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Do you usually choose to play as male or female?
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I pick the design i like more
men who play as women in video games are all trannies
Are women who play as men also trannies, schizo?
I happened to play a game where this was actually, genuinely a thing. Verified by people who tried to mod it. The female model not only had smaller hitboxes, but had a couple more advantages such as not spreading out as much in certain poses and doing a goddamn midair cartwheel as a dodge animation as opposed to ducking. You are my nigga if you can guess which game I'm talking about, not Pokemon of course.

Anyway I played a good mix of both, but prefer the girls.
You can play a game without self-inserting you know
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I play as both. Self-inserting is for losers btw
If I chose the female I would not be able to fully bond with my female Pokemon.
Wanting to play a female character for a temporary experience in a game is not the same as taking hormones and cutting off your genitals. Also, I don't self-insert as my character.
I have transphobic twitter dot com moots who play as girl characters.
Remember that it's gay to like women because women like men and that's gay.
You know a lot of transphobes are actually repressing, right?
playing a game for the first time you pick a character
playing a game for the 100th time you pick the moveset
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>are you a BOY or a GIRL??
i choose carefully based on whichever character is more cool looking
some cases are v obvious
>dawn vs guy with golf hat
>rosa vs guy with even worse golf hat
the girls dont always win out though
in hgss the female protag looks worse than a route trainer

xy era:
>me: bc girls rule duh
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why do you hate women?
Maybe ten years ago but now that they are the protected class du jour and are really insufferable that percentage is way down.
Based and factual.
and I never played the rest. If a romhack has unique characters I play as whoever looks more interesting.
I was raised a single mother and big sister
That's two bug reasons to hate women
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Does this still apply if you play as the male trainer but only use female Pokémon?
Women don't play video games
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who does she pick as her stqarter pokemon
The tranny word lost it's meaning for me the moment some of the trannies started remining pre-op and kept their penis. So yeah, feel free to call me tranny, I am just no-hormone, no-op transgirl cismale and I imagine myself being molested by my cismale transgirl pokemons.
The real reason is that you're a virgin, lol.
Is May cooler than Brendan? I like his hat; I personally think it's cool looking, on him. and before they made him sped in ORAS he had a nice design.
Nah that’s just being a pimp
I picked Kris because she looked cool and she looked much older than Red, Ash or Gold.
/pol/ack thread

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