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Gatr has a simple yet cool design. Why must he be an afterthought?
>Barafaggot bait
Pick one
I pick cool. Done.
>autist seethes at opinions
You could try being less of a loser but that takes effort and scares you.
Favorite of the Johto trio but nowadays I won’t pick him as it makes more sense as Sliver’s ace than Megainum
>another Incineroar stealth hate thread
Do you feel special when you act like a victim all the time?
Okey barafag
More like another stealthy barafag thread
They need to give him the Elemental Punches or at LEAST the Elemental Fangs
Liquidation + Ice Punch + Thunder Punch backed by DD and Sheer Force would be so nice
I’ll give it Thunder Fang
It can have perfect coverage, but the low BP would balance it out
>It's just Totodile: Adult Form
What's the job? What's the drastic difference from the basic evolution stage? What's the meme? What's the meta OP move and ability?

Honestly, it's pretty boring nowadays. Literally a Totodile with gigantism.
>Literally a Totodile with gigantism.
More like: literally totodile without everything that makes totodile likeable
>Pokemon thread
>Becomes a /pol/tard thread
Many such cases
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>simple yet cool design
That's exactly the problem. It's too simple and doesn't have any memorable traits that distinguish it like the other Water starters.
>It's too simple and doesn't have any memorable traits
Literally every johto pokemon not counting legendaries
I'd say Tyranitar is pretty memorable, but that's about it.
Every J*hto thread devolves into calling each other brown.
what skeledirge should have been like
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he had ice punch in gen 2
who cares? we don't need overdesigned garbage, gen 2 designs are peak
>fat plush dolls are peak
lol no
Because Game Freak hates Johto, and just sees it as a welcome mat for their precious KANTOOO. Thats way the Gen2 dex is so neglected and why Johto’s starters and the only starters to never get any shilling. Be grateful Gatr’s counterpart was just Blastiose meaning Gatr’s allowed to get Sheer Force, the other two are forever fucked since meganium has to compete with Masuda’s favorite Bulbasaur, while Typhlosion had to compete with fucking CHARIZARD,
Who cares about silver.
They do completely different things, let it go autist
Cringe and kys, autist.
>no argument
I accept your concession
You can acknowledge canon without going out of your way to alter your experience for it.

Feraligatr's stats were also terrible in tandem with its barren moveset. Inappropriate for pvp.

They gave it Sheer Force and Dragon Dance to try to compensate. Being so simple in design means they can't justify any extravagant move choices.
> Being so simple in design means they can't justify any extravagant move choices.
They can give any Pokémon any move they want. KANTOOOOO Pokemon are simple as fuck and have the best movepools in the franchise.
>and have the best movepools in the franchise.
because kanto has the best dex in the franchise (no genwar post; literally a fact).
This is the problem with certain species in (fighting-like) spin-offs, Charizard suffers from the same problem, but lucky for it there's Seismic Toss.

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Is it? Feraligatr and Typhlosion are still pretty popular, it's just the contrarians on this board who try to genwar over anything and everything who will try to convince you otherwise. Some fag WILL try to falseflag and cry over "borts" despite Johto and Unova fans having no beef with each other.
Johto IS gen 4 so there is definitely beef with gen 5, retard. Unovaborts hate both the Kinnoh gen and the Kalos gen.
remakes don't make it gen 4 retard
Feraligatr bro
Femaligatr sexo
Skeledirge has the opposite problem of Gatr where its design is too complicated. Krookodile is the only good croc mon, but it should be taller.
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Making Feraligatr have a height of 7 feet 7 inches is a based design choice, it definitely fits that massive stature well.
>J*hto IS gen 4
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>freaks use my favorite mon as fetish fuel
So this is how lugiafags feel.

Put them back on all fours like in their Silver sprite, they should only get on their hind legs when in the water, their Pokédex entry says so, it's what Alligators do and it's shown in their beta gen 2 sprite.
some rom hacks give him a mega thats literally that, can't remember which though
>Johto starter bad because “boring” >>56341870
>johto starter bad because “simple”
Yet megas are literally designed to fix’s that along with giving a boost but Johto starter got skipped over because…fuck johto
My autistic cousin loved this fag so by default that makes Feraligatr lame.
>Put them back on all fours like in their Silver sprite
Uhhh Feraligatr Silver sprite is not on all fours tho?
read the rest of the post retard
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I wish it was a quadruped desu. But it's still my favorite starter despite looking goofy at times.
it is a quadruped, at least according to the pokedex entry
It's never depicted as one though, it's always standing on its hind legs. And the dex entries feel contradictory. The silver dex entry says it has a hard time supporting it's weight so it goes down on all fours, but the crystal entry claims the hind legs are powerful and enable it to move fast even out of water.
have you seen how fast real ones can run?
Yeah, but not on their hind legs.
the stadium 2 entry clarifies this
"It is hard for it to support its own weight out of water, so it gets down on all fours. But it moves fast."
It's the same entry as in silver. I'm not trying to say that it doesn't go fast on all fours, I just feel like the entries imply different things. One says it's too heavy and has to use all fours on land, while the other says it's hind legs are powerful, implying they're suddenly strong enough on their own. The latter came from crystal, so that was written after the first games already said it was too heavy for that.
the silver entry was likely written before the sprite got changed to have it standing instead of on all fours
I always associate Ice Punch with Feraligatr because of that.
>Quadrupedal starter
sentenced to the pit of irrelevancy with Meganium
And Venusaur, right?
Megabiun being forgetten has nothing so so with being quadreped. Meganium flopped because of the Johto penalty.
today my nephew asked me if Feraligatr can mega evolve. I gave a hearty chuckle and said no
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I like his whole line although I wish they kept the cave man theme
THIS. Wasted design from Croconaw.
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He has a good design, I just prefer Crocanaw
Wonder why they ditched the cave man theme?
>Meganium flopped because of the Johto penalty.
Typhlosion had the same and yet it's still the MOST popular johto starter
face it quadrupedal shitmons are just unpopular
nobody liked meganium even when it was new
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pretty art!
And torterra
Taking a cozy nap in the cool water... must feel great for a gator!
>Typhlosion had the same
Wrong, people jerk him because of "le easy early game"
>easy early gam-ACK
Those ""People"" are fucking retarded if they think totodile isn't better in early game
It's the other way around, the only reason anyone thinks Cyndqauil is better than Tototile in game because Typhlosion is so popular many people only pick it and don't even realize how broken Gatr is.

To be fair if you're an ultra causal who only played the game once, pick Cyndaquil, saw it put in decent work, its a reasonable mistake to make. Especially if you've been poisoned by nu-gen brain worms and think that a physical Water types an unusable before the phys-spec split.
>many people only pick it and don't even realize how broken Gatr is.
Fucking this
i've been spamming "Rage" with it through the whole early game and even learned bite just before challenging morty totodile is just THAT good while if you picked cyndaquil you're stuck with fucking ember until level 19
Well Idk about that anon, but you are spot-on about the people jerking to him.
Silver is a shitter, though.
and don't forget it has access to Ice Punch as soon as you get to goldenrod without having to evolve, and it becomes fully evolved at level 30. the earliest of all starters.
And Being a water type it get Surf not only is it strong (95 BP for something you can get before the 4th gym) but it even frees up a HM mule's space.
Oh and its only weaknesses are Grass and Electric, the former having no offensive presence in early gens the later being rare.

>if you picked cyndaquil you're stuck with fucking ember until level
to be fair Its Ember is STAB, going off its higher offense and you get Charcoal very early compared to Mystic Water. Also its gets Rollout (which is is functionally Rock type Rage but trades perfect accuracy and )the ability to switch with a higher starting base power) and Dig for coverage all before the third gym to tide you over while waiting for ThunderPunch, ang even Smokescreen is a decent panic option. Cyndaquil is genuinely great for playthroughs, but there are times where its advisable to switch it out for something else. With Totodile there are maybe 1 or 2 instances in the entire game where you would even want to use something. and even in those instancing Gatr can likely handle it anyway. There's an argument to be made that in the context of how good it is in a playthrough of its initial game Totodile is the best starter in the entire franchise tied with Mudkip in RSE.
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I glad Gatr was on the art compeition. So much art.
Cool art
He looks cool
should there really be any other reason to use a pokemon in a pokemon game just cause you like them

also I'm pretty sure this is bait idc I don't even use this board anymore here's your (you) retard
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Will always be my favourite
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Bad image
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>What's the job?
>Unga Bunga Caveman
Pure Unadultered Tokusatsu
Surprised no one mentioned it, but Feraligatr has been really good in Pokemon Go PvP for a while. There's about to be a MAJOR shakeup with all the meta and its projected that Feraligatr is going to be the best and most centralizing Pokemon in TWO of the three tiers of battles.
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He can't stop winning.
That's what you get for trying to eat the little guy! >:(
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u guys seeing what I'm seeing?
>I-I don't even like this place.... b-baka
see you later, alligator XD

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based GO
cute family
Incineshit is still a terrible design and the Telos-Example of Jobmon starters
Feral will never be a afterthought to me
>face it quadrupedal shitmons are just unpopular
The reason is simple:
Game Freak is too incompetent when it comes to the movepools of most quadrupedal Pokemon.
But unfortunately the "Meganium bad" circlejerk will keep going because the Pokemon community is full of cucks.
>he thinks Japanese conservative autists in 1999 not only knew about but were catering to an extremely obscure western gay porn culture
hit puberty already
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I miss his original design. More monstrous, less bars bait.
He kinda looks like he has pockets xD
It will always be barabait
Anon clearly said "bars bait".
Yet you posted vore bait, anon.
I think he's had one too many
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1. this isn't his original design
2. this is pretty much how current Gatr looks
>Game Freak is too incompetent when it comes to the movepools of most quadrupedal Pokemon.
Isn't typhlosion's movepool also garbage?
Typh walks and runs on fours, only stands up to fight.
Venasaur, Torterra, Swampert and Skeledirge have amazing movepools
Do dualtypes even count?
They get extra STAB coverage + coverage associated with their subtype(Ground types getting lots of Rock moves)
He would look more ferocious on all fours
yes, because Game Freak actively chose to make them dual typing as a way to improve their movepools. If they simply hated quadruped mons they could have just left them as monotype shitters. The fact that they didn't bother to give the Johto starter the same opportunity for extra STAB and moves means that they hate Johto in particular, with Gatr managing to survive because Water is such a fundamentally broken type you cant have a starters BST with it and be a shitmon.
>He has a good design
That he does. It's a wonder how anyone can bring themself to say otherwise, even to be facetious.
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What does Feraligatr smell like?
>Why do people have different opinions?
Yes quite a mystery indeed
are you implying gay james bond is memorable? its an abomination and an affront to good design.
Sorry, wrong image.
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being small is practically the only difference Totodile has, gigaretard
I'm not sure why, but this feels like a prehistoric version of Feraligatr.
I'll never pick Cyndaquil
you're a /vp/ user posting about your personal life, your family has two autistic cousins
I can't help but feel Croconaw awas made last and they wanted the middle stage to feel different without just being medium sized Totodile *somehow*. It's ironic how Feraligatr winds up as just adult Totodile design wise
cute boyfriends
Dragon type mega when?
Should be Fighting-type instead.
both are good
its going to be ice because how bs ice punch/aquajet/setup is on him
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the amount of love energy I have for this starter could provide power to a major city
>"boring" type
definitely this
Not cute or sexy enough
I hope you realize you're just asking for someone to come along and argue you're wrong with some muscular, baracroc art sporting a bulge that makes your eyes pop out.
yes. but in gen 2 it was more excusable because thunderpunch was a special move, not physical. it was also balanced out by how common it was for most pokemon to have shit comp movepools back then anyway.
with how broken fairy is now, i doubt grass/electric resist would be worth the tradeoff vs mono water. especially when there's no need for dragon stab since ferl has ice coverage already.
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I was going to argue that it's cute but that too
I prefer Gatr when it actually some muscles and fat
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no homo
cool pose
at what point does it become homo
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It's alright but not as appealing as Inteleon or Quaquaval imo.
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Yes? What, did you really kaiju barabait was the peak of starters? Same mon that gets its stats from Blastoise, because they didn't want to spend the time of day giving it stats of its own?
I hate the starter power creep
>empoleon is one of my favorite pokes
>best I can do with him is hope I'm matched up with a special attacker so I can tank 1 extra hit

Meanwhile recent starters can solo entire teams
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Good luck being Meowscarada or Inteleon's ugly friend.
>ugly friend
Oh, he doesn't know...
Say, does anyone remember ash's totodile evolving? Would be kinda sad if its final evolution never actually got featured in anything. At least the duck doesn't have to worry about that. Funny, isn't it?
Don't give the ducknigger the attention he wants, just ignore it and let him screech into the void
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Oh, you wound me. Maybe that's all pent-up aggression from Game Freak forgetting they already had a gator pokémon, that's why they made two more?
They stylin
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from the drawthread
fukken saved
what did he eat
cute boyfriends indeed
its supposed to be a jug of Gatorade.
Gatr has seen play from NU to OU and back and forth over all the generations, that's kinda rare.
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well that explains the green stuff at least...
it's supposed to be those big jugs they have at sports games, the ones usually associated with being dumped on people
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cute scarf
cute, but ruined
how dare you
supposed to be KROKOROK
sandile's cuter so it works out :)
haha, adorable :)
It looks like it's the same artist who drew these 3 lines in a car, but instead of being Krookodile, it's Krokorok.
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Barafaggot bait will always be cool
lmao, I love it
The prophecy has come true
that shit ain't water
Does Feraligatr eat humans? I need to know for scientific research purposes.
it's so much more cool as Gatr than Gator. The Localizers ignoring the character limit was based

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