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>we decide to return to ashen frost, seeing if our thoughts have changed at all on the game and introducing it to potentially some newfags
>first, rg and i suffer the end of virtualization
>it's still the worst fucking game ever made
>then, we head to riverview for detective work
>we get ganked by a shitty evasionspamming clefable that demice's acolyte tells us to just use the 100% accurate move the forced delibird can't even learn
>as a result, ashime breaks time and space to spawn in paradox creatures
>we become acclimated to the city yet again, shitty demice-isms and deranged fujos aside

>What is this?
A thread where a bunch of autists play shitty fangames. Join if you want.


>Fangame Bingo

>Download Links for Games Being Played


Empire (don't play this shit)

Reborn Allgen

Ashen Frost
Reposting since it happened right as this was baked
This took me a solid 37 attempts to perfect Amelia, and the only reason it worked this time is because she randomly decided to throw out Lycnaroc instead of Milotic despite nothing being different from all the other times I finished Crobat in that state, and then crit'd Milotic. I think my rage at the RNG I was putting myself through manifested in that crit
For context, if Aevis overperformed at all (Critting crobat, cursed body procing first drain, killing it before tailwind wore off at all) the perfect was forfeit. Cursed body was bad because she'd use Poison Fang, which without fail always poisoned. There was more beyond that if I didn't get lucky, like having to barely survive scald and potentially needing Lycanroc to miss rockslide
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Siiiiiiigh, for fuck's sake D*m*ce.
Noted bros, Mega are a thing, but weirdly enough only in the Lonardo casino and they're never given to the player, at least I sure as hell didn't get one while I tried it.
GG bro.
>Golbat proceeds to get 6 flinches in a roll with Astonish
Does this game have boosted hax faggotry? I am truly starting to fucking wonder, I know my luck is atrocious so it's not a good measure for these things, but something feels wrong already.
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>bogged foid has a roast beef blowout over a fr*nchman seeing another woman that isn't her and ruins everyone's lives
Sad. Many such cases!

yeah, if megas are a thing there, you can probably just cheat in the ring elsewhere
Gave up on resetting for sneed boost, didn't get it in ~20, but theses IVs are pretty good desu
Where did all these pavement apes come from and why are they in this mansion's greenhouse?
Mega Ring can easily be debugged in unless they went out of their way to break the functionality in Essentials.
Blackbros....our diverse representation isn't looking too good....
Whiteouts: 3
SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH......Iron Threads, you're becoming a full time member of the team, I don't care about "fairness" anymore when this game proved it doesn't care about that either.
with this single line, he became the sexual awakening of countless (or at least, however many mentally ill dykes you can count in ashen frost's discord chat) women everywhere

yeah, i wouldn't have put them past just removing mega evolution functionality period from the engine
but nah, there's a place in this game where you can mega evolve, so should (hopefully) be able to get it to work with the ring, haha..
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Oh yeah, before I forget, I think like in Insurgence you can get a Rotom by interacting with TVs, I don't remember if it was a specific one or just clicking on normal ones until it appears.
motoGODS.....ameXISTERS.......adveshaTRANNIES....we lost........
It's not polite to blame a game because you can't beat it. I think you should apologize to the game and instead be happy it is giving you a tough challenge.

i wonder just how many fingernails demice chewed off while helping develop this game
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I don't know what I expected
time to make a sizable donation to this group of interest, surely nothing can go wrong, haha..

if you have debug, i highly recommend walk through walls for this shit
wrong image, but whatever

curious to see if they fixed the bankshit, or if your money will mysteriously (((disappear))) at random points in the game
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Hoenn in Ashen Frost is supposed to be a mix of South America and maybe the Caribbean? I think that's how it's supposed to work at least, I mean they're playing a samba variant of a Hoenn track so I dunno, and Sinnoh bizarrely enough is meant to be France in this game despite Kalos existing.
Also for fuck's sake 4chan, let me post.
I really like they have reading comprehension tests where you have to text enter the solution and can't brute force it with clicking all your evidence.
Realistic if nothing else.
t. been fucked by both Chase and Paypal
ah, at times like this, you remember how SOVLFVL the midbattle dialogue in this game can be

especially when compared to l******s later

i do at least appreciate they aren't as annoying as ace attorney when it comes to mistakes (proving the client is beyond a doubt not guilty, and the judge still fucks you up because you said something dumb)
but it is a bit sad there's no real way to penalize the player for a mistake without it becoming actually irritating
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Was Luciano always here? I don't remember that being the case last time around.
>Friend Smell
>(((Bankers))) being highly corrupt mafiosos running scams and pressuring people via violent means to steal their money
Makes ya think......
>Third gym is normal type in a monochrome manor
I know I keep comparing this to rejuv when I really shouldnt but its making it very hard not to
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>pikachu as detective
>g slowpoke as the gun
>truffles as loyal companion
>sinistea as coffee
>porygon as cyber crime/hacking
>scraggy as representing vigilante justice also needed a fighting type kek
I like my options theme wise but scraggy is the most questionable. outside of giving myself one of the swords of justice there's also lucario, but fuck lucario. the only real argument is scrafty's ultra sun dex entry, but otherwise I'm not really sure what to do about it while also trying to have a somewhat balanced team.
Hey sorry man, I had to go get food after dealing with my own evil redhead
It's just a prank bro.
It really stimulates your seedots, doesn't it?
Extremely based. Scraggy is kinda questionable, but if you like the mon it stretches to fit the theme. A sword of justice would also double as your noble steed too though.
>have to actually remember and keep track of where I'm leaving crystal cores
I've been flinging those things around willy nilly...
Is Drampa gated behind that or behind stumbling around the underground mine maze?
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Funnily enough Qwilfish is another Pokemon that caused a lot of panties to twist in the Rejuvenation sphere of faggotry because it was such an amazing Pokemon early on during intense runs before v13.5, to the point Jan removed your access to it from the start of the game in v12 until Terajuma, which is just fucking petty.
There's Gallade, it's the one Fighting type I can think off that has the whole justice theme going for it and since this is gen 9 stuff it gets Sharpness.
Whiteouts: 5

first real 'hard' boss so far
i used the discordtranny killing god hand here. set up 4 growths on his lead shelmet as it just set up spikes, and then swept with mach punch
his quaxwell could have killed me with aqua jet, but his thwackey set grassy terrain beforehand that healed me just enough, lel

p-please move this busted mushroom man back, demice, amethyst had the right idea

based team. no gumshoos instead of scrafty, or just want an excuse to use it?
haha yes...'friend'
i will maintain he's better written than taka (part of this is because 99% of characters are written better than taka), but...yeah, there's a reason he's the discord cinnamon bun
Help me decide on which Paradox joins the party for case 3.
also yeah, yet another mon i imagine made demice have panic attacks over

too bad it does actually evolve pretty late in this game. i also imagine if you can't beat the faggot here during this case it might just disappear entirely

drampa is behind using crystal cores in the left side mines, once you put a core in every crystal there
you can buy them from the guy just north of the entrance after a certain point, though they are 2000 a pop
been using it so far, fell stinger + aqua jet is actually breddy gud
case 3 is when the difficulty begins to increase. i'd say slither wing
>you can buy them
oh thank Go-
>they are 2000 a pop
I guess backtracking will help me memorize where everything is...
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My luck with RNG so far has been abysmal, but my luck with shinies has been surprisingly amazing.
UUUUUUwuuuuuuuUUUUUUUU how cute kawaii ~~~ <3 <3 <3

man if you're not using debug, you're in for a miserable time kek
Based decision and one of my favorites. He naturally generated to be a shiny too. Where's the move relearner again? I'd like to get Bug Bite on him before continuing.

For that matter, what district was the Hotel for Case 1 in again? It was hard to get my bearings in the intro.
Man, I'm going to feel bad if I end up 6-0'ing you too
what a nice lady, haha...

you can relearn moves just in the pokemon's move summary
for some reason demice is a weird faggot and doesn't let you learn level 1 moves except for a dedicated tutor later on, though, so you'll just need to teach it bug bite manually with debug
Antisemitism is bad (unless it's against zionists). Please refrain from blanket statements.
I am using it, I'll probably end up just maxxing on them via the item menu
Also nothing I've found tells me what the rewards for the balancing quest are so I figure I'll do it just to find out
i'm not even sure how to do it myself, but i'm 100% sure the reward is cosmog
i'll probably look at it when e12 comes out or something
You'd think this nigger pulling a knife on a moth the size of a schoolbus should be the last bad decision he should ever make.
>for some reason demice is a weird faggot and doesn't let you learn level 1 moves except for a dedicated tutor later on
Every single change Demice makes I feel even more justified debugging this game to hell.
thanks. I want to try and avoid legendaries until a certain forest if I can, but they could be an emergency pick.
maybe, but ralts and kirlia are both really bad and I don't wanna jump straight to gallade if I can help it
I already knew I was going to use porygon and didn't want another normal type
what about the Pancham line a youthful young detective corrupted by the darkness of the job
That took 3 attempts, and I almost did it on the first one if I didnt forget Greninja is also a dark type. Sorry Tristan, should've taken that homefield advantage at the gym
I like how in exchange for the game being a bit easier on you overall with what tools and mons you get early on, it does acknowledge and therefore encourage you to try and perfect a fight if you can. Even without a physical reward, being acknowledged for it is enough
Have a back up Comfey, who represents donuts.
Glad to see people know who he belongs to
I don't know if the french know kung fu but really I feel like pancham is more about fighting and training then about attitude. syl deals with thugs a lot and sometimes he has to act like one. I also hate it's evolution condition
hmmmm....odd pokemon choice

Whiteouts: 8

i hate this faggot
>moody bibarel gains boosts forever on top of swords dance, and is surprisingly fast
>at least 2 sash users
>chople berry persian
>light clay (((gimmighoul))) with perfect coverage
the reward for this quest isn't even good
just got lucky on bibarel's moody boosts this time

it's just another example of weird tryhard shit for a game that really does not feel like it needs to be difficult outside maybe a handful of battles
he does it because other games like empire don't allow you to relearn level 1 moves i think, or maybe he got the idea from somewhere else, but empire, no matter what else you say about it at least is somewhat balanced around the idea of limiting your level 1 moves
oh, right, fair enough
looks like you can get a dawn stone around case 4
Whiteouts: 4
This guy was surprisingly tough even with le broken paradoxes. Does his Duraludon have an Eviolite? It's absurdly tanky and basically took the combined efforts of my entire team to bring down.
>He has a gimmighoul
The only way this could be more blatant is if it were supported by Hypno, and Probopass.
judaism vs the mafia, 2024, colorized

we can't see le heccin trainertext because no pbs files, but it probably isn't unfair to assume yes
if you want another optional boss to cut your teeth on, there's this fag >>56222979 back in the hotel district (just north of cafe)
thanks. can you even get one of those in this
it's just in the train station that you go to after the whole syl gets captured arc, according to the sidequest guide anyway

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oQpt5TXnt_coGscDgCjpSCH6LO1pbIC_K6y9leVlR9k/edit in case anyone wants to use it
GG, yeah the acknowledgement of the player winning fights a certain why or characters like Amelia seething over a few Pokemon fucking her over and over is pure kino.
I'm pretty sure the limiting your level 1 move access in Empire thing is Octavius copying D*m*ce since he seems obsessed with trying to get him on board with his shit game.
i will give them that this is probably still the intentionally singular most despicable character ever put in a pokemon fangame
even doe reborn/rejuv have plenty of options that are far more annoying, just not intended to be so ultimately
also, yeah, forgot to say GG, my bad
nah, octavius did it first
demice 'picked' up the idea when he went through it, i'm curious to know what other autism from empire he's imported to other games
oh also i'm a fucking idiot. did you mean gimmighoul? you can't because gholdengo is definitely too le heccin strong kek
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His team is free except for his insufferably bulky Gimmighoul and that's before it throws up screens to make it even fatter. Like the last one, Scream Tail was the last one alive.
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I set up an auto-clicker for this and it still took me 5 minutes of going to clean my dishes and making a cuppa of coffee with herbs for this little fucker to show up, any TV that shows up with static can spawn it, you just need to keep autistically clicking on it until it spawns, not to mention if you get the Rotom catalogue in the library, you can change it's forms this early as well.
Didn't catch this, GG, this is easily one of the toughest early game battles.
Oh, I thought D*m*ce couldn't sink any lower.
i think i would genuinely spend 10 minutes around terra before spending an hour around this faggot honestly kek

Whiteouts: 9 I fatfingered 6 on my numpad.
His persian having chople berry at this point is also pretty gay desu
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I'm already getting sleep deprivation brainrot, that and I need to adjust my screenshot folder.
GG again.
Thanks bros.

i like how sylvester's entire thing is being an anemic autistic ineffectual frenchman, and he's still got more of a spine than the v*nguard protagonist

kek, get some rest bro
i have this weird craving for chicken tenders and a so.y latte all of a sudden
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STEELGODS, OUR REIGN BEGINS ONCE AGAIN, I just need a bit more cash and it's Durant time.
Will do soon enough hopefully.
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I don't remember if his insane jump ability is ever used again or if it's a one-off gag
How much do you think he pays employees to say this?

>bulldoze this early
after deso and reborn it's like whiplash
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>Remove the nigger
He was bitten by a radioactive frog.
Whiteouts: 7
Decided to just go ahead and debug her in
>Normal Lilligant isn't even obtainable yet
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I didn't pay enough attention last time around, but Sylvester is a fucking manlet too.
>The mob capo wanted him to stand around and act tough for a job
What did he mean by this?
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this fight is still annoying as fuck
Whiteouts: 12
but, with the power of debug autism on my side, it's actually not too bad
just had to get a bit lucky with floatzel not getting fully para'd at the beginning (or getting lucky with bite flinch)
probably not going to streamable autism any more fights outside of the really bad ones, tripfags know which ones those are kek

i think that's a good place to stop for now

unfortunately, hisuian goodra i believe will still be quite a ways into the game
based, gg
fuck that faggot and his girlfriend
gg. also is anyone else getting slowdown in the main pause menu
I decided to test if Quark Drive was working since Iron threads learns Electric Terrain via level up and indeed it is working perfectly fine.
I'm getting a lot of slowdown in general, which wasn't a thing last time around, the game takes ages to reopen after pressing F12, just opening the menu slows the game down, dunno what they fucked up to cause this.
Yeah this game feels really clunky and slow compared to deso.
I forgot to comment on it before, but this game's map system is extremely good and every game with LE HUSTLE AND BUSTLIN' CITY LIFE should have something like this for their city map.
Thanks bros.
Not been noticing anything with the pause menu specifically but speedup feels significantly more choppy than last time
It looks like complaints about the menu aren't new either according to shitcord
I honestly don't know what you were expecting kek
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Despite my grievances with this game, I'll always love everything related to Truffles.
It's odd because of all the bug and glitches the game had last time around this wasn't one of them, I'm gonna assume they might have overloaded the game with a plugin or something.
I found a haunted bedroom bros.
I turned off autosave and closed/reopened the game and the slowdown is gone, hopefully it's not temporary
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This game sometimes goes the fucking Phoenix Wright way of handling things and is pretty nonsensical with how you use evidence or obtain it, especially in a few later cases.
The foreshadowing is a lot more evident now with later context, which I really enjoy.
No way fag!
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one of the better parts of the game
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Whiteouts: 10
Nice ""Enhanced AI"", Demice sama
I really don't like how spooky my hitrates can be with hustle kek, especially on Axe kick, I'll likely put that 100% accuracy item on her kek
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I'm pretty sure D*m*ce was foaming at the mouth over a few Pokemon being allowed as early as they are.
>Potion spam
O-oh no......
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And it's a natural shiny just like last time.
Narrow first try. Bundle was my last mon.
If anyone wants to get one of the fossils, which I assume at least some will be interested in, you gotta solve a dogshit doors puzzle in the mall, it lets you have any of the fossils, which is real damn nice, issue is that I think you need to do the puzzle each time you want a new one.
GG, funnily enough later during a sidequest it's hinted there's a god tier trainer roaming around Riverview with an Iron Bundle of his own.
I hate this fucker so much
and why the fuck does his arena have binding of isaac music
I thought this was le ebin dark souls area
Uh oh.
Thanks and how do these puzzles even work? I'm not actually sure what it wants me to do?
Who barfed on a kaleidoscope and took a picture of it for that background? GG anyway.
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full thing is worse
I can't wait until I get to the area with the dinosaur in the background
It is a bit of a shame that Lucile won't be as scary as the first run where she stomped everyone's ass over a dozen times during this fight, but ah well
Also GG. Empire will become maybe a little less shitty for a while. Kind of. Hopefully. At least the next major field is better than Dark Souls and there's no instadeath. But the next gym is probably the hardest in the game
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The most honest thing a reporter has ever told me.
Also this might be helpful, here's the master documentation for those that might need it.
There's rooms to the side that you need to walk on, you need to guess which is the correct order of doors from left, middle and right in a certain order to reach the end, there's also supposedly an npc stuck in a room there, I never found 'em, it's a dogshit puzzle anyhow, I wouldn't even recommend partaking in it.
I am retarded.
Kecleon awoke some shitcode by using Detect on my Dig turn deleting my sneedslash's sprite.
By all means I should've lost or at least been forced to itemfag to pull through. I got a very lucky crit and a lucky freeze, both at times when they mattered a lot letting Bundle beat her last 3 mons on his own in an otherwise lost situation.
>heartfelt procession
>passages were read, people were sad, cowboy guy gives me some time to say my own respects
>speak to the grave
>max revive
pfft ahahahahahahahhahaha
just from the starless streets terrain I assume there's going to be a fuckload of taunt spam which I'm not looking forwards to now that I'm finally getting good status moves
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I'm already getting violently pissed off from the sleep spam that my blood is starting to boil.
It probably shouldn't affect you too much. Starless streets is one of the more tolerable fields in Empire imo. Fighting type Pokemon and "tough" abilities like Guts or Moxie get auto Taunted, if they kill something they get a big offensive boost. That's pretty much it. Just as long as your status shit isn't on a mon like that you should be okay
That's fair
next time you might not be so lucky, h-haha..
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I have nothing that deals well with Fire types so far and it's getting more and more obvious that there's something off with status effect procs.
>It is a bit of a shame that Lucile won't be as scary as the first run where she stomped everyone's ass over a dozen times during this fight
To be fair, we've got a lot more experience in Demice's autism under our belts kek, alongside our le strong debugged mons, I'm not surprised we've had an easier time
>This game has commented on nigger stank several times now
Hmmmm that's not very progressive of them.
Thanks bro.
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>Tfw you can't get Dipplin and Hydrapple isn't available
Feels bad man....
Oh this part fucking sucks on hard mode
You are perfectly justified turning Sandsneed's level to 100 to get around Demice's shitty "puzzle battle" (read: RNG fest)
He's french, not american.
Checked and just debug it lmao
Cool AI exploitation simulator. Use protect on turns 1 and 3 and keep clicking bulldoze with Truffles and you win. Very creative. Such boss design. Thanks Demice, very cool.

2 tries total, the first was learning the AI was going to double on Sneedslash every turn it could.

Total Whiteouts: 10
Whiteouts: 7
>A Shelmet is just eating super boosted Rollouts even after 4 turns of picking up power
>Heliolisk likely has the stupid item that makes the highest attacking stat be used as the only one and it has Fire Punch which fucks everything I have
>I haven't even reached the motherfucking Duraludon yet
Probably will, thoughbeit Appletun might be a bit better outside outside of gimmicky Syrup Bomb sets.
You can say nigger, it's okay.
The fuck is this?
Hydrapple definitely gets more style points, but it's ultimately up to you.
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Okay, it's not as bad as last time, didn't need to use Iron Threads this time around, thankfully Perrserker learns Taunt via level up and tells the nigger bug to FUCK OFF, that and he got a meaty Iron Head flinch on that stupid fucking Shelmet, though it still barely did any damage, because of course, the rest was mostly carefully playing around his Pokemon, I know for a fact the Duraludon isn't using Eviolite now due to it going down to a single Dig from Durant.
This game has the occasional actual fights between trainers.
The issue is that it's literally not in the game, believe me if it was I wouldn't even hesitate, but alas only Dipplin is available right now since this update came before DLC two.
I'm going to hate this, aren't I?
Very unfortunate.
Yup that was some trial and error dogshit with the middle light.
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>Insert joke about Jews unironically getting kicked out of planes and establishments due to refusing to bathe and calling good hygiene antisemitic
Nigger what? A 10 year old had to do what the cops couldn't.
Wait, wasn't the Applin obtainable if you beat the goon? It fucked off and I don't remember if I was able to find it last time around, the master document doesn't make mention of it being obtainable anywhere near here.
The nosepass on the baggage machine is moderately amusing.
that applies to every region
Oh boy. (((It begins))).

Right but you don't (and shouldn't) see people claiming the cops are effective for it elsewhere. Kalos mayyybe has a bit more leeway because I think X/Y have the oldest protagonists canonically, but it's still not good for your police force to be shown up by a random teenager.
Whiteouts: 9
Leave it to a kike to have one of the shittiest battles in any game ever.
There used to exist VS screens for characters before this latest chapter, as to why they got removed, dunno, what's interesting is that Leonardo had suspiciously curly and messy hair, really makes ya think.
Where do you go after this section? I'm not really sure how to progress this quest.
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Ah Lute, how I missed ya.
This is definitely one of the shittiest sections, I think you need to go around the Casino, the drug store near the Lonardo Mansion and do some stuff in between while also having to interact with Leonardo one last time.
It's complicated so in case you need it, here's the walkthrough.
I know malls are typically dogshit with price ranges, but this is a new low.
Probably calling it a night here.
Unfortunately Clefairy is neither Para nor Dox typed, so they don't fit my mono, but I appreciate D*mi*e not making it the 9999 coin mon.

On that note, what's my next mon lads? I'm thinking Iron Treads because I need a flying and bug switchin but I'm open to suggestions.

>Anti-savescumming measure
MotoGODS, we've won. The F12chuds have been btfo.

...This roulette board is ass.
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>The fossil you get is fucking random
>I actually get the one I wanted first try
Okay, remember to always save before the final room to savescum for the one you want, in short the order is left, right, middle, left, left and I think that's it.
Either Iron Threads or Iron Thorns, whichever you prefer.
This whole thing is shit, they give you awful Pokemon and give the opponent good ones/troll ones with suicide sets to fuck you over, it's abysmal that they thought something this was awful was even remotely passable game design, you also get good rewards from doing it too, which makes it even dumber.
What the fuck??? BundleGODS we've won.
Let me get this straight though...
>Life Orb
Too powerful, chud
>Assault Vest
Get bent, bigot
>Rocky Helmet
In your dreams, antisemite
Fair, balanced, inclusive and on the right side of history.

I don't follow at all. This is a good stopping point for the night. I decided on Iron Treads as my 5th mon.
Iron Treads is a great pokemon! It may not be in Ubers but sees a lot of play there!
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Taube is a cool guy
eh gets killed by randos and doesn't teach his son anything
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the whole past arc with Elias is pretty sad. Actually does a good job of making me feel bad for him without excusing all his fuck ups
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Unfezant > Ame
honestly I'm glad the bird is still doing work, even if its largely just because choice scarf brave bird solves quite a few problems
I forgot that Shelly names one of her team after you
Oh cool, it's Ashen Frost
The thing with that game is, no matter how much of a cuck Sylvester is, I didn't mind it so much, since he's not muh blank slate self insert. He's his own guy, so I wasn't anywhere near as mad as I am with Reborn. And more importantly, best pige actually gets to shine there.
It's nice how she actually keeps it even years later. Still sad that her future self doesn't look better
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Oh, and I think Ashen Frost is the one that sorted tutor shit alphabetically, which is nice, but you need to pay the goytax every time.
Reborn's reusable TMs are nice and all, but looking for something in a haystack of 200+ TMs from this mod is starting to take a while
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This cunt's lucky you even came down here. Or rather, lucky you need to save her to progress. The world would be better off if you just waited for these two cunts to die and just fought whoever the reserve leaders are.
Oh, and I think it's been more than a week or something since she jumped. And she's only killed 4 dudes in that time. What the fuck do they even pay her for
the whole time skip there makes no real sense
they should have made amarias high diving showcase after you got waterfall
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And what was the whole point of this muh false information part? She said it's to keep the Noseors off Amaria's trail, but everyone and their Zard knows where she lives. Even if Reborn's gym leaders are a mess and people can't find some of them, there's a fucking sign right outside the circus telling everyone how to get to Amaria. The fucking Noseors just fly there soon enough. All it did was make her look suspicious if I hadn't been spoiled a long time ago.
And what, did she go through Agate to get back to Amaria's place? When the others got suspicious of how T*rra went there without getting slept? And just walk right past her sleeping brother? Why didn't that grunt follow her then, if it was such a mystery where Am*ria was?
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I'll admit though, it's cute how she keeps turning to face you. She was doing the same thing back in the mansion, when you were trying to get to Hardy. That cunt really doesn't trust you.
kek, it still bothers me that they survive these jumps. Or if Am*ria knows she can survive diving from a huge ass waterfall, why doesn't she just get an Escape Rope to ACK herself with instead
>why doesn't she just get an Escape Rope to ACK herself with instead
Well it was very in the moment and Titania would probably stop her if she tried to set up a noose.
>Or if Am*ria knows she can survive diving from a huge ass waterfall
Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if she only jumped to cover her ass now that Titania knows that Amaria knows Titania doesn't have romantic feelings for her. She even pretends to have amnesia after the fact.
Also why didn't Meteor transport the Sapphire bracelets earlier and how come Amaria hasn't woken up yet, like >>56224443
says it really would make more sense if you could get down there immediately
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I know I've been complaining about the post game missions, but some of them are good. The ferris wheel tournament, time travel jaunt and the train car mystery thief missions are all legitimately fun and get to show a little more of the characters in big or small ways
Just wish they were all like that and not boring wandering around new world maps trying to find paths
Wait, she was only pretending to be retarded/amnesiac? I thought the whole thing with her believing Lin was because she doesn't remember you at all, and doesn't remember even fighting the Meteors
Yeah pretty damn sure I remember she was pretending to have amnesia and even before that she knew all along Titania doesn't love her. She believes Lin because Titania is a few minutes late and blames you for ruining shit.
I thought she was amnesiac after the jump at first but pieced it back together by the time you fight her for the badge
You are zooming, but GG
No comment on a bunch of different fights/plot points?
It also would have made the revamping of the entirety of Reborn a bit more believable, like "it took the reborn MC months to scale the mountains" instead of basically setting it on a timer for Titania not starving to death
>No comment on a bunch of different fights/plot points?
It's clear (((the mob))) is a problem and getting nearly murdered for digging too deep was well within expectations, but I'm increasingly distrustful of Leonardo. I refrained from posting last night until I could better elucidate my thoughts, but something about him just seems too convenient for this setting and tone of the game so far. I'll want to give it more thought before schizoposting harder on it.

I'm going to be off at yugioh locals today so it's likely to be a light update day for me when I get back.
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Aaaaaand it looks like this crying out in pain as they strike you is intensifying. This is the kind of shit where I don't see why it matters one bit.
They can spin some sob story about how it's the fault of Lin, or worse, some faggot who's barely around and barely does shit. Why the fuck should anyone give a flying fucking shit. Every last one of them is working, right now, to subvert and destroy the whole region. Not just the city of muh holy land, but all those faraway cities that it took so fucking long and got you level capped to get to. Why the fuck should anyone give a flying fucking shit about their sob story, when all of them are immediate threats?
Think of it this way, if some nigger breaks into your house to steal shit and kill you for being in his way, why the fuck should you give a shit about his backstory about having no father n sheeit. Or what does it matter if Tit*nia's supposed to be a cunt only because of Am*ria (even if Hardy said she was a cunt long before)? All of these cunts just need to be shot to shit.
>Or what does it matter if Tit*nia's supposed to be a cunt only because of Am*ria (even if Hardy said she was a cunt long before)?
while I dont doubt the situation with Amaria made her worse, everything indicates Titania was always like this
Whatever she did to Florina to make her go full robo autism for example
I hope ash blossom is banned
>Are the people poisoning at best the lake and at worst the entire water supply TRULY hurting anyone
Yes Taka you lot fucking are and you've tried to genocide several cities before.
Oh right, I forgot that one screenshot. I guess it's what bothers me the most about how they're supposed to be a religious organization or something. It's like a fucking parody, or maybe not even intentionally. It's probably just a fucking troon's view on religion. Hell, that's probably what bothers me about El in particular. He's more like a troon's parody of a tradcath, written by one of them who learned Latin from Harry Potter before turning on Rowling.
Near 0 chance of it. Ash Blossom barely does anything against Fiendsmith decks right now. I wouldn't be surprised if people unironically stop running it in favor of more boardbreakers in the coming month(s). Pretty much the only relevant deck right now where Ash is reasonably impactful on its own against (and not just part of a 2-3 handtrap blob which could be interchanged with almost anything else) is Branded.
Did you get the Power Converter from the casino or something? You normally only get that after a (pretty difficult) fight at the end of Case 4 that's also after a few major plot twists
Anyway, good luck at locals
Umm, it's the Swalot hurting and killing people, chud! People don't kill people, Pokemon kill people!
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easily Lins greatest sin
Never mind, I figured it out
>they changed the assault vest you're supposed to get from the lounge sidequest into the power converter and didn't update the shartquest guide
Immensely fucking gay
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>My post 56223622 wasn't even hyperbole
I don't know if I should be laughing or crying.
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Dammit that was the one thing she was useful for. And even that pisses me off because this is just more shit you have to watch NPCs doing instead of getting to kill things yourself. If she's getting soft on them now, then that's all her usefulness gone down the drain along with all the sewage.
But that's the problem, my Pokemon really need to kill all these Noseors and they keep getting cucked out of that much! The poor things are hongry
Surely based Florinia can BTFO her again
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Damn, I keep skipping over that part about troonsitions to other fields. I tried to fight most of them on their own fields, for the full experience, but oh well, it's joever for this thing.
That's probably what's been pissing me off here though. The Glitch Field had a charm of its own, and the actual spaghetti code-induced glitches were even funnier. Here, it's just the Noseors crying out in pain as they strike you.
man you're trying a little too hard
You also get a sibling item to this, they're surprisingly not as useful as one would expect.
Thanks bro.
Best of luck with the locals again bro, hopefully no one runs shifter to ruin your day. assuming you're still playing Tear.
Hardy does talk about Titania a bit and says she used to be far less grumpy than she is now, she used to be far more caring and have a lot of hobbies, but after convincing herself she needed to keep Am*r*a from ACKing herself and from ruining Florinia's life as well, she become extremely bitter and cold, that's more or less the reason why, though because this is Reborn it's handled really poorly.
>get bored
>bring terra back
That's not how it works. I'm pretty sure Lin and Terra consider eachother "friends" but that Lin can't stand the fact Terra refuses to take anything seriously for even one second (without spontaneously dying) and Terra feels... I dunno any drama on her end feels like forced sympathy bait, she feels like Lin doesn't care about her (why would she)? This of course goes completely unresolved, pretty sure Lin is still trying to ghost Terra (good on her).
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Damn, he really was raised to be a professional victim.
Wait, I think this is the last time you fight the literal niggerfaggot! Or maybe there's some postgame shit I dunno, but at least you won't have to see it again until then! Aaaaaahahaha yessss fucking die
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I remember actually thinking this would stick first time I played through this part
what a fool I was
we were this close to actually having a good conclusion to her character
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The room's already a complete mess, but even if there weren't any signs of a struggle before, you just fought Ace here. He could've just pretended he patched his team up with items like his father did.
Also, did they not get their shoehorned story straight? First Ace was supposed to be Ciel's cousin somehow, and only showed up here after she did. Then later, Ace is supposed to have been around already when Taka and Lukah were kids.
>Or maybe there's some postgame
Ayup but luckily no forced interaction besides that one quest.

>Aaaaaahahaha yessss fucking die
Apparently Ace just gets digitized instead of dying, I've heard people say Ace and Florinia talk during the Labradoodle T*rra torture session but Ace literally doesn't exist if you continue from e18 so that can't be right, there's absolutely no reason not to kill this character other than people might not like it if Terra does a bad :( (unlike joining terrorists). I heard people claim Taka only comes back due to the Dialga/Palkia spacetime anomaly but Terra just comes back without one of those, same for Eclipse.
Alas, Reborn fans would be sad. Btw did you know T*rra was the first gym leader Ame created and appears to have been more important in the online league.
I think they imply or say Ace joined Meteor after somehow feeling pushed away by their family, but like you said that does really seem like something for a newer recruit instead of something for someone who was apparently around when Taka and Lukah were kids. And Ace also doesn't seem that old, even looking like a child in Anna vision as seen in her routes New World Asylum.
As much as I hate to say it I wonder if there's some Rejuv-tier niggery going on where Ace is 'young' because she literally didn't exist in prior versions and Lin only invented her for amusement in e19 because Lin's sense of humor is awful
>because Lin's sense of humor is awful
Hey now, actively cringing at Terra shows she has the best sense of humor out of any character.
She also says Ace was a pain.
Although creating a new person would explain how she'd think you're her puppet.
And Ace appearing young because of new version bullshit might be possible if Jan helped make the character like people here sometimes assume or if he had enough influence to make the Reborn devs do it.
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Aaaaaaand just like that, everything feels much better again. The best girls are back in town. Except for Aya...
Eh, if Jan had enough pull to create a character it would probably be something like a muscular white ginger gay guy who gets into a relationship with a black dude
Are there any sidequests I should focus on when I get home before finishing Case 4? The sudden abduction leads me to believe there very well could be missable sidequests in this game depending on what happens to any given character(s).
>You also get a sibling item to this, they're surprisingly not as useful as one would expect.
They seem very good for "fixing" mons with scuffed movepools for their statlines or giving extra coverage options. It might even make Iron Jugulis good.
>Best of luck with the locals again bro, hopefully no one runs shifter to ruin your day. assuming you're still playing Tear.
Cointoss between Tear or Branded. I'm undecided which I'm going with and will probably pick as I'm sitting down for Round 1.
We're in the bad timeline.
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Whiteouts: 11
I can't beat Charliestein yet.
Decided to waste a little bit of the cash I had left to get the other fossil I can use, surprisingly enough I got it first try too, not sure how good Yakub will be on this run, I desperately need a Flying (that doesn't suck) but so far no luck, I don't think Corviknight as available last time around and neither was Skarmory, I'm halfway tempted to just get one of my beloved metal birds.
I think there are a few noteworthy ones, but since I'm still kinda groggy from waking up, I wouldn't recall from memory, I do remember you can get a Larvitar near there I think. Here's the sidequest guide if it helps.
True enough, I didn't manage to abuse it too well on my last run due to relying on slow bulky Steel and Psychic walls that couldn't abuse it well enough.
I'd say Branded since I love dragons but Tear has done you good in the past and getting your Branded Fusion ashed is one of the shittiest feelings imaginable.
Noted. I'd prefer to play as blind as possible with no guide unless there's some truly stupid shit happening until there's confirmed missables which I'd make a concession for.
Branded can play through Branded Fusion getting Ashed now with Quem and Nadir Servant lines pretty comfortably (or Thrust into Fusion Duplication depending on your list). I think from what I've seen, Branded has a better matchup into this shop's pool of decks whereas Tear has more ability to try and muscle through a Fiendsmith board and generally more room to outplay opponents. It'll be interesting to see what people are running post-INFO but I'm reasonably hopeful I can win with either thus I'm not super committed to one over the other right now.
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Fair enough, normally I'm the opposite and I like to make note of everything I'll come across beforehand, doesn't help many quests in this game are kind of obscure.
Noted and again best of luck.

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