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Using a computer a lot doesn't make her stinky, stop saying it!
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I love Penny so much it's unreal. I want to snuggle with her all day in her room and give her lots of nuzzles! Also, she likes it when I call her that. but only when I say it.
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Everything else she chooses to not do or do when alone makes her stink.
How much yaoi does she have?
Way too much to even quantify. She would be so embarrassed if anyone found out…
Galarian Rose
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She’s not stinky because she uses her computer a lot, she’s stinky because she doesn’t shower.
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I want to ruffle her hair so she'll play around with mine!
Penny would be very annoyed that you messed up her hair (but she’d secretly like it).
I love her so fucking much…
She gives me more the vibes of a yuri fan, she called MC's mom cute and stuff.
Probably only likes sfw and 'unproblematic' BL for the most part.
she goes on /vp/
Troon icon
We don't sign our posts here.
Only the cutest little nerd!
Indeed! <3
If it doesn’t, then why does she smell so bad (good)?
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Biological woman.
I'm I autistic for being bothered by trainers who have Pokemon themed clothes but they don't use that Pokemon?
It makes me stinky, why would she be any different
She's an Eeveelution trainer
Yeah, no Minun or Plusle.
it's just a pattern. It's like wearing a cat shirt but not owning a cat.
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My gf.
Turo has a decent ass though
Those are some cute pjs!
but enough about Bede
I don't mind it much when it's the generic pokefan/pokemaniac sprite/model, but it does bug me when a named character with a unique model doesn't use the pokemon associated with them.
She looks like she has tons of pokephilia doujins
She owns toys from Bad Dragonite
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Why so angry?
She doesn’t like wearing such a revealing outfit…
She lost a bet
Cute, shy, smelly British nerd! <3
I thought she was a Spaniard
Nope, she is from Galar and studied abroad in Paldea.
>travels across the world just to stare at a screen in a different place
Is this the power of advanced NEETing?
She puts in as much effort as possible so she can be as lazy as possible.

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