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>new game is out
>/vp/ is 90% porn of new character and pokemon, 10% discussion

>latest gamr has died
>/vp/ is 90% porn, 10% mental breakdowns from the drought

For real, how do we fix this sorry excuse of a board?
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Do not worry
I am channeling the spiritual energy from my Pokemon playthroughs to mold /vp/ into hyperborea.
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What is there to fix?
Ban pokegirls threads and fire the current mods since they defend them. There you go, problem solved
that’s a start, but we still have pokephile threads.
games are shit, animu is shit, the board's under occupation by discord trannies, sharteens, and local lolcows like yawnfag and vorefag
nothing we can do
Make it a pink board
>playing the same game the exact same way 14 times
Mental illness
/vp/'s unsalvageable.
>Verification not required.
First post, worst post. You are part of the problem.
Good job counting, did you forget to use your fingers?
I am in fact, the final solution
Saving this board would require such a heavy handed and sustained purge that there'd be like 5 people left here once it was done.
And the mods here let fetish threads stay up for weeks. It's dead, Jim.
I would’ve called you based, but you’re only doing this because you’re extremely autistic about your desires to fuck a digital cat. I instead wish that you kill yourself and share proof of the attempt via LiveLeak, and thanks.
as always, none of the shit you screech about is porn
LiveLeak still exists? I swore it got shut down recently.
>we have to fix the pokemon board by banning discussion or fanart of pokemon or pokemon characters because I have an insane trauma response in the presence of even slight lewdness

YOU are the ones spamming shit. YOU are the people making threads screeching at each other, derailing threads with spam about anal and other well-poisoning false flaggotry. You are the ones making the board a shittier place. You don't like this place, you don't like 4chan, so just leave
>delete the board
>unban pokemon discussion on /v/, /a/, /vr/, and /vm/
There, now people go to which part of the board they want to discuss. Gameplay? /v/ or /vr/. The assfaggots? /vm/. The animals and small children? /trash/.
My motivation are multi-faceted and beyond your comprehension
Wait, you don't happen to be the guy who turned Delcatty into a loaf of bread, do you?
No he was before me but I drew this in his honor.
Do not feed the troll. Such advice seems to no longer be common knowledge.
Delete it. It wouldn't even see the light of day if /vg/ was a thing in the 2000s.
That won't work, he has fans now. He will always constantly be fed.
Mods don't even know how to delete boards anymore, that's lost knowledge. hence /qa/.
Pokegirls threads are not even good, there's an insane amount of gay larping, even the homo general is more straight than them
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>Implying trolls need to be fed these days
Actual trolls these days are far and few between. Trolling used to be an art form. Now it's just schizo autists refusing to just shut the fuck up.
you realize it's a website problem not a board problem
So out of curiosity when is the /vp/ lolcow Discord going to get Delcattytranny to draw CSAM? Because you know that's exactly where they are going with this.
Make it a red board so we can stop pretending this place isn't a porndump board. It'd free up /trash/ a substantial amount so the other threads that already have to fight for their lives against gooning and BLACKED threads have an easier time without Pokemon commitment.
I don’t use Discord
You are connecting dots that aren’t there.
Make two separate boards. One for poke porn and the other for franchise disscusion
Yeah, the entire site has gone to shit the exact moment soi wojak became popular.
>how do we fix this sorry excuse of a board?
With a nuke
how about making a good pokemon game for once?
SV was good, though? It’s the best 3D Pokemon game despite the performance and buginess.
>>new game is out
>>/vp/ is 90% porn of new character and pokemon, 10% discussion
that's a lie and you're a colossal faggot
The real answer is, once the schizos, porn addicts, and avatarfags grow out of the 18-24 age range and realize that annoying people on the internet is a waste of time and energy.

Genuine, good faith discussion will always be superior. But I'm willing to be other newfags will replace them.
Posting on /tv/, /v/, /pol/, /int/, /sp/, /vg/, /adv/, /trash/, /b/, or /gif/ results in a one week ban from all other boards. These bans stack indefinitely.
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Limit fanart posting threads to two generals - Pokegirls General and Pokemon General. You can post your Cynthia, Dawn, Kieran, Misty, etc pictures in the former and your Eevee, Gardevoir, Ivysaur, etc pictures in the latter. The rest of the board is for real discussion of the series.

Also range-ban Yawnfag.
This but also throw in /vp/, /a/, and /vt/.
more porn?
Most of them are probably autistic NEETs in their late 30s
Even this low quality shitposting was endearing, funny even, back in the sun and moon days.
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ackshully when S/V was released, the board had tons of discussion
nearly half the board was just shitty phone camera photos of the pokedex entries for various pokemon with a thread of people saying "whoa pog tell me where you found that"
the hype leading to game release and the short time after when everyone is still playing are always a renaissance for this board, revealing that the people that actually play the games are total bros
What new game
was going to say something similar to this. people don't want to play shit games therefor off topic drama about the local schizos becomes more entertaining than the games themselves. the other anon is right, this board really is unsalvagable. gayfreak and TPCunts would haveto stop being greedy and lazy and make good games again in order for this board to have even a prayer's chance at improving
no, it's just as shit as the rest of the switch era, arguably worse. it doesn't fix any of the previous games' flaws
paradox mons were still a mistake
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>For real, how do we fix this sorry excuse of a board?
Step 1: Rangeban all furries.
There is no step two.
Thank god you labeled that stick of butter like a ben garrison comic. I would've though that was a yellow hat if you didn't.
Didn't read you coomer seethe, pokegirls threads need to be banned because you fucks are incapable to not turn it into a glorified fapping together thread. /vp/ is not and will never the place to share lewds with your bros no matter how much you and the other porn addicted trannies you like fapping with cry about
Sure thing faggot, a 10 year old girl wearing a microbikini while posing lewdly """certainly isn't""" porn. Of course you cannot see the problem with those pics because you consumed too much porn that you became desensitized to it
>Blaziken use sky uppercut
You just banned the entire Internet.
Congrats there is no more /vp/ now.
>pokemon is run further and further into the ground
>/vp/oreons take so much copium start genuinely tweaking and losing grip on reality
I'm here til the bitter end, pokemon is the only reason I didn't kill myself multiple times already.
No you didn't. I'd still be able to post on /vp/
cynthia threads are one of the only good things on this shitty board
>Cynthia threads
Kek no, her fans are too toxic and autistic even for fucking 4chan
You also need to be banned forever, schizo
One can't help but notice how it's always kikes who screech about real games. Take note of how shaunberg, as a yid, has no spelling errors when typing in his native language, yiddish. Meanwhile, whenever he tries to type in English, so many typos abound. This alone is enough to out shaunstein as a filthy jew, who was kicked out of Nasser Yorat University and not New York as he tries to imply, and was rejected from the University of Tel-Aviv and not UTM. As a member of a (((tribe))) with a professional victim complex, shaunberg's only available instinct when punched by a single pajeet was to curl up and beg for mercy, then play the victim later, rather than fight back like a real man would.
stop taking hrt
Wow it's almost like pokemon is 30 fucking years old now and has been talked to death since before you were born.
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you will get stoned
Inshallah, if shaunberg will not be silent, I shall give him a taste of allahpeño peppers!
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Board quality will improve when the games improve.
I have bad news.
Stop using a board meant to discuss Pokemon as your personal lewd posting folder
Shaun is based because he makes the most obnoxious posters on this board (Cynthia fans) seethe. Also kills off shit thread with his daily spam
newfag here (not really but from 2018), was this board ever good? There are occasionally some nice generals, but isn't it pretty shit for the past 6 years?
Does anybody really seethe at Shaun, he's just a sad little man.
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He is amusing to tease but also he just uses the same pictures and doesn't really say anything new. Just apes what you tell him. Comes from discord so you cant expect him to be too smart.
nah thats just what anti fans say about fans of characters they dislike like cynthia. you have to be angry as them.
Yeah, the discordfags are just trying to deflect because they obnoxiously spammed this board for years with Cynthia hate and forced Leon vs Cynthia threads and Shaun makes them look even worse by association.
I don't use this board nor have played any pokemon games but are these suppose to be different games or just a single one? What is even this hall of fame thing
These are all different games. The Hall of Fame is a little picture you get of your team after beating the Pokémon League, which is often the final challenge in a Pokémon game. Some games do not have this and so I substituted a different fight to serve as that games final challenge. So these are 12 different Pokémon games beaten with Delcatty.
Now why the fuck would you use /vp/ if you don’t know anything about Pokémon?
>he doesn’t know the source material

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