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Post obscure game knowledge, tricks, or even something useless but interesting!

I'll start
>in gen 3 you can use cut outside of battle to remove patches of tall grass in a 360 around your character
I don't know if they ever brought it back
I don't remember very well, byt if your Pokémon knew Fury Cutter with Cut, you could increase the cutting square's size.
It started in Gen 1 anon
I'm pretty sure that's the Hyper Cutter ability and if I remember correctly it's only in Emerald
What no? You could only cut trees
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I'm about to blow your mind.
You can make any move a priority move if your pokemon is traded and ignores you.
>give mon priority move like protect or endure
>give them a move you want them to use on priority
>delete other 2 moves
>start blasting
Now that's one I never heard about, even if it makes perfect sense.
You can get multiple level 5 fully evolved Pokémon (Parasect, Dugtrio, Machamp, Dewgong, and Muk) in Pokémon Yellow which you can send up to Sun/Moon and play the game with them
In gen 5 the drum track for a lot of the music only plays while you move
In HGSS postgame you can trade your Foretress with Steven for a Beldum. If that Foretress is at maximum happiness, it triggers a different dialogue where Steven takes you for a fellow steel-type enjoyer and talks about how much he likes his Metagross
Missingno/Safari glitching for them? And only those because they are the only mons that can transfer all the way up or because they are the only ones you can get at level 5?
Little things like this make me smile.
You just need to make eggs of the Pokémon required in GSC, send them back to Yellow and do the trades
The Mr. Mime cannot be LV5 tho, you need to level up Cleffa at least once.
I didn't list them in my first post, did I?
Yeah, just saying because it's exactly off by one and only because of a shitty baby form.
I don't understand. Is that a bug?
It only means the priority is decided by the move you select rather than what will actually be executed.
So if you select Protect but the Pokemon disobeys to use an attacking move instead, you struck first.
No clue https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Q0NDJPHIorM
gen 1 and 2 too
Apparently it's even more unknown in gen1 >>56215278
I actually experienced this one too, along with the BW one where you don't gain EXP.
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In Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, if you use trading to get a Pokémon with Dive, you can progress through the story, and during the postgame, Steven's letter even has unique dialogue telling you to take the HM. (And a second item ball like in picrel)
Apparently, attempting to do this in Emerald instead has a Team Aqua grunt blocking the Seafloor Cavern, who tells you to check out the Space Center.
>along with the BW one where you don't gain EXP.
funniest thing was when serebii reported this and inadvertently revealed he pirated the games lol
For me I just figured out it had to be some sort of anti-piracy measure because yeah I ran in the HGSS one first + there is no fucking way I could somehow trigger a glitch to not gain EXP that early in the game when I played it as normally as you possibly could. At least the first looks like a game crash.
A similar thing was a viable tech option in VGC during the restricted formats
>have zacian and whimsicott on the field with whimsicott being faster than zacian
>zacian does whatever attack it wants to have turboboosted (lets say behemoth blade) while whimsicott does anything
>on the next turn zacian uses quick attack on an enemy and whimsicott targets zacian with encore
>because the priority of moves is called at the start of the turn, when zacian is encored its made to use behemoth blade with +1 priority
It works with most Pokemon but Zacian was the best at it due to how hard it hits
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In the first 2 mystery dungeon games, there are 2 ???-type moves called spin slash and vacuum cut. they deal neutral non-STAB damage to all types.
gen III had a lot of soul.
Once you get the pokenav, you can avoid your rival in Rustboro city by teleporting away. If you do that and progress with the story, they'll be seen walking out of mr. briney's cottage and engage the conversation anyway, with slightly different dialogue
Real? Geuninely what the fuck, Gen 3 has too much hidden shit.
You can look out of the window on the SS Tidal.
Berry Juice is unobtainable in gen 3 despite of it being in the games
It was coded to being a held item of Shuckle from Altering Cave but the Altering Cave event never happened
Safari Shuckle doesn't have it
I don't know what to think about.
This knowledge that's shared by everyone in everything.
Or the fact, there are still people who doesn't know it.
IIRC you can create berry juice on a multiplayer minigame in FRLG or was that some other item?
God, I miss this lady and her game so damn much
Developers seem to have actually tested their game, which is nice. Nowadays you try to do soemthing tricky like this and you just wind up softlocking and/or bricking your entire save to which Nintendo/Gamefreak will reply with "aww shucks!"
Game testing and Quality Assurance, in my Pokemon game?
Next you will tell me there is a gen where they specifically gave you a Tentacool to prevent a softlock.
Making me want to play Emerald now.
1-3 Normal Emerald nuzlocke
4-6 Incel Emerald
7-9 Run & Bun
0 Emerald Kaizo
In Pokémon Emerald, Trainers registered with the PokéNav’s Match Call function will call more often if a Pokémon with Lightningrod is in the first place in the party (even if fainted).
>Incel Emerald
A what now
I feel like I just unlocked a memory of seeing a berry juice at some point in a gen 3 game, but I can't remember how or where or if it was even gen 3, hell it may have been a romhack.
Inclement Emerald (rebalance hack with more mon afaik)
Who's that?
GF may not have always been the best at making games or coding, but they used to have SOUL. Everything is so soulless now.
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Comes from a pokemon game for high functioning members of society (aka not pedophiles).
In Gen 3 and Gen 4, pressing Start during a Double Battle removes the coloured HP bars of your Pokémon and replaces them with their actual HP values. Pressing Start again brings the bars back.
The Dodrio game? you can get berries from them but not Berry Juice
In gen 1 if you beat the optional rival west of Viridian City without catching another
pokemon and without evolving your starter, you can go back to Prof. Oak after to get 5 free Poke Balls.
>aka not pedophiles
No wonder it EOS.
Also, trainers are more likely to want a rematch if you enter their route. If they don't want to rematch you, leave the route and return until they do. Obly should take a few seconds for them to want a rematch
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>"Moves have Types, too, just like Pokémon."
>"If you use a move that's the same Type as your Pokémon, it'll get a power boost!"
Wasn't this in R/S as well? I recall always running the Mauville-Verdanturf route to grind rematches
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In ORAS, the Meteorite key item changes its sprite in the bag at three points in the game.
It changes for the first time after the player gets the Devon Scope from Steven.
It changes again after the player defeats Brendan/May in Lilycove.
It changes for the final time after the player defeats Zinnia in Granite Cave in the Delta Episode.
My favorite type of thread :)
The reporters in RSE will only change position 255 times. Then they will stay put and their rematch will activate when you leave the route and return.
Leafeon is an Eeveelution that debuted in Gen 4. However, the Spaceworld '97 Prototype of Pokémon Gold and Silver features a Grass-type Eeveelution called リーフィ, (Riifi) that was scrapped from the final game. Leafeon's final Japanese name is リーフィア (Riifia). Interestingly, in the data of Pokemon Battle Revolution, filenames for the sound files of Sinnoh Pokemon cries use early romanized versions of Sinnoh Pokemon names. In this data, the filename for Leafeon's cry is its Spaceworld '97 name, Riifi.
Also within this data are some of the early names that were also seen in the DP source code leaks, such as Giratina's early name.
>pokemon stadium background
playing that shit with the dodrio was my main level up method
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PMD2 has this fairly long completely optional Dugtrio scene if you talk to him after Crystal Cave but before Grovyle gets captured.
Since we're talking about reporters
If you try to steal one of the reporters' pokemon, they will expose you in their TV section
Man I miss Duel, it was so fun.
in gold and silver, if you try to give Claire a traded dragon scale instead of the one from the dragon's den, she calls you a cheater
crystal and hgss have that trial inside dragon's den instead so you can't do that there
There is only 1 pokemon in existence that cannot learn any normal type moves, not even in Gen 1 where a shitload of moves were originally normal type (like gust and bite).
It's Weedle
In pokemon yellow if you teach pikachu thunderbolt or thunder he continuously lights up rock tunnel for a short time .
I want to say this is the Super Gameboy. They use the same border but the GB Tower has a prompt for Tower exclusive commands with the C buttons.
who is this semen demon
Knew this one. I tried on a replay, didn't work out as expected.

Cool, not this one.

Yeah GB emulators will have this if you enable SGB mode.
>Flashes you with epilepsy beam every step
Fucking kek
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Did you know gaming: Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan are Poke-counterparts to real life superstar martial art warriors Burce Lee and Jack Chan. The resemblance is uncanny!
In the earliest leaked build of Pokémon Sword and Shield, build 30, Gloria has a Teddiursa charm hooked on her bag; this is a Pokémon unavailable in the final game. It was removed in subsequent builds.
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>Gloria has a Teddiursa charm hooked on her bag; this is a Pokémon unavailable in the final game.
That hasn't stopped them since.
It could've been a nice Ursaluna foreshadowing
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There is an unused function in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire's code that would've allowed the player to combine two moves together into a single move in double battles. The function only had support for Gust and Ember, which would've combined into Heat Wave. There is even a message for it in the game code: "The wind turned into a HEAT WAVE!"
You can't just post art from the XY BREAK era of the TCG and not talk about it in an obscure knowledge thread.
Almost the entire TCG would be obscure knowledge considering the average /vp/ poster

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