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Dot Thumbs Up Edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

>Latest episode:

Next episode:
>August 9th: PM2023 060 - Seeing Snow for the First Time! Ho-Hoga!


Future episodes:
>August 16th: PM2023 061 - Resound, My Soul! Challenging Lime
>August 23rd: PM2023 062 - Me and Hogator's Song
>August 30th: PM2023 063 - An Ice Battle! Cold-Eyed Grusha

>Upcoming episodes preview:

>Previous episodes:

>OS-JN filler guide:

>Web series, specials, and audio dramas subs and links:


>Music, manga, and more:

Previous: >>56209832
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Brother in arms of Dot, it's happening.
Oh shiat.
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>Break next week
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I sense a disturbance in the air. As if a million of haters are gonna seethe soon.
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>New episode
I'm ready.
We've known Quaxly is evolving for weeks now because of merch leaks. Fuecoco is also evolving soon too based on those.
How come? It's not as if the gay duck is gonna evolve, right?
Really? Cool.
I can live with the Croc getting a fire sombreo. But the duck is leaving me with mixed feelings on a visual level.
Ten minutes.
Tested mov3 and it's working with audio. Bilibili will take a while longer as usual.
Thx, anon.
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That's bound to be gud.
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in honor of the dotbros assembling, I decided to make a tier list. I left out the pendant mons because I don't like 'em, and maybe if we just pretend they're not important, they won't come back. Anyways I'm so excited let's go QUAXLY
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LiDot for best Hikki.
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909 TEAM UP06
Enjoy Roy's Croc during your time in Paldea
God that mustache.
The code is already out?
Toddlertink a cute.
hot latino daddy is Dot's type
What a little showoff
This is what two full time jobs does to a man.
My handsome stud.
That chick is a closet predator.
Predator duo
What the fuck is it with symbols being fucking traps? I swear most of the pokemon in Paldea are out for prey.
We're spinning wild today.
Oh god Dot...
OH GOD!!!!!
What a fucking gayer duck. Based.
Was that the evolution theme?
Jesus Terastalization looks so fucking bad in the anime. Battle was going great until tera shit
And Larry flexed his dominance of Wageslaving again.
goddamn larry wasnt fucking around
Hungry little bitch waiting for his triology of episodes. Poor Croc.
We feast soon.
RIP Quaxly. I already miss the little duck.
Greedy gluttonic fuck.
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episode summary
Dot not taking put at LEAST Staraptor seemed like a bit much.
>Make the red puffy hair longer
>Looks better
Huh, cool.
Meme image. Saved
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>be Liko
>get billed as the primary character in HZ
>sidekicks Roy and Dot keep mogging you in their episodes
The gayness of the duck will stay in our hearts.
Turtle causing chaos again. I swear that genocidal little freak doesn't know when to quit.
Stupid Croc.
Liked the episode a lot. As another anon said, Tera looks pretty bad in battles. It's supposed to be the epic final moment of the fight, but the clunky CGI hats seem to be causing a lot of problems for the animators, so movement becomes very stilted. It's supposed to be the best part, but it's the worst part.

Dot dancing around to pump Quaxly up was so cute. She's such a dynamic character. I'm so glad they elevated her importance in the show to give her a bunch of battles, because her reservedness clashing with her willingness to support Quaxly is such a good dynamic.

I will say, the 'you lost the battle but passed the exam' set up is beginning to wear thin. I'm not a powerscaling viewer and I don't really care who's supposed to be stronger, since Pokemon battles are typically meant to be about the bonds of friendship more than anything else, but I'm hoping Liko and Roy win their next fights just so this outcome doesn't happen thrice in a row.
>It's supposed to be the epic final moment of the fight, but the clunky CGI hats seem to be causing a lot of problems for the animators, so movement becomes very stilted
It's more a bandwagon case I think. The Tera parts in the Friede and Amethio team-up and the Dot vs Iono was honestly the best case but between that and the last time the gimmick was used it's been some time. They managed to figure it out by then but doing them back to back in the current chapter seems kinda compromising in choreography where Dot got the most attention and budget in hindsight.

Kinda amazing how the Tera gimmick makes the game run like shit translates 1:1 into the anime as well with it somewhat crippling the storyboard. I feel bad for the staff.

Otherwise the episode was good as you said for the reasons listed.
Who voiced the chick
>August 9th: PM2023 060 - Seeing Snow for the First Time! Ho-Hoga!!
>As Liko and the others head towards Fridge Town for Roy's practical application test, they arrive at Mt. Napper, where Roy and Hogator are overjoyed at seeing snow for the first time! After taking their time interacting with lots of the Pokémon that live on Mt. Napper, the group decides to spend the night at a mountain cabin. But when Roy and Hogator go searching for firewood, they end up getting separated in the snow...?!
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>Tinkatink is literally a toddler, not just by looks but by attitude as well
>Tinkatink cheers for Quaxly in every fight she's present in while Quaxly encourages Tinkatink to fight whenever she's afraid
>They really do have a big brother and little sister relationship

>Beyblade, let it rip!
So, was that a modified Pound or another move?
I think it was brutal swing.
>where Roy and Hogator are overjoyed at seeing snow for the first time!
My boy has never seen snow before? Damn I pity him
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Tinkatink and the Duck are truly siblings at heart.
That was fast.
Damn. I don't mind her preying on me.
Cast list?
Yeah, yeah. I'm not criticizing the staff at all-- they've really gotten their shit together since getting screwed over by Covid. Fight fluidity has ranged from average to great since Ash vs Leon. I genuinely don't think there's a reasonable solution to animating Pokemon with giant CGI prop hats on their head within the show's relatively brisk production schedule.

If I was running the Pokemon company, I would have immediately rejected the Terastalization idea as a whole on the basis that it'd be too unwieldy to realize in the animated show. I'm pretty gutted that it's become such a big focus in the series, because even the times where they managed to make it look halfway decent, it'd still have been better without it.
That is what I think too, but I'm not entirely sure as I don't understand Japanese, so I guess what is happening while watching the funny cartoon make funny sounds
Coming soon.
Fuecoco probably will take note of how his body will cause problems with stuff like Terrain or airborne foes on his own which then leads into the following episodes.
NTA but one anon over a year ago suggested to get rid of the hats but keeping the tera overlay for the models. Those giant fuck hats are mainly the big hung up. They managed to make it fluid everyime shiny fug shows up because it probably seems like a apin in the ass to keep track of the rotoscoped hat in alignment with some of the more versatile Pokemon like Floragato or up next the Quaxly Line, who with the exception with the Dot and Iono battle had the biggest differences in their storyboarding.

I think them having more scheduled breaks probably helped out keeping the average scale as well. Looked like that Line manager they've hired does his job.
Fourth of September? About time, wanted it physically for a while now.
Sex with 9Lana
What made the duck depressed?
>Voice Cast:
>Minori Suzuki: Liko
>Megumi Hayashibara: Nyarote
>Yuka Terasaki: Roy
>Daiki Yamashita: Hogator
>Yoshino Aoyama: Dot
>Daisuke Namikawa: Welkamo
>Kohsuke Toriumi: Aoki
>Yurina Amami: Diva
>Yukako Kiuchi : Hostess
>Tatsuki Kobe: Employee
>Masaki Nakanishi: Receptionist
>Fumitake Ishiguro: Guest
>>Yurina Amami: Diva
Don't know her but she did fine.
He's grown tired of the whole Nidothing shtick that Dot force him into.
She's relatively new but she will be one of the leads in Sorairo Utility.
>Grows tired
>Evolves in defiance to throw the Nidothing gig off the rails
Oh hey would you look at that? The anime made the effort to actually show the Treasury Inn transforming into the battlefield, something that they y'know just skipped in the games.
Wait really? Wasn't able to watch the stream.
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Leaving your Pokemon supervised under the eyes of Weedpussy? They'll try to dance.
You just know
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What a vibing community with having Larry as their gym leader.
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>leave Roy for last in evolution and distribution
What did they mean by this
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More low-pixel bobfaces for that one anon.
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The best for last cause Roy's my boy. Or to just line up the timeframe with the upcoming episodes since they are dropping three Croc-related episodes up next.
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Quaxly took the figure of speech "Dance on Fire" too literally.
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What a bitch. Who does she think she is, looking like that and claiming later not to be asking for it?
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>Anime shows the transformation of the gym field
>It's about what one can expect
Really makes one wonder how they couldn't have even bothered to make a few still shots of it for the games over a year ago.
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Pink Blop just begging to be bullied again.
Game Freak is a small indie Studio, please understand.
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>Fucking wrecked my pink blop, I'm gonna fuck you up.
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Behold, the modern age and officially featured...

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So another break ahead, and it won't be peaceful unlike the last few days so I'll make the most of it. The episode was fine, Quaxly gave a good performance before stepping up onto the stage of Quaxwell. Tera was meh but what can one do about it when it was inherently bad in concept in the games too?
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Small indie studio with a Triple-A budget.
Know what?
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Just how fucking bad is the pay of two jobs in PokeSpain?
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Croc doing his best.
That churro is never ending!!
>Just how fucking bad is the pay of two jobs in PokeSpain?
Never as bad as PokeIowa
Dot steals the thunder everytime she gets an episode. Damn she's good.
Just my type.
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My hero
Honestly look good for Roy.
>Kinda amazing how the Tera gimmick makes the game run like shit translates 1:1 into the anime as well with it somewhat crippling the storyboard.
Amazing. SV continues to create lasting damage.
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When will Sango meet Sandwich?
>Oh hey would you look at that? The anime made the effort to actually show the Treasury Inn transforming into the battlefield, something that they y'know just skipped in the games.
Just lovely.
CuteKo and CuteDot.
This is the face of a winner.
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Good priorities.
I think the worst part is that it doesn't actually add anything to the fights in the show, especially sjnce for some reason they chose to just have them terastalize unto the same type as the pokemon. What's even the point if it's not going to be used for any sort of strategy then?
NTA but they're pretty much showcasing the Tera Gimmick with the Starters innate Tera-typing. Sucks but if they do what the games did then that's that.
Damn alex owns these?
She's got no nose.
Quaxly got a fat scene before Roy...it's Royover for me...
You've got three episode of Roy ahead. Pray and your wishes will be heard.
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Man I just can't look at the love Paldea gym leaders get and not laugh at the gen 8 anime
They sacrificed gen 8 to make AsH JoUrNeY tO bE a PoKeMoN mAsUtA at least we had Go that made the series actually good for most part of it.
Wallpaper material.
I'll never stop laughing at that fact too. Cause damn, Galar drew the shortest end of the stick.
>Just how fucking bad is the pay of two jobs in PokeSpain?
It's really bad.
Was worth it to get based Goh. It's cool to see the Paldea leaders (even if half of them are shit) but it sucks a bit that Liko and friends pass even if they lose... and IIRC only Roy has gotten a win throughout this entire exercise.
Holy shiat
Boss duck.
how annoying the Bug Gym leader is for once given some attention, but they decide to focus on its non-Bug pokémon
Her bug pokemon got pretty good shit in her last battle
I bet there will be even a diet episode with my luck...
You take what you can get.
Cool cover but waiting a month sucks.
Saving the Chad at the end.
Considering Fuecoco is the mos popular Gen 9 Pokémon after Ogerpon and Meowscarada, it's surprising it's going to evolve.
Tinkatin has zero chance not evolving considering how popular Tinkaton is, so it seems the new anime will not follow Ashnime formula of magically making NFE pokémon as strong as the evolved forms.
Good for the three starters.
Big thumbs up.
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The licute will prevail
After the Rika episode, I am believing that.
there's a lot of doom posting about croc evolving, why does roy attract so much seething?
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It's more confused acceptance after Quaxwell.
Meant for >>56221207
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Mitsukedasu My way Zettai getto made
Again again again...
God thst song is kino.
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Never stop licuting
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Lihell is too powerful.
Obese Liko
Fat Dot
____ Roy.

Complete the blank.
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Trans Roy
Crocs conquest doesn't stop! He's taken over the official twitter!
so meowth's ballad is a rip off of this song apparently
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Will Serena have her tits when she reappear again?
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They will be bigger.
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>Mitsukedasu My way Zettai getto made
>Again again again...
Simply kino
The stealthiest of them all.
Gotta make it up for Larry being the soul-drained wagecuck.
>Pouting Dot
Now I've seen it all
Damn, they forgot my boy, Kofu..
And Tulip too, but it's understandable as she is way on the corner of the map that most players forget her gym.

Also, why is that baby charging at the dog like that?
>Also, why is that baby charging at the dog like that?
She has a deathwish
Subs are out: https://nyaa.si/view/1851186

Remember to seed your torrents, kids!
Thanks anon.
And it's working. Kewl.
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I'm not a fan of front-facing Larry. He looks like an American Dad character.
>He looks like an American Dad character.
Could be worse.
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I said it was Brutal Swing 2 weeks ago, looks like I'm right.
Now we wait for Tinkatuff..
Sweet. I think by the next time Tinkatink sees the steel bird evoline that she will evolve.
My Croc won't stop being a conqueror.
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Ash x Dawn
I swear Pokémon in Paldea are predators.
Fucking finally.
I hope you are happy. Quaxly has started his HRT
She is 17
No! She is 10 you sickos
Ignore pedos and AIturds. They're not even worth the spit.
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There should a doujin where Ash get the right to marry any girl in Alola as the first Champion of the region.
Kuwassu is the cutest character in the anime, it shouldn't have evolved.
Many are saying that.
>Citation needed
Always amusing when the anime is doing things the games couldn't bother to include.
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Ok folks, now that most of the casts Pokémon had evolved, who do you think will be the NE between Tinkatink and Fuecoco?
Tinkatink, all three starters will evolve this time around.
Pink blopmon
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>The power to marry papa, in the palm of my hand...
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Higher res
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SV is so undercooked it hurts
Slop enjoyers will say that at least the restaurant had an interior at all, unlike every other fucking place outside of the school, a gym (singular because copypasted) and the house
Aaand inflationfag population increases
Oh fuck off serenafags
Larry looks pretty fucking shit in the anime overall
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And now let's go back to caps
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>And now let's go back to caps
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Liko and Nyarote high-five(three?)ing was adorable too
everyone has a pokemon except larry...
He's fighting with his own fists to cash in some more money since being a gym leader and a elite four pays like shit in paldea.
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This is a reaction pic if I've ever seen one
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I like big birds and I cannot lie
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The anime is loaded with them.
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Now that I think about it, using such a big birb indoors is pretty weird but it works thanks to anime logic
This shot is great, without that stupid hat it would've been 10/10
what were they thinking when they designed this character?
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Alex isn't an incest freak
I mean, those hats look better than in the games which is probably contributed due to the lightning effects or that they have the opportunity to handdraw the hats themselves but man do they look conceptually stupid.
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Staraptor is so cool
"eye candy" (their own term) was always part of the anime design philosophy from the very beginning, which is completely fucked up because we're talking about 10 year old girls
He's an artist, I know.
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>two high fives and a fistbump in one ep
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>what were they thinking when they designed this character?
AMM (Actual Wife Material)
Oh and her battle with Rika was good too I think.
dude wtf I looked at the picture a dozen times and never saw staraptor
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Thx, have this Mangoharu
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And finally, another loss for animalfags and kibbleshit
>normal food
>sitting at the table but smallmons on top or on the lap instead of the floor
>a common plate for each trainer and their starter
>everyone gets a glass
I can see the whole state of california shaking and crying while looking at this picture
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No shocker. Currently contemplating whether to add some Pics from the 58th episode since it's moreso them working to make up for the damaged tray that Tinkatink wrecked. But Liko seems to enjoy it.
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Behold, the perfect Ashnime team
>Tera was meh but what can one do about it when it was inherently bad in concept in the games too?
Remove the hats.
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