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> is the only Pokemon people insist upon making a bipedal furry jobmon

How does he do it?
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by being one of the most objectively terrible nonfunctional designs in the series
Samurott is easily the best Unova starter, I'm glad he turned out the way he did.
>Samurott is easily the best Unova starter
not a high bar desu
Based and same. Also, getting a regional variant is a million times better than getting a mega or crossgen evo.
Why quadrupedcucks are so retarded to think that everything bipedal is a furry?
What they were thinking
>I'll make it like the animal I saw at the zoo
>monsters? pokemon? what are those?
Good thing it isn’t a recolored animal then.
Then why is it quadruped when it doesn’t benefit the functionality of the design in the slightest?
Just to make autists like you seethe.
And it makes all three fanbases shit themselves with rage. Based Samurott.
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>one of the
Samurott is slowly moving up on /vp/!
And the regional is cooler than any mega would have been.
as we all know, pokemon based on animals don't exist and are a stupid idea
Pokemon based on animals at the detriment of their functionality didn’t exist before Samurott, correct.
is a pokemon based on an animal that isn’t a detriment to its functionality, correct.
Because it already looks cool, a chimeric sea beast is good enough. Not everything has to be a literal man to be interesting
>Because it already looks cool
Even if you were right (you aren’t) Pokemon designs aren’t about looking cool.
Gen 3 changed that philosophy as Sugimori stated that tough-looking monsters was the theme of the dex.
> Gen 3 changed that philosophy
No it didn’t. All the designs in gen 3 prioritize communicating the Pokemon’s functionality and theme over “hurr it look like cool animal from real life”

How many people bitch about Sharpedo only being half a shark again?
>Designer stated this
>B-but he’s wrong cuz I said so!
Okay schizoid
Go ahead and tell me where the designers said “the pokemon should look cool at the cost of their functionality”, sagefag.
Functionality is subjective yawntard.
No it isn’t, as >>56220536 demonstrates.
Don’t like how it fights =/= Doesn’t function
Find a new cope mechanism
There is literally no functional benefit to the design being quadruped. It would objectively be more functional if it was biped.
? Seems to be fighting like a samurai just fine
Samurai can walk while using their swords.
That's true but ultimately doesn't say much. The trade-off is... Samurott being a samurai horse dog thing, I suppose?
It says a lot. It means that the designers forgot they were designing a Pokemon.
Well I like Samurott and that's all that really matters
And so can Samurott, so whats the issue?
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>It doesn't meet my fanfic so its not a pokemon
Autism speaks
How so? Most pokemon have flaws or something that doesn't "make sense".
>Most pokemon have flaws or something that doesn't "make sense"
No, they don’t. Basically all of them made sense up until Samurott.
Sounds like a you problem d e s u
Nope. It’s a declining quality problem.
"Jobmons" have existed since Gen 1
Damn...This is how he does it?
This whole time I thought he held the blade with his mouth
nice try
honorary faggot

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