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>is the most replayable games in your path
Nothing personnel kid
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Oops wrong pic, heres the real one
>Gamefreak game
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ahhhh...yep..time to replay gen 2
*-ampharos for crystal
CROBAT would make more sense
No one uses Togey like that
Nobody uses Togepi/Togetic in Gen 2. Replace it with Espeon/Umbreon or Crobat
nah, that goes to Gen 1 or 3.
2 is the game you sink 100 hours into over the course of a few months, not restart over and over.
>decide to replay Crystal
>drop it after Morty for BW2, Plat and RBY instead
Nah. I thought I'd be fun to revisit Gen 2 but admittedly the game really sucks on a replay. Maybe I should try HGSS instead but I wouldn't hold my breath.
This guy gets it.
Who the fuck I’d playing old ass RBG in 2024
replace rby with emerald and frlg and those are my most replayed too
I prefer RBY but sure those are cool too.
Emerald is peak "true 2D" era and FRLG is good first attempt for a remake
my first game was fire red, then emerald, diamond, etc. so they get nostalgia points
I believe I played RB first, can't remember the exact version but probably Red just for having a cool dragon on the cover.
Then I skipped on Gen2 for some reason and went straight into Ruby, only later I came back to it and, while I did enjoy my first Crystal run, trying to replay it sucked.
People would rather kill themselves than use Meganium and picking Totodile means that big bad edgy Silver has Chikorita (which is seen as blasphemous).
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>Nobody uses Togepi/Togetic in Gen 2
Me. I'm nobody
Doing exactly what? Collecting berries? Daily radio prize? Going back and forth the Dark Cave breaking rocks?
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You can kill yourself, faggot.
Based Chads pick only Meganium
Not helping your argument here.

Did you rike it?
I thought they were cute but haven't touched it until Togekiss dropped. Right now I do like Togekiss: cute, useful and strong mon, it has everything you might want out of it really.
>Did you rike it?
Aside from being adorable, its appeal especially comes from the fact that it's a usable shitmon. It's decently bulky, but it's slow as fuck and its typing doesn't allow for good STAB moves, so you can't use it to mindlessly steamroll everything. I love this egg.
>its typing doesn't allow for good STAB moves
Don't you have STAB Normal, which is by far the most useful STAB to have in early gens? Mind you that's also when Return was introduced and you have badge boost on Normal-type moves after Whitney, giving it a massive total BP.
Anon, Togetic's Base Attack is 40. STAB full power Return with Whitney's badge is decent, yeah, but it's far from being enough to carry you through the whole game.
I'm aware, but really high BP makes it a move you want to keep on Togetic either way. I don't expect Togetic to OHKO everything obviously, but you do get a great STAB to use purely by being Normal.
I would argue Emerald is on an equal, if not greater, ranking.

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