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File: RBY Pikachu.jpg (42 KB, 645x566)
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-Pokémon Café ReMix
Mochi mayhem with Pecharunt event starting 8th August

-Pokémon Go
Dynamax coming to pokemon go August 15th, Gigantamax raid event and pvp update

-Pokémon sleep
Suicune will be available September
10 Poké biscuits/1000 diamonds

-Pokémon Unite
Koraidon coming August 8th,Armarouge coming october,Amoonguss coming soon

-Pokémon Masters EX
Rei/Dialga Origin
Akari/Palkia Origin
Volo/Giratina Origin
4000 gems

-Pokémon world championship information 2024, video about diversity and the world championships being a place that accepts all people

-Pokémon Tcg pocket
Quick battles are 3 prize cards 30 card decks,20 minutes
traditional 6 prize cards 60 card decks return,1 hour
4 player free for all battles, each player
has 3 prize cards
Standard format and format without ex cards
Ranked battles with 7 tiers (standard format)
Casual battles have customisable rules
Timed Battle pass, free pack every 12 hours and themed tournaments
3 card booster pack for interacting with other people in person on tcg pocket
trade cards and booster packs with other players
purchase packs,battle pass, clothes with in game crystals/real life currency, no mention of being able to purchase individual cards
Plans to have cards from every era of the tcg
Character customisation
September 12th

-Pokémon Colosseum x Pokémon XD Gale of Darkness HD remasters
November 21st

-Pokémon legends Z-A
2 minute trailer of the male and female Protagonist running around in different areas of lumiose city, Snivy,Chimchar,Sobble starter reveal
No further release date

-August 8th presents
>Pokémon world championship information 2024, video about diversity and the world championships being a place that accepts all people

This is so cancer it's probably real
Next thread
Getting origin forms would be so sick
>no movie
Ruffledrowlit thread
>Orre remasters
At least make it believable
I wish they did HD ports of colloseum and xd
was believable until the Colosseum remasters
>-Pokémon Masters EX
>Rei/Dialga Origin
>Akari/Palkia Origin
>Volo/Giratina Origin
>4000 gems
Steven is 100% getting a new alt for anniversary as shown in the latest mysterious stones chapter so try again
I highly doubt we'll receive HD versions of colloseum and XD but this year is the 20th anniversary of colloseum in japan so you never know
Cynthia too, for that matter
>Pokémon world championship information 2024, video about diversity and the world championships being a place that accepts all people
This is too bad to be fake
>Pokémon Colosseum x Pokémon XD Gale of Darkness HD remasters
But this is too good to be true
> no news about the full Pokémon roster coming back
Either fake or gay.
Fake and gay
I could imagine that starter trio
> Pokémon Colosseum x Pokémon XD Gale of Darkness HD remasters

You blew it.
You flew too close to the sun .
Is Rhyperior in?
fuck you autist
Based Rhyperior fan

Seething Youtuber/Redditor who doesn't get it
This. This idiot obviously doesn’t play the fucking game. It’s also pretty laughable that he thinks they would give us 4000 free gems.
>Pokémon Masters EX
Rei/Dialga Origin
Akari/Palkia Origin
Volo/Giratina Origin
4000 gems
Once again, the Masters section shows you’re not even trying.
So any guesses who will win the masters ex lottery?

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