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Remember when there was no female avatar and the only one wasn't a faggy one for pussies?
Only due to technical limitations, a girl character was clearly planned.
She ended up being manga-only since the anime used Misty as Ash's companion instead.
>wasn't a faggy one for pussies
Zoomers are pathetic coomers or gay
>Only due to technical limitations
Let me translate this for you, “we were incompetent pieces of shit, that trying to add character options would bricked out already broken spaghetti code, even though Dragon Quest III on the fucking NES, had gender options in 1989
Myth debunked by Sugimori himself:
There was never any plan to have a female character. Pokemon at the time was aimed at boys. And Misty was added to the anime to appeal to girls.
>Myth debunked by Sugimori himself
Cope, Nintendo demanded gender options, but it was to late in development, for fucks sake, Nintendo had to force them to do link cable battles, they had no intention of doing it on their own

>And Misty was added to the anime to appeal to girls
Also bullshit, it’s a well known fact that Misty and May were just there to be eyecandy for the boys, Dawn was the first genuine attempt to appeal to girls
Yeah pretty much kek. In reality including a gender option isn't exactly the biggest deal even for old gameboy games, but we are talking about Gen 1 code so...

But she appeared in more places than just the picture you posted. I'm pretty sure she isn't just a one-off seeing this design also got in Pokespe.
The Capsule Monsters pitch includes multiple instances of a female protagonist, most notably in a prototype sprite sheet.
That's a pretty hot link you got there.
The fact that Green’s design in LGPE leaned way more toward the black dress than the ugly Leaf one speaks for itself

Don’t listen to what people say, watch what what they do
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Don't worry, I know, hence why I insist she was very obviously meant to be there but they decided to pretend she didn't exist until LGPE while "Leaf" is apparently a separated character.
Junkie Shudo said that the inclusion of a female character was decided in a meeting to appeal to the female audience and because the anime would be boring with only boys.
Dawn??? LOL!!! Dawn was the first serious attempt at having a coomerbait in anime. The girl wearing a miniskirt is such a common Japanese erotic cliché. In fact, she is wearing a miniskirt because fetishist Masuda demanded Sugimori to have a female protagonist wearing a miniskirt.

All of that came later because the illustrators could only use Sugimori's existing material.

We are talking about Leaf/Blue. Her first appearance was in an official guidebook, months after the game was released in Japan. Therefore, she was never planned.
>have a female character that appears along the MC and rival
>female sprites were drawn, hinting the gender option was planned st some point
Come on stop being naive. It would be weirder to not think about it.
>apparently a separated character.
They can’t even give a definitive answer on that either

I will never forgive GameFreak for not giving me my little black dress brunette baddie when i was a kid
>Dawn was the first serious attempt at having a coomerbait in anime
How fucking delusional do you have to be to believe this when booty shorts Misty and big titties stripping in public May exist
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I mean at least she is not fully unused, gets a whole arc and all in Pokespe, unarguably best girl too.
You know it’s not the same, anon, being able to play as her as a child was taken from me because of these incompetent fuckwits, and I will not let GameFreak bootlickers like that other anon gaslight me into thinking otherwise
>"Pokemon seller, I'm going to battle, I need your strongest Pokemon"
>"My Pokemon are too strong for you, trainer"
>massive homo gayboy Red as the OP
pic unrelated, I presume?
I just deny the existence of Leaf/Blue. None of those sprites even remotely resemble her. She's just Miss Red.

You wouldn't even have chosen her. Back then men were men, not faggots and waifufags.
I forgot to post the image of Miss Red
I wasn’t a man back then you retard, I was a child, stop projecting your insecurities
>I just deny the existence of Leaf/Blue.
Leaf wasn't a thing back then, but Green pops up enough and nevermind the sprites, those could be changed later on just like Red got a different design eventually.
>You wouldn't even have chosen her.
NTA but I was no stranger to playing female characters even as a kid, self-inserters can suck my cock while I was beating kids at fightans in arcades.
>Back then men were men
Red is 12 at most in the Kanto games lol
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Red was redesigned to be fucked by Leaf
What clowns, you don't even have a minimum reading comprehension. I'm not talking about age.
You’re the one that brought up age faggot, accept you got blown out and don’t attempt to move the goalpost
Go play with your dolls and stay away from children.
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The fanart with alt interpretations of Red based on that other sprite have got me thinking about the rival's first few VS sprites in Red/Blue. While subsequent sprites and higher res art have depicted Blue with generally the same consistent look (spiky hair, loose shirt and pendant, tall boots), he looks quite different in his first two depictions. A different, less outrageous but still anime-spiky hairdo, the fanny pack that he'd also sport in FireRed/LeafGreen, the backpack on the second sprite to further illustrate how he's also traveling around like the player, what looks like rolled up jeans alongside sneakers rather than the baggy pants and boots from later. And then in the Champion sprite he's more like how we know him, just with an additional jacket, all spruced up to match his newfound status as the strongest trainer.
Crystal came out 24 years ago, grandpa.
Mmmmm… donut
>Myth debunked by Sugimori himself:
The problem with actual key people debunking rumors is that they often lie through their teeth. Case in point, when the Nintendo leak happened, it was shown Miyamoto told his team members through an old email not to credit argonaut for star fox, despite multiple rumors about miyamoto hating gaijan developers and the argonaut creator avoiding the question from fans and claiming there's no bad blood. There's no incentive for people to tell the truth
This. It's not debunked just because they claim so, actual proof or bust.
There is NO illustration or sketch of Leaf/Blue, there is only a short-haired tomboy Red. Leaf/Blue first appeared on the cover of a guidebook, months after the game release. Artists who made subsequent products merely used Sugimori's existing work.
There is nothing to hide.
You could say the same about the version of Red that actually made it into the games
Since it hasn't been posted yet, here's the sprite sheet that includes the possible female playable character.
Your original argument was that no female protagonist was ever planned for RBY, which was proven wrong. Stop shifting the goalposts.
The girl in that user manual artwork was probably just meant to be a lass trainer.
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No, Lass Trainer has always been an independent entity.
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This. Girls didn't really play vidya back then, and based Shudo clearly intended for Misty to have sex appeal (10 is the legal age in the Pokémon world). You had to be there.
cute blue/green/leaf/whatever
It's a lass.
Or "miniskirt" in Japanese, defined by being girls who wear a school uniform with a miniskirt unlike Green and her black dress.
Never let them forget what they took from you, these incompetent monkeys took this from you. Don't let them and their bootlickers gaslight you into thinking that it was never meant to be. And fuck Nintendo for not reigning in these useless fuckwits sooner
The horny old man is a typically Japanese joke that appears in every anime and was never repeated in Pokémon.
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Do you guys seriously believe the nonsense that is written on Bulbapedia?
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Especially if her character is based on the manga version, the little slut was absolutely begging for it.
>absolutely begging for it
Begging for a chance to fuck you up, only pokegirl prepared to deal with all the coomers on this board
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>green thread
my favorite pokemon character ever
You're goddamn right, OP is a faggot for not wanting a woman that can kick his ass
Pretty much. They denied Celebi having any connection to Ilex Forest in GS despite there literally being an NPC there who loredumps about it in the game. They also pretended the first time it had any connection to the shrine was in HGSS “as a nod to old rumors” while conveniently omitting the gs ball event in Crystal and the literal movie made about Celebi at the shrine.

These people barely even remember the actual games they develop or do art for.
Do you really believe that anything they did in Gen 1 you don't like was unintentional?
We got ourselves a Pokemon hater here
What's with the red herring? We're talking about this very specific topic, one which GF has been for years refusing to give a direct answer to. Stop sucking on the multibillionaire corporation's cock, you're not getting paid for it
She was also flirty as fuck in her first appearances, even if it's usually to get something.
I don't think Brock or Misty were 10 in the anime though. Misty is a gym leader, she's clearly in her teens probably around 16 and Brock is clearly a young adult. Ash is the only 10 year old until the other game characters started making it into the anime.
The possible FemMC looks like Kris. Ha, imagine if she appeared in Gen 1, she would be mad popular due to starter benefit. But I guess she would take Misty's place, which is a bit sad.
I will never understand the decision to make the characters 10. You can have a coming of age story for a 16-18 year old. And even if they wanted to use that excuse, the anime doesn't treat it like a coming of age story at all, everyone already acts like old teens/early 20s adults. These 10 year olds are able to travel the world on their own, rent hotels, become gym leaders, become pokemon champions, hell Ash could probably drive a car if he wanted, pretty sure Gary WAS driving a car at several points. So what is the coming of age? Why make the characters 10 when their designs and personalities do not reflect it at all?

If you want younger characters, make them act like Gon from HxH or make them whiny and pathetic like Deku. I just don't understand. I mean sure, kids are more likely to buy and play products that involve other kids or at least young teenagers, but then why not make the characters in the anime actually act their age or have a few of the characters be adults so there is some semblance of realism to the world?
No one gave a flying fuck about the age of fictional characters like we do today so they just picked a number to match the target audience
>took green from us
>took kris from us
I will never forgive them.
They gave us green in evolutions and let's go
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>even though Dragon Quest III on the fucking NES, had gender options in 1989
Interesting, let me... HAHAHAHAHAHA
Which one?
She was a sexy little flirt that wouldn't have wasted a single second at the opportunity to stab you in the back. I will dispise Gamefreak for the rest of my days for wasting away what should have been one of the most iconic female protagonists of the 90s

You know damn well that pales in comparison to the cultural mark she would have had, had she been there since the beginning
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They might have thought she was a little too edgy, even if the whole point is mellowing out while still being smart and a bit of a tease.
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It's true lol
>You know damn well that pales in comparison to the cultural mark she would have had, had she been there since the beginning
For sure but at least she's there
>mellowing out while still being smart and a bit of a tease.
Even then, she would have been a breakout never seen before character in the west, don't forget that Pokemon was part of the wave that brought anime mainstream in the west. She could have been the iconic cultural image of *THE* female anime protagonist

The most successful media franchise in human history, mired with wasted potential
Fuck off faggot, no one here is talking about Mary Sue leaf, Green would make Red her bitch
>multibillionaire corporation
they certainly weren't in the mid 90s when developing the first gen games
Their deflection of Green’s existence during gen 1’s development started once Leaf was revealed for FRLG, they were certainly in the multibillion by then
Original gameboy is weaker than the NES, and it has fewer monster sprite varieties too.
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>only one wasn't a faggy one for pussies?
what are you trying to say? any female protagonist made after Kris was made to appeal to gay men? I'm pretty sure most gay people fans are shotacons so they play as a guy, I think it's the straight men who play as the girl nowadays.
>Original gameboy is weaker than the NES
Raw computational power has nothing to do with preventing gender options

Only two issues could have prevented it, storage capacity, which we know for a fact that GameFreak is shit at storage management, as it's infamously well known that Iwata had to save their asses to add on Kanto into G/S (Interesting how adding Kris and sprite animations become no problem after that for Crystal), the second issues is Gen 1's shit code, something as simple as a gender option shouldn't be more complex that a pallet swap, but I have a suspicion that Red's sprite was hardwired into Gen 1's programing, making it a more complex fix for GF amateur hour capacities

(Pathetically, it's likely a combination of both)
Misty literally calls herself a 10 year old in the Japanese version of episode 3.
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Nah, girl MC is for trannies, coomers and women

The male MC has been faggied so much that its make you cringe to play as him, there's nothing left for non-coomer straight men.
>some gay fuck made their MC look like a fucking faggot on purpose by using feminine eye options
>somehow that means that all male MC look faggy now
Do you not fucking know what character customization is retard
It's a matter of memory, the game knowing which sprite to pull for the player character.
Hardwiring sprites into a game's code is usually done to save memory space by being more economical with code use (having different aspects of the game pull from those lines of code for different things without having to rewrite it later in the string). It makes a game less modular, but it saves a few bytes of memory which is a big deal in a gameboy cart that only held, what, 256kb? Part of the reason why GS could afford more stuff is because they were released on bigger carts that didn't exist until after RBGY (gold and silver are technically originally gameboy games with GBC compatibility; Crystal was the only GBC-exclusive one and it's also the one that introduced an optional female protag)
>She could have been the iconic cultural image of *THE* female anime
No disrespect, but your idea sounds like if Green would be Poké Mikami.
Now I'm twice as mad. I loved Ghost Hunter Mikami. Girl only loved money, and was a tease as much as she was a rat, but she had the skill to back it up. Fuck you, GF.
Personality-wise, I was thinking something along the lines of a Poke Faye Valentine (and it would have predated Cowboy Bebop but a fucking year and a half)

And no disrespect to GS Mikami, but when I mean cultural icon, I'm talking about Sailor Moon, Kagome from Inuyasha levels of "the iconic cultural image of *THE* female anime protagonist"

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