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Which remake do you like the most and why ? Which one do you think is the worst ? What would you improve from both these games ?
archie SEXO
HG/SS was a damn near perfect game for me. I wasn't a huge fan of the Johto region or the Pokemon present there, but goddamn was it a good game. The music is perfect, the art style is fantastic, it's challenging enough and big enough to keep your attention but not burn you out, just a solid game. They don't make em like they used to.
BD/SP on the other hand was a huge fucking letdown and it scared me off from buying another new Pokemon game ever again. You could improve both of these games by giving the player more options. Switch up the wild spawns, switch up the gyms, throw a complete curveball and offer more then three choices for a starter. Make the games harder, add level caps for gym badges, make money harder to find, etc. but make it optional, so people can play on "easy" mode if they don't feel like sweating. That being said, GF will never actually do anything to improve these games; they're going to coast on easy profits with minimal effort.
It's not really a good game in my opinion, but LGPE is a very unique remake because it chose to completely rework the basic wild encounters system. A lot of people don't like the change which I understand. It's not that fun and the forced motion controls made it all the worse. Changing wild encounters is something I do appreciate though because (and let's not lie to ourselves about this) most frequent pokemon players are not big fans of the system. There's a reason you see even casual players fast forwarding on emulators. The wild encounters have always been an insignificant waste of resources at worst. Changing the wild encounter system is definitely something worth experimenting with in the future
HGSS was a love letter to those who loved GSC. ORAS and BDSP were just hatemail.
From an objective standpoint HGSS is the best, but I can't really play it because I can't stand the slowness and I much prefer the look and sound of Gen 2. I recognise this is subjective though and that HGSS are still great games.
I could go on all day about why I despite ORAS. I don't even want to think about this right now. I guess BDSP are technically worse than them but I don't even want to consider those real.
FRLG is okay, just a sidegrade to Gen 1 in my opinion.
BDSP is much worse than ORAS in a vacuum, but ORAS's redesigns, retcons, cut content, and casualizations spit in the faces of everyone who loved the originals. At least BDSP can be ignored since they didn't drastically change the original source material.
>best remake
HGSS, no question about it. It is good at implementing the features of its own generation without squandering the original experience to any significant degree. It adds content and features unique to itself that weren't a given, and don't clash much with the vision of GSC. Sometimes if I feel like replaying Johto I may just go with Crystal instead, but sometimes Soul Silver. Depends what I'm feeling and which one I did more recently.
>what would I do to improve it
Uh... I don't even know! I guess make the stones and crossgen evos more accessible, distribute some Johto mons around Johto where it makes sense even if it has to be say an in-game trade to stay as faithful or whatever, and buff up wild encounters in certain areas, to keep things minimal.
>worst remake
BDSP by a long shot. What's not to hate about it? Yeah it runs faster than DP and its HD. No, Platinum isn't a perfect game either. But there are a million better games that run faster than DP, including Platinum somewhat. The fastest way to get through DP isn't BDSP, or Platinum - it's just not playing it. Which is what I'd rather do than play BDSP.
>what would I improve
Remake Platinum, Super Secret Bases in the otherwise unchanged Underground, better art direction for the overworld, improve contests with a better rhythm game first segment with cool tracks including past ones and online mode (ORAS should have done this), let you play it with all the mons (part of the whole allure of the remakes for me is the possibility of previously nonexistent teams to build, like playing HGSS with Hoenn or Sinnoh mons). and that's as a START. also obviously toggle exp share and avoidable amie.

I would change nothing about either of these because HGSS is basically perfect and the Let's Go games are great introductionary pokemon games for real young fans but are shit games for anyone else.
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ORAS made the most improvements to the original titles. i don't agree with every design decision they made, but there is a lot of good there that i think people overlook.
FRLG iron out the rougher technical aspects of the first gen, but they also feel "sanitized" in a way. they're my pick for the blandest pokemon games.
HGSS are worse than the originals. all of its best features are either from the original games or copied from platinum. following pokemon are a meme.
BDSP needs no explanation.
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it's not fucking fair, sinnohsisters....
>Which remake do you like the most and why ?
oras and frlg mostly because i like kanto and hoenn. sevii islands was a great and much needed postgame for kanto. as much as people like to dunk on oras, there's still a lot of new things that aren't in rse so they still have a niche
>Which one do you think is the worst ?
lgpe and bdsp
>What would you improve from both these games ?
reverse the dexcut, forced exp share and all that other shit you typically see in switch games
for lgpe, the GO catching mechanic can still exist but it shouldn't outright replace wild battles
remove those dumb requirements as well
bdsp still blocks the player from catching certain sinnoh mons until natdex which is extremely fucking retarded because platinum didn't do that
*gym requirements
if you chose anything but hgss you're part of the reason why the franchise is dying
hgss are poopoo
ranked by how much they improve the old games and not comparing remake vs remake:
>1. frlg
makes gen 1 playable, 'nuff said
>2. hgss
makes gen 2 playable, 'nuff said
>3. oras
i think gen 6 graphics look cool, delta episode is great and although emerald has the battle frontier those games are technically not a remake of it (but they still should have included the battle frontier, fuck gamefreak)
>disqualified: bdsp
it's just diamond and pearl except it looks like complete crap, just play the originals instead
>no tier: lets go pikachu/eevee
i haven't played these
HGSS didn't make any Gen2 Pokemon more common, didn't fix the barren story or lame villains, didn't let you fight giovanni, didn't give any Gen 2 characters Gen 2 Pokemon, didn't fix the unplayable level curve, didn't provide a way to get evos stones, didn't have any Gen 4 evos, and didn't fix the fundamental flaw of Johto being a tiny bland hick region with no culture and no identity other than being a backyard to KANTOOOOOOOO, and the postgame is still barren. All it did was add was add annoying filler crap like a boring slog of minigames, following" pokemon, and an overpriced pedometer that doesn't even work.
>didn't let you fight giovanni
>didn't have any Gen 4 evos
>pedometer that doesn't even work
All objectively untrue
LGPE, not that it's bad at all.
i'd say bdsp but it's a port not a remake.
bdsp was a spit in the face
let's go are also great games for long time fans who wanted to see their beloved kanto in glorious 3D
Leaf green
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ORAS and FRLG are the only ones that have an excuse to exist. The others are all soulless downgrades to make money with no meaningful new content to explore.
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I'd say HG/SS but then again I haven't finished Let's Go Pikachu, ORAS or BDSP after starting them over a year ago. I get bored within minutes and hardly play them so I can't even recall where I left off.

I do find myself play PLA more often and that's actually fun to play for more than an hour; I have about 137 hours played there.

I have replayed HG/SS 2-3 times between 2010-2020 on my DS. As it has been previously mentioned many times I like how we can explore two regions.
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Just thinking what we could have had makes me both sad and angry.
same. after the release trailer, i was mad and depressed for a whole week after.
FRLG came too soon after the originals. it's just as outdated as they are by this point.

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