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Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Previous thread: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56189877

PMD Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/tr8i1aiQ#AWzqkesoNSeSUGjHSug5dw

PMD Fangames Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/QuYRBJAL#JhfXAuBdsZhQ_7jeIslqHQ

Romhacks Overview/Reviews: https://rentry.org/pmdglph

PMD Guides: https://pastebin.com/Dbq61R5u
Explorers of Sky Romhacking Guide: https://rentry.org/skytempleguide

Everything about the Clover Guild: https://cloverguild.com
Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/ve_xouylx5
Drawing Request: https://rentry.org/DrawReqPublic

>In a level 1 dungeon scenario, would you prefer a fixed damage move like Dragon Rage or a move that gets stronger as you level up as the moves you start with?
>You meet an Alcremie, Slurpuff... Err, yeah or nah?
>Realistically, do you think you can handle living in this world? It could be more labor intensive than you realize.
>Would you stay in this world or return to the human world, why?
Recap of the previous thread:
>A new character has joined and it's a Buizel named Elias, welcome! Also he debuted with this story: (https://rentry.org/buizel1)
>There is a moderate amount of discussion about PMD games.
>A lot of art and shitposts have been drawn.
>Drawingboard #41 has been completed.

There's a new clover collab event, the Summer Festival, and this is the Prompt: (https://rentry.org/SummerFestivalPrompt), and the Rules and Prompt for the event: (https://rentry.org/SF_Rules)
>>In a level 1 dungeon scenario, would you prefer a fixed damage move like Dragon Rage or a move that gets stronger as you level up as the moves you start with?
Moves that get stronger. fixed damage things always feel limiting to me.
>>You meet an Alcremie, Slurpuff... Err, yeah or nah?
>>Realistically, do you think you can handle living in this world? It could be more labor intensive than you realize.
Probably not, but it depends on how much becoming a pokemon enhances one's own strength as well
>>Would you stay in this world or return to the human world, why?
return. doesn't seem like much upside to me
Question for those here: what voices do you tend to imagine the Pokémon characters with when they speak? I tend to imagine most of them as having voices which sound like their cries from the main series, though there are exceptions.

> In a level 1 dungeon scenario, would you prefer a fixed damage move like Dragon Rage or a move that gets stronger as you level up as the moves you start with?
I'd rather have a fixed-damage move. It'll do insane damage to start, and by the time it falls off, I'll have a stronger move by level-up to replace it with.
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>sucks lucario's cock for the entirety of postgame
>lucario isn't even in the fucking game
>"um uhh he's totally great trust me bro"
>>sucks lucario's cock

Say no more.
Has any actual humanfag mon that thinks everyone’s just pretending joined the guild yet
Is there a problem with that?
I always read the dialogue in these games in my voice because I'm not imaginative
I mean, actually it would be nice if there was an actual pay off to that where you recruited Lucario, instead all you get is the dumb rank which does jack and shit. They loved promoting Pokemon early, so letting you use Lucario early in a spin-off game with completely different mechanics would be pretty hype
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They may have intended this for Munchlax, who has many unused sprites in the game. The few appearances he makes only use some of them.

You might be able to use cheats to use him, but if the TCRF page is correct his data looks a little messed up. (Psychic type, Pressure ability)
If I got isekaid into PMD with (you) guys, I would actively reject any sexual invitations and find that one autistic anon who just wants a good friend to go on adventures with.

I simply hope that this anon exists...
I exist, but I am still a degenerate.
I also exist but I'd still be pointing and giggling at the weird Pokemon genitals.

I'd become the reason you'd wearing a kilt, anon.
I wouldn't even bring it up. Getting to quietly stare at my partner's backsack/pussy and asshole throughout the whole dungeon would be such a treat.
I never looked into cut content for PMD, but it sounds like an interesting subject
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I spent too long drawing this silly joke.

>In a level 1 dungeon scenario, would you prefer a fixed damage move like Dragon Rage or a move that gets stronger as you level up as the moves you start with?
I never spent much time with level 1 dungeons, so I'm not sure what option is best.
>You meet an Alcremie, Slurpuff... Err, yeah or nah?
Pokemon are friends, not food. Even if they're literally made of food.
>Realistically, do you think you can handle living in this world? It could be more labor intensive than you realize.
Realistically, I doubt I'd become an explorer or rescuer. It's too dangerous, and involves too much travel and physical activity. I'd most likely find a safer job in a town somewhere.
>Would you stay in this world or return to the human world, why?
Depends on how utopian the Pokemon world really is, and what kind of Pokemon I get turned into and whether or not I meet a partner in the Pokemon world. My current life isn't bad, so I may end up choosing to return to the human world.
>You meet an Alcremie, Slurpuff... Err, yeah or nah?
If Arceus had wanted you to live he would not have given me Bite
>>In a level 1 dungeon scenario, would you prefer a fixed damage move like Dragon Rage or a move that gets stronger as you level up as the moves you start with?
Fixed damage is safe damage.
>>You meet an Alcremie, Slurpuff... Err, yeah or nah?
I ain't eating something that's alive. Wouldn't say no to a Chansey egg though.
>>Realistically, do you think you can handle living in this world? It could be more labor intensive than you realize.
Pokemon are stronger, it'll probably be fine
>>Would you stay in this world or return to the human world, why?
Tons of people would give anything to do their life over, what better opportunity than a fresh start in an entirely different world?
Man I wanna start a new PMD DX file. What starter do I use? I've used Pika and Chikorita in Blue, Darkness and Sky. Treecko and Fennekin in super. Totodile and Eevee in my last DX run.

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