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> There is an old trend of delinquent girl growing up as prime housewife.

Will Marnie also follow the same route?
She'll fix her hair, remove the lame nail polish, and become a proper woman as she grows out of her "punk" phase.
How is she a delinquent at all? She doesn't even have a real personality.
She's a good girl
That dresses like a punk and has a group of delinquent following her.
Your inner punk/scene/emo kid never dies. Once one, always one. She may grow up and become 'normal', but her roots are still there.
She's not even a delinquent.
There should be fanart of adult housewife Marnie.
she’s a stupid poseur THOUGH
Just pop some Blink 182 or Sum 41. Limp Biskit if she is from the 2000s generation.
If she feels safe, she will rock out her leather jacket, with a leather belt with steel trinkets and leather arm bands.
Join her when Basket Case comes up. More specifically, in the chorus. She will believe is the voice over.
Marnie has three goals--
> 1. Make her hometown famous.
> 2. Becoming the champion of Galar.
>3. Learn how to smile casually.
She already accomplished her first goal & she probably won't accomplish her 2nd goal since Leon & the player are in her way. I guess she will eventually learn to smile more as she grow up until she become prime housewife.
Songs you haven't heard in 10+ years but still knows all the words by heart.
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>Marnie will never be the rude tsundere bri'ish punk rival girl that her design needs her to be
i put my penis in marnie vagina
Marnie was never really a delinquent to begin with. Just a punk rocker with a temper.
Can we go back to the last week where a Bangladesh didn't had Access to the Internet? I swear OPs like Famon always make the dumbest posts.
she will never appear in the anime again
she will never appear in the games again
her fate is staying perpetually static in time in the gachaslop
And nothing of value was lost
She fucks ojisan for money
>Fagmon thread
Garbage thread
That's makes it even more believable for her to become a housewife like Delia, Lana's mom or Melony.
NVM you're just a worthless coomer. You're also a homeless phonenigger btw?
I wanna kiss her
What quality does peck housewife should have ?
> Large breast.
> Good at household chores and cooking.
> A beautiful smile.
> Down ponytail or buns.
> Modest clothes.
> Well mannered.
> Strong sense of righteousness and capability of scolding anybody for doing anything wrong.

I am trying to imagine how older Marnie would look with similar clothes and buns as the Milf from Gobaku Moe Mama Tsurezure.
>ai slop
Who's wife will she be? Victor? Hop? Bede?

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