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Sure, her proportions in fanart may just slightly differ from what she canonically has in the games, but everyone and their mother knows what she will look like aging up. The signs are all there.
That said, May thread!
Forgotten and dead
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Next time OP don't use AI images and maybe we'll get somewhere.
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May's Manaphy
One word_ cow blowing.
that's AI? no way
how can you tell? it doesn't have the weird AI look to me wtf
The anti ai crusaders are so deranged at this point that they accuse practically anything of being their boogeyman. Its funny to watch them screech and flail trying to put the genie back in the bottle.
and speaking of anti-AI
one week ago some anti-AI nip artist locked their twitter after after it was revealed they had been tracing from AI slop
Grow up and touch grass.
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What were they thinking?
Can we just enjoy some fat anime tiddies like normal, civilized people?
Human made or AI generated - post the damn boobies, faggots.
If her VA was available/didn't have her current health issues, you'd think she would have appeared in XY?
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It's just too damn hot.
Woah thousands of ai slop, oh boy!
They just can't stop seething
I want to swap bodies with May
>Sure, her proportions in fanart may just slightly differ from what she canonically has in the games, but everyone and their mother knows what she will look like aging up
That's the excuse for every pokegirl and female pokemon, but we all know how that ends "when every girl has big tits... no girl will have big tits"
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Is posting about wanting to kill myself going to make this thread go away?
Because im getting sick of muting them and interacting with people takes me nowhere so i’d rather just harass you people until you get out of my life
Your resistance makes me HARDEN!
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May's underrated she's one of the best player character designs in the franchise. I kind of hate how she's just ms. big boobs to some people. I'm also one of those people
>Muh dick
Nobody cares about your small brown dick faggot, stop talking about it here
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Max is so lucky
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The thing about May is she's hot but she's also just really cool, hoenn feels like the most adventurous region so by association imagining her going through the events of the game is cool as hell
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are you still salty you chopped yours off, fag?
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>Hey anon, did you know? When a TRAINER's eyes meet, you have to battle and- hey, where are you looking?
well sorry may but the only things meeting here are my MEAT and you MEAT BAGS, repeatedly, until i CUM, if you know what i'm saying
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Ok I'm going fucking insane because I know this picture exists but I can't find it.

There's a drawing someone on twitter made of May where she's aged up as a thicc cake, she's working as a convenience store clerk, she's scanning a sandwich or something and she's saying "champion? It's been a while since someone called me that. Anyways, you want this heated up"

I'm like 99% certain it's of May. The tweet even said "another drawing of adult May" but obviously May is such a common word twitter search makes it useless

I know it was on gelbooru or something but I can't find it. Please tell me someone has it
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Someone on /v/ found it for me, but thank you as well

God the idea of the Pokegirls becoming ripe plump cakes gets me going so bad
well for starters the pokeball on the bandanna and the eyelashes are fucked up. Look closer and you'll see plenty of typical AI art signs like illogical line thickness, illogical shading, and other weird errors. It may take some intuition but if you know how a human draws you can easily tell when a human didn't draw something.

It's not a slop spam prompt but it's still easy to tell.
Would still
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I love that there's a mod where you can play ORAS as anime May.
Shit mod. Didn't even bother to make a proper bandana model, they just colored her hair red where it would be.
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I mean look, May don't look like this but I'm saying THIS is how she should look!
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The fact that these threads aren't nearly as intrusive and omnipresent as they used to be from 2021 to 2023 is good enough for me. Not seeing a new May thread every 3-5 days, along with all the other Pokégirl threads not being around all at one, really helps to make me appreciate the May threads I do see in the catalog.
I want Manaphy to heart swap me with..

Whoa, someone actually got here before me. I guess I call dibs on her ORAS version.
I made this earlier for the Ai thread, so why not share it here, too.
Best sight to return to school
What about them?
You have no idea how happy I was when I saw this on my timeline. Please enjoy it as much as my dick does
Can't beat Pokégirls with big fat tits.
Now that's an interesting sex position.
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hmmmm imagine if the pokedex glitched out and identified may's pitpussy as a new pokemon species
i would for sure throw my master ball to capture it, if you know what i'm saying........
I wish there mods with sluttier outfits
This is canonically accurate.
did this mod ever get updated or hosted elsewhere? The version on loverslab is from like 2020 and a ton of XY outfits are still missing.
I saw that earlier. I've never seen that type of paizuri before. It's always one dick between four tits, never using two separate tits at once.
Bro plays on a whole different level
Thank god it's not that retarded "armpit pussy" style.
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Homewrecking Head-turning Pitch Queen
I can't believe they hired a girl her age to do that.
What would your master ball be, anon...?
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How old?

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