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I just found out that the yellow parts on Watchog light up.
Retarded shitmon
Still better than 90% of Gen 1
Gamefreak agrees with you given how it's not even avaliable outside of Black and White without transferring it in.
It glows when it attacks in Gen 6. Yet another case of a Gen 5 Pokemon suffering because of Gen 5’s lazy as fuck rushed animations.
It also glows in Gen5, IIRC.
it's in XY retard
It doesn't.
The Pokédex mentions the glowing though.
Gen 5's animations aren't rushed. You're the only guy who thinks that. I'm sure you recall the many time's you've had your arguments disproven.
At least they tried to be creative with the route 1 rodent and a plus is that it's not unemployed.
imagine the sales legends zygarde will get when watchog finally makes her debut on nintendo switch!
this. I always go out of my way to kill them whenever they pop up. would dearly love to punch whomever came up with this retarded line
If you wanna deny it, then sure.

Whats 'spbp'?
>b-b-b-but genwun!
Rent free. Why are borts like this?
Based. The DS games being lazy rehashes and offloading the 3D model work to gen 6 was a travesty that actively hurt all three generations.
gen 5 and 1 are both good you two can suck my dick bich I say that as a kanto fan lol
3d models on the DS would have been awful. Nothing was offloaded onto XY, the games are just boring bland piss easy slop.
>Lights up too much and now it can't even see which is it's whole job

Typical retarded Unovan jobmon cant even do its job right
Would he make a good nightlight?

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