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>so soulful and ascendently excellent it filters autistic nostalgia plebeians and utterly mindbreaks contrarians to the point of schizophrenia fifteen years later
>made it's very creator give up and phone in the rest of his development career because he knew this was the PEAK of the franchise
How did these four little games do it?
Yawnfag is NOT gonna like this!
ugliest legendaries of all time also shit worldbuilding
>it's very creator
>PEAK of the franchise
Of the shit, phoned it games he made, yes.
they're mid.
Hmmm yep it's a certified TRVTHNVKE
kek looks like someone got banned
nice fanfic
Eh. It's good but not the best.
BW are shit, but B2W2 are closest to a perfect game they made so far.
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264 KB PNG
>Story so deep why no I've never played a normal JRPG before!
>N-no I didn't like it bc I was 10! It's Peak muh STORY
>The story
Only shartnova has to constantly remind people that they're the greatest games

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