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Why is it such a smug little brat?
Fairy type is the strongest type in the game's history and it knows it.
Bratty kusogaki ghost... uooohhh...
>meta queen of SV
>knows she's immune to being nerfed unless fairy does
you don’t play the game
>the game's history
let me tell you about Psychic types in gen 1
>Top 3 Pokemon in standard play are all Normal types (Chansey, Snorlax, Tauros)
Psychic is objectively the most pointless type now. Probably a good contender for being the weakest, too.
you don’t play the game
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Tell me one thing that psychic does thematically that fairy doesn't.
>misdeeavus but now with spikes and feathers
paradox mons are uncreative as hell. a mistake is what they were
Mind powers, duh. Telepathy and Telekinesis and such are still firmly in the Psychic camp, it still has thematic distinction from Fairy. More so than say Ground and Rock have from each other.
No no, he's got a point
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Normal Misdreavus is a billion times better
I hate how regional forms like this peace of shit just replace the original
Why is it a fairy?
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>Dies from bullet punch
I really really like this image
my jolteon wrecks this faggot all the time alakazam wannabe

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