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its her (and other foxes) day bros
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such a cutie
dead thread today
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Veepee has been pretty dead in general
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I'd let her trick me
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if only she looked like this on model braixen might be worth evolving
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I am back from my 3-day ban
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/vp/ being dead has its pros and cons, the pros are it feels more like a community and people know each other despite us being anonymous, and mods are less active meaning more harmless rule-breaking with border-line nsfw pokemon images and rp, the cons are that most threads are dead af and mods are less active meaning more retards from off-site will come and shit up the place and action being taken way too late.
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Avert your gaze
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Is Wixen an honorary foxmon?
She looks lonely, is there a human man who can keep her company?
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I recently discovered the twitter account of the artist that makes these Braixen drawings. He has a really cute artstyle that I dig, just wished he drew more Phox.
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Absolutely. I don't have a picture of him, so here's a man with a Braixen.
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He is a great source for Braixen art and he shits out new ones like every day
Oh my, those delpheet...

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