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Another GBC hack with this whimsy?
crystal kaizo+
Coral's demo
Did they go all make Johto good?
>I only play difficulty hacks.
Play mine, I just finished it.
Thanks for sharing, this is fun so far.
Is this hack actually good? Made it to the sentai team in the cave before but stuff like the fire gym leader's dialogue made it feel ametuerish. I don't know what it is with romhackers just not being able to keep the simple lighthearted tone of the games.
The dialogue for that character (a dude bro) seemed fitting enough. Their dialogue isn't much of substance in real life either.
Tell me about this hack, anon. What makes it special? Why should I play it?
They added a lot of troon shit in last major update and changed kino names of gas-type attacks to generic shit.
>troon shit
Elaborate just so I know you're not using that word just for the sake of using it
>peridot is complete
Nice, wanted to play the full for a long time.
>troon shit
They made the two professors (originally brothers) gay.
Dark-type Skinhead Gym Leader got Niggerified.
I think the Fairy-type Gym Leader is implied to be a troon now?
Also Gas-type attacks previously were named after all kinds of gas weapon. Now they are generic "paralyze gas" etc.
Insane to see someone try and fit in like this when they have nothing on the line. They make no money from this and gain nothing outside of notoriety among a bunch of terminally online adults.
The thing is? Besides few bugs and fleshing out post game Prism was already completed.
The post game is still not completed and only few minor bugfixes were done. But doing absolutely fucking nothing for months and then just slapping weird political shit on already completed parts of the game was more important.
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It's a hack I made because LGPE let me know that the series wasn't for me anymore and I wanted an excuse to use betamons.
It's a story-light original region that gives the player freedom to explore at their own pace without being totally open world.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the project get taken up by a bunch of new devs after the C&D from Nintendo?
Yes, the original dev moved on to work at EA.
Yup, the original dev abandoned it but someone leaked archive with source code that was just few days older than what he had already done and planned to release. Rainbow Devs, people behin TPP Red and Crystal grabbed it and started releasing bugfixes and minor updates. Then there was almost year of silence and the Politically Shittied update dropped.
>Everything they touch they ruin
>They cannot create, only corrupt
Many suchs cases
Anniversary Crystal seemed decent enough, but they just can't help themselves.
is coral still unfinished? feels like it's been in development forever
What version was the original before it got fucked? Asking for download purposes.
A couple of years ago he moved over to Polished Crystal's engine, and he's been adding tons of little features to it that I'm sure aren't completed in a day. Original regions just take a lot of time to create even without the little gimmicks and features.
Good luck finding it.
I have 0.94.0200, but it's on my 3DS.
There's gotta be a way to get it and just implement bug fixes.
Here's 0.94.0229's source. I don't think I've modified anything from it. No idea what version of RGBDS would build it either.
Physical Special split?
No, just making Dark physical and Ghost special. There's a late-game item that swaps damage types for the holder.
Funny thing is the original /vp/ thread where the new release was discussed was obviously created by one of the new devs trying to get some traction. The hint is that a few of the posts aggressively defending the changes also had some bits of inside info from the project.
Anyways, people noticed the bullshit changes from the start and he tried to go for the "anti-wokes are actually worse!" angle, but then got so mad he proceeded to spam his own thread with basedjaks to bury the discussion while making it seem like the work of some deranged /pol/fag. You can tell this was not your usual basedjak spammer because if you look for the filenames in the archive the majority of them only appear once (from that very thread), so this was someone who had to quickly grab a bunch of pics in the moment.
Pretty sure that was the other side who also had no valid criticisms but "trannies are bad, kill yourself", but whatever helps you sleep at night, chud.
sure thing, lol
Just nonstop screeching, wojack and "kill yourself" from chuds. "Kill yourself" is found 17 times before the massive spam started.
I haven't tried it, but two of my friends have independently both told me that the grinding that's needed is unbearable. Wild mons give such little EXP and have coverage that makes any kind of grinding a chore.
>thread obviously started by a dev that gets progressively mad
>spam starts after people notice the changes and tell him to fuck off a couple of times
>most filenames were only ever posted in that thread
>"""""from chuds"""""
Hey man, whatever helps you sleep at night.
pretty good
Pretty sure chuds telling the person/people to kill themselves 17 times out of anger for telling them not to take Prism so seriously and just ignore the minor lgbtq stuff means they're upset to say the least.
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>original guy with a vision embarks to create something great
>singlehandedly advances gen2 romhacking in the process
>gets CD'd by Ninty and has to drop before being able to finish the postgame
>discord mutants take ahold of the project
>waste time injecting dumb idpol shit so they can virtue signal between their groomer friends
>postgame still unfinished
>all they have to show 4+ years later are a few minor bugfixes

just hypothetically speaking, if I wanted to fuck with these wastes of oxygen, would Nintendo even give a fuck if I were to directly report to them about the project?
hypothetically, of course
I know the original C&D only ended up happening because Prism was getting an insane amount of attention back then, and they decided to slap it to make an example
similar to what happened with Uranium
Didn't the same thing happen to clover? IIRC it changed hands a few times.
Boy what a shitshow.
I'm under the belief that Prism got hit because it released around the same time as gen 7, and they didn't want people looking up Necrozma and finding a fan game. Compare this to how many hacks have come since 2016, and how many of them are arguably more popular(and monetized) than Prism ever was.
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Got a shiny 1 hour into my playthrough
That would track considering the Pokemon Smile, the 9gag hack, got nailed pretty early in development and we later found out a mobile game with the same name was being developed.
Nice. The shiny odds are increased to about 1/256. It just requires perfect defense and special DVs, and uses the same attack range as the vanilla game. The speed DV is ignored.
Shut up, cuck
Then when and why most Nintendo-related projects get hit- when they are planning on doing the same thing or something with a similar name. Remember when AM2R got hit and shortly after they announced the Metroid 2 remake on 3DS?
Welp yeah makes sense, just got another one lol.
>file uploaded yesterday
nice porn rom
Kek. This is a wild read.
>Twitch Plays Pokemon
Figures, Twitch is obsessed with troon and other such fag shit.
Surprisingly rainbowdevs offer older downloads on their website. Someone should make their own uncucked patch
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I'm liking this hack a lot and there's lots of improvements from the last time I played. The 3rd gym is rad.
Fuck yeah, I loved Peridot. Is this new version compatible with the old save?
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So my main issue with romhacks is that they usually design the difficulty expecting you to breed shit with perfect IVs and EV train mons, any hacks like radical reddit that let me skip that shit and just do it in a menu so I can play the actual game? I'm trying Unbound right now and it seems like the difficult mode expects you to do this and it just makes me not want to even bother with it. I want the difficulty, just none of tbe busywork required to keep up.
>Is this new version compatible with the old save?
Yeah, just make sure you're in a Pokemon center prior to moving over. And keep an old version handy just in case you're in an area where maps may have shifted.
Stop playing difficulty hacks.
What do I do with these files if I want to play the rom? Total noob here
That's the source code, it's meant to be for programmers. You'd had to compile it by yourself if you wanted to play.

Try this instead:
It's the last version from the original dev, right before the usual faggots scavenged the project for themselves.
>Total noob here
There isn't a good noob-friendly way to explain it. But you can start with the file INSTALL.md.
Thank anons. The bugs in the original version aren't anything crippling I suppose, right?
Clicking whatever is super effective just bores me, I do monotype runs to try to amp things up but usually it's not too much tougher.
Haven't played GSC in ages, so it is being a bit nostalgic for me. In that regard, any particular reason why you didn't use the sprite animation from Crystal?
At what level does S'mola evolve?
Is there a 3ds QR code for this by chance?
>any particular reason why you didn't use the sprite animation from Crystal?
The primary reasoning is because there were no animations for the Spaceworld mons and I'm not a good enough artist to make them. And while it's not reasoning, it gave me an opportunity to use a mix of Gold and Silver sprites that I liked, along with a couple of beta sprites for official Pokemon and Yellow's Muk sprite.
You can check here. The data folder has pretty much anything you would want to know. Just be aware that some of the internal names won't match the ingame ones. For both routes and a couple of Pokemon.
Not yet, sorry. I've heard that updating VC injects is a pain and I wanted to wait until I'm positive it's 100% bug free before doing so.
It should run with MGBA, but I can't speak to its accuracy.
If you save in Phlox Lab the rom corrupts.
I played to completion back then, and I didn't run into any problem.
Keep copies of your saves around just in case.
>there were no animations for the Spaceworld mons
Ah, very fair. Just to confirm, no cross-evos from gen 2, right?
>no cross-evos from gen 2, right?
Tangela has its beta evo that is a reskin of Tangrowth.
Based. Rip for Yanmega, though.
Are there any balance changes? I got to see that some of the moves are up to their most modern iterations, like Absorb and Rapid Spin.
Yanma's not too bad, you can get it before the first gym to make up for its low stats.
>Are there any balance changes?
Gyarados, Tauros, and Miltank have higher special attack to be more like gen 1.
Exeggutor has higher special defense.
Onix has Steelix's attack stat and Steelix has Mega Steelix's.
Hyper Beam recharges on kills.
Fly and Dig attack instantly if the opponent tries to switch out during the invulnerability period.
The rest can be seen in the moves list.
There's a couple more things:
Big Mushroom doubles Parasect's defenses.
Light Buoy makes Azumarill's attacks all physical and doubles its attack.
Bonemerang hits flying-types for NVE damage.
>Fly and Dig attack instantly if the opponent tries to switch out during the invulnerability period.
That's... kinda crazy
Sidenote, but I hate how they always, ALWAYS sacrifice Hoppip (one of my favorite lines) to make space for other mons in gen2 hacks due to the limited space.
My condolences. I have never touched Polished Crystal because they cut Aipom even though they added every other Cross-Gen Evo.
>Fly and Dig attack instantly if the opponent tries to switch out during the invulnerability period.
>Big Mushroom doubles Parasect's defenses.
Love these, good stuff.
As a lover of shitmon I know the feel, too many devs design their dex only thinking about what is "cool" rather then what role that pokemon can serve for that point in the game.
>Big Mushroom doubles Parasect's defenses.
Nice, I like that you give shitmons something to make them unique. Imo every pokemon should have something like this, even if they are different mechanics not really an item per se.
These are some insanely nice changes. I will have to test Tauros with Blizzard for old times sake.
>Hyper Beam recharges on kills.
>Fly and Dig attack instantly if the opponent tries to switch out during the invulnerability
Based beyond belief.

Is that something unavoidable in Gen2 hacks? The 251 limit in the pokedex or something people do to "prevent" cluttering?
>something people do to "prevent" cluttering?
Most hackroms don't care about that and a lot of them even try to include ALL pokemon to date.
So yeah, this is a hard limit that has something to do GBC cartridges and their decompiling (I'm not that tech savy to explain it) and they always have to work around it.

But I was under the impression that there was some breakthrough made on this during Prism's initial development? I guess I'm remembering wrong...
The base game has a strict limit of 253 because it uses an 8-bit index(256 possible slots, minus blank spot, egg, and the cancel button). There are some hacks more recently that expand this. Polished Crystal has been working on a 9-bit(512) version and there is a 16-bit(65536) version as well.
KBM said he would've used the high bit for the Pokémon level as the 9th species bit, because you can't go past 100 anyway. That would've doubled it.
The issue mostly comes from indexing. You'd have to rewrite so much of the engine to support >253 Pokemon. It's doable, but it is/was a gigantic undertaking.
I don't know if this project is done or not, but I've seen other people using it.
You forgot program song to poke mart
You mean a unique song? Gen 2 didn't have one.
I expected to find a natu on the first routes
I'll give it a spin, anon.
It's not in the first routes, but it's in the first half. I didn't want you to trivialize the fighting gym with it.
So, I got to play a bit more. Manage to grab myself a Teddiursa that was performing well in the early game, but Return really trivialized the Psychic Gym - Teddy became an OHKO machine with it.
Another point about the Psychic Gym, most of the trainers spammed Teleport without a care in the world. Was that intended/did I get lucky with the random move selector? I was leading with a Mr. Mime if that makes any difference.
Are you using the Silk Scarf? Because that gives a higher buff than any of the other type-specific moves because Normal won't hit anything for super effective damage.
>Was that intended/did I get lucky with the random move selector?
Probably luck, I didn't give the AI any logic for using Teleport.
I'll reuse the Baton Pass logic: 80% chance to avoid it on the first turn out, and they will almost never use it if you've shown a super effective move.
Ahhh, yes, I am.
>I'll reuse the Baton Pass logic: 80% chance to avoid it on the first turn out
At first I thought it was a joke with the Scientist with two Kadabras who claimed he was one of the leading experts of Teleporting technology, but that happened with other Kadabras and even the gym leader. They just spammed one Teleport after the other while Mr. Mime hammered them with Returns
It might be because they have nothing to hit Mime for super effective damage, so they use Teleport instead.
Mime just destroys the gym between Psychic resist, high sp.def and Calm Mind. Encore has also been absolutely nasty into turning some pokemon in setup fodder.
One frustrating thing about it is that lv 17 has forgotten Confusion for Calm Mind, leaving it with Doubleslap as its only offensive move. So I had to capture another lv 16 when it hit my Nidorino with Confusion.
Was exploring the caves after getting cut when I got ambushed by a Ferrodon
Felt like I was trying to capture a Beldum, goddamn. Going back to the Pokecenter to check its stats and moves.
Is it a pseudo of some sorts or a strong single stage like Skarmory?
Any cheat codes? Need money
Some Crystal cheats should work.
It's just a single-stage. It has a 45 catch rate.
Where can I find a metal coat?
You can get it right before the electric gym.
Nice, thanks
more like Pokémon 'Tism
I don't like the new types.
>right before the usual faggots scavenged the project for themselves.
What do you mean?
read the rest of the thread
How is the trainer AI and movesets? I don't need it to be Kaizo hard or Radred like, but something like early Drayano (think Firered Omega) would be better than vanilla.
Thank god people are making crystal hacks out of firered/emerald now. Speaking of, I think I will play scorched silver today.
AI isn't changed that much. A couple of moves have specific interactions I've added, and I applied a bugfix that caused the AI to never switch. Movesets vary. The more important the trainer and the later they appear, the better the moveset.
It's designed as a game for people who have grown up with Pokemon, but it's not meant to be extremely difficult. The hardest part in my opinion is how gyms will lock you in and disallow items in battle. And maybe the consumable stat boost items, but you get access to those at the same time the enemy does.
I feel really dumb for asking that, but are we supposed to be able to solve the first Unown Chamber (FRIENDS) the first time we arrive there? Or do we need more Unowns from other chambers?
I was only able to solve the easiest one of all:
Fish+Statue lol. The rest are a puzzle to me (and I haven't seen Friends, just Volcano and Clock)
First Pokemon's happiness <200
Movie 3
Just walk around the perimeter of the room clockwise.
I meant over 200. It's unlikely you'd have anything with that so early.
Interesting I tried that one but it might have been very half assed.
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You have to be touching the wall the entire time, and if you stray it resets.
Man I'm so glad you're this cool with sharing docs and other stuff. And I must say I'm 6 badges in and I'm really impressed. Haven't seen a hack this good in a while. Only complain I have is the bag space limit and so many berries that I grab out of habit.
>Man I'm so glad you're this cool with sharing docs and other stuff
I wouldn't have been able to make the game if not for other people sharing their own stuff.
When you finish the gyms, make a backup save before boarding the ship. There's a rare issue reported where the player sprite will be corrupted and it leads to a soft lock. I've never been able to reproduce it, and I have no idea why or how it happens.
>They made the two professors (originally brothers) gay.
Why not both?
It's like a reverse Tiny Toons.
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Yo PeridotDev, I remember you telling me about your hack back in January when we were talking about the w.i.p 9-bit engine. https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/55206705/#55213392 the thread died before I got a chance to tell you it looked very promising.
congrats on completing it! I'll be sure to check it out :)
I still think it would be fun to use the Polished engine to re-add missing Pokemon and moves, and to give things like abilities to the Spaceworld mons. But I don't want to spend all of that time porting everything over. Nor do I want to just rehash 1 game over and over again.
Found skelegon, funnily enough, DQM also has a monster named skelegon.
Hey Peridotdev any hints on Entei location? Found the other 2.
I ended up playing XI as my first Dragon Quest game mid-development and noticed that long after making the name. I couldn't come up with anything better.
I also ripped off the Gyldenhal's layout for Ho-Oh's dungeon.
Last gym town has hints.
Nice, I dig it nevertheless. Also checked.
I'm an absolute monkey and fat fingered taught Confusion over Mega Drain in my Exeggcute. Please tell me move relearner is not much after gym 3 or 4.
But a tip to however is raising an Exeggcute, if you evolve it to Exeggutor on 27, it has Psychic as a level-up move. It and my Ursaring are murder machines and so is Snowmad.
Is the egg that we receive from Day-Care randomized?
>Please tell me move relearner is not much after gym 3 or 4.
You can technically run straight to it after getting Strength, but you'll bump up every gym along the way.
>But a tip to however is raising an Exeggcute, if you evolve it to Exeggutor on 27, it has Psychic as a level-up move.
But then you miss out on Softboiled at 35.
>Is the egg that we receive from Day-Care randomized?
No. The husband gives you a Cubone, the wife gives a Shifur. I wanted to treat them as something of a duo, because they're both two-stages that wear dead animal parts.
Softboiled at 35
Damn, I didn't know. I have been treating this as I did playing back them. No googling, but relying here as we did on playgrounds.
>The husband gives you a Cubone, the wife gives a Shifur.
Good think I picked the wife then, I'm really liking Snowmad, specially because mine had Hidden Power Dark. It learns Faint Attack almost after evolving, but I appreciate the extra power more than the perfect accuracy.

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