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>formerly goes to a party as mordecai and says whats on everyone's mind
>leo finds all of the boss' pokemon in desolation
>rg prepares for his trek up the mountain in ashen frost
>wagie learns the deep dark truth about native hoes
>john beats up alannah's father in a jungle in empire
>orevald endures his battles on the boat and his trials against malicious design
>lock takes the time to think about titania and amaria's relationship troubles while still drowning in reborn

>What is this?
A thread where a bunch of autists play shitty fangames. Join if you want.


>Fangame Bingo

>Download Links for Games Being Played


Empire (don't play this shit)

Reborn Allgen

Ashen Frost
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I am tired boss........
fucking gg bro. I'm glad you're free of that fight now, maybe take a small break to relax, you've more then earned it
why though, i've done nothing but go completely against her this entire time
Thats a consistency she can count on.
GG man. At least there's no annoying fights for a while after this retard.

Also, I'm really curious why that Silvally was so fast for me kek
There's more than meets the eye with her.
what the fuck happened to all my money
I was at 40k and now I'm down to 5k without any big purchases barring the second EXP share but that was only 10k and I was still hovering around 40 afterwards
legitimately now I'm broke from absolutely nothing

the least realistic part of this game is that mordecai doesn't go apeshit whenever he sees white blond women (but then again, there are barely any of those in this game to begin with)

there's tons of ways you get jewed out of money in empire, can't think of anything particularly longnosed around that particular part of the game
you at least shouldn't need (?) money for a while for anything major for now i think?
Isreal thanks you for the generous yet unknowing donation.
wait a sec you have the big bucks for a giant indoor pool/bath/sauna but you have your toilet paper just on the floor?
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Thanks lads.
>You can't skip having your wallet getting jewed
This game dude.....
codes for the SCCL files (shared technology sidequest, the secret quest for chapter 5):
357(tropius' pokedex number) for the top(blue), 889(sphincubus' pokedex number) for the bottom(red)
for the fossil machine:
012 for the top(blue), 038 for the bottom(red)
(numbers are the two day counts in the "poolhishepr's sntoe is bule: prat one" book)
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as an (unfortunately) danganronpa fan i hate how painfully easy it is to see that jan must have watched the danganronpa 1 anime or something before writing this
>school with a game where lives are at stake (duh)
>SEC is very obviously monokuma without anything that makes monokuma entertaining
>there's a traitor amongst the gang
>jean is basically the byakuya of this, or the rival character who starts shit for the sport of it
oh my god i hate this

a friend of mine tried v13 intense and it was, as expected, fucking atrocious
madman somehow made it to saki though

i do think there's a difference between kaizo shit as a joke and actually being serious about it
the latter being shit like those emerald hacks that are made solely for nuzlocke youtubers to play them or some shit

and yeah nah that just seems like a miserable fucking existence, as someone who likes hard games every once and a while i have to do Literally Anything Else lest i burn myself out

oh yeah, i think i vaguely remember that. the fool i was for wanting to do that. i know better now, and by that i mean using trick room to tear these games a new one.

oh god don't even remind me about amaria. what a dogshit character in every way
i like how she just inexplicably talks underwater and that's somehow the least bad thing about this encounter

going to assume this guy is a massive sticking point
that team looks fucking brutal to deal with, it's just... "oops! all objectively really good pokemon! and also hoopa for some reason????"

>(but then again, there are barely any of those in this game to begin with)
probably a breath of fresh air after rejuv

also apologies for the wall of text, responding to prior thread shit and also trudging through school of nightmares with all the enthusiasm of a cancer patient after winning a free haircut
>and now mordecai gets tossed in the gas chamber

could you at least deposit everything into an ATM beforehand?
>actress's name is priya
kinda surprised there's a toilet at all d e s u
why would you even let syl in, just tell the dying lucy hell no he's off the case and hire hart if you want a bumbling detective who won't fuck around
ah, figured it out
I did a bunch of move shuffling and relearning, thought I edited the price down after resetting the data files but I guess I forgot to
>Entrusting my hard earned money to the bank after everyone's money was (((disappearing))) last playthrough
I'd rather shell out the 20k t b h Not like I've ever used it anyway kek
don't worry, we know, haha...
if you need any help on the ep7 secret quest for bulbasaur, let us know

don't worry, haha...the school of nightmares is painful fucking dogshit, and it's arguably not even the worst part of the game. i hope you're en route for renegade...or if you're on paragon, that you actually like rejuv's core cast...
at the very least, there's only like, a singular actually halfway difficult boss you're required to win
>going to assume this guy is a massive sticking point
he's a 'climax boss' i guess in tvtropes terminology, but very far from the hardest fight in the game
Took me about 6 tries and a lot of cheese but I perfected Emily
I can see why Clefable was Ashime's ace
anti-puzzleLORDs....i've got the solution for you, didn't see if it was posted before

i think they were just planning to kill syl and luciano at the same time
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what a good eureka moment, forgot about this
Jan has no creativity whatsoever and fittingly for a nog, he copies (steals) everything he sees in front of him, though he gets very pissy if you take a single asset from Rejuvenation.
I reached Saki's grandmother and just barely beat her on intense, I could not beat Saki without straight up changing the difficulty down to normal and I still had issues.
He's the culmination with everything wrong with kaizo design, obviously illegal Pokemon, field condition that exists just to power him up, legendary for no good reason, perfect coverage on everything, input reading, it's a miserably shit fight and that's not even accounting for the full restore spam that never ever stops.
GG bro.
>he gets very pissy if you take a single asset from Rejuvenation.
I don't remember ever seeing Jan freak out over Rejuv assets being Re-used in other projects, it's always Zumi (as far as I remember).
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that bounty hunter near the airport really kicked my ass, had to upgrade to porygon-z and raichu but I did it after a long time. this was easy by comparison, 3 attempts.

they're both two sides of the same shit coin desu
the fact he never goes 'maybe you should stop being a massive cunt when a tiny passion project uses sprites for v5 rejuv' to her when she starts her bullshit is very telling

and the most jewish line in a pokemon fangame award goes to.....

GG, good luck for the donna fight if you're going to seriously attempt it
thanks. past me was able to do it so I gotta give it a good try
the script to relearn from the party menu is set to cost lower, and I re-compiled everything through rpgmaker, but it's still costing 3k per move...
yeah, just marking my tracks as it were
for any unfortunate souls who need to search through the archives later on
what was the burn for, preventing paralysis?
I get you're impatient, but that wouldnt be faster at all? He's should be in blackview right now, obviously he wont be home
>what was the burn for, preventing paralysis?
Yep, because of magic guard she wouldnt take damage from it and her only attack was special so I gave her the flame orb to intentionally block paralysis
>people think Great Lafayette Replacement Theory is just a conspiracy theory

i'll see if i can take a look at it

also, looks like that LAWDS mod for rejuv is in open beta testing, probably will look at it after this case
found it, actually
in the script editor it's PScreen_MoveRelearner, I changed that down and it's costing less now
chagning the cost variable in the Party scripts just changes the visual "this will cost [X[, proceed?" line, it seems like
ah, didn't notice the magic guard
>i like how she just inexplicably talks underwater
It really makes no fucking sense, both you and her can stay underwater for God knows how long, she can just talk there (did divers in ORAS talk underwater I don't remember), but whenever the plot demands you to suddenly need oxygen you almost die.
>the fact he never goes 'maybe you should stop being a massive cunt when a tiny passion project uses sprites for v5 rejuv' to her when she starts her bullshit is very telling
Chuddy are you implying that since they don't need those v5 sprites anymore other people can just take them? Because the Rejuv team might still use them with Jans latest writing masterstroke that is the previous versions plotpoint.
Also imagine if, since Rejuv is canon to Reborn, Jan needs to have every piece of lore approved by Ame who would most likely just not fucking care anymore and ok everything.
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don't be fooled by pic related, shadinja didn't do anything. that vaporeon was so tanky and kept activating water absorb so I couldn't use it until the very end. instead lanturn carried the entire battle
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Electrorape is a pathway to many abilities, some deemed.....unnatural.....
Does he make a statement people can use the assets if they ask? Does he curb Zumi's cuntiness? No, Jan strikes me as the type of petty faggot that speaks his opinions through others.
I will NEVER forgive this BITCH for what she did to me.
Did they give a statement as to when that gen 9 difficulty mod is dropping?
i honestly wouldn't even mind if they said something like 'hey, we saw you took our sprites, in the future please ask permission and also it's going to look really tacky because people are going to recognize those from rejuv so we do recommend you change them out' and then if the asset thief continues to act in bad faith they raise a stink

instead they flip out straight to BAWWWWWWWWING and insulting fangame creators and calling them evil or incompetent for daring to steal le heccin hard work of the rejuvdevs (who have stolen the most important part of their projects and maybe wouldn't be 1% as popular without having the pokemon logo)
just pathetic behavior desu

you just have to join their shitcord server to get a link to the open beta, the actual release of the project is TBD
https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1Idp0Pc68K6brEA1xAxxSKZUbrdNl4IFI here's the thing, it has some gen 9 stuff but not everything i think (?)
fuck you I chuckled
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I mean... if you saw my fight it wasnt that far off
Also how does a league allow that for years? You'd think they'd have a replacement by now, or just simply cut the badge entirely since you only need 8 minimum so 11 badges would be enough
GG and based Lanturn enjoyer.
Thanks for the link, that's a pretty hefty 1.34 gigabytes, wonder what makes this mod so heavy.
ah fuck, my schizophrenia has finally kicked in then
>who have stolen the most important part of their projects
Wait are you referring to Pokemon? I instantly thought of field effects. Gotta wonder where Rejuv would be if it wasn't considered a Rebornlike, although there do seem to be a lot of Rejuv onlies. Mayhaps people would actually point out how much of a schizophrenic mess the game is.

it's not too far off from rejuv's own size i think, rejuv's just big
also orevald i was wrong, it looks like they put the whole of gen 9 in the mod, but i don't know if all of gen 9 is catchable (or at least, all the nonlegends and shit like palafin)
wrong image kek, but that was funny to point out

yeah, the pokemon, but you are right kek
rejuv also had a similar tone to reborn earlier on which drew a lot of initial players but has gotten slowly replaced by generic animu blobby shit with no real identity or purpose
we've had this discussion before but it definitely feels like rejuv's popularity is a very tiny fraction of what it once was
I might start that up after I'm finished with this desu
Assuming Im even awake to do it, now I have both schizophrenica and narcolepsy to deal with
>Lucille's master plan is to get Sylvester to play Virtualization
I'll probably play it too haha..
But maybe if we do /vp/ plays whatever, then should maybe do some new games kek, or vice versa
No.....noooo please noooooo...I never want to see a full restore again in my life.....
Noted and interesting, I am taking a wild bet most everything halfway decent to good from gen 9 is locked to endgame for no good reason.
I will definitely give it a try, though I dunno if people are ready to replay yet another game.
What a looser, I prefer Max revives.
Then what are you doing about the tournament thats supposed to continue from Blackview? The winners are supposed to be in another tournament here aren't they
>>Have to proc Flare blitz burn so Skarm doesn't ohko sneedler
And even then, you see how close it was kek
what the fuck shiv I'm trying to sleep even if it's the fourth time today, this couldnt wait until morning?
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Right I forgot to ask, do you lads have a fun idea for a challenge type thing for when I'm stuck playing as Mordecai? I thought about using minor legendaries like Ashime but I'm not really certain myself, maybe I limit myself exclusively to regional variants?
I find it funny Jan thought Ursaluna was too much for Rejuvenation and yet Sneasler is available as of v13.5.
Best of luck for your catches up there, I know how miserable it is to try and get stuff with the dyke fucking you over.
You really dont need to shiv, she's been untrustworthy since the moment she showed up
Then he would have to push the invasion of your privacy he had scheduled for the morning even further up!
Also, dunno if this was here last version, I don't remember seeing it kek
Unfortunately, Skarm was SE vs all of my encounters here, so it was pretty painful, but I pulled through kek
Shiv her name is only four letters long, thats reason enough for me to not trust her.
I resent those words
That's what I'm doing, they're pretty fun to use so far
The rooftop fight is probably going to be hell though kek
It's a custom for Ayrithian 'men' to invade other men's bedrooms while they're asleep, it happens on later too
I am terrified of that fucking Nidoking, it was already miserably shit when I was not running limitations.
this might be the closest loss in recent memory, if only I could turn items off. I also fumbled hard I should've shadow balled the hatterene...
back to praying for quick claw

Reuniclus at least looks really bulky and can beat it, I'm just worried about the shitty Blizzard Thunder spam in general
I might "give" this to Mordecai to use desu
Thanks, even with my...disadvantage in using a half Ice team, I'll do it this time, haha...
>only now found out A. Marowak has an exclusive move that I missed from a fox member using it
That's what I get for not checking bulbpaedia before evolving him
that hurt to watch, honestly at that point i would've just used an apple cider. you got this bro
if you want a tip i've seen on the shitcord server, you could sweep her with galar mime by sleeping the baxcalibur with hypnosis, skill swapping thermal exchange, rapid spin, then psychic as it gets boosted by the field
obviously that's probably a bit too heavy to actually reasonably work haha, but might clear out one or two mons

also, really surprised heatproof in this game doesn't work the same as in urmumium, so weird they give this to you before that fight
I am really sorry for that full restore bullshit bro.....
Dunno if you saw my post from yesterday, but did you considering using Lycanroc and Grafaiai, they could fit into your themed team as a sniffer dog and a profile sketcher.
Right, I forgot about that ugly bastard that constantly looks like he wants to vomit.
If it helps somehow, I remember Baxcalibur being really fucking stupid on this field.
What part of "I beat Amelia" do you not understand
if you want to be a bit generous (cope) with the detective run maybe ninetales could be like maya fey, the spirit medium who helps out the detective or something kek

you can get that in blizzard bay
thanks. I was so close without items I wanna do it, but based on this and some other fights I do need to start getting more team options. maybe I can stretch dusk lycanroc in as he looks like a schizo, I'll think of something kek
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>This game also uses the ugly as shit sprite for Galarian Stunfisk that Rejuvenation uses
Anyhow, I usually refrain from doing this but I still loathe gamefreak for it, so I'm planning to give my G.Stunfisk an actual ability instead of a detriment, of course I'm trying to stick with something that makes reasonable sense, what do you lads suggest as a replacement?
Doesn't the bionic eye make all moves 100% accurate or is it just attacks?
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A FUCKING GUN??????????
if this ever was a pokemon game, this is the moment where it has officially stopped being one

also i just gave myself a pretty little name for identification's sake don't mind me

>painful fucking dogshit
understatement, and as someone who is cursed to actually unironically like danganronpa it's so fucking painful seeing these plot points be done but without any of the fun stupidity danganronpa has
like they even got the impossible situation done by the rival character, fuck me
>i hope you're en route for renegade...or if you're on paragon, that you actually like rejuv's core cast...
i'm a goody two-shoes when i play games, so paragon it is sadly. i'm still going to put myself through this game again for renegade though
rejuv's cast admittedly suffers from like... there's the idea of a good character in there i wish i could see, but there's just so much Shit going on.
at least erin's fine-ish? i don't mind aelita or ren either. melia is fucking booooooooooring though
>climax boss
ahhh i see. yeah, that makes sense. it is pretty cute seeing zapdos be used as a big powerful legendary when it's fucking zapdos

>but whenever the plot demands you to suddenly need oxygen you almost die
but she can fucking Talk underwater. again somehow her venting is so awkward and obnoxious it surpasses the fact that she's just casually carrying on a conversation underwater

GG, surprised you went with the double battle. i usually just go for the single battle and fuck around with her using something like hydration goodra with rest

oh that stings

>no real identity or purpose
playing through school of nightmares has really made me realize that, yeah this shit barely has a leg to stand on in regards to an identity
it's just... all one big bad anime composed of whatever the fuck jan thought was cool or funny at the time
adaptability, I guess
>Doesn't the bionic eye make all moves 100% accurate
i really doubt they'd allow you to have any way to get 100% sleep that easily or early lol, i think it's just attacks
Death never stopped me before, and it wont now fuck you
Be that as it may. Its still really rude to stand on her dinner table.
Whiteouts: 67
BlazichuckGODS...we've won
Once I figured out Exceggutor stops going for Sleep powder when you pout on Lum berry, it was over
The rock slide flinch on Bax probably(?) wasn't necessary? (especially since I still had 5 mons left) But it definitely made things easier kek
honestly, it's very appropriate that jan's...what number self-insert is this, fifth? wants to just shoot and kill aelita directly for her crime of being more popular than melia in the character polls kek
>i'm still going to put myself through this game again for renegade though
i'm assuming you don't know, but once you get to the MC's nightmare realm during this part that is when the game starts the route split, so you can just make a backup save beforehand and adjust Variable 701 BadEndingCalc to be 100 (for renegade) or below that (for paragon)

>it is pretty cute seeing zapdos be used as a big powerful legendary
to be fair, it's a more grounded story about a detective taking on the mafia, not exactly going to be throwing around world ending legendaries like it's nothing (there is arceus i guess but it's strictly for historical sections) and even a minor legendary should feel powerful
why the retard uses hoopa is anyone's guess. i don't think he has it on normal mode

>one big bad anime composed of whatever the fuck jan thought was cool or funny at the time
if you've not done desolation, it's easily the superior of the three, if you need something to wash the sour taste out
Does every woman in this region just want to bang me or something, what's the deal
G motherfucking G
can't wait to do that myself with...water and grass types, haha...
I still don't understand that scene with the gun, whatever it did, if it did anything at all, just doesn't register, it's genuinely incomprehensible. He shoots her (I think) but it comes out of nowhere and does nothing.
I would like to congratulate Jan on making the first truly eldritch videogame.
The situation has escalated, now theres three people on the table! Good thing the boys in blue are there to stop this tomfoolery.
Thanks, and fucking godspeed
i think i might just hold down X for this entire case, god fuck this character and her bitch girlfriend
Its non-lethal as long your not a witch.
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probably the worst case in the game desu kek, i have 0 regrets instaspeeding through it

going to leave fiery hell for tomorrow

slowKINGs...slowBROs...we fucking won, absolutely based fucking clutch
I hate how Jan at some point decided fun exploration and interesting new areas needed to be replaced with unending cutscene halls that never seem to end, I think he fell in love with shitty movie-like games somewhere during v11.
Yeah, the game REALLY likes to rub the wound with some salt and lemon juice.
Noted, I'll probably debug Iron Head into it as well because fuck Gayfreak.
Eh, we got Breelom really early, so who knows.
SLOWGOD is a loose cannon, b-based! GG and thank fuck they fixed Shell Side Arm.
thanks bros, so glad I believed in slowbro and didn't reset
Slow and steady wins the race.
What does not being able to walk have to do with TMs? Also you're riding a sawsbuck, any reasonable person would assume you're a trainer
What's this immediate bitchy heelturn? They're apologizing and allowing you in after no pressure from anyone and acknowledging they were assholes. This is shit I expect from Rejuvenation and it's so out of place here. Just because you're crippled doesnt give you the right to act this way
She cant walk because she got SawsBuck-broken
Based SlowbroGOD, gg
thanks bro
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The current squad, I'll probably get 2 new members every so often to fill the roster based on suggestions.
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I don't think I've ever heard the "Pokemon are actually Digimon" argument before...
Shmeergal if he's available
just because helium is a noble gas doesn't mean you can charge a king's ransom for it
I'm so fucking broke bros
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>Gets a free sub outta nowhere because fuck the player
Empire says a lot of absurdly dumb shit, you can very easily tell Octavius does not like Pokemon and is using it for attention.
I'm using regional variants only, well I'm planning to stretch the meaning a bit to use a few paradoxes as well since I want to have fun.
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Sinistcha's sprites and party icons are all kinds of fucked.
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W-well...At least mordecai's getting some money in iirc, but man, it's fucking rough at the moment kek
>EV reset berries are 1k each but a single one brings the EV strait to 0
I'm assuming there are EV training rooms coming up soon-ish? I remember some guy in hippieville mentioning that there are attack/speed nature trainers in the military academy as well, so I'd assume EVs would be nearby. Though I have noticed that pokemon who are at the level cap don't get any EVs from battles because they don't get any EXP or whatnot but I guess that's a glaring enough issue that Oct*vius must've thought of a solution
>Holly Berry: halves damage from a superefective attack and recycles on switch-out for 400 each
is this an elaborate scam because that seems kind of crazy
Ah, are you considering stuff like the water worm diglett that isn't technically a regional but actually is or only stuff that's like "pissenfartian-charizard"?
In either case I think A-Golem will blow your mind and detonate your problems into the stratosphere. If his explosive damage doesn't impress you than his... uh...
he explodes goodly
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>Big corporations placing taxes on products people have already bought
Criples dude, this is a new level of jewishness.
I'm barely scrapping by with how much the game tries to rob your cash.
Convergent forms are basically regionals anyway, so definitely, never used Wugtrio, but I do recall it being seemingly pretty bad.
Noted, I do like the big bearded rock with shocking tendencies, will get it soon enough.
Use the tribes evil powers against them!
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I am pretty sure this has more text than Solaris has lines in the entire game
Time to gamble now that I've gotten a (still very small) amount of money
Also poor Serra has a redditor son, she is even trying to bond with him after he joined a terrorist murder cult and caused a blackhole that basically ended up in the pseudo-death of 2 people and he just says "we are here as equals, professionals of the same league not family"
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Nice trips, I was already doing that with Sylvester since my dualtype was Steel/Dragon, I'm using regionals, convergent Pokemon and weaker Paradox mons with Mordecai however.
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fifth? i can't even fathom one self-insert that does more than just hangs in a cute little dev room
i always think putting a little bit of yourself into a character can make them quite nice but this is a little excessive
>adjust Variable 701 BadEndingCalc to be 100 (for renegade) or below that (for paragon)
that never actually registered in my brain. admittedly, i still might replay the game as fast as i can given there are some story things i'll probably be doing differently, like exposing flora

>it's a more grounded story about a detective taking on the mafia
i might have to take a look at this, this legitimately piques my interest. i love seeing minor legends be treated with a lot of respect rather than just being jobbers to you (you're still going to do absolutely nothing in a cutscene while the others use their cutscene powers)

noted. i've heard it's definitely the most unfinished of the rebornlikes, but i'm liking the character portraits a lot, and the character designs don't look... shit
not to say rejuv's were, they were fine

nothing came of the gun, he just shoots aelita (i guess it was a tranquilizer) and that's that?? when he could have just used a pokemon to threaten her instead?
i actually had to get up and pace for a few minutes, i felt like rich evans watching faust

christ, i was actually kinda enjoying this game until around... i wanna say chapter 14, where things really started to get fucked up as far as the game just being full of cutscene halls
by the time i hit pearl route the exhaustion of this constant lock step of short walk -> cutscene -> cutscene -> short walk -> cutscene -> battle -> cutscene -> HUGE LORE DROP -> short walk is getting legitimately tiresome
it's a shame too, i kinda liked exploring some of these areas and the nooks and crannies they have here and there

what a nothing character solaris is
his "redemption" is one of the most infuriating things about reborn, he gets off scot free+gets a girl+acts like a condescending asshole to his own mother and she's fine with it. I swear bennet was a self insert with how much preferential treatment he gets
>oh shit Kecleon event I love this guy
>it's ghost/dragon
just fuck my shit up
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On good news, there's the gen 9 mod Wagie posted, granted it supposedly bumps up difficulty a bit apparently, so you can try that too, after I'm done with Ashen Pozz I'm gonna try it, I think RG will as well.
Karma Files has some really good sidequests and some really kino battles, but they're overshadowed by the moronic garbage going around, especially on paragon, I didn't do renegade yet because killing Amber breaks my heart, but at least from what I've seen it seems much more fun than paragon at least.
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Does anyone know what these 4 mons are even supposed to represent? The mod added a section for the treasure of ruins and I wonder if these have any meaning
Oh Wo-Chien is also using these mons in the anomaly fight, maybe it's mons with good SPEF? I don't remember the stats of all of these
I think I missed this quest last time kek
Yeah, he's got the main one, Jean, the black visorfag, and then a spoiler character you meet at the end of .karma. so I guess just 4 kek but still
>i'll probably be doing differently, like exposing flora
That's fair. I do think that's the only thing that actually matters before the route split (I guess maybe how you deal with Karen). Side note but it's not really about exposing Flora anymore, but rather whether you kill Florin

And yeah, Ashen Frost and Deso are both pretty good. Ashen is obviously a bit more mixed here due to the Demice involvement on hard mode and the very clear lefty politics of the writers but I think its at least worth a shot, well over Rejuv kek

Fucking kek, I'm so glad they didn't remove these
What a bro
The sheer irony of this line is hilarious.
oh I guess he didnt want to block the other one
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What a lovely lady.
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Oh yeah, pretty sure Julia doesn't even get a postgame quest for herself
Could have been the Volcanion one because with some stretch you could connect steam power with her running the power plant
Plus isn't there a powerplant in X and Y that you never actually get to go to even if you can see it? They could have added a joke related to that
A fellow man of culture it seems
...ignoring the obvious, what's the point in this? I picked Boy at the start and everyone has been using They anyway, I don't think it actually affects any of the script
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>I am just going to bring Miraidon so no matter what field the game chooses I can just use electric field instead
>game rolls electric field
I don't know if this is the game trying to undermine me or if it is just giving me a hand
Pfffffft, this is two memes rolled into one.
That and the fact she ends up with the leader of the gang you didn't join, more Julia could probably have made the postgame a fair bit more bearable.
They do call you a he and boy sometimes, far more than Rejuvenation, but mostly later in the game.
What's so hard about actually following through in serious scenes, it's a couple letter difference at worst. It feels way too impersonal when it's not checked in scenes like this
All my money...gone....
>Parting Shot
Well, c-could be worse, I guess?
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I know how you behave if you don't pet an specific dogcatfox
Yeah, I don't think I want to know what's happening over there anyway
>charley's team scales with cases completed
>the second fight doesn't, the gangster has level 25 pokemon
>the reward is 5k
what was the point
Adaptability G.Stunfisk has been a surprisingly really fun Pokemon, I'll spawn one for Sylvester as well since it's under my dualtype umbrella.
Hard to say if it was laziness since Caz was a med student with no free time or libshit brainrot from the rebornevo crowd that joined up eventually, it's just a matter of turning on like 2 lines of coding to refer to the player by their given sex.
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You've insulted zhe family, you've killed zhese innocent Pokemon....but worst of all mon ami.....you've pissed me off.
>Lv. 55 when Mordecai's cap is 45
I'll take it kek, RepelGODS...we're safe now
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It's fun just sitting here and watching my G.Stunfisk take minimal damage from Bites and Air Slashes while it gets flinched 21 times nearly in a roll and then slowly have it's health healed up leftovers.....flinch and sleep are such fair and interesting mechanics that most definitely don't make Pokemon as a game infinitely worse, most definitely.
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just like that taka redeems himself
so tired of these puzzles
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Ulala mon ami~
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Anti-puzzlechads I bring a humble offering.
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Brain please work.
I wonder what Ava would think hearing this
My melanin went away when I was drugged with melatonin in that investigation. Fancy that, eh?
>so tired of these puzzles
Have you done the funny algebra tree yet?
An anon pointed out a few threads ago that Ava would be open to sharing MC-kun with exactly Rosetta only given how much of a fangirl she is of her.
>Have you done the funny algebra tree yet?
like pretty much every puzzle sequence in the post game, it was fine for a couple of tries and then I saw you have to do it nine times and I said fuck that and went to a guide
Whiteouts: 72
Not too bad this time around, mostly just had to respec Vikavolt to survive Hyper voice, fuck Arboliva hits hard kek
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used a few apple ciders for this, I don't have it in me to deal with the power of mid battle dialogue healing/buffs/two attacks in one turn.
gg, man sitrus berries heal way more then I thought they did
What does this game have against Quagsire? Unironically Quagsire dindu nuffin.

The only puzzle in the late postgame that truly knew when to stop before it outstayed its welcome was the Necrozma one I felt. I don't know why they felt the need to ruin so many individually interesting puzzle ideas by driving them into the ground like repeating a joke.
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(((Rosewell))) is unintentionally one of the most Jewish characters I have seen in media in a good while, which is saying something.
GG, I remember get fucking hard last time around by H.Electrode, speaking of which, crash helmet taking away the self damage from Choloroblast is something I need to keep in mind for later.
Please kill me......please just take me behind the shed and shoot me, I don't want to endure this again......
You know, maybe she isn't so bad after all
Probably gonna stop for the night
I got taken to Ditto jail bros.
bro it's just dinner with the in-laws, it's once a year just get through it and don't provoke uncle
thanks. did you have to do anything to activate part 2 of that?
Part 2 being thrown in jail? No I talked to "Sylvester" outside his mum's place, won the battle, and the rest just played out.
fuck, at least it's not the forest
REEEEE foreshadowing
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It's Mordecai time again, need two regional, convergent or weaker Paradox mon suggestions to add to my team, the ones I currently have are Wugtrio, A.Golem, S.Magcargo, G.Stunfisk, G.Slowbro and Sinistcha.
There's a reason I live in the middle of fucking nowhere in the countryside kek.
You know I'm voting Slowbro.
Having a backyard full of hoge is wonderful.
can you get one of the black tauros forms on there?
You mean Galarian Slowking?
I'll get THE BVLL, dunno if either the Fire/Fighting or the Water/Fighting, probably Fire since I already got 2 Water types.
Orevald was right, this guy is an incredibly greasy kike.
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I wonder if this is pre-nerf Cud Chew.
Why do you look like a man then?
It's not like this game is incapable of having qt Lafayettes
...I'm really forced to go grab Mordecai aren't I?
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Please, Sylvester, grow a spine right fucking now and stab this faggot.
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>zero escape virtue's last reward doors betrayal rooms
>saki's nightmare actually finally feeling like a fucking nightmare
>seriously dream casino and school of dreams would sound so much better
>finally time for my fucking nightmare realm
i'm so tired bros
i hope to god they at least finish strong

oh damn, noted.
i'm glad to hear there'll at least be some actual sidequests in .karma files, i need a break from this hallway hell
>I didn't do renegade yet because killing Amber breaks my heart
honestly, amber's been one of the only good parts about the school of nightmares so far
genuinely, this game has some nice characters, but like i've said before things just get buried. Hard.
like, we don't need to have the amount of characters involved hit the double digits here

fuck me, how masturbatory do you have to be to self-insert yourself This Much
i think i'm learning a lot of "what not to do"s in regards to writing with this game
like maybe show and don't tell Everything
>kill Florin
thats largely why im giving the game a quick rinse and repeat. so florin can kick the bucket and talon loses his totally not boyfriend

>specific dogcatfox
between people who are feral about fucking the eeveelutions (sure jolteon's hot but jesus put it in your pants) and people like this it pains me being a casual fan of the eeveelutions
Fuck's sake......
They won't, believe me, hope you're ready for a really awful fight at the end of it all too.
There's not many, but they're pretty decent in terms of rewards and story, though you will start to REALLY hate a certain character if you do 3 specific ones.
Rejuvenation needed an editor to trim down the absurdly overgrown hedges, from what an anon who was friends with one of the devs told us, pretty much everyone besides Jan and likely Zumi think Rejuvenation's story is crap.
>hear about a new spanish fangame just translated, 'Hidden Place'
>oh cool, more realidea-level sexo-
>sprites noticeably a lot rougher
>translation already pretty shoddy

Eh, they can't all be great-
>text box space taken up by portraits so the ESL walls of text are even harder to read

Oh god oh fuck oh no
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>Muh oppression
>Mordecai says this
>Police guy has an overleveled Gumshoos
Is the gameplay interesting at least?
Welp, if anyone wants Darmanitans.
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Haven't gotten to it, but all signs point to this being poorly made, especially compared to the other Spanish games, just from how awkward the intro has been.

There are some cool fakemons that seem to have been obviously sprited by different people. Unfortunately, a lot of them are water types, including the water starter. To stay with my non-overlapping type autism I'd have to pick the fire starter which is one of the few I've found that look like shit
Some things point towards this being the roastie dev's self-insert, hope you're ready to deal with the lesbos and their drama for the rest of the game.
We got some gems like Opalo, Realidea and Reminiscencia, but then there's stuff like this, Last Chance and that one shitty tranny infested romhack the lads played a while back, Spanish fangames are a mixed bag.
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I have one pokemon that can take down a bisharp, everything else either is ineffective or will activate defiant. had to use a few ciders for this after many attempts, fuck dondonzo
stopping here for now. I really wish one of my pokemon could learn a fire move, anything really
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Its occured to me that throughout All Gen I've actually hardly used any Gen 8 or 9 stuff, the only one that made the regular team was the Dynamax stone for Blastoise
But Iron Bundle here has made a good tag team with Tapu Koko so I guess it was worth it
How do you move this Bibarel? I'm running out of places to look in this investigation and I'm pretty sure what I need is past here.
SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH...............this game started out so good............
Most detective stories have a fem fatale, if you go by that logic I guess you could use a Fire type waifumon of your choice, Salazzle being the most obvious one but there's a few others.
You can climb the hedges near the house to get into through the right window, the game never explains this because this game is shit and was clearly just made to forcefully shove lesbo trash down your face.
>You can climb the hedges near the house to get into through the right window, the game never explains this because this game is shit and was clearly just made to forcefully shove lesbo trash down your face.
I already did that, opened the lock for Sylvester as Mordecai, ran into Leo here, went back and got Juno's testimony. I'm unsure where to go from here.
You need to switch to Mordecai and then climb the stairs near were Purloin is, this case is doshit so if you need more help ask away, I remember getting stuck on it last time as well.
That was the first thing I did. I've not found the Purloin anywhere after it ran off.
the well?
You have to follow it by jumping through the logs until you reach well as Mordecai, after that it's mostly just getting dialogue prompts with the other unbearable cunts.
>The purrloin is magically not there if you check the well with Sylvester after triggering the event with Mordecai
The old sierra adventure game flashbacks of arbitrary bullshit are starting again lads, send help.
Thanks for the help bros.
Opalo's intro is stupid too. We should just give it a chance
Decided to go back to the casino to see if you could enter with your own Pokemon, NOPE, you either get the trash they handle you or no deal, fantastic, just fantastic.
I lost all sense of optimism a long time ago, that and D*m*ce's shitty fights have ruined my mood for the week sasdly.
>Tries a single round of the shitty casino roulette thing
>Immediately gets thrown against a team of evasion spammers
This game is amazing.
Progressive xisters? What did xe mean by this?
Got a shiny Volcarona with a passable set, roulette bros, maybe this time.
>Wagie warned Case 11 was going to be tough
>Zapdos picks Mordecai to train it because ???????????
Sylvester is joined by a far better legendary for the upcoming trials ahead.

This'll probably be my stopping point for the night, Case 10 was awful and full of really contrived triggers.
>Get a moderately good streak with Volcarona
>Game starts throwing illegal Rock types with Accelerock, rain teams and plenty of setup sets on Pokemon like Kommo-o and Talonflame which just so happen to hard counter my star Pokemon
Wow, it's like the game is cheating or something, crazy.
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admittedly cute
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Why can this insufferable dyke have a Skarmory but I can't?
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You filthy fucking thieving mutt.
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is she coming on to me
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damn, florinia really might be the best girl in this game
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My French is pretty broken, but let's see.
>If the ghost that haunts this stupid retreat is present, give us a sign
It's a damn shame Flora ruins the tradition of cute Grass girl gym leaders in fangames.
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>My name is Sylvester Carmine Antoine Lafayette the 4th, I summon my ancestors
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>I am a better detective than Wesley Hart
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I'm not gonna screenshot all of it but from previous line.
>Leave this place
>Sylvester: What's your name?
>Sylvester: We are family. What's your reason?
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this was fun but man I could see it being garbage with some teams
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>Spend a good while tracking down the roaming Duraludon
>Finally find it
>It's a shiny
>It has pokerus
STEE/DRAGON GODS.......is this a sign?
fuck I hate terra
feel bad zygarde got stuck with her for its mission
You're obviously using Google translate. Why are you like this?
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thats how I feel about like 70% of the post game noel
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I dont really have strong feelings about eclipse here but its weird shes showing back up this late in the game
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One last Fern beating as we get close to the end
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that would have been an Unfezant finish too, rip
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This fight feels fair when the game doesn't fuck you with confusion and burn and ACC down.

Did need to party shuffle tho.
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sadly didnt end up getting the Unfezant soul win, but mostly just glad this is done
thanks. that's a good idea, would just need to decide who to swap out
is that the same school from later? cool foreshadowing if so
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yeah no fucking shit samson
Pretty sure it is yeah
Do you not have Arcanine for the police connection? Or maybe Houndoom?
Oh shit G fucking G, did Unfezant manage to get the revenge kill on Arceus?
I feel like truffles fills that role being the sniffer, going with orevald's idea of salazzle being a femm e fatale
Never mind just didn't see this, I'm blind
Fair enough, no issue in stacking more mons though when shit gets annoying later
true, collecting as many pokemon as possible for the endgame for that reason
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Alright, I'll come back and do the rest of the epilogue after I get some sleep. Maybe make a little blogpost review or a tier list, though I think my opinions on the game overall are pretty vanilla
I will admit as much of a drag as the postgame was I'm a sucker for a nice "where are they now epilogue" so that makes me smile at least
thanks lads
I think Unfezant could have got the finishing blow if I was willing to spend forever waiting for multitype rng to go my way, but he still contributed in the final gauntlet and that's pretty good for my bird
GG again and go get some rest. Always nice to hear anyone's thoughts on the games we play, it's good to see someone get it off their chest kek

I'll get new bread

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