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How would you fix Unova's difficulty?
fix challenge mode, make all the gyms triple battles with 6 pokemon, and give the trainers actual EVs
>better movesets
>more evs
>make all battles double battles
literally fixes all games
No more fixed trainer levels
D-dancing Haxorus was the most dangerous thing in the series up to that point, and still remains a top 5 threat across the series.
I didn’t know it had DDance because I OHKO’d it before it did anything lol
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How would you fix Kalos's lack of difficulty?
Looks fine to me
Now check out what Dragon tail does
Looks fine to me
this but for iris's haxorus
As does Drayden's team.
No it doesnt.
No it doesnt.
Triple and rotation battles not being utilized in the campaign was a huge mistake. You actually have new formats that can really punish players who are only spamming 1-2 Pokemon.
parroting is an admission of defeat
deflecting to XY is an admission of defeat
yeah, it uses haxorus's buffed physical attack. what exactly is the issue here?
parroting is an admission of defeat
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what exactly is the issue here?
>attack haxorus once while it sets up
>attack haxorus again while it makes itself open by using a negative priority move
>dead haxorus
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The move will always go last, no matter the speed which completely destroys the Dragon Dance utility for the STAB move.
you know it has two other moves right
you know its other two moves are garbage right
70 power with increased crit chance is nothing to sneeze at.
By fixing this thread. Post your favorite pokegirls here.
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>please stop noticing that the game is bad
just replace dragon tail with dragon claw and they're fine.
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based based based
cute girls are yawnigger's kryptonite
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I also like Cynthia.
p-post them being lewd together... please...
I got you.
Just give them more pokemon and some sort of strategy for the player to work around. I think it'd be really cool if each gym had a strategy revolving around the TM they give out, and it'd be a pretty good TM too. Like a U-Turn team that takes advantage of pivots into more favorable matchups, save the main offensive threat for later and set up buffs on their side, shit like that.

If Drayden gives you Dragon Tail, I'd give Drayden's team some dragons that can set down hazards and then force switches with dragon tail. For Wulfric I'd focus on raw power output with pokemon like Weavile and Mamoswine with a smidge of hail synergy for flavor (hail is so shit compared to snow).
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>always the 6 whores that overlap in the cuck general
>cuck general
wats dat
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>reveal Unovas flaws
>instant off topic spam
>enter gay genwar thread
>find cute gurls instead
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Based skylafag
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Congrats Skyla, you defeated Yawnfag.
And they say BW is easy
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>make all battles double battles
lmfao do vgcucks REALLY?
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yawnfag in fucking SHAMBLES
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I love Caitlin! Her hair is so pretty!
Yeah, she's very pretty.
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I personally think Unova is quite challenging, but let's start with BW.

Striaton Gym isn't a problem but if I were to make it hard, you could fight all three leaders in a triple battle.

Lenora would not be very different. Maybe I'd add Minccino into Pinwheel forest and give her one as a third Pokémon, also give Watchog a Sitrus Berry.

Burgh is fine as is. Just give a Sitrus Berry to Leavanny.

Elesa is fine, but I think one of her Emolga should be replaced with Eelektrik (evo levels would also be adjusted). Zebstrika gets a Sitrus Berry.

Clay is fine, but he could do with another mon. Sadly the only other Ground types are Golett and Stunfisk. I think Golett would be more challenging. Excadrill gets a Sitrus Berry.

Skyla should absolutely get Braviary holding a Life Orb. Swanna gets a Wacan Berry to help fight pesky Electric types.

Brycen's Beartic gets a Life Orb. I'll add Mienfoo because the only other ice type in the dex is Kyurem. Actually make it a Mienshao (adjust the evo level) holding a Focus Sash.

Drayden/Iris would get a Zweilous added on. Replace Fraxure with a Life Orb Archeops. Give Haxorus D-Dance.

E4 coming soon
While Kalos is overall much easier than Unova, it's off topic. Make a seperate thread
bible black character
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this image is selling me on elesa's bw2 redesign
In BW 3 of the gym leaders have the potential to fuck you up if you go in unprepared. Most other Pokemon games have like 1, Whitney's Miltank being the classic example. Even USUM maxes out at 3 difficult boss fights, and Ultra Necrozma is only difficult because big number and is way easier if you have a single dark type. If we were to make the game more difficult, having the first gym being a triple battle would punish retards who mash A on their starter, Burgh's placement and type means that it's incredibly difficult for him to be hard, Skyla would need one of the better flying types in the region, Brycen is just fucked I'm sorry there isn't a single good ice type in BW and arguably in any game before it outside of maybe Weavile, and Drayden/Iris are probably the closest to being okay so there's probably only some slight moveset changes and maybe replacing Fraxure with a different Pokemon. Or you can play a Drayano hack, that would probably work.
Am I the only one who thinks that the rule for gym leaders should be two of the type you specialize in? Almost every gen has the same format as the previous ones and there’s nothing unique. Full Monotype teams don’t make any sense when there’s little variety
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god her ass is just one giant ball of cellulite with a crater in the middle mmmmm
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New thread >>56213033
All E4 would have held items, some battles will be double battles.

Shauntal will be Doubles.
Chandelure now has Choice Specs and runs Trick, Flame Thrower, Shadow Ball and Psychic.
Cofagrigus has a Mental Herb
Will-O-Wisp, Protect, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball.
Jellicent has a Water Gem
Scald, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam, Energy Ball
Golurk has Ghost Gem
Shadow Punch, Earthquake, Hammer Arm and Rock Slide
No other Ghost types, gonna give Shauntal a Darmanitan because it kinda fits.
Choice Band
Flare Blitz, Bulldoze, Rock Slide, Sucker Punch.

Grimsley, Singles
Liepard with Focus Sash
Fake Out, Night Slash, Encore, Aerial Ace

Scrafty with Life Orb
Cruch, Drain Punch, Close Combat, Ice Punch

Krookodile with Choice Band
Cruch, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Fire Fang

Mandibuzz with Leftovers
Foul Play, Taunt, Roost, Toxic

Bisharp Chople Berry
Night Slash, X-Scissor, Iron Head, Aerial Ace

Caitlin Double Battle.
Reuniclus @ Sitrus Berry
Trick Room, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Psyshock.
Musharna @ Mental Herb
Psychic, Helping Hand, Protect, Reflect
Sigilyph @ Life Orb
Tailwind, Ice Beam, Psychic, Shadow Ball
Beheeyem @ Lum Berry
Psychic, Ally Switch, Trick Room, Thunderbolt
Gothitelle @ Choice Specs
Psychic, Energy Ball, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt

Marshal Singles
Throh @ Flame Orb
Storm Throw, Rock Slide, Facade, Earthquake
Sawk @ Choice Band
Close Combat, Earthquake, Ice Punch, Stone Edge
Conkeldurr @ Life Orb
Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch
Mienshao @ Choice Scarf
High Jump Kick, U-turn, Stone Edge, Retaliate
Emboar @ Leftovers
Flare Blitz, Superpower, Wild Charge, Grass Knot.

All E4 would have smart Ai, switching when at a disadvantage and prioritising damage if possible.
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>Striaton Gym isn't a problem but if I were to make it hard, you could fight all three leaders in a triple battle.
>If we were to make the game more difficult, having the first gym being a triple battle would punish retards who mash A on their starter
i feel like having a triple battle at the first gym is excessive. most players wouldn't even have a second team member by that point were it not for the gift monkey, much less a third.
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pathetic stuff, sagie
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unovafags btfo yet again
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ESL special.
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Yeah maybe.

I want one of the Gym Battles to be either Triple or Rotation but I really can't think of which one.
What causes this autism?
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Unova is fine for a casual playthrough though a slightly steeper level curve would be good. No vanilla Pokemon game should be hard when you use the minmaxxed team for the region. It's designed so that people can use whatever Pokemon appeal to them and find a way to make it work.
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Lol what if they were all pregnant? Haha
>falseflagging spam this hard
Kalsoperms are pathetic.
1 more Pokémon each for every important trainer that doesn’t have 6, since there’s barely any with 5.
>Striaton Siblings
Can keep them at 2, their gimmick is sensitive
Tranquil or Rufflet
Joltik or underlevelled Eelektrik
Underlevelled Mandibuzz or Vullaby
Idk second Cryogonal or underlevelled Vanilluxe
Underlevelled Zweilious

Darmanitan (not Zen Mode)
Zoroark or if you’re not wanting to ruin its specialness probably like… Swoobat or Scolipede to reference Agatha’s bats/poisons
Super Luck Unfezant
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Would they get any items?
And thread fixed.
Ok, now that sagefag is done his pathetic spergout, we can go back to discussing the actual topic of fixing Unova’s terrible difficulty.

First, they should fix the level curve so it’s not ridiculously easy to get overleveled. Scrap the free Lucky Egg and maybe put in a soft cap a couple of levels below each gym.
Second, fix the AI so it will always use the most effective move instead of just wasting time spamming status moves.
Third, fix the sets of the Pokekon themselves so they actually have EVs, and the movesets have better coverage moves. For example, Drayden in the OP should at least have Earthquake instead of fucking Assurance so he doesn’t get walled by Steel types, as well as Dragon Claw and Ourage instead of Slash which is complete shit.
Fourth, give the Gym Leaders a bigger variety of Pokemon. Give Drayden Krookodile and Archeops or something instead of just making him monotype for no reason, or give him some water or steel types so he doesn’t get beaten just by clicking Ice Beam three times.
they should have more pokemon and also revert the exp formula back to gen 4
SkylaCHAD...I kneel.
They should also have held items
Scrapping the “the campaign only uses unova pokemon” gimmick would help imo
The lack of EVs in the pre gen 7 games is so blatant
know when you're defeated. accept your defecation!
Yawnfag's imaginary nemesis lmao
Just give everyone six Pokémon
>so it’s not ridiculously easy to get overleveled.
Just don't grind for hours tardbro, I just did a white 2 solo run, challenge mode and defeating all trainers and you're consistently several levels above my starter. Furthermore I completed the Habitat list for every route and my in-game clock at the time of the league was a little over 20 hours, you took more than double that.
Good job sagie, you broke the image limit but I can still make posts.
thank you for your service

Gen 5's exp formula makes it really hard to overlevel.

Unless you're actively trying to overlevel, you most likely won't end up that way. In a normal playthrough, I usually end up either at the same level or a couple levels below.
>Just don't grind for hours tardbro
In gen 5 you get overleveled without grinding
I want to impregnate every single pokegirl with my virile sperm and I am NOT kidding I want my baby batter inside of every single one of them
>8th gym
>>>>>dragon rage
No you didn't.

I literally had the Lucky Egg on one of my Pokémon and battled every trainer I could find, every wild encounter I ran into. I was usually just at the level (or slightly below) of the next gym by the time I got to it.
post a recording of your playthrough
the AI doesn't use those moves unless you resist dragon tail or they'd be supereffective because dragon tail does more damage with STAB. They might as well not exist and you killing Haxorus before he does anything is how this battle is almost always going to go.
You really think I'm gonna have a recording for a playthrough that I've already finished?
Start a new playthrough and record it.
As soon as I can get a 3DS screen recorder, I'll do it.
Elesa's team does that with volt switch and it's a super memorable battle.
Personally I figure gym leaders should cap off at 5 pokemon for non-rematches, and then let the E4 and champ have 6. Just as long as it progresses through the game.
>and it's a super memorable battle
no it isn't
They would really only need 3-4 if they actually put relevant items on them and EV spreads. They could even give them buffs at the start like Totems do.
>a pokemon having volt switch makes a battle memorable
do unovafags really
What makes a main campaign battle memorable though? Usually it's just a single tough pokemon. Whitney's miltank, Elesa's emolga, things like that. The gym battles are almost all shit. There's a reason Cynthia and Red stand head and shoulders above literally everyone else.
>What makes a main campaign battle memorable though?

>Whitney's miltank, Elesa's emolga
neither of these things were difficult
ESPECIALLY elesa's emolga, I have no fucking clue how retards started that meme, maybe it's because I didn't play gen 5 as a literal child like most people currently on /vp/
I agree that her battle was quite memorable, plus the Emolga are really annoying
I played Gen 5 as an adult. Far harder than 6, 8 and 9 combined.
It was also harder than 4, except for Cynthia in Pt (DP was a luckfest, literally her Ai is retarded)
lol no
it's by far the easiest gen in the series next to gen 6, hell I think even gen 6 might be harder simply because it has sky battles
How is Gen 6 harder?

Name one fight that's even remotely challenging and I'll name a fight in BW that I found harder.
Don't be stupid.

Gen 6 was literally brainless in difficulty. I cannot recall a single difficult fight in the whole game.

At least Gen 5 has a few somewhat challenging fights.
>How is Gen 6 harder?
Sky Battles.
>I found
This is worthless because you're terrible at the games.

>Gen 6 was literally brainless in difficulty
You mean like Gen 5?
Sky battles were optional.

And every last one of them was brainlessly easy. Literally just mashing A.
I'm not terrible. I literally find Gen 5 harder than 6.
>Sky battles were optional.
So? They're still harder than anything in Gen 5.

>Literally just mashing A
>mash A with Yveltal
>Aerodactyl outspeeds
>Aerodactyl uses Stone Edge

>I'm not terrible.
You objectively are.
I fail to see how Gen 5 was brainless. At least it had some actually challenging fights that weren't just 'mashing A' as that other anon said.
>I fail to see how Gen 5 was brainless
every single npc in the game using terrible pokemon, and the game handing out too much exp.

>At least it had some actually challenging fights
They literally aren't harder than anything in Gen 5 and I played X, so no Yveltal for me.

I don't remember what I used, but I'm assuming it'd be something fast with a super effective attack as even as a kid I at least understood type matchups.
> I don't remember what I used, but I'm assuming it'd be something fast with a super effective attack
the fact that you would even have to think about this means it’s harder than anything in gen 5. If you use literally anything slower than aerodactyl that can’t survive a stone edge then you can lose, which isn’t true of any gen 5 battle unless you play like a retard on purpose.
There's some pretty tough Pokémon in Gen 5. Too much exp? Were you playing a mod or something? Black and White changed the exp formula. If you're under leveled, it gives more exp, when you're close to the level, you get the regular amount, when you're above you get less. It's actually quite hard to overlevel in Gen 5.

While Gen 6, they award you the EXP. Share which has become a key item allowing the entire party to gain experience. This often leads to overleveling. Even turning it off, I was a couple levels above in most battles.

That's not to mention the Ai in XY being retarded and a lot of trainers not having four moves, or any good ones.
I think about every battle regardless of difficulty.

Gen 5 was so much harder. It was somewhat easy but still had challenging battles, usually important bosses like Gym Leaders or E4.

But of course you're probably the only person who thinks Gen 6 is harder. I've literally never heard anyone, bar young kids, say that.
>It's actually quite hard to overlevel in Gen 5
lol no. It’s incredibly easy. Especially when the game hands you a free lucky egg which multiplies everything by 1.5x. The exp penalty for overleveling is negligible.

> That's not to mention the Ai in XY being retarded and a lot of trainers not having four moves, or any good ones
You mean like gen 5?

>I think about every battle regardless of difficulty
Yes, probably because you’re bad at the games and have zero understanding of how any of the mechanics except the type chart work.
To my Unovabros, im sorry about this. We are not all like this. Difficulty was not one of the good things about Kalos.
Regards veepees biggest Kalosfan
Ah so this is where Yawnfag was talking to himself.
Wonder what new theme he'll pick next
Oh no I've got a big understanding of pretty much every mechanic, except Psychic Terriain, I keep forgetting about the "no Priority moves" thing. The type chart is pretty easy to figure out and if I didn't know, I could always look it up. I'm not that bad at the games, pretty much every Pokémon game is easy, except mosy of USUM in my opinion, fighing Ultra Necrozma without Zoroark, Toxic stall or overleveling can be tough.

And no, the Gen 5 Ai is definitely a lot smarter than Gen 6. I can even recall a single trainer in Unova who doesn't have 4 moves on every Pokémon, aside from obviously early game trainers whose Pikémon wouldn't even have 4 moves yet, and the Magikarp guy.
>Difficulty was not one of the good things about Kalos.
It’s not one of the good things about Unova either. The difference is, unlike Unova fans, there’s not a single Kalos fan who pretends the game is difficult because being a Kalos fan requires having an IQ > 50.
>Oh no I've got a big understanding of pretty much every mechanic
No, I don’t think you do.

>I can even recall a single trainer in Unova who doesn't have 4 moves on every Pokémon
How can you even tell they have 4 moves? If you’re not terrible at the game how are you not sweeping everything in 1 turn?
Because I play the game without grinding into oblivion.

Gen 5 is literally much harder.
Look at the statistics. You're a minority if you think Kalos was harder than Unova. Literally everyone else thinks Unova is harder.
I can tell they have 4 moves because I enjoy datamining stuff and reading other people's datamines.
>free lucky egg
smaller effect than XY's exp share, so on this front BW isn't as easy
>exp penalty for overleveling is negligible
No, it's actually great for going off on a side exploration session. These would overlevel you even further in XY for the rest of the campaign, but in BW it tapers off your gains so you trend back towards the curve. Smae thing if you're underlevelled.
>like gen 5
No, worse. XY AI is worse and the trainers' mons have less moves and less good moves relative to BW
I don't contest that ANY of them are hard or easy. That depends on where you set the bar for easy or hard, and can never be quantified, The only thing that we can actually discuss is difficulty RELATIVE to one another, of which many people believe XY is among the easiEST game in the series, if not the easiest
nice concession
>you're bad because you can beat the game without grinding like an insecure retard who gets backfired when encountered with a type specialist your starter can't beat, refuse to have fun with your game and play the game like a single mon speedrun
No anon. It's (You) who sucks at the game severely.
>Because I play the game without grinding into oblivion
You don’t need to grind to be overleveled.

>Gen 5 is literally much harder.

>muh ad populum
I never denied this board is full of retards who are absolutely terrible at Pokemon games.
Fuck is everyone even still replying seriously. Should have abandoned thread after image limit.
>now he’s seething that the 2.5 hours he wasted spamming porn images accomplished absolutely nothing
Good ol' "everyone I don't like is the same person", I didn't post a single picture ITT.
Anyway leave the retard be already.
>yawnfag seething and pointing boogeyman fingers multiple times even without a response
Yawny necrobumps his thread.
An hour and 13 minutes after your post isn't a "necrobump", sagefag.
Sure but if nobody was replying he would be either forced to abandon as well or keep talking to himself until he's bored.
introduce affection, but not for you, but for every trainer and gym leader you face... and their affections are all maxed out
>You don’t need to grind to be overleveled.
Oh right, you need to be retarded and overlevel one mon just to....encounter a type specialist against you where you have to grind anyway. Right.
>ad populum
better than your anecdotal bullshit that's refuted in a vacuum
saving the thread from being archived is a necrobump no matter how active the board is that day
keep blaming boogeymen :)
Took me a while to figure out you mean giving Gen 6 bonuses to NPCs, I thought you meant you could date them or something.
And with that said, it reminds me I'd really like to see an extended version of the phone feature from GSC/HGSS return one day, so you can have some fun with the main characters as opposed to shoving all the dialogue in unskippable cutscenes. Include the option to rematch every day of course. Not meant to contribute mainly to the difficulty but you could make the final rematch really hard compared to the rest I suppose.
>Oh right, you need to be retarded and overlevel one mon

>saving the thread from being archived is a necrobump
You did that by responding to the thread when no one responded to the thread for 4 hours before your post.
>references his shitty run where he overlevels mons intentionally
you have no argument anon
>you did that by not changing the distance between the thread and dying
>>references his shitty run where he overlevels mons intentionally
Not my run, and the Pokemon weren't overleveled intentionally. The game is just poorly balanced lmao

>>you did that by not changing the distance between the thread and dying
I'm glad you're flat out admitting you're sagefag instead of pretending you're someone else, kek
>deleted posts
>Not my run
>Pokemon weren't overleveled intentionally
Yes they were. You went out of your way to not play normally and grinded
>the game is just poorly balanced
This is your false conclusion that you can only come to by forgetting that you went out of your way to not play normally and grinded
I didn't say it was me in that post, retard. Try having literacy
>newfag doesn't have a 4chan extension
>thinks being terminally online is a good thing, let alone on /vp/ of all places
Kalosfags, everyone.
Not my run
>went out of your way to not play normally
Your first sperg out in the thread was crying about OP using Lucky Egg, lmao. If anything you're upset that he didn't play abnormally to make your game look good.

>I didn't say it was me in that post,
Then how did you know the post was saged, sagie?
nta but it's an old thread, that's why it shows up as deleted.
tl;dr for people who don't want to check: not!Yawnfag plays BW2 challenge mode, blatantly grinds, lies about playtime by saying he "left the emulator running overnight" and beats the champ with, you guessed it, an overlevelled mon.
>obsesses over ""kalosfags""
>accuses others of being terminally online simply because he outed himself as a retarded newfag by accident
Fuck it, since OP really wants his 300 posts so bad, I'll post more pokegirls on Catbox.
Everyone can use archives, retard. I've been here longer than you, kid. Anyone deranged enough to dedicate an extension to this site should have head examinations.

>If anything you're upset that he didn't play abnormally
That wasn't me, but he has a point. Lucky egg CANNOT be criticized in the same sentence exp share is praised.
>how do you know a post was saged
everyone fucking knows, retard. On top of you obviously bitching about them and ever post having clear times.
>Everyone can use archives
And yet you pointed out the post being deleted because you're an absolute newfag who doesn't know what extensions are.

>Lucky egg CANNOT be criticized in the same sentence exp share is praised
Sure it can. And I'm glad you've admitted that you were crying about OP playing normally.

>everyone fucking knows
Based Cynthia poster.
>And yet you pointed out the post being deleted
gain, wasn't me
>muh extensions
Again, Anyone deranged enough to dedicate an extension to this site should have head examinations.
>Sure it can
I'd like to see you pull that one off.
Reread the post you just responded to and you'll see.
But he does it everyday. He either uses another device or has a buddy copy pasting standard replies from other threads.

These threads are not organic at all, the replies are predictable down to the comma. It's unironically autism, though not as terrible as the guy spamming vore or people hanging themselves.
I heard a theory that "yawnfag" isn't actually one person any longer and most of the posting comes from wannabe trolls copying his style.
>Again, Anyone deranged enough to dedicate an extension to this site
Yeah, definitely not like you, who's deranged enough to respond threads right before they die because you're seething about them so much you simply have to get the last word in, right? I'm sorry you outed yourself as a newfag.

>Reread the post you just responded to
The post that points out the times, which was 4 hours after the post before it, which someone would only know was saged if you were the one who saged it? You're not very smart, are you sagie?
Aether Grunt:
Heh, possible that there are copycats, but I don't think it's an army of them, maybe two or three. Plus it's bizarre considering he got banned last week and there were no Yawn threads for three days, so I'm not sure. Especially considering the down time is always the same where he doesn't have enough time to reply to his threads.
I mean, it doesn't bother me THAT much, all things considered, as there is nothing new really going on in the Pokemon fandom and it's just a thread on a slow board, but I find it strange that some guy can potentially dedicate so much time roleplaying as two anonymous keyboard warriors on the Internet.
>maybe two or three
More than enough given the autism.
>but I find it strange that some guy can potentially dedicate so much time roleplaying as two anonymous keyboard warriors on the Internet
I think at least the majority of the replies are genuine but yeah sometimes I can smell the samefagging.
Out of DPPt gym leaders I thought the hottest was Candice, ironically enough.
I definitely do find her attractive.
>not wanting to give attention to bumbling genwarschizoes like me = deranged
sure, retard
>call a post saged ten times, with times matching the narrative
>no one disputes it
>one guy says it's saged and defends the poster
same way you knew, retard
I did reply to him once but then realize it was the retard.
There are probably people who do talk to him in these threads, but overall I'm confident he is samefagging a lot.
Just yesterday, for example, he somehow managed to pull out a reply that was 310 words long in one minute and one second. This shit was definitely copypasted. And he did that four or five times in the same thread, both sides. This doesn't even include the green text, formating etc...
>I think at least the majority of the replies are genuine but yeah sometimes I can smell the samefagging.
Big doubt on that. If that was the case, even when he was banned for a few days, we could have gotten plenty of threads shitting on Unova/XY/Ice/Plant, but instead it was three days of relative peace.
He is definitely talking to himself majority of the time.
>not wanting to give attention to bumbling genwarschizoes
You're doing exactly that by responding.

>same way you knew, retard
I never said the post was saged. You outed yourself by accident the second you started screeching about the thread being necro'd.
>You're doing exactly that by responding
in a way that poises the thread for death? If anything you're the deranged one you insisted on reviving the thread and screeching in front of everyone how oppressed your opinions are when no one shares them
>I never said the post was saged
retard, keep track at least
>in a way that poises the thread for death?
You're encouraging people to respond to you by posting in a thread where people can respond to what you say.
>retard, keep track at least
Go ahead and point out where I said the post was saged, sagie. I'll wait.
SV's Mom:
>You're encouraging people to respond
not me, but how is attempting to respond last seconds before a thread dies realistically expecting other to respond? The intent is actually the opposite. At that point it's (You) who is desperately trying to start a flamewar by reviving the thread in the nick of time.
>calls everyone sagefag for several hours
stop being retarded
>but how is attempting to respond last seconds before a thread dies realistically expecting other to respond
You're posting something in which other people can respond, as opposed to posting nothing at all so people have nothing to respond to.

>can't point out precisely where I claimed >>56215540 , which was 4 hours after the previous post, was saged
I'm sorry you revealed yourself by accident, sagie. You should be more careful next time.
Hex Maniac:
seething disbort
Now listen here, faggot! I'm tired of you shitting on my fav-



>How do we make a children's game harder for adults without making children think its a game for adults or adults think its no longer a game for children
Its a mystery for the ages. Also fuck RomHacks
The hell's going on in here?
Someone criticized Unova, then sagefag proceeded to have a meltdown and spam his porn folder as a deflection tactic.
shit thread got derailed by waifuism and yawnfag OP is mad about it.
Sure doesn’t seem like it. Otherwise you wouldn’t have had to do it a second time. I’m just amused at how fucking mad this thread made you.
Lol, mad you can't necrobump your thread, anymore?
Why would I need to? You already demonstrated OP’s critique is valid by having a massive meltdown.
Gay and retarded shit, got it. Like I should expect anything else from this board.
Welp, I thought I was too far gone into furfaggotry, but after all that, I think I like human women again now
catbox is shitting the bed on me again; gib moar in the next thread plz
Must be why you seethed and completely deflected when anyone dared like Unova, right?
>You're posting something in which other people can respond
Yes, but you're not answering my question: how is attempting to respond last seconds before a thread dies realistically expecting other to respond? The intent is actually the opposite. At that point it's (You) who is desperately trying to start a flamewar by reviving the thread in the nick of time.
In other words, EVERYONE who posts made posts that are able to be responded to. That's not what we are discussing.
>calls everyone sagefag for several hours
stop being retarded. You implied it before and after. Everyone knows it's a sage post. Anyone could have seen it was a sage post. You're only pivoting now for a cheap semantic win.
> Must be why you seethed and completely deflected when anyone dared like Unova
[citation needed]
>Yes, but you're not answering my question
No, I did. If you really want anyone not to respond then you wouldn’t post to begin with. But you’re so fucking assblasted at Unova getting criticized you can’t help but post anyway.
> You implied it before and after
And yet you can’t point out where KEK
keep up with the thread
>I did
>you wouldn't post to begin with
What if he wanted to respond last? isn't that the fucking idea of saging at all? If he wanted to encourage a response, he'd make sure to NOT sage. How does saging specifically call for a response from you, who seethed at the notion you couldn't get a jab in?
>can't point out where
Why is that needed? Anyone can see that it was a sage post and you implying it as such.
>keep up with the thread
Give a citation instead of dodging.
In my previous post.
>What if he wanted to respond last?
Not “he”. You. You do it because you’re assblasted and feel the need to respond to defend your precious game. If you truly didn’t want the thread to be bumped you would simply not post so no one is provoked into posting.

> Why is that needed?
Interesting how you keep dodging instead of pointing out where the apparently totally obvious thing is.
>Give a citation
For your posts? Just scroll up. That's not my job.
>In my previous post
I just read it, you didn't answer the question. Here, I'll post the question again in case you forgot to answer it directly: how is attempting to respond last seconds before a thread dies realistically expecting other to respond? The intent is actually the opposite. At that point it's (You) who is desperately trying to start a flamewar by reviving the thread in the nick of time.
In other words, EVERYONE who posts made posts that are able to be responded to. That's not what we are discussing.
>If you truly didn't want the thread to be bumped
He would....not bump the thread. It was in fact YOU who necrobumped the thread when it was going to die regardless of that anon's saged post. You don't get to say someone shoulnd't have posted at all and then pretend you had no agency when you were the one who chose to respond. You provoked yourself.
>apparently totally obvious thing is
Caling someone sagefag means you're accusing them of having saged their post. This isn't rocket science
>still fake arguing in a dead thread
> For your posts? Just scroll up
Still dodging. Concession accepted.
> I just read it, you didn't answer the question
I did.
> He
> would....not bump the thread
By not responding. By responding you are opening yourself up to being responded to. But you can’t help yourself because you need to defend your precious low quality game.
>Caling someone sagefag
Go on and reference the specific post that claims that post was saged.
Again, not my job to summarize the thread for you.
> I did
I just read it, you didn't answer the question. Here, I'll post the question again in case you forgot to answer it directly: how is attempting to respond last seconds before a thread dies realistically expecting other to respond? The intent is actually the opposite. At that point it's (You) who is desperately trying to start a flamewar by reviving the thread in the nick of time.
In other words, EVERYONE who posts made posts that are able to be responded to. That's not what we are discussing.
>By responding you are opening yourself up to being responded to.
If his post is responsible for all its replies, than the post he responded to while saging is responsible for his saged post. You can't have it both ways. If he wanted responses, he'd bump. Tell me why he saged then. You're unable to.
>still pretending
Every post with "sagefag" or "sagie" is accusing someoneof saging posts.
Page 10 Yawny
Better bump fast

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