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Imagine ORAS realeases in 2014 however:
>it’s faithful remake
>only mons in game are gens1-3
>no megas despite being introduced just a game before
>perishable TMs
>same art style as XY
>no delta episode, Rayquaza is able to be caught in the sky tower postgame tho

So, a faithful remake. If this happened, how would the reception have been? Would it have been slaughtered like BDSP or embraced by Normies and defended with “it’s a faithful remake”
>no megas
How does saying we want Emerald’s Battle Frontier and Gyms mean we want “faithful” remakes? Where do you niggers get this shit from? I doubt the minor criticisms to ORAS under YouTube comments had anything to do with how BDSP ended up; shitfreak wanted to make Legends Slop and instead out sourced DP to some garbage mobile studio who shit out a low effort soulless product.
Unironically would have ruined the franchise, it would have been the worst downgrade and any hope for gen4 remakes would be extinguished
If it also included the
>Battle Frontier
>Dexnav (with non native mons locked to postgame, to adhere to your post)
>Super Secret Bases
>Online contests
>didn't butcher the dungeons or add handholding
>following pokemon
>objectively improved Emerald teams
it would have been perfect and would have been following the exact same standard set by the previous remakes.
Why anyone thinks that the expectation is perfect 1 to 1 remake with NO new features or improved ones idk. That's part of the problem with BDSP. adding new gen mechanics isn't bad, imagine if HGSS didn't add wifi or physical special split lol. What a stupid argument. The problem is adding BAD new gen mechanics, like forced on exp share and amie affection.
>well bdsp has following pokemon and improved the dex while HGSS didn't
Platinum already improved the fucking dex and BDSP ignored it elsewhere for no reason besides laziness, just like how ORAS ignored Emerald for no reason except laziness.
>No megas
Holy shit it's already better
Nintendo and Gamefreak defenders need to come up with strawman arguments to fight against because it's literally impossible for them to defend every new game not having updated QoL features, National Dex, and fun post game content.
Pokemon is the highest grossing intellectual property in the world, it outweighs the entirety of Disney pre and post MCU. Fuck gamefreak, fuck shitendo, fuck thepokeshit company, and fuck all 3rd party nigger devs that cant even do remakes correctly.
>no megas
It's finally playable
Huh? OP is clearly making fun of BDSP boot lickers who forgive every flaw because it’s “le faithful remake”, he’s not shitting on people who wanted the bf
>2 retards fighting
The bootlickers win because they at least have an IQ that's not in the double digits
Only retard is you when I’ve now had to explain twice that the OP post isn’t pro gamefreak, you absolute double
Iq shitskin cunt
>retard thinks OP post is pro gamefreak
>n-no he’s a boot licker!
Must hurt being single digit iq
It would mog HGSS for sure
OP post is pro gamefreak though, moron. The entire post is predicated on the fact that "players asked gamefreak for faithful remakes, that means players wanted this and now they are being hypocrites!"
It's just deflecting all the blame off of gamefreak and putting the onus on the consumer.
Fuck you, shill. I have not bought a pokemon game since BW2 and I never will now until they start showing they are willing to put in effort. Billions of dollars and all they can make is a piece of shit game that loses hours of time to frame drops, lmao.
>immediate response
>illiterate reading comprehension of a Jeet
LMAO! Imagine reading the OP and thinking it’s not mocking ORAS
Couldn’t be me !
>Ohmori didn't add Battle Frontier because "kids use smartphones more" argument
>Adds Delta Episode and a bunch of stuff that either alludes to Emerald or is flat-out new
This hack succeeding Masuda was the worst thing to happen to the franchise.
I'd have liked it a lot more. everything they added ended up removing from the actual feel of the originals. it was two steps forward and two steps backwards elsewhere, from shitty songs to removed areas like the game corner. these games are so inferior I'd rather replay rse on my GBA
>hoennfags eternally salty they didn't get their own hgss
>as a result sinnohCHADS get the ultimate remake with battle frontier, megas, plat content, and no dexcut
absolute win
So if it was like BDSP? Probably the same reception BDSP got.
>revisionists realize the gba games were always shit and finally knock gen 3 off its pedestal
Schizo moment
It would have been better except for TMs.
as someone who hates bdsp (despite loving DPP), this faithful remake you propose sounds totally find to me. main reason
>same art style as current gen.
that's literally all they had to do to make me like bdsp but no it's had to be lazy and look dumb as shit instead.

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