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What would you say is the best misty sprite?
gen 2 because it looks most like anime misty
There's a nice little story being told with her posture in RB being more reserved, whereas after in GS she's shown with a new look, and arms facing out with confident body language. FRLG to HGSS are much more generic in comparison.
No it doesn't. Not her hair nor her clothes are anything like in the anime.
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All Misty are perfect
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I mean I'm pretty sure she's the youngest gym leader in Kanto in R/B/Y while in G/S/C it's been a few years since then, she's held and kept her role as a gym leader and she's now a teenager whos out on dates so shes bound to be more confident
She looks naked but with censor bars
Well at least she has a swimsuit now.
Cute expression, inferior hair cut though
Better than the previous for sure.
>anime misty
That's Yellow, not GSC.
>Well at least she has a swimsuit now.
It's not a swimsuit. It's her outfit from the anime.
I'm not sure, it still looks like a swimsuit.
Misty is the youngest gym leader in Gen 1, her Overworld sprite is that of Lass. That's visual information that is not randomly chosen. Erika and Sabrina use lady sprites, and Sugimori's illustrations show them older. It looks like in LGPE, Erika's appearance was readjusted to be just as young as Misty.
Lasses use a different sprite actually, it's the one on upper left, shared with Jr. Trainer(F). I think Misty's was unique.
Only Gary, Giovanni, Oak and E4 had unique sprites.
HGSS Misty my beloved
HGSS. All of the characters were upgrades.

Common vp poster intelligence.
>says that while posting off-model crap
I'm not against TnA but that looks horrendus.
sorted by most sexy
red/blue > gsc > hgss > frlg > yellow
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Misty was the only one to have an updated look in Gen 2.
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It's her anime outfit a with her bikini underneath. They call back to it in LGPE and the later misty anime appearances.
Did you see in my post where I was talking about HGSS? Read slower.
I don't want to sound like a boomer, but truth be told, Misty's classic sprites are better than the remakes.
The one in Yellow is nice because it has a cool pose and looks like her anime version. And Crystal is better because is coquettish. She has grown into a nice lady, and considering she is looking for a BF, is normal she wants to show off.
>the only one to have an updated look
>Broke is wearing a shirt and different pants
I see we're just very selective or very blind today.
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Ok, if I don't make it clear, you don't get it: Misty is the only character with a completely updated look. Happy?
I agree.

Nah. Morty and Price lost their original character. Jasmine and Chuck lost some of theirs too and so did Brock and Misty. Sabrina may as well be a different character. Sabrina is almost unrecognizable.
>Sabrina may as well be a different character.
Sorry for the redundancy, I was supposed to delete that.
That's fine. I like them better, and I like the fact that the Kanto gym leaders look different now and not just copy pasted.
All of the sprites are really well done especially Blaine, Sabrina and Surge.
No he was right you were completely wrong. On top of that you were correcting a post talking about HGSS, which is all updated.

It was just a dumb mistake, move on.
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Psuedo-canon alternative
That Misty lost her character? She doesn't lose her water trainer theme, she looks more feminine, she has changed her hairstyle and adolescence is changing her body. Her new swimsuit makes her look like a swimming instructor. 10/10
FRLG is a slut
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HGSS has the best sprite and overworld sprite
Kys I bet you hit your balls while you jerk off
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Stadium 2 Misty is my favorite.
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The FRLG outfit previously appeared in TCG
Wait, what's the difference between 4 and 5? I know one is HGSS.
Old good, new bad!
I don't see how anyone prefers the GSC/HGSS hair. It's ugly as fuck, looks like one of those team galactic nobodies, a total fucking clown. And yellow is cheating because it's the anime.
FRLG have the best sprites all around for Kanto characters except for Red himself imo.
Is this from a hack/fangame?
How the fuck does that look like the Galactic bowl cut? The problem might be your sight.
Her hair is the exact same as commander mars, a literal nobody retard that looks like a retard like all team galactic members not named Cyrus.
You call her a nobody yet you remember her more than anyone else, curious.
But seriously, even if you don't like the haircut the GSC/HGSS sprites do look better than the RBY/FRLG equivalents. FRLG one is especially offensive if you ask me, looks way too fucking bland for a character like Misty.
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To disregard the GSC/HGSS aspect is to have very bad taste
Short hair is objectively not sexy and the mandibles look goofy. At least the ponytail gave her a sense of cuteness and style and has sexual undertones. In GSC/HGSS she just looks like a dyke with too much hairspray and time on her hands.
And to add to the hairspray point, her hair literally makes no sense for someone who swims. It wouldn't be able to keep it's shape if it was wet and wouldn't look so perfectly angular if it was just recently dried. Meanwhile the pony tail with the frayed ends makes a lot more sense for someone who just got done swimming and quickly dried and put up their hair. GSC Misty is a poser that doesn't even swim anymore lmao.
The reasons you give are so far fetched. Anyway, now she looks more professional and mature as if she is a swimming instructor.
Christ I hate that artstyle. Would've gotten my dick hard without jt
>h-how dare you use logic!
>It wouldn't be able to keep it's shape if it was wet and wouldn't look so perfectly angular if it was just recently dried.
Gen 1 obviously
>Wait, what's the difference between 4 and 5?
She has hips.
Have you never seen wet hair in your life? It falls straight down. That's why it can only be shaped by tying it up like she does before they made her look retarded.
Just say you don't like it and that's it. It's a design, not a hairstyle choice for the daughter you'll never have.
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Nah, just fanart
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