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how many or which companies do you think could do a worse job at developing a Pokemon game (not clone)?

it does not have to be in the image
EA, they'd make Pokémon an unapologetic gacha filled with microtransactions.
all of them
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To expand on what he said, none of them "get" the premise, none would actually adhere to the universe presented (unless fucking directed to by Game Freak as executive producers) and none actually have the design chops to mimic Game Freak's artistic style to carry the brand forward. There would be a clear and obvious disconnect.
So really the question is "why don't you find some adult-facing moncap game to play?", instead of trying to make Pokémon give a fuck for spergy teweenage retards online because they did TOO good a job brainwashing the little bastard into believing she NEEDED it to live, thrive and achieve enlightenment.
Don't know but they definitely need to be comfortable at having larger teams making products in shorter times. DESU, I think most of the design team (and probably those in charge of determining stats and stuff) need to stay, even if only as directors. Design of the pokemon (and people/places to an extent) is the most important aspect since that's what all the other non mainline games, media, and merch rely on the most.
>spergy teweenage retards online because they did TOO good a job brainwashing the little bastard into believing she NEEDED it to live, thrive and achieve enlightenment.
Every retarded cunt who posits questions regarding some other studio, entity or creative force taking pokémnon and "making it better" (read "make it look worth my time as i pretend the kiddy game is sewious, matuwe and gwandiose".
Bare basic facts it the thing was built for retard children and since it got successful, was found to be HIGHLY replicable - new Gen every three years, catches a new wave of 7 year olds, by the time they get too old to keep playing and peace out (generally), there's a fresh wave of 7 year olds to take their place. As time passes they may return as older/adult players. Then we get this place, a hive of overtly-invested retards, quite possibly NEET and/or outcasts, who've had pokéon as a comnstant presence in their lives but can't accept it being what it is, thus endlessly cry about their arsepain about being a hilariously childish non-child. So no, no studio could do Pokémon better, because none could shit out games on Game Freak's turnaround and they wouldn't get the chance to pretty it up enough to make dickheads like OP happy. Buy or don't, but if you don't, don't sit bitching your protest non-buy is being negated by people who still enjoy playing the kiddy game series for what it is.
Could they capture the art style and charm of the games? Because while they could make the graphics better that's not really why people play Pokemon
it's okay for 2010 remaster of 2005 game.
>they wouldn't get the chance to pretty it up enough to make dickheads like OP happy
OP asked which company would do worse, not better.
glad you agree
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Doesn't matter, it's the same tardwank repackaged. The blackpill is you cunts can never get your childhood back, best you can do is move on or accept what's been sent out. That means not actoing like stuck records, because the biggest kid's IP in the world doesn't need to chase a meme called gwaffix, because 7 year olds aren't tweenage retards on /r/veepee thus the fact the games look several generations behind doesn't bother them, as historically proven.
If you consider the latest games woke, imagine how much aids a Pokemon game by bioware would have, holy fuck
When Pokemon Snap was released. I remember a bunch of people asking Bandai to take care of the main line pokemon games.

Those people are crazy.
Bandai treats Digimon like trash.
I can't imagine how pokemon would be mistreated if it was owned by them.
wut. is this a recent development, or your brain have degraded from /pol/?
Is this a joke?
Which snap game? The original or the remake
Sounds like New Pokemon Snap since the Original was by HAL.
Do you not think that kids deserve better? "It's a kids game only goes so far."
The stories presented constantly are outright offensive to children. The Fox and the Hound is for kids, but it's still deeper than the thing that dares to call itself a puddle! The graphics don't have to be perfect either, but they do have to at least look good(they don't.) Mario fucking 64 still looks better, and that's mostly down to them doing good with the art style. Hell, they're even giving the slip on the music now, something that historically has been pretty hard to fuck up because the games industry has always been meritocratic on that front. The games haven't been well designed in ages, leading to a poorer experience. Granted, they've kept the formula, so the games are still really easy to pick up, but none the less it's still worthwhile to note that the Switch titles have ALL been objectively inferior to the predecessors. And is it REALLY that hard to ask for games that don't need zero hour updates? I get every studio is doing it, but it's the fucking bridge question your parents asked you a long time ago.
What's fucking left for them to lose their touch on anyways? The only thing really left that's selling these games is brand recognition, accessibility and monster designs.
What's so "woke" about mass effect or dragon age? In reverse, I heard numerous alphabet soup members whining about them.
>Do you not think that kids deserve better?
Looking at fat retard genwunners like you i think kids deserve so much better like exercising and spending time outside instead of playing shitty japanese games.
I like how this is your immediate reaction. It's like you're not even in reality anymore. Not only did I not ONCE argue that gen 1 was superior, but I also argued outside of the framework of Pokemon in general, arguing that Pokemon has been pretty shite by comparing it to kids entertainment that doesn't insult the kids.
All this to say, Genwunners haven't been a thing in a decade anon, it's time for you to move on from that and recognize that Pokemon's treatment of kids is horrific.

>acti-blizz pokemon title
>every new pokemon design is crammed with as many warcraft spikes as humanly possible
>has a planned roadmap of online features that get nixed after release
>the scraps of these features are plugged into the game with placeholder assets but get taken out after two months anyways
>every update they just buff pokemon people hate fighting online without realizing everyone hates them
>goes into maintenance mode after like two years
>cynthia is revealed to be a lesbian
>Not only did I not ONCE argue that gen 1 was superior
>>ALL been objectively inferior to the predecessors
Learn to read your own messages grandpa.
Sounds like a recent development. Also looks like PR campaign which doesn't really affect the game itself.
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you are acting like a fat white girl in a pink diaper.
Both mystery dungeons out preformed the main series tenfold when they were released. Gamefreak has been shipping shitty games for decades and you all just lap it up.

to answer your question. Blizzard or Riot, it would be a fucking disaster.
>catered to china and korea
>everything is "korea perfect" interms of design
>No story just BS ranked system
>playerbase would be idoditc
>skinsand purchases
You know, like Gens 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7... Yes, Gens 1 and 2 are superior to what we get now, in this very specific one regard(music,) but you're missing the forest for the trees. There's 5 different generations that weren't even for the Gameboy line.
I don't even particularly care for gen 1's music. I listen to gens 5 and 7's OSTs a lot more often, and occasionally gen 3. Almost never 1, and unless it's the game corner theme, never gen 2.
>psycho bullshit to deflect from the point at hand, that kids don't prioritise wank that's so critically important to her, that she can't play a kid's game as a result of it
Soz lad, went to bed after I'd posted that last image, it was stupid o'clock and I had stuff to do this morning. What I think is irrelevant, I wanted Game Freak to consider adults as much as the primary demographic, but then they launched Gen 3 with no backwards compatibility, unlike Gen 1/2 and remade a game they'd given us 5 years prior, so it was obvious they weren't going to bother, too many retard kids to buy into the IP and neuter the adult desires. By time Gen 4 came around, I'd made my peace with my standing in the franchise, meaning I didn't get upset the games didn't actually do anything beyond being "Baby's First JRPG". Go take a lifestyle break like me, maybe you'll be able to find the joy you once found in the kiddy game series when you get over this childish obsession with a meme that adds nothing to the gameplay, beyond a certain point in adult games and actively works against the traditional artstyle of the games to-date.
>Both mystery dungeons out preformed the main series tenfold
No single spin-off has sold more than Stadium's 5.46m and it took adding two different releases of PMD to best that. And they STILL fell short of out-performing the worst-selling main title ever in Crystal by 540,000 copies. Maybe PMD outperformed RSE/FRLG's 2005 sales on its launch in 2005 but the hard numbers don't correlate to the delusional bullshit you're squealing about. If anyone's acting like a baby, it's the apparent adult STILL insisting the kiddyshit game series she'd addicted to, to the point she's on the shithole of the internet talking with other scum of humanity about it, MUST give a fuck she's an adult when it prints money as-is and always has, so why bother when those who want to will buy in anyway.
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Any western studio
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I was talking more about art/graphics/story, it blew every pokemon game out of the water. I quit after gold and really only come about for interesting art, see the state of the game and convos. It's disgusting that people are still playing main series tripe.
>I wanted Game Freak to consider adults as much as the primary demographic
That's the difference between you and me. I am under no delusions that this is a possibility.
This is about having something I can pass onto my future kid and be proud of sharing it, not about my own personal enjoyment.
>Go take a lifestyle break like me, maybe you'll be able to find the joy you once found in the kiddy game series when you get over this childish obsession with a meme that adds nothing to the gameplay
Yeah I'm sure the story and actually somewhat engaging gameplay I'm vying for are memes. TOOOTAL meme.
Besides, if we do focus SOLELY on graphics, Mario 64 still doesn't look bad and it's a kids game. It is the bare minimum that Pokemon had to obtain and the only Switch title that lives up to it so far is Lets Go, which honestly I think is perfectly fine graphically.
I'm just wondering what a Pokémon game made by Paradox would be like. Would Pokémon even translate to Grand Strategy well?
>Thing, Japan
>i quit after gold
>but still played baby's first rougelike
>Do you not think that kids deserve better?
Weren't you listening? I did, but then you and your generation proved they didn't need to improve for the entire buying audience. You were HAPPY to eat up the kiddyshit when you were shithead kids. And as a result of that I stopped caring as it was obvious the newer generations of kids don't and won't either. Because vidya studios haven't started trying to brainwash idiot kids into thinking gwaffix mean a fuck like they were able to brainwash teenagers into thinking it's critical in the 2010's to give rise to wankers like you. And when it comes to fucking with the product, just to give some autistic 20-something shut-in a stiffy because the kids games now look like a "proper" big--boy's game, it's best to do as Game Freak have traditionally done and ignore yis.
>you and your generation
Where the actual fuck do kids get their money? Do you think the kids are responsible for buying these games? No, it's the parents. Shut the fuck up. My generation didn't do shit, it was your generation that was more than happy to toe the line.
It's not the kid's fault that they get fat from McDonalds, anon. Kids haven't experienced the world, they don't know better exists until you show it to them.
MY TURN! Do you not read the rest of my fucking posts? Graphics are the least of my concerns. I grew up playing fucking with ROBLOX, Flash games and VBA because I was almost never gifted the games I kept asking for. I never owned a PS3, and while I owned an Xbox 360, I used it for Hydro Thunder Hurricane's demo and playing Minecraft with my family. Neither of these games are particularly graphically impressive, and Minecraft actively flies in the face of your fucking "graphics brainwashing" defense. Hell, I've even advocated for games to stop focusing on photorealism because I think it's a waste of money myself!
Instead of this, I demand three things you keep ignoring.
>a good story with good morals to learn from
>to actually improve on the gameplay loop like they used to do for 19 fucking years before the Switch
>and to stop fucking with the poor music team
You know what's funny though, despite all of this? Pokemon Colosseum, a half-cash grab half-patch for a terrible idea, by a fledgling studio on a tiny ass budget. And yet, it STILL looks a load better than modern Pokemon. I'm not even talking about the animations, I'm talking about the models and textures. Hell, even the reused N64 Stadium models look fucking fine comparatively.

I worked on a mod once for HoI4. The short answer is that the world does work, but it's like experiencing My Little Pony through Equestria At War(and the workload to make this mod is part of the reason why I stopped working on it.) Good experience but it's not remotely the same thing.
I played it in 2010, after ignoring everything for awhile, it was decent and looked better than gen 5+6
Nah, you cunts ate the marketing, just like all the rest. Pokémon was never "my generation" dickhead, I was 15 when it hit my shores in '99. And from inception, retard kids watched the telly show that was pitched at them, bought the cards that were banned by schools on them and screeched for the games which were marketed at them, just as today. You're more responsible for this shit being what it is, you were born into it and reared by it to be a good little fucking drone. Hence why you're pitching an autistic melty online today over it not giving a fuck for "adult" gaymers like yourself.
>ageing herself AND revealing how big a nostalgiatard she is
Maybe if you were 7 when you played and never since. I couldn't look past how ganky that shit looked compared to GTA on PS2 and the Gamecube had a stronger fucking graphics processor.
Should have just stopped with the first part of your post, I'd have believed that easier.

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