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Silly Cobra
>Everyone who doesn't like my ugly shitmon is yawnfag!!!!!!!
Grow up
Silicon Brah
whatever yawnie
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Americans could never
Case in point sagie
>aggressive and defensive right off the bat
We all know it's you
this is how i find out it's supposed to be a tsuchinoko
Eat me
I swear the names of most new pokemon are fucking stupid. would love to meet whomever is responsible for these groan inducing puns and punch them in the face
got a shiny sandaconda for my playthrough in violet, love that big guy
>glare first turn
>headbutt for paraflinch
>EQ for damage
>leftovers to clean up any errant damage
why would you need to do all that in violet when you could just spam an offensive move like twice.
>why would you have fun when you could solo with your starter?
Never said that but okay, huff farts I guess retard
because it's more interesting for me personally
i've got plenty of physical and special sweepers on the team, sometimes I want to play defensively
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I love Silicobra and Sandaconda so fucking much.
I don't think it's supposed to be a tsuchinoko.
would cuddle with
>Make cool design
>Make it mechanically a Hippowdon with no recovery
I want it so badly.
>Reeee everyone who doesn't like my ugly shitmon is yawnfag!!!!!!!
Remember to take your schizo pills
We will never see his like again
Pretty sure it would cost you a pretty penny
What a terrible godawful fucking design. It could have been cool but the shotgun nostrils and especially the stupid fucking neck doughnut totally ruin it
I also hate how it’s constantly stuck in its coiled-up pose
You grow up childish faggot
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It's a cobra. It's in its name.

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