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File: July 26th, 2024.jpg (142 KB, 900x500)
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Pokémon Legends 2 starter hint
Kalosian Meganium will be Grass/Grass
>Not Charizard/Delphox, Intellion/Quak, Mewoscarada
I'm fine with this
My starter would be the 'rita like back in the days, I just hope they don't fuck her over yet again.
>87.5% male
>just hope they don't fuck her over yet again.
You just know they will.
>Verification not required.
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Pokemon Legends 2 starter hint :O
Finally, triple stab with tera boost
You seen dem titties?
They're trying to fix Skeledirge this early on? Damn, they must not be happy with how it turned out.
Fuecoco is the SV rep, Pikachu for the whole franchise, Chikorita for PL2
Gaijins always get filtered by this. Pokemon over here is like NFL sports over there, cities and prefectures have Pokemon mascots. Chikorita is Nagoya's Pokemon. Pikachu is the series mascot. Fuecoco is the popular Gen 9 starter. This is why Pokemon Center promotions are always Pikachu, a new starter, and a seemingly random Pokemon. Series mascot + generation mascot + location mascot. It's never been a hint for the future of games, cards, or anime.
Racist much?
they really do like pairing Scorbunny and Piplup together with Rowlet on occasion
>Scorbunny, Piplup, Rowlet
Could've made for a interesting starter trio, atleast two could still make it.
>Chikorita is Nagoya's Pokemon
is there a list of what Pokemon are mascots of what place?
See Notes column.
Racism is illegal.

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