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People think her JN short hair to be better because she has tits on JN.
Oh boy another Serena bait thread
There are daily Dawn general, Misty general, Marnie general and May general. There is nothing wrong with another Serena thread.
There's a Serena general too for you schizos
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Here's an actual unpopular opinion

"Serena fags" don't like JN Serena because Tomiyasu made her an actual character instead of being the one joke shipbait character from the fatso's fanfic.
She cut her hair to signal that she's now a lesbian
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My popular opinion is that game Serena is leagues better than anime Serena.
>those bare naked shoulders
Kicking the fatso from the anime and his shitty AU was one of the best things they did
He works on the current one.
alola and JN are irredeemable turds though
popular opinion: every version of anime serena is shit.
XY short Serena would have looked fine if she still had curvy figure, better outfit & her back hair were slightly longer & fluffier like Pyra (Xenoblade 2), Kumiko (Hibike euphonium) and Anisphia Wynn Palettia.
It's not about Serena
It's not about short hair
It's just that her XY second outfit was ugly
Nobody cares, Fagmon. Get a job, you homeless failure of a manchild.
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Unpopular opinion: I need Serena to ride my face
Nice if they could of used one of the short hair styles from the game. Its like they had remove everything from her that connects her to the games. She's like an OC.
I don't know, I haven't seen much fanaticism for that design. It's a little strange and inconsistent. From the waist up she looks old and from the waist down she looks young.
i cant see game serena ever wanting to hang out with ash. so i cant see why they made her younger.
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Game Serena is 17 year old, off course she will be league better than a 10 year old Serena.

However for a 17 year old girl, Serena is a disappointment considering her tits does not seem bigger than C-cup unlike girls like Candice and Zinnia. I hope the anime makes their own changes where anime Serena as a 17 year old develop large tits like Nonomi from Blue Archive.
No one cares about your pedophilia, Fagmon. Get a job instead of obsessing over minors, maybe thrn your parents wouldnt have kicked you out of their house.
>fagmon thread

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