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ITT: Loathed designs that would be beloved if they debuted in Gen 1.
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Every single design. Even forgettables like Seel are beloved solely because they're a part of the original Pokerap, after all.
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waiting for the thread to start
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Probably would've gotten a more dynamic pose tbf
Isn't this the 2nd most popular fire starter?
Weird, because I see people bitch about Seel all the time because of its English name.
Never see that for any other Pokemon
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True, Gen 1 pokemon got the luxury having both basic and dynamic artwork as they wanted the franchise to sell.

Nowadays they don't have to try as the series sells by brand alone
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/vp/oreons have thin skin, so anytime someone doesn't like a design they do, they see it as a personal attack and believe everyone hates that design
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It wouldn't have been designed like that in first place if it was a gen 1 design because back then the designers remembered they were actually making monsters instead of copying animals they saw at the zoo.
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>because back then the designers remembered they were actually making monsters instead of copying animals they saw at the zoo.
Caterpie is literally a cartoon swallowtail larva, Seel is literally a cartoon seal with a horn, Ponyta is literally a cartoon horse with a fiery mane, Pidgey is literally a cartoon house sparrow, Ekans is literally a cartoon snake... Need I go on?
>Need I go on?
Can you tell me which of those designs use handheld tools?
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Farfetch'd is literally a cartoon duck who wields a leek as a weapon.
before roleplaying as a genwunner try actually playing the games first
I accept your concession that you lost and got buckbroken by Unova, Yawnfag.
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no, but i can show you the part where they have it hold the leek in its mouth because its wings can't hold it
Absolute state of yawnie
Druddigon is a shit design no matter what
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They very quickly decided to allow Farfetch'd to hold its leek in its wings once they made proper designs to model merchandise and media after, however.
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Because in truth, Farfetch'd has ALWAYS been capable of this, even in its very first design as a sprite in Red and Green.
cool now show it walking
>post Samurott
>summons the Fag of Yawn
Sorry guys, should've known better
The discord loathes Blaziken because people prefer it over Cinderace.
>still shilling your bad redesign

So that's why you LOVE absolute shit like greninja, incineroar, primaries, cinderace, inteleon, meowscarada, and quaquaval, right?

Also, you CANNOT with a straight face actually believe that downgraded """redesign"""" trash is somehow better than Samurott, right? Samurott, when standing, is closer to that "kino monster" shape you drew than many of the mons you say fit the bill. Meanwhile, that shitty OC has such egregious design elements the only way anyone likes it is if their head is so far up their ass as to emerge from their own face again to the point of believing black is a shade of blue. It looks SO bad, and to make it worse, the creator keeps sperging in an extremely obnoxious, defensive manner when everyone tells him exactly how to design better as to not look like muleshit.
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>copying animals
Cool except Samurott is an animal hybrid stated from an interview. Chimeras aren't monsters by your retard logic.
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Animated battle sprites and unique overworld sprites for Pokemon didn't exist in gen 1, yawndummy, so I can't do that for gen 1.
I can show this for the OS anime though, Episode 049.
Cool, now can you show me the part where the designers retardedly made it quadruped despite needing to use a handheld tool?

Cool, now show me how Samurott can move while holding its weapons at the same time.
I accept your concession that you lost and got buckbroken by Unova, Yawnfag.
not canon
It's the closest you're getting because gen 1 doesn't have animated battle sprites or unique overworld sprites in order to depict Farfetch'd walking.
Thus by this same virtue, no Pokemon can actually walk or move, regardless of design qualities.
>Cool except Samurott is an animal hybrid
Then why is it quadruped when it needs to use handheld tools?
Samurott is both quadrupedal and bipedal, retard.
>It's the closest you're getting
I accept your concession.
No, it's only quadruped.
Show me a Pokemon in a gen 1 game that has walking sprites. Generic overworld sprites don't count because they're placeholders that can encompass multiple species of Pokemon.
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Not gen 1 but I could see Scovillain fitting in Hoenn like a glove
>Show me a Pokemon in a gen 1 game that has walking sprites.
Reminder, if you hate newer Pokemon in general (let's say 8 and 9) then you have no right to tell someone that it's just nostalgia if they only like designs from before your time
>demonstrates the design works perfectly fine
Stop being retarded. If your argument is that using tools an bipedalism is impossible unless it's a human, and then someone shows you a mon being animated to do that (frankly, even on-model fanart) that means the argument is false. Canonicity, even when applicable, doesn't matter in that case.
Because by saying that what I'm saying is a concession, as if I could do better, you're implying you know of a Pokemon in a gen 1 game that has walking sprites unique to its species. You clearly know more than I do, so show me a Pokemon in a gen 1 game with all of its walking sprites.
It was depicted bipedally several times.
If "several" means "zero" then I agree.
Why does Farfetch'd need a handheld tool when it uses it's arms to fly?
alright, i'm done with this act. i've been fucking around this whole time. i like farfetch'd.
Because it doesn't need to use the tool while flying.
Not zero. Several. Denial won't get you far, anon
Why not? What's stopping it from flying around and attacking with it.
But why does it fly when it uses a heldheld tool?
Am I missing something? Farfetch'd literally has an in-game walking animation as of SM....
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In no world is this hideous accessorized retard fitting in Gen 1.
Why not?
Samurottfag (sagefag) is retarded and doesn’t understand why Gen 1 designs work but Samurott doesn’t.
>both designs hold thing
>both designs have been shown to be bipedal while holding said thing
>this is somehow an issue qith one but not the other
I'm not seeing it
That Samurott redesign is amazing. If Game Freak didn't hire its creator on the spot, they're smoking crack.
>both designs have been shown to be bipedal while holding said thing
Post a single instance of Samurott walking while using its swords.
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why? so you can move the goalposts again?
>dodges instead of posting an example
>peepee instead of poopoo
On what ground exactly? bro this is garbage we don't want that in Hoenn.
landing from a jump != walking, sagie.
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>That Samurott redesign is amazing. If Game Freak didn't hire its creator on the spot, they're smoking crack.
>b-b-but it looks like a another pokemon with a better design than samurott
I don't think this is the own you think it is, sagie.
landing from a jump and then taking steps forward=capable of walking, retard
>samurott is bad because it ditched the otter design for a....sea lion-otter hybrid
>But a mole? Totally fair play and great design choice! Muh artists!!!!
Fuck off, retard.
Ah yes an otter evolving into a mole makes perfect design sense.
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>it's been 6 years since yawnfag first invaded /vp/ and people are still falling for his bait
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Agreed, OP.
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What's that ugly piece of shit between empoleon and samurott? Is it some new shitty Turnermon?
>yawntard just admitted he's raphael "faggot" borg
Kys downie borgie
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>just a flamingo, gen 9: THIS SUCKS, BORING SOULLESS SHIT
>monsters have to be fat short ugly men
As a genwunner, I hate genwunners
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What makes something like Mr.Mime human but Hypno not?
He also uses a man made object as well.
Problem is people whine about newer starters being anthro yet many of those same people think Blaziken isn't because of nostalgia bias.
No one has refuted this because I'm right
The design screams Gen I/II gen to me. You could even easily convert it to GSC 2 colors + Black + White limitation.
All of its limbs have been described as legs since gen 1, it stands upright in flight but probably crawls when grounded.

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