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File: 1482079989246.jpg (77 KB, 575x350)
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What is it about Pokémon that makes it stand above the other monster catcher games to the point that it is seen as the cornerstone of the genre? What allowed Pokémon to be so successful in an otherwise relatively niche genre?
The designs and simple worldbuilding
Inertia from Pokemania. That's it.
Most won't admit it but sunk cost fallacy
2 things.
Because it's the monster catching equivalent of Dragon Quest. It had the same effect that Dragon Quest had in Japan when It hit the store shelves here in the west. Simple eye-catching art and game design that's fun and engaging where you can play with any monster (character) you want and jump into any game in any way you want, and also play in any way you want at any order.
Besides what the other people have said most other monster catcher are popular, they just aren't worldwide successes as big as pokemon, so they don't overstay their welcome
It helps that pokemon is not just a game, it's toys, other spin-off games and stuff like that

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