wants to eat other human just means those ones hasn't evolved past their beast stage
That sense of morality came way later and doesn't explain the lack of cannibalism on a significant number of animals, not only the ones with intelligence like crows.
>now she's part fairy it's most likely she has some magical portal in her headmouth that sends her food to a void that she draws nutrients from it until depleted to non-existence
I like this idea since it opens a possibility for some fun scenarios, like a Mawile swallowing a pokemon several times her own size, or several smaller mons or people, with no external sign of it.
Humans spread misinformation in order to not get vored (it won't work)
>the Voir part of its name does not mean it does Vore it means See/Sight in French
Gardevore is just too obvious of a pun not to make
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luv me 'wile
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Regular Mawile or Mega Mawile?
Mega Mawile has twintails so she's automatically superior. Also I like the addition of another color in the design.
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both :)
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Mawile can't eat you if you pat its head
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kinda wish it got a signature Fairy or Steel biting move
Does play rough count?
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So cute, but so dangerous.
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dont let your mawile get a taste for human flesh like this bros ..
google "prion" and read the wikipedia article, we didn't know about that for 99.99% of our time on earth
dont fall for her ruse anon she's trying to coerce you into a false sense of security with her cute looks
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Maybe in Gen 10, when they bring her back into the game?
She does deserve one since every Fairy/Steel after her got one in their debuts.
>Klefki with Fairy Lock
>Magearna with Fleur Cannon
>Zacian with Behemoth Blade
>Tinkaton with Gigaton Hammer
I wonder what her signature will be called Steel Jaw? Ravenous Chomp? Steel Crusher? Wicked Fae Gnasher? Open Wide? Trap Jaw? Deepthroat?
wicked fae gnasher sounds like a fuckin z move lol
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We just need another Fairy Move. Perhaps some type of physical fairy version of Giga Drain could work for him. Imagine Huge Power Mega Mawile with it
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>"Oh cool, somebody posted Mawile, let's have a loo-"
>the jaw/jaws have tons of saliva, realistic looking inner mouths, tongues, or all three
>"Oh, it was just a vorefag again..."
>not just wanting a dual standing blowjob/analingus
shit taste spotted
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thog dont care
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Come to think of it wasnt the last time we've had a fairy move like gen 7 ? That type only has like 8 viable moves, not that the moves are bad some are actually really good
No more Special Attack Fairy moves, the Special Attack Fairy mons already have a bunch of moves they can use while Physical Attack Fairy mons just has Play Rough, Physical Attack Fairy mons do not benefit from none of the Special Attack Fairy moves at all..

Actually, there's been a new fairy move every Gen.
>Gen 8
>Misty Explosion
>Gen 9
>Alluring Voice
There hasn't been a new Physical Attack Fairy move that isn't a signature since Gen 6.

They keep making Physical Attack Fairy type Pokémon, but always give the Special Attack Fairy type Pokémon something new..
Why this guy need 3 mouth
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My bad then ig. It's still insane how the only distributed physical fairy type move is play rough after like ten years or so, I understand fairies are more of like "magic" vibes and shit but it cant be that hard to make a move called idk "fey claw" or something. I know spirit break exists but that's only on like 2 mons so its irrelavent
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>Picture taken seconds before disaster
So she can eat 3 human men at once
>I like this idea since it opens a possibility for some fun scenarios, like a Mawile swallowing a pokemon several times her own size, or several smaller mons or people, with no external sign of it.
Trainer leaves his Mawile in daycare with a bunch of other pokemon, and comes back later to find a very satisfied looking Mawile and all the other pokemon mysteriously disappeared
>it started with just a finger
>her nibbling and sucking was adorable
>and, admittedly, a little hot
>then, a second finger
>she giggled as you wiggled them
>her tongue, stuck out for just a bit more of a taste, tickled against your palm
>warm and playful, like the rest of her
>a couple days later, you woke from your nap to an odd sensation
>a warm, soft, insistent tug rippling up your forearm
>Mawile stood next to you
>bearing a look of exertion
>her mouth - the smaller one - was wrapped around your elbow
>though the rest of her didn't look like she had half your arm down her gullet
>if her throat moved at all when you wiggled your hand and arm, you couldn't see it
>she soon slid off and doubled over, panting and coughing
>her smile returned as you stroked her head with your dry hand and faux-scolded her for nearly hurting herself
>all leading up to this morning
>you're gently shaken awake by a familiar Pokemon
>this time, it's your legs held up in a warm, wet grip
>but both of them, and all the way to your thighs
>Mawile, straddling your waist, beams down at you
>she looks from you to just behind her
>follow her gaze to her horns, which have your legs in them
>a tight grip around your ankles lets you guess there's something beyond those jaws
>and she's very interested in letting you learn about it, hands-on
>still, the look on her face...
>it's the same smile she gives after a tough but successful battle
>she's proud of herself, and wants you to be, too
>you can't help yourself, you kind of are
>Mawile inches forward, nudging the bottom of your shirt up as she does so
>the grip around your ankles slides up your calves
>and her teeth come to rest right at the top of your legs
>you can barely feel those massive fangs - she's being gentle with you
>her cute smile and your persistent grogginess make it hard to resist her
>hopefully she'll know when to stop
>it's... rather comfortable
>you could fall asleep again in her embrace...
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based vorefag fanfic
You've been on /tg/? Because that sounded very similar to a short voreloli story someone wrote at some point, particularly the part about your arm seemingly disappearing down Mawile's throat. You wrote that as well?
I don't really like loli pred and certainly wouldn't write it, but I have been on /tg/ and I did write a few hammerspace dragon fics. IIRC, hammerspace dragon discussion prompted the ADVL trend, which proved to be more popular.
The vanishing arm thing is common in hammerspace vore, and my favorite part of the prey POV.
>not a human man
She wouldn't be interested.
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she only eats human men shaun, sorry
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Still would.
why is she looking at you like that?
She knows what you're thinking.
The first all-devouring voreloli thread started with anon telling how in his DnD campaign the players stopped a world-eating cosmic horror by using Wish to turn it into a little girl, and somebody replying that it should've turned it into a world-eating little girl (just as dangerous but now much cuter!).
Though the hammerspace dragon concept predates the ADVL, and almost certainly did affect the traits associated with the later, such as the ADVL also having a hammerspace stomach. In any case both are small cute beings with an ability to swallow seemingly anything.
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cute !

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