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erroneous errors like blissey when its not before the johto elite 4 and mistmagius and honchkrow are not available together in any sinnoh gam. dont have flyer for hoen and kanto, no surfer for sinoh and kalos.

its to much faggoty ghost and fairy overlapping and generic waifumon slop
Did NOT assess.
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Here are my teams
2 and 1 are based. 3 is only based because of Spinda. You should close the XVIDEOS tab while playing Sinnoh. 5 sucks.
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>She abandoned her starter for sex.
He is obviously taking advantage of trading. Literally the first team has Gengar.
Pretty cool picks, Jolteon is still my favorite eeveelution.
Xatu nice. Not sure about the rest but I guess Blissey isn't something I see often in singleplayer.
That Milotic is legit? If yes, I'm happy for you. If not, I can't really blame you for skipping all that bullshit. What the fuck is Spinda for?
Somebody really likes to trade huh. I'm not quite sure I understand these choices aside from waifu mons but you do you.
Alright so you really like Ghost types. Points for ayylmao and cofagrigus
Again kek. Did you actually not evolve the Braixen?
Not using Mimikyu at its peak would be a crime, so good job not being a criminal. Shitty started choice though, seriously. I bet it's male.
Funny team. Points for Alcremie being really cute.
What the fuck. Well points for Tinkaton.
I too am a fellow ghost enjoyer OP, but you're lucky the mainline games are so easy that you can get away with having 3 ghosts on your team for 3 generations in a row and then again in gen 9.
>all those ghosts
>no sableye in gen 3
>the stupid fucking gourd from gen 6 made it though
You are not my nigga
>you just need to keep surfers and flyers on your team at all times... because you just do!! ok???
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strange how nobody posted theirs yet aside from delcatty dude. These are my most recent runs ending at XY.
>gen 1
based hypno, based jolteon, and based marowak. Gengar and Arcanine are nice too. 9/10
>gen 2
odd choice having delibird and ariados along. I get the feeling only Typhlosion and Crobat carried their weight and then some. 6/10
>Gen 3
serious props on dealing with the chore of catching and evolving feebas in gen 3. Spinda and Banette are pretty odd, usually the ghost is encountered too late to be useful. 7/10
>gen 4
>sacking your starter
you lose 2 based points for that. I see a lot of type overlap, which usually isn't that bad once or twice but I fear that this isn't the most adaptable team. Rock and Ground types will ruin your day. 4/10
>gen 5
Fellow ayy bro, but the 3 ghost types are triggering my type autism something fierce. 7/10
>gen 6
>unevolved braixen
>two dual grass/ghost types
>and two pure fairy types
it stinks. 2/10, only because Aegislash is there as a bandaid, and even then its 3 fucking ghosts again
>gen 7
Actually pretty solid. I go for Decidueye but Mimikyu is fantastic in Alola. 8/10
>gen 8
Points for Perrserker and Mr. Rime. I'm not a huge fan of whats there to find in Galar, but I like your taste here. 8/10
>gen 9
Based picks all around, honestly. Gen 9 introduced too many good ghost types to skip out on. I used Lokix and it served me really well, I'm guessing it did for you too. 9/10. what I don't understand is why you sacked gen 4 and gen 9 starters but kept the one in gen 8
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My goal is to have a unique team of 6 Pokemon for each starter Pokemon. Getting pretty close now. Currently working on Team (regular and significantly less cool) Decidueye and then it'll just be Rillaboom and Quaquaval to finish the current full set. My teams for Hisuian Typhlosion and Samurott aren't pictured but they are done. Team levels are relatively accurate; that Violet DLC has pumped up the numbers quite a bit. Getting to lvl 100 used to mean something.
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Cringe coomer 0/10
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About as well as I can remember them.
My first gen 5 game was B2 and pretty much my entire team came from the dream world
>where's the flying type?
beats me lmao
cool gen 5 team
>Going full coomer in gen 3 with spinda
I'm thinking based.
almost a good post BUT you included one of those ugly and unfunny underage wojaks so now it's shit and your opinion doesn't matter.
Boxing your starter is unlawful.
>no dragons
Did you not see my Garchomp
is hitmonlee even good in gen1? I wanted to used him at first, but hey since you used galvantula and toxicroak I can't say you have bad taste
Gen 2 had so many shitmon that I love, but I hate how fucking weird their evolutions got in gen 4. Murkrow being the biggest offender. Honchkrow is so lame.
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This is as far is I can remember my first teams for each region(gen).
RSE were your first game?
>gen 9
>gen 8
>gen 7
>gen 6
>gen 5
>gen 4
>gen 3
>gen 2
>gen 1

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