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Why the fuck is fairy immune to dragon and resistance to bug

At least stuff like steel resisting psychic does make sense because robots do not have minds or tin foil hat protecting the user from psychic abilities

and even ghost resisting bug makes sense since parasites cannot infect someone who's already dead

however fairy being immune to dragon and resistance to bug does not make sense whatsoever
>Why the fuck is fairy immune to dragon
They roughly both fill the role of a "mythical" type, one had to beat the other I guess. Also dragons lose in "fairy tales"
>and resistance to bug
because Game Freak decided that that weakest type in the game needed to be worse because fuck you
The Bug resistance really pisses me the fuck off
Go fuck yourself GF
Never mind most "slay the dragon" tales has fairy magic, armour or weaponry be the key to no-selling the dragon's attacks, killing the beast and marrying the damsel out of disdress.
Wow, it's almost as if it's meant to be the bottom-tier type for a reason.
Fairy was poorly thought out garbage with long lasting consequences just like everything else Gen 6 introduced.
And who programmed this into you?
Because Tajiri, mr. bugman himself, decided it had to be so. That's why there's bug catchers crawling in the early game across pokéjapan but they fuck off when the game needs to start being more challenging, because it's meant to be an early game boss.
>it's almost as if it's meant to be the bottom-tier type for a reason
This is bullshit. Many early route moves are still viable in end game. EVEN IN COMPETITIVE.
Why shit on Bug exactly? I think that, at this point in the game, Bug should be another card in the deck, not one thing you use out of curiosity and then forget about it.
The moves may be, but the 'mons aren't. Don't see any the usual suspects of the Masters Division trying to bring butterfree to the world title. Because even when it had a gmax, there were always better options to take, than an early route shitmon bug.
The funny thing is Steel was always the OP type before fairy and completely mogs it as well lmao.

Steelbros cannot lose
>Weakest Type
Ice Type exists.
Mainly because of their Fighting weakness, but Ice mons are very reliable glass cannons.
Unless you are Avalugg. Specially Hisuan Avalugg. At that point you should extint yourself.
Because real Dragonslayers ride with elves (fairies) NIGGA
No such thing. The only such type that was supposed to exist like that was Dragon and it was literally by design supposed to be the best not become a rock paper scissors thing.
>No such thing. The only such type that was supposed to exist like that was Dragon and it was literally by design supposed to be the best not become a rock paper scissors thing.
Holy contradiction, if they intended one type to be "the best" then by extension, one WAS supposed to be the worst, because it WAS a fucking elemental rock-paper-scissors. Shit, they still USE the fucking rock-paper-scissors triangle with Grass-Fire-water to fucking each kids the gameplay.
Congratulations - you fixated on the shitbird type. Deal with it better, no-one like a crybaby. particularly one that's supposedly an adult.
None of you know anything and are just arguing over headcanon.
you don’t play the game

you don’t play the game
This thread was made by butthurt dragon claws
Just like how gen 2 added two types, I've been lately feeling like gen 6 should have added two types as well. I may be a fool, but I kinda feel like it may have been easier to balance everything better with two to work with.
I agree that fairy didn't need to make steel stronger and bug weaker, and also that if it's intended purpose is to counter the "op" dragon, it was a total waste because it just dethroned it.
Steel losing 2 of its resistances was a net nerf and Fairy isn’t remotely as overtuned as Gen 4-5 Dragon-type was.
I do want to clarify though that I think the specific mon and it's role on a team is more important than just it's type matchups, I HAVE played the game. Stats, good moves, ability, plus even strategy are far more significant to discuss - What mons got this typing? How did it affect their viability? Would the mon be shit without the type/STAB alone?
There have been completely viable bugs before. I would have hoped a new type would at least be neutral with it, though.
Yeah but the end result is still that you gotta carry steel to deal with the fairy threat, and it was so good already that a couple nerfs was an obvious balancing. I still think Steel is great at what it always did, plus now for dealing with Fairies.
Dragon as a type itself was not particularly good or "overtuned", Game Freak just couldn't stop themselves from making Dragon Pokémon individually busted. The typing was not the reason they were good, and they would just come up with shit like Mega Salamence and Mega Rayquaza in Gen 6 anyway.
>Dragon as a type itself was not particularly good
Yes it was, you retard. Having unresisted 1.5-2x damage against the entire game ON TOP of having 4 useful resistances and 1 weakness (outside itself, which just centralizes the game around it even more) is absurdly good.

>The typing was not the reason they were good,
You think Garchomp and Salamence being able to spam effective 180 BP moves against nearly the entire game didn’t contribute to the reason they were good? Stop being retarded.
>unresisted 1.5-2x damage against the entire game
Resisted by Steel, which is the only realistic defensive option against Fairy now as well. Not inherently a problem, might as well cry about Ice or Electric.
>You think Garchomp and Salamence being able to spam effective 180 BP moves against nearly the entire game didn’t contribute to the reason they were good?
Draco Meteor and Outrage are two unnecessarily good moves, it is not the fault of the type on the matchup chart. Game Freak could've decided to not make Dragon Pokémon with outrageous stats and moves, then decide "Dragon is inherently overpowered" and introduce Faggot type to not fix it.
>Resisted by Steel,
Oh wow a SINGLE type which you can easily cover with the THREE remaining moveslots you have freed up because you have the most broken STAB in the game that covers literally everything else. Totally balanced and not overtuned at all.

>Not inherently a problem, might as well cry about Ice or Electric
Yeah bro because having Ice, Fire, Water, and Steel resists is somehow equally as easy to get around as ONLY having a Steel resist.

>Draco Meteor and Outrage are two unnecessarily good moves, it is not the fault of the type on the matchup chart.
The type having virtually no resists is what makes those moves broken. Thrash is shit because two types resist it and one type is totally immune to it. Outrage isn’t shit because before Fairy you were completely free to spam it once your opponent’s Steel types were gone.
Bumpin' for chaos.
Aww big strong manly dragons cant beat cute fairy mons! Lol!
It's funny and empowering.
My two favorite dragons are gyarados and charizard so I'm cool with this.

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