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I'm a Magic Bounce Timid 4 Def 252 SpA 252 Spe Espeon, you're glue; whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!
How the turntables ;_;
Bounce THIS
>First Impressions you off a 252+ Protosynthesis boosted 135 base attack
Espeon looks like a Pokemon XY mascot
>X head
>Y tail
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Planting this Chappy to colonize the thread!
>teras flying and KOs back
should've been lokix bro
>Anon uses attract
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>But it failed!
>breaks the mold
Fuck you bitch, take these rocks.
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It's completely monogamous.
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Espeon is loafing around!
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Couldn't find one for Leafeon, sorry :( The one for Glaceon also had filthy commie characters on it, so I didn't keep it. Might've been better if it was a gif, too.
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I love this thread
*uses Toxic*
*gets badly poisoned*
What the fuck? I used Toxic on a magic bounce user and got badly poisoned? How could this be happening to me?
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Prequel to >>56219346
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I'm rubber your glue
Fucking kill yourself

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