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Why did they flop?
Literally who?
they're barely characters
they do fucking nothing in the game
they don't do anything, what's the point?
>not even cute nurse joys
>just a bunch of old men
So that’s what sagefag looks like…
>Subenemies of the Subenemies of the Enemy Grunts

Admins are only cool when they're memorable. There were way too many of these losers and they didn't do shit but job.
Shoulda actually done something. Only the seventh sage(fag) Ghetsis did anything.
>old men
You don't even fucking battle them, they're complete nothing characters who serve to suck Ghetsis' cock when he already had the Shadow Triad for that.
Good concept with a poor execution.
I don't think they did. They're even spawned a few memes.
my nigga zinzolin
They didn't flop. Your dick did.
>They didn't flop
Yes they did, sagefag.
couldn't be me, I get a raging boner every time I see zinzolin
No, they didn't. They got into generations over Cynthia
They didn't
They did. But I think you know this since you saged out of fear of anyone seeing your post.
Kek that wasn't me but man you're really calling so many people sagefag at this point. I made this post>>56215838
Go ahead and explain how they flopped anon? They're in generations and evolutions
serious answer: not enough screentime
there's a reason people remember rood and zinzolin but none of the others
With exception one guy.
They barely do anything in the game.
>are encountered and have amusing stories between gyms
>great moment at climax
>postgame quest
it's enough in my opinion, but fair enough. I really only think they were missing teams, but that's it.
>are encountered and have amusing stories
how are they amusing?
>great moment at climax
how was it great?
>how are they amusing
tell me about the cold storage sequence and you'll answer yourself
>how was it great
because it very nicely subverted expectations by thinking you'd walk right into N's room, but now you're about to be attacked by six sages at once, which were only teased one by one up until that point. This creates a sense of much heightened stakes, but then the expectations are subverted again by the gym leaders, as well as a masterful selection of music. Now, you must press forward, knowing you must win for the sake of the region, as the game actualy demonstrates real human people are integral to and vice versa. You're the leader of a war.
honestly they were somehow worse than the team flare scientists
does not help that the gym leaders stole the chance to battle them
oh no I’m about to be attacked by the retards who did nothing but run away the entire game…so epic…
I don't even think that's needed. The term "sage" always gave me a vibe that they were above battling. It's like a religious priests not working, but telling average followers they can work until the second coming or whatever.
You're on their grounds now, so yes that's the expectation. They were surrounded and outnumbered by the region's authorities in previous cases.
> You're on their grounds now
so they can do what? Run away some more? KEK
>so they can do what
Battle you on their ground and their numbers. That was the expectation. Then the gym leader moment happened.

Anon, you seem to lack the concept of "they were about to, but then they were stopped"....
Did next to nothing. You encounter all most of them before the end of the game, but it's easy to just think it's the same guy over and over again.
They at least tried to give 2 of them something to set them apart.
Were they even in the anime?
This is the only time where they felt like they were important. They were all over the place and it was clear that each of them were handling a small part of the bigger picture. Dedicating a few pages to explaining what the goal was and giving some of them a bigger role that in the game helped so much.
>th-they’ll battle you this time for sure bro that’s definitely why they ran away like retards before while hiding behind their grunts
>Were they even in the anime?
I think they were cut bar Zinzolin due to that Earthquake that shitcanned the Team Plasma VS Team Rocket

Stop trolling
You're on their grounds now, so yes that's the expectation. They were surrounded and outnumbered by the region's authorities in previous cases.

Anon, you seem to lack the concept of "they were about to, but then they were stopped"....
>You're on their grounds now, so yes that's the expectation
There is no expectation that they'll battle me because they spent the entire game running away like cowards and hiding behind grunts.
If they're even SHITTIER than the grunts I swept the whole game I have no reason to care.

>th-they were about to
No, they were never going to, because they're non-characters who exist in the game for no real reason except for the game to contrive le ebin avengers moment with the gym leaders that makes no actual sense.
>There is no expectation that they'll battle me because (previous events where they were NOT on their own ground and were surrounded and outnumbered by the region's authorities
Why do you refuse to answer the argument?
>shittier than the grunts
Anon, they're grunts. they use grunts to protect themselves. That's why they're fucking called GRUNTS
>they were never going to
So what would have happened if the gym leaders never came? Surely you're not THIS retarded....
>moment with the gym leaders that makes no actual sense
There is NO part of this scene that does not make sense. Not one. except for the striatons not coming They were about to finish you off all at once, but then the gym leaders held the line for you. There is nothing wrong with that. You're even at the point where you're asserting they would not have battled you. Stop being retarded.
I don't get the hype behind Team Plasma nor do I find their "motivations" compelling or complex.
Because Masuda can't write.
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the sages are mostly fine, but they needed more screen time. not just for their sake, but i think the ghetsis reveal would be better if you didn't see him being obviously evil every 20 minutes.
pic related are the ones in need of major overhauls.
They followed the footsteps of their Byzantine inspirations and 1453'd themselves
>in the bw intro
>the only team plasma admins to get in the ashnime
>don't even appear in bw until the ending sequence and disappear after the credits
>not even involved in the story in b2w2
>both games only have them say one thing each
even as a gen 5 fan I'm skeptical of the claim that bw plasma is the best team because of stuff like this. they have good leaders but the admins split their miniscule screen time between like ten people, three of which aren't even mentioned in the sequels, and three of the ones who got into the sequels contributed nothing to the plot. add in the lack of battles and they're probably the least memorable admins in the series. maybe it's just that i've replayed the sequels way more but I wouldn't think of the sages showing up at the end to collectively job to the gym leaders as a big admin moment before the frozen opelucid sequence or the multi battle at spear pillar or faba trying to overthrow lusamine or even moments from weaker teams like the oleana fight and xerosic's buttons. even in other teams with less memorable admin moments, I can still remember the designs of shelly, proton, or plumeria well before I'll remember what bronius looks like, which isn't helped by the fact that pretty much every bw plasma admin didn't get official art or battle sprites and the few that did got it in the sequels, leaving them all with just their overworld sprites.
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An idea to utilize them better:

So there are 36 Fully Evolved Pokémon available/being evolutions of White Forest Pokémon. It gives 6 Full Pokémon Teams. We also have 6 Sages who we chase in the post game. We can use the 36 Pokémon to create their teams and make fighting them fun.

My initial idea would be to give them Color based Teams as the Sages are named after colours and it would be quite refreshing.

What would your takes be?
It seems as though sage characters exist to stand around forebodingly until getting BTFO'd. There was Rood, Zinzolin, and I forgot the rest. Pretty sure Rood was the one that turned turncoat in the sequel against Team Plasma. Do the sages even have jobs?
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I say this as a BW2 superfan: most of the sages don't do shit at all except for zinzolin and rood
isn't this thread demonstrating hypocrisy of cutscene and tory haters who shit on Unova?
I love unova bw2 is probably my favorite game but I can't consider bw team plasma to be the best evil team when it has the most admins of any evil team (at 11 counting the shadow triad as separate people it's more than double flare and star which have the second most at five each) but they're all so bland and unimportant that they can remove three of them completely in the sequels and not only does no one care, but there are still characters who did nothing, and they didn't even do the absolute bare minimum of giving them official art in a game that otherwise puts a lot of attention into its story and characters. my complaints are really more out of wishing that the admins got the same level of attention as the rest of the characters than any hatred for unova.

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