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Why did they flop?
Name a battle facility trainer that didn't flop
>Hard mode: You can't use the train unova duo
Diversity hire. Anabel Thread?
They didn't. The better question is why didn't Game Freak bring back the Pyramid when it was so popular? It was just as popular as the Factory if not more.
no one plays battle facilities
Post-game characters.

Only Lucy, SM Anabel, Brandon (anime) and Palmer are recognizable enough in the fandom.

I'm not considering Caitlin because she's known to be an E4.
Most players never managed to get through the battle frontier modes to even see them. It was too difficulty and/or grindy
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>Why did they flop?
The average player isn't even going to come close to challenging them. Hard to really become attached to them in any real meaningful way.
Caitlin is the only true exception here, for obvious reasons.
No one plays the battle SHITier
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Surely Thornton is recognizable because factory is so popular?
I mean Anabel and Caitlin showed up in future games, and Lucy is probably one of the more well known brains. If anyone didn't flop, it's those three.
Brandon is probably 4th most known because he owns the fucking regi trio in the anime
>zoomers are so obsessed with metrics and fake social media popularity that they can't comprehend the existence of characters who don't exist to fill their social media feeds every day
>zoomers are so obsessed with metrics and fake social media popularity that they can't comprehend the existence of characters who don't exist to fill their social media feeds every day

social media unironically creates circlejerks, reddit karma, likes on xitter and tumblr just reinforces it
Anabel got a redesign and was part of S&M's postgame
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Only in Japan I think. I see Japanese streamers doing Gen 4 Factory a lot.
Too hard
Most people are shitters who never learned any of them were in the game
Two of them literally showed up in later games, two of them survive mostly in porn, and there are multiple anime appearances for Brandon. That seems mildly successful to me. It's arguably more than the train duo from Unova, who only survive on fujos and now one of them is a homeless man trapped in the past, and I don't think anyone would call them a flop for how dramatic their popularity is for basically no marketing. They're not all winners though, Tucker is a gigantic faggot and Spencer would be completely unmemorable if his facility wasn't a war crime.
Most people never use battle facilities so that's why these characters are not as popular as let's say Erika
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Sniffing Greta's tights after a long day working at the bullshit, rigged Battle Arena!
Locked behind winning an RNG fest mode that only 1% of people care about. Half of which only care so they can complain about its removal
flopped around in the bed with your mother. why? idk, some kind of fat fetish I guess.

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