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Sinnoh Starters edition

>What are you running?
>How are you running it?
>How's your run going?
>Are you doing a weird ruleset? And if so, what is it?

>/nuz/ resources
Mostly outdated, but if I add something new it will have (Updated) somewhere in it. Let me know if there's something that needs updated if you have something to replace it with.
>Nuzlocke info
>Nuzlocke generator
>Guide to running the generator locally
>Links to official games (thru Sw/Sh)
>Romhack links
>Definitive emulator info (note that OpenEmu is the best option for Macfags period as RBY through B2W2 may all be played on it and all run smoothly)
>Difficulty list
>Pokémon Nuzlocke images
>Pokémon Bank sprites
>Pokémon Home Sprites
>Additional templates
>(UPDATED)Anon's Level Caps Doc
>Level caps/general Nuzlocke info (new!)
Previous Thread: >>56215823
Starting off with a thread question: what is the worst region to Nuzlocke?
Depends on what you mean by worst.
Hardest? Easiest? Least team variety(early or long term)?
Speaking of difficulty, which one of Sapphire and Ruby do you consider tougher? Same question for ORAS.
alola and paldea
Least Nuzlocke friendly, which region gets in the way of a Nuzlocke the most.
I think that question comes down to exclusives, and i don't really see enough of a difference to say, maybe Ruby because it lacks Sableye? ORAS is pretty easy thanks to the tools you're given and working off RS gym teams instead of Emerald.
Haven't played, but I would imagine Paldea. Mainly cause you'd either have to close your eyes and randomly run around (and hope you don't go to a new area) for an encounter or do some other convulted method to getting your encounter. LGPE has the same problem, but at least the routes are normal. If for some reason, it counts, I would also say PLA, cause it has the same problems with encounters (even greater since your limited to the pokemon that don't run away), the battle system means that a lot of your mons die fast, and I'm pretty sure catching more than your encounters is required to progress the game.
I want to say Alola because one, you have to go through lots of unskippable dialogue and cutscenes and getting stopped every five minutes
And two, at least one route (the first one really) is so huge that apparently there's a consensus to split the route up so that you can have multiple encounters and you just get different stuff depending on the encounter tables available, that's how bad it is
I think one workaround is to just put all the encounters into a spin-the-wheel/RNG generator or something, then whatever it gives you, you then have to hunt for, so that's an option at least?
But trying to do it more conventionally (ie literally blind, since encounters are not random) would also make it kind of a pain
>FEAR Rattata
Oh, right, heh. Well why not try that at some point.
Really I might, but I was thinking like pre-burned Guts Double-Edge Silk Scarf Rat. Or Maybe Black Glasses Crunch Rattata could do some damage against Phoebe's team. I'm pretty sure Rattata can't take a single hit from anyone.
Hey, I'm going to try it just for the keks
>I think one workaround is to just put all the encounters into a spin-the-wheel/RNG generator
Gonna start a run doing this right now.
Okay, so.. Rattata can kill Banette with two hits (and take one hit). But Banette is good for setup for other Pokemon. Rat can learn U-turn, so maybe(?) it baits something like Obamasnow to use Wood Hammer and then someone with Sap Sipper comes in. idk
Rat's attack and Speed are good, there's something there to be used, I'm sure.
Good luck anon
I think both could work, i just default to FEAR strats because of people running USUM if they're lucky enough to catch Rattata there.
>Planning to do a smaller version of an autismlocke
>Don't want to use Starters I've reached Champ with before.
I'm considering having a "Starter Sacrifice" rule of some sort in the games where I can't just wondertrade in a replacement(considering wondertrade is no longer active in Gen VI or VII, that's quite a few). Just not sure how I would implement it. Allow an extra catch on an early route?
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My IE Nuzlocke continues
Now that I beat Norman, I got Surf, and got my next set of encounters
First, a quick detour into Route 123 had a few trainers to fight, including an Ace Trainer, who pretty much always have Pokemon with held items
Which means some more tools for my own Pokemon, like this Assault Vest
And since Route 119 was raining, I could finally get my own Goodra
The dev was quite kind to Goodra in this ROM hack, buffing its Def, making it part Water-type, and giving it Poison Heal, making it quite tanky
I also Surfed around Dewford Town and got a few more Pokemon that way, including the rain-setting Pelipper
So we got some pretty good stuff for now
And now we plan for Team Aqua at the Weather Institute
What are the easiest romhacks? I want to nuzloke something besides mainline, but I'm not a pokemon autist.
Pokémon Gaia might be what you're looking for. From what i've read it's difficult without being overbearing.
I tried unbound and it was already too difficult. I'm just not very good at these games lol. I'll try Gaia
Good luck!
Is there a way to disable affection bonuses in later entries, or are these games just impossible to challenge run? There are cheat codes to disable the forced exp share, which is a start, but there's not much point to it if my pokemon get free focus sash and status heals every battle.
i think affection and friendship are the same stat starting in gen 7 or 8 so you'd have to feed them bitter herbs constantly. not quite sure though.
You could select three early route mons and do a number selection (1-3 = Rattata and so on), or you could just catch the first thing you see as your starter and give yourself an extra route catch.
You can choose not to engage with the mechanics in gen 6 and 7, at least as far as i'm aware. No such luck in gen 8 onwards, you just have to play around it.
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This anon >>56356904 is correct.
Friendship and Affection was combined starting with LGPE.
Sword and Shield has a cap just before any affection bonuses kick in, and to get past that point you need to either do Pokemon Camp or feed them friendship-increasing berries. Scarlet and Violet do too.
LGPE and BDSP has no such cap.
BDSP only has them start kicking in at 180 Friendship though, and you can use bitter medicine to keep it low for longer(you should be using them any way, as they are more costeffective).
LGPE has the bonuses start kicking in much earlier and they are impossible to hinder in anyway since the bitter medicine is not in these games.
I thought you said he made it pure water instead of part, i was about to ask if it was still a pseudo
>nuzlocke a base game
>even with the hardest rules imaginable (route locking, no items in battle, no abusing generation glitches like gen 1 hyper beam, set mode, level caps, etc) i still breeze through them maybe only losing 2-3 mons total and at least 1 of those was just my own impatience causing the death
>nuzlocke a romhack, even one that doesn't try to be super difficult (unbound, radred, kaizo) but is still harder than base game
>can't get passed the halfway point
I don't get it
I'd say Hoenn simply because too many water mon. Even if you avoid fishing completely you still end up with like 5-6 water mon just from the grass AND arguably the best pokemon in the game is Swampert so you really don't need another water pokemon. Swampert has the best type matchup for 90% of the gym leaders and E4.
Regular games aren't as excruciating and as punishing as ROM hacks are
They don't really put too much thought into any of the bosses, maybe a kind of tricky fight here or there, but they're all manageable
Playing a ROM hack normally can already be a bit of a challenge, then having the limitations of a Nuzlocke, as well as other further limitations (in terms of Pokemon and even move selection), on top of actual thought put into each fight... it can be a lot
I just thought there would be a middleground, but I think it's simply because the normal game AI is simply dogshit. So many runs of a normal game and I think "oh god, oh fuck, I'm going to lose X" because their mon outspeeds and I can't make a single good switch, so I decide to sacrifice my mon, only for the AI to press 2 setup moves in a row instead of going for the confirmed kill with literally any of their attacks.
Thing is, the ones you listed as not trying to be super difficult kinda are
All three either are (Kaizo, by default) or can be (as Unbound and Radical Red do have different difficulty options) quite brutal
The middle ground would be something like a Drayano or Buffel Saft ROM hack, which do aim to be harder but also tend to have tons and tons of options, gift Pokemon (often the other starters that existed at the time), so you know you have at least some guarantees to work with, Pokemon across the board get buffed in some way, that kinda thing
I was using them as examples of games that do try and be super difficult, not as ones that don't. I've tried nuzlocking polished crystal, gaia, peridot, gs chronicles, and modern emerald and the only one I could finish was modern emerald because it didn't change any of the fights just added more mons and QoL (which made the game even easier than normal emerald).
Oh also I tried nuzlocking renegade platinum and SG/SS and both were quite hard as well, even though Drayano is considered "easier" than kaizo stuff
>nuzlocking renegade platinum and SG/SS
How did those go? Which one was harder, which one did you enjoy more? I'm curious, I kinda wanna try Nuzlocking a Drayano hack at some point too.
SG/SS was one of his earlier hacks, so the difficulty is a mixed bag, some fights hard, others are considerably easier than his later hacks. The lack of new QoL features is glaring even compared to his other hacks, but especially compared to any hack that uses CRFU or the Emerald decomp. Renegade Platinum was significantly harder, but also had more QoL stuff to make managing the difficulty easier if that makes sense.
I hope he finishes his revision of the gen 2 remakes soon.
I was about to start volt white.
I thought Drayano was higher up on the difficulty scale, is he really in the midpoint?
He is difficult for sure, but I don't remember any of his stuff being harder than a kaizo game or rad red/unbound normal/hard difficulty (whichever one isn't the brutal fucked up difficulty with legendaries on all teams with permanent weather or whatever)
I think for instance when Aphexcubed took over his BW2 hacks with the redux he made it a lot harder than Drayano originally did. I would never nuzlocke a difficulty hack with triple battles anyways, that sounds like cancer
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Well, time to post my league run of Mega Moemon Fire Red.
I aimed for somewhere around level 65 for my team since Giovanni's ace was level 58.
I also made sure to get Crossfit the Heracross poisoned ahead of time.
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Vs Lorelei
>Weavile Lv49
>Jynx Lv50
>Glaceon Lv51
>Cloyster Lv51
>Mamoswine Lv49
>Lapras Lv54
Crossfit sweeps all of them with with Guts Close Combat.

Vs Bruno
>Medicham Lv51
Colette Calms her Mind, as Medicham uses some Acupressure, getting a big speed up.
Some more Acupressure causes it to buff Attack, so I'm very happy to see it fall to a single Moonblast.
>Steelix Lv55
Giga Drain does a bit more than half, and Steelix hits back pretty hard with Iron Head. A second Giga Drain takes it out.
>Hitmonchan Lv53
>Hitmonlee Lv54
>Machamp Lv54
>Mega-Blaziken Lv58
All four of them get outsped and oneshot by Moonblast.

Vs Agatha
>Spiritomb Lv58
Pantaloons's Crunch does about half, and then Spiritomb Nasty Plots... only to fall to a second Crunch.
>Crobat Lv56
I switch in Athol, setting up Drizzle. Crobat puts on some good damage with Acrobatics.
Next, I send in Himiko on Air Cutter.
Crobat Mean Looks, then falls to Thunder.
>Mismagius Lv56
Mismagius Spites Himiko, who still Thunders in return, doing big damage.
Agatha breaks out the Full Restore as Himiko Volt Switches into Lewdicolo, who gets the win with Surf.
>Mega-Banette Lv61
Mega-Banette gets a nasty Shadow Sneak crit, but falls to the rain-boosted Surf in one hit.
>Froslass Lv57
>Gengar Lv59
Both get outsped by the swift-simming Lewdicolo and fall to Surf in short order.
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And here's Lance. I knew there had to be a Mega Charizard X somewhere, since it's the mascot of this hack, and this is the main reason why my Scrafty has Head Smash instead of Bulk Up at the moment.
>Vs Lance
>Gyarados Lv58
Himiko takes a crunch, then oneshots back with Volt Switch. Athol comes in and sets up rain.
>Mega-Charizard X Lv66
I switch in Pantaloons to weaken it with Intimidate, and it unleashes a Thunderpunch. Next, Zard uses Dragon Claw, before being smacked with a powerful Head Smash from Pantaloons... but lives it. Lance Full Restores Zard, and Pantaloons Drain Punches. Then to to my surprise, Lance switches to...
>Dragonite Lv65
...which soaks the Drain Punch easily. Head Smash is way too damaging to Pantaloons to go for here, so I switch in Colette on Outrage, basically getting in for free.
Colette gets the KO with Moonblast.
>Goodra Lv63
Moonblast hits hard, but nowhere near hard enough to even get into the red. Goodra fries back with Sludge Bomb, doing a little bit less than a third of Colette's HP, but it does poison. A second Moonblast does Goodra in.
>Garchomp Lv58
Lewdicolo comes in on an Earthquake, and oneshots Chomp with Ice Beam.
>Kingdra Lv58
Giga Drain does an alright number, and Kingdra uses Agility, with it's Sitrus Berry activating afterwards.
Dragon Pulse fails to accomplish much, and another Giga Drain finishes Kingdra off.
>Mega-Charizard X (Again)
Rain-boosted Hydro Pump takes out the slightly damaged Mega.
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And for the champion, I make some move changes.
-Bulk Up on Pantaloons, replacing Head Smash.
-Calm Mind and Giga Drain on Colette swapped for Light Screen and Psychic. (Might have needed it to trade blows with Mega-Venusaur)

>Vs Blue
>Pidgeot Lv62
Athol sets up rain.
Two turns of Aerial Ace and Ice Beam lates, Pidgeot falls.
>Lv62 Haxorus
Pantaloons is switched in, intimidating Haxorus, who does something like a third or so with Outrage.
Pantaloons takes another Outrage hit, but Bulks Up in return.
The third Outrage takes Pantaloons all the way down to 7 HP, but Drain Punch fixes her back up a bit. Lum Berry comes in to cure Haxorus's confusion.
Another Outrage is unleashed, but Pantaloons gets the KO with Drain Punch.
>Lv60 Metagross
Drain Punch does good damage and heals a bit back, but I'm also lucky- Metagross misses a Hammer Arm. Then Metagross goes for Grass Knot while Pantaloons heals herself further with Drain Punch, leaving Metagross in the red.
Full Restore comes into play, but consecutive Drain Punches takes it out.
>Lv64 Arcanine
I rightly assume this thing probably packs Close Combat, but I know from an earlier fight that Pantaloons eats that easily.
It goes for said Close Combat, and Pantaloons Bulks Up.
Another Close Combat, and then a single Drain Punch does the job.
>Lv70 Mega-Venusaur
It uses Growth, which is pretty scary, but Crunch crits, letting me oneshot thanks to all the Bulk Ups.
>Lv62 Gyarados
It fires off a rain-boosted Hydro Pump. Crunch does well over half back. Another rain-boosted Hydro Pump does get Pantaloons into the red, but a final Crunch ends the battle, as well as the run.
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-Intimidate Scrafty is one of the most absurdly strong Nuzlocke mons I've used. Any physical mon bends to it, it beat most Megas head-to-head with barely any thought needed from my side, and it handles special attackers well too. The only thing that threatens it even remotely is Fairy-type moves and maybe STAB Close Combats.
-Rain team is super strong in this hack. A lot of the more intimidating Megas are fire-types.
-Florges is nigh invincible as long as it can hit at least neutrally against a Special attacker.
>Triple battle Nuzlocke
That sounds infinitely worse than Colosseum and GoD, even with the latter's limited Pokémon selection.
Congrats on the clean win!
Rom hacks are generally designed by and for people who have played Pokemon games before, leading to them being more challenging. Nuzlocke rules only exist because the base games are so ridiculously easy to cheese.
This is correct. The people that seek put romhacks are more likely to be passionate about the series and not a normie, which makes it more likely they want a challenge.
How long has he been working on those hacks?
His first hack was Fire Red Omega which was somewhere in 2009/10. He's been working on redoing his HGSS hacks for the past couple years, since the release of BB/VW2 redux.
I've been meaning to ask where you got your version of IE, since last I knew, the hack hadn't been updated since 2021.

>I've been meaning to ask where you got your version of IE, since last I knew, the hack hadn't been updated since 2021.
So the version of IE I'm playing is an extra patch called Inclement Emerald EX, which adds even more QoL and features, including a built in Nuzlocke mode (which is how I've been playing it)
It also changes the UI a bit, so that the party screen resembles Gen V, the summary screen resembles Gen IV
I read older posts that said Polished Crystal got very difficult the further you went thanks to perfect iv enemy Pokémon, was it any better in your run?
Gonna be doing a Blue run. I decided that the "Starter Sacrifice" this time doesn't get me another mon, it just allows me a one time only tradeover to GSC to get a move a mon only learns there and trade back. Just a little something to spice up the run.
I could use this for something early on, like Headbutt Rattata, or wait and use it on something more interesting.
I think something like this will be the thing I do with this overall- giving up the starter to allow something unorthodox I don't usually do with the run.
Interesting. How many games are you doing per gen? One per region?
I'm basically going like this:
One of the original games, the third version, the remake of the version I skipped. Gen 1 has a remake for the third version, so I do it too.
By comparison, I'm only doing one of X and Y, and only White 1 and Black 2(or the other way around)
So I'm still doing a lot of the games, I'm just cutting a lot of the most samey ones.
I got you. Good luck!
>Going for 15 years
Damn. Gotta wonder if he's feeling a bit of burnout.
Considering he hasn't made anything new in years, his HGSS update being in limbo, and even Blaze Black 2 / Volt White 2 Redux was handled by someone else (AphexCubed), I do wonder if Drayano's just kinda done with this thing now. I think he's a ROM hack pioneer but maybe he figures that his brand of ROM hack is just old hat now.
I can see him as being tired of making romhacks after doing it for so long. Maybe he wants to make money and make games at the same time, i don't know.
Are you planning on another run anytime soon or taking a break?
I actually finished that run before summer, just forgot to post it until now.
I'm >>56362812 and I've began that Blue run at this point.
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Blue run has begun.
I check if my mons are male or female using Pokemon Silver.
Here's the Level Caps(really more like Exp Caps). Based on the level and exp rate of the Gym Leader's Ace.
I'm considering doing a system with Medium Fast as the standard instead, since I think this system gives me too big an advantage against some later opponents that use Slow Exp mons.
Blaine and Giovanni are pushovers no matter what, but some trainers that are tougher in later games might get fucked over by my current system, especially some champions.
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For comparison.
Yeah not too worried about it, Sinnoh's been pretty easy for the team so far

It's all being streamed, which is why I only update once per week, so it's names of viewers and friends

Nope! I think I have to go back and grab it somewhere, I know it's in Wayward Cave and I need the right bike if I remember right.
Oh, okay then. Good luck!
Update time! No problem on Byron and Candice. Bastiodon Metal Burst was a little annoying but I just took him down slowly instead of risking a OHKO. Big props to Kuromaru for getting through 4x double team on Froslass with a Metal Claw before things got bad. About to fight Cyrus, subbed in one of the Johto veterans for Bronson since I had 3 steel types on the team
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This might be the silliest fight I ever had Vs Brock. Many small things went awry.
Polly uses Pocket Sand on it thrice, as it Tackles, Defense Curls, and then misses a tackle. I send in The Stiff next on a Defense Curl. Geodude then misses one tackle and hits another as The Stiff Hardens.
The Stiff then scores a Confusion crit as Geodude Defense Curls, meaning Geodude falls the next turn after that.
> Onix
Bide isn't priority this gen, so I can just get a Confusion in for free since I'm faster, right? Wrong! Onix seemingly wins a speed tie and uses Bide. That's not too bad, just avoid attacking past the first Confusion and everything is fine...
>Critical Hit
And suddenly things are dire. Bide now kills any member of my team if unleashed. I can only hope for either another crit, or a 3 turn Bide. I fire off a second Confusion, but no luck this turn- no crit, and Onix hits back, putting The Stiff into a casket. Guess I was tempting fate with that name.
I send in Brat next.
Onix still has enough HP to last a bunch of turns thanks to how little damage I do with Rattata, so I go for Tail Whip twice as Onix Tackles. I have Brat Quick Attack after that to pretty small effect still, and Onix then begins to Bide.
Two Tail Whips during the Bide, then one as it unleashes. Pretty sure Quick Attack can KO now... and a critical hit, ignoring the defense drops and letting Onix Screech at Brat. Brilliant.
Quick Attack hits again, and this time there's no crit. Onix finally goes down.
I think is the only time I've ever lost a mon to Brock in a Nuzlocke.
I'm doing a Sword nuzlocke and i just found a shiny zigzagoon, my first shiny in a long time outside of a rom, wtf do i do with it?
It's up to you, most people run a shiny clause to catch and/or use them in their runs.
She deserves props for getting past evasion hacks, but Cyrus is gonna suck, straight up.
Gen 1 jank strikes again, but it could have been worse. So, hiw did you come up with your level cap system?
How's the run going so far?
Deciding on my specific Johto move at the moment. Suspect it will probably be Strength on Raticate. Frees up Body Slam for another mon and offers utility once I have the right badge. Headbutt is neat, but Raticate can't afford to lose the higher power, I feel.
>So, hiw did you come up with your level cap system?
Side effect of being annoyed with standard level caps basically being a nerf on weaker mons(a lot of Fast Exp Group mons is in that category) and a buff to Slow mons(who are strong as a rule). There are of course busted mons in the Fast group too(looking at you, Azumarill), but still.
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Keeping with the theme of the thread. Sacred Gold attempt, Goldenrod Sinnoh starter gift encounter.
Is it ok if I do a "dry run" through StormSilver before I do my actual nuzlocke so I can get a feel for the changes?
I mean, that's just a regular playthrough lol
But go for it, enjoy playing through it normally, heck you could even still limit your encounters to one per area but forgo the permadeath part, just get an idea of what you'll be up against
Yeah I prepared a full reserve team in anticipation of Cyrus shenanigans, and some veterans from previous gens (Typhlosion, Gengar, and Kingdra especially) can be in play now, so we’ll get through
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Went past Cerulean and caught a bunch of mons(and nabbed the Body Slam TM), then I returned to face Misty.
>Vs Misty
Brat hits it with Strength, and Staryu lives on a sliver of health and hits a Critical Hit Tackle, before falling to Quick Attack.
Starmie is fat and takes a little bit less than half from Strength, and Water Gun does nastier damage than I expected. Kinda worried about Bubblebeam now...
And then Misty pulls out X Defend just for Brat to hit a critical hit Strength, wiping Starmie out.
Very cool, shame about the ability though, i would take the accuracy over power any day.
That's perfectly fine, especially with Drayano hacks.
Planning for Cyrus in Platinum is necessary, there's no way around it. Cynthia too if i'm being honest, good to hear you have a plan.
That Starmie is no joke, I only won my battle against it in Yellow because of a lucky paralysis, probably would have swept my team otherwise.
How would you make rules for a horny nuzlocke?
>Hardcore rules
>Name pokemon after random tags
>After every important battle, you have to jerk off to something that has all the tags in the team you used
>If something dies, you are no longer allowed to jerk off to that tag until the end of the run
>You are only allowed to catch pokemon that have horns
Am I supposed to be battling every trainer?
Up to you, battling them now saves a bit of grinding later.
>Planning to use both Persian and Raticate long term
I'm gonna have to splurge for Hyper Beam on Raticate at least. Maybe both mons.
I'm gonna be spending a bunch of time Pay Day-ing random encounters. Every bit counts!
Being able to rematch trainers for money is one thing i appreciate about later games for sure. You gonna champion clause Persian this gen if you can help it?
I fucking hate Nessa and that stupid fucking turtle that can somehow outspeed my fucking Thwackey. Dynamaxing is such a bullshit fucking gimmick.
It really isn't that inspired of a mechanic compared to mega evo's and even z moves, it's just "everything's bigger now!"
Saves grinding if you aren't hacking in candies and vitamins.
Makes sense, it's one of those strangely rare Pokémon you think is more common.
So I learned something I didn't know before today. About the Name Rater.
I've actually already made it to Lavender(need to post my Surge post later), and I was planning to do something I do quite often- rename my mons the name I actually decided on. Sometimes I can't come up with something when I catch them, so I give them template names instead. Brat the Raticate for example, was named Rat, and Grimalcoin the Meowth was just named MEOW.
Easily fixed at the Name Rater... or so I thought.
When I was deciding on which mon to give GSC move, I waffled between the Meowth and the Raticate, and I traded both over at one time, finally deciding to go with Raticate.
Turns out that trading a mon to GSC and back again via the Time Capsule causes the Name Rater to think of the name as "impeccable" and unchangable.
So they are stuck as Rat and MEOW. Should I change my update images accordingly?
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>Vs Surge
Dig-nity uses Dig.
Raichu misses Growl, and thus falls to a single Dig.
Forgot to put Marcel's new level, it is 22, not 12.
I guess you can update it if it's not too much work, but that's still the original nickname for your Pokémon, it might be nice to keep the reminder.
Surge proving himself to be the most difficult gym leader yet, i'm shocked you managed to escape with no deaths.
So what is and isn't acceptable behavior for Nuzlockes? I assume it's ok to use a save editor to change EVs and rare candies, but not for IVs, natures, moves, held items, or anything else? Where does the line get drawn?
No save editor, except for trade evos and maybe transing your combee/salandit if you really want it. Sometimes I use it to check my ivs/hidden power though.
Don't some of these romhacks have built in ways to change EVs and raise levels? Renegade Platinum is a popular example. What's wrong with just changing it in a save editor to save time? Obviously, if something like this isn't built into the Rom, then I should kick rocks
I think most people draw the line at modifying the mons themselves, but some would also draw it at spawning in rare candies, it just depends on the player.
Is Sacred Gold better with the Fairy update? I just realized the one I've been playing doesn't have the update.
The line gets drawn at using save editors to make the game easier you fucking bimbo.
It's really up to you where you draw the line; however you go about building your Pokemon should be fair game
No blatant cheating or anything, like if you're save editing to give them maxed EVs and stuff then obviously, no
But if say, you wanted to max out a stat or two and want to save yourself the trouble of smacking some weak Pokemon over and over and over and over? Go for it
Some ROM hacks do have these features built in, that is true
And in such cases, those should also be free reign to use if you so choose
As long as you're doing the same thing that these features can give you (ie, you save edit a Pokemon's Atk EVs to 252 rather than fight the Atk EV trainer over and over), you're still coming to the same result in any case
So... personally, as long as you aren't breaking any actual rules, and still do the rest of the challenge as fairly as you can (if something faints it's dead, no items in battle) then it's probably fine
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The game is already heavily modified to the point that what I'm changing is available at an artificially inserted vendor. I'm just speeding up the process. If you think both the left and right are cheating, when all the left does is save time, then you're the bimbo.

Yeah, I'm not going out of my way to disturb any of the pokemon IVs or try to change Natures or Abilities.
I've also considered using a different cap for Trade mons, since they get increased Exp and this is clearly meant to be an advantage of using them, but I honestly think it is too much of a benefit(the advantage grows from 2 levels at about Level 10 to about 10 levels by level 65).
Maybe I could just use a set level advantage for them, or just let any trade mon use the next cap up.
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Made it to Erika a while ago, and accidentally got two of my mons past her cap(I forgot to check it). Luckily it was my normal types, not my flying and psychic types.
Also, Dig-nity the Diglett died one level short of becoming Dugtrio. I got too complacent, thought it would oneshot a Hiker's Geodude with Dig, only for it to live and SelfDestruct, which obviously meant curtains for Diglett.
So Pummelpuff is back on the team for the moment (more of a reserve than a real teammate).
Anyways, time for...
Polly uses Fly, causing PoisonPowder to miss. Next turn, she hits, but so does the PoisonPowder. I have her use Quick Attack, thinking it will be enough, but it isn't. Erika uses a Super Potion(Gen 1 shenanigans).
Pretty straightforward now, Fly, a Wrap miss, and then Fly hits.
Fly causes Constrict to miss, but after it hits, Polly gets stuck in a Bind for a few turns- since she's also poisoned, this does a huge number on her, and I decide to switch in Marcel instead. I do so as Tangela misses a Bind.
Psychic takes Tangela out.
A Psychic crit oneshots it.
I also beat Giovanni at the Hideout.
MEOW oneshot his Rock/Ground types and Flex beat up his Kangaskhan.
Also, the Fighting Dojo. Marcel was level 32 and outsped and oneshot both Hitmons with Psychic.
Gonna be grinding the Slots and Pay Day for 2 Hyper Beam TMs now, see you guys in a few days.
Hard to say, from what i know the fairy type hack is an older version of the romhack, meaning you have to sacrifice newer features and qol or somehow update the hack, and it might not have any fairy type moves included (according to a five year old reddit post).
>Missed out on guaranteed Gastly because I didn't bring any pokeballs over(put them all in storage during the Rocket Hideout).
Whoops. Wasn't planning to use the Gastly line anyways, but still.
Probably for the best, Gastly could be useful for a later game.
You're just blazing through Kanto. Maybe another week and you're done?
Getting Hyper Beam for Meowth and Persian is gonna be a timesink, but otherwise, Gen 1 does go by blisteringly fast, both due to less story, game speed and the games being really easy even in a Nuzlocke.
>Meowth and Persian
Raticate and Persian, obviously.
You might only need Hyper Beam on one of them at this pace, but it pays to be prepared in gen 1.
So what's the endgame team looking like right now? Thr normal types and Mr Mime?
I think you could make the argument that you're skipping the natural progression of the hack by using the editor instead of waiting to reach the point in game (not that i'm arguing for it).
Basically the mons I'm using at the moment except Puff swapped for Omastar(I have the Helix Fossil).
So unless I lose a mon:
>Mr. Mime
Are there any penalties or downsides to changing the time on a 3DS? I wanted to finish my B&W2 nuzlockes during the winter month but real life got in the way and now it's spring again
I think there's a few daily events in gen 4, at minimum, that shut down to prevent abuse, but otherwise you should be fine for basically the whole game.
You may have a point. Persian's Slash has a 99.6% chance to crit(which basically makes it a 140 BP move), doesn't have a chance to miss(outside the 1 in 255 thing Gen 1 has for almost everything).
There will be precious few situations in the endgame where I'll feel safer Hyper Beaming than Slashing.
Probably only going for Raticate Hyper Beam after all.
That being said, Persian doesn't have many moves to put in the 4th spot. Maybe Thunder or Mimic?
You're not sabing Golem for Johto? It's probably the most useful early game mon for Johto.
If it were me i'd go Thunderbolt for the accuracy, but either way the moves etc is very limited.
I'm actually trying to champion it before Johto on purpose.
Using it as a teammate for early Johto even if you don't champion it is bit too easy.
Slowly crawling to Fuschia City in second leg of my Autismlocke. Current plan is to get there, grab Surf (and Strength I guess?), give Surf to Regina and then go to Saffron, kick ass of TR, get Mimic TM for Pascal and fight Sabrina and Koga back to back. Hopefully nothing will die in between.
That is fair, you just have to watch that you don't leave yourself with nothing but your starter for later games.
I feel like it's been awhile since you've been here, remind me why you champion claused Charmander?
Honestly that's my first post here about it. And I claused Charmander because Charizard was in my final team in Red. Tbh Red team was kind of jank but I had some rough time catching mons and bunch of stuff started dying near the end so I needed to improvise.
Mime already used the Thunderbolt TM, so Thunder is more or less the only real attack option.
Mimic might have more weird use cases though, so I think it is the better idea overall.
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Not going for Hyper Beam on Persian let me get back on track earlier. Interestingly at this point, Sabrina has the lowest level cap, but I'm not heading for her. I'm heading for Koga and then Blaine.
This is for multiple reasons. It lets me pick up Omastar and use it more, and Koga and Blaine provide extra Speed and Special after being beaten, making Sabrina's Alakazam less scary.
Doing things this way does mean I need to keep levels down somewhat on my mons, and I'm now dodging a lot of trainers(doubt I could have if I wanted Persian's Hyper Beam).
So I'm going in underleveled for Koga(and will be doing the same for Blaine later).
>Vs Koga
Marcel oneshots it with Psychic,
It lives a Psychic on a sliver, but just fails a Disable before going down to another one.
>Koffing 2
Psychic oneshot.
I'm not leaving Marcel in. Considering this thing has better special bulk than Muk and 4 more levels on it, and is packing SelfDestruct, it is a much safer bet to go with Flex, who eats a Toxic on the way in, then a Sludge as he Earthquakes the Weezing. But Weezing is fat and just barely lives to use another Sludge, and then a second Quake ends the match.

Well here we are prior to League. Cyrus didn't end up being THAT big of a problem. Literally everyone else on the other hand....

> Lost Scizor to Heat Wave Honchkrow because I forgor
> Lost Gliscor to Volkner's Luxray Ice Fang because I forgor
> Lost Empleon to Magnet Pull Magnezone when we were out of healing items in Victory Road
> Lost Gengar to Barry's Toterra OHKO with Crunch
> Also lost Luxray and Camerupt in that fight to crits

WOW LOTS OF FUN VERY COOL. Luckily had plenty of reserves to train up from League, here's my thoughts on each.

> Dusknoir (Sinnoh capture) for taking on Lucian and MAYBE Cynthia's Garchomp (Ice Punch) if Weavile can't handle it

> Roserade (Sinnoh Capture) Solo's Bertha almost entirely

> Kingdra (Kanto Capture, Johto Champion) Solo's Flint almost entirely and good against almost everyone

> Weavile (Sinnoh Capture) Literally here just to press the Ice Shard button against Garchomp. Almost 100% will die

> Ho-oh (Johto Capture, Johto/Hoenn Champion)
Solo's Aaron and is generally just a beast. Allowing myself just one legendary at a time during the whole region quest

Magnezone (Kanto Capture, Hoenn Champion)
It's just good, handles Milotic and resists a ton of other stuff

I'm confident this is the best I’ve got, but scared and have a backup team prepared in the event they all die. Backup team is nowhere near as strong though outside of a few other region champions like Dragonite and Wobbuffett.
Formatting broke sorry bout that
I think i remember that, i might have you mixed up with another anon that champion claused unevolved mons to free up routes in later games.
It's been awhile since i've played gen 1, but i thought you could buy more Thunderbolt TM's from the game corner? Unless it's a saving money thing.
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The first time I did this, I got Crit TWICE in a row by Shelly's Mega Beedrill, and it was a range to kill what I had at the time (thankfully it lived, but I ended up losing Luxray and Eelektross then)
This time...
We went in with a clear plan:
Pelipper undoes the Hail with its Rain, slow U-turns out into Ferrothorn, both equipped with an Aspear Berry to avoid Blizzard freezing (and wouldn't you know it, Ferrothorn got frozen, but that's why I planned for it)
Then it's mostly just a matter of exchanging blows
I got to use Twineedle for the first time in my life, as Cloyster learns it, and it has just enough power to one shot her Crawdaunt after a Shell Smash
Goodra and Aegislash both hard carried this battle on their backs though, with Goodra tanking Ludicolo and Empoleon without breaking a sweat, and it could've gone toe to toe with Clefable too
But Aegislash was the key, because that Mega Beedrill is very scary
Hell, I brought in Dragonite in the hopes of eating a hit with Multiscale if need be, but the Atk drops from Aegislash's King's Shield was more than enough
And when you drop the attacking stats of an enemy, they'll switch out
Catch Shelly's Clefable on the switch with Iron Head, and then it's just Beedrill; with nowhere to run, the Atk drops accumulate onto Beedrill
A Crit Drill Run doesn't even one shot Shield Form Aegislash, but even if it did, Cloyster (with Shell Armour) would have finished the job
This was the fight that was a bit of a wake up call my first time around, but this time, we planned and executed better
You did better against Koga than i did in my Yellow run, his Venomoth managed to take out my Butterfree with his evasion bs.
What’s the best game to do a transcoded lock in?
>but i thought you could buy more Thunderbolt TM's from the game corner?
Only Dragon Rage, Hyper Beam and Substitute are available at the Game Corner.
Do Virbank Complex (Outside) and Virbank Complex (Inside) count as two separate encounters?
Also, I'm I supposed to beat Brawly before or after Roxie? Does it matter?
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Turns out you can only battle Brawly before Roxie. I guess I goofed. I won't count this as a restart though.
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Is Victini legal for a BB2 playthrough?
Thoughts on hacking in Pokeballs for Balltism purposes?
Do i even want to know if that's what that i think it is?
Depends on the encounter tables, if there's a significant difference i'd say yes.
It comes down to personal preference with legendaries, but i doubt anyone will come down on you for using Victini in a Drayano hack unless it's truly broken.
If this is for BB2/VW2 Redux, then yes, both Virbank Complex inside and outside count as separate locations (which you should see on the summary screen)
If you want, personally I think the minor legendaries (the ones in trios like the Musketeers or the Birds) are fair game for ROM hacks, since bosses will often have them late in the game
You also have to fight a guy to get to Victini in the first place I believe so you kind of have to earn it
If it's Pokeballs like the apricorn balls and stuff like dream balls i don't see the issue, but no one is gonna let Master ball hacking slide.
You could always just catch the Pokemon like normal then save edit the ball to be something else if you really want. It's just visuals, and you still caught it as intended.
Am i just misremembering you could buy the Thunderbolt/Flamethrower/Ice Beam TM's then? I thought it was a complaint for gen 2 that you had to wait until Kanto to teach them to your team.
Thunderbolt is the reward for beating Surge, you only get one.
Ice Beam is a one time TM you get for giving a little girl some Fresh Water.
This means both are available before Erika.
Flamethrower wasn't even a TM until gen 3.
It was a tutor move in Crystal, though.
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Am I allowed to abuse the shiny clause.
In what way exactly? I fail to see how you could abuse it except with the dexnav in ORAS, but that would take so long.
I'm assuming like, shiny hunting to get an extra encounter than you normally should or something?
I'm playing Blaze Black 2 with 1/512 Shiny Odds, and with the Shiny Charm activated using the Wii Cheat console in your house. I've already run into like, 7 Shinies (1 died, RIP Threo the Dugtrio), and while this game is hard, I'm not sure when too much is too much. That's a lot of extra encounters.
That is a lot, ngl
Personally if I were to do it I would've just stopped at just one, or maybe one per badge or something
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I'm doing a challenge in Alpha Sapphire with littlemons
>level cap, deathless, no potions, usual restrictions.
We have beaten E4+Champ four times so far. Every team is a headscratcher with LOTS of trial and error and patience. I'd say the top3 of these guys are Tangela, Frillish and Scraggy. Everyone in this box has had an important role. Lowest base stats is Meowth, I think, with 290, still he had a crucial role in his team. Highest stat is Misdreavus with 435.
Every run the major obstacles are Mandibuzz, Walrein, Hax, Aggron, Megagross. (pretty much)

I've been trying to come up with a fifth team. Currently I have Surskit, Onix, Vullaby, Wailmer, Torchic, Machop. We can get through Sidney and Phoebe with ease, but Glacia victory is too luck based, and Drake and Steven fights are just meh..
The thing is I want to win deathless, but also not to rely on luck or crits or anything (too much). I mean I could send out a Feebas Confuse Ray team and after 4000 tries they'd be champions
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Oh, wrong pic..
These are the littlemons who have won
That's like an autismlocke amount of shinies, and i'm being generous with the ratio. I would pick one or two to use overall, or unlock one for use per badge.
So do you fight the E4 in one continuous run?
i wanting to see the catch dates of this pokemon. its too fishy ; i think you cheated
Anon, Pokémon isn't that hard of a series, that's why the Nuzlocke rules exist even, and ORAS is already one of the easier games in the series. Is it really that unbelievable that someone is beating the E4 with unevolved Pokémon?
Plus I feel like I've seen someone beat the original games with just unevolved Pokemon. It doesn't seem too farfetch'd.
You could probably beat the games by funneling all the exp into your starter alone too, depending on which starter of course. Like i said, there's a reason the Nuzlocke was just called Ruby Hard Mode at first.
Would Makuhita with Thick Fat be able to help against Glacia?
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Here's the starter. This is a decent enough challenge for me. I know there's plenty of "can you beat ____ with only ___" videos on YouTube.
Yes. If anyone dies at any point then it's over. We can heal between fights.
Thanks! That's an interesting idea. I'm also thinking Magnemite.
Do the boss trainers in Storm Silver have perfect EVs and IVs?
Perfect IVs,y es
You ever lie to yourself and keep playing after you've lost.
Only back when i was a kid
Leg 2 of my Notepad Autismlocke is done!
Sadly we had one casualty in E4 - Pascal valiantly sacrificed himself to eat half of Lapras' HP with Super Fang so Regina's Thunderbolt could take it down. Also Julius surviving Dragonite's Hyper Beam with 8hp and putting it to sleep made my day. Don't fuck with Butterfrees.

Next is Yellow. I'm kinda nervous because quite a few early-game Kanto powerhouses got banned early so fight against Brock may be bit tricky. Especially that I use notepad clause and ban every evolution line registered in HoF, even dead ones - I feel like this kind of banlist loses sense if I could just swap my team around for some shitters after using Good mons for entire game and/or later just let Champion mow down my team with his last Pokemon to cheat the system.
I forgot to edit Hypno's level. He was level 55, too.
Is it cheating to give myself TMs and Hold Items? The bosses can use them so why can't I...
TMs, yes, because you're getting access to moves you likely wouldn't have access to at the time, giving you an inherent advantage
Items is a slight grey area, because if say, a Pokemon has a possible held Sitrus Berry (just as an example), and you have access to the move Thief, then technically you have infinite Sitrus Berries if you just kept running into said Pokemon and stealing it
You're saving time for something you could do, but that'd be at your discretion, just don't do stuff like giving yourself free Choice items or Life Orb or some nonsense like that
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I've come to the conclusion that Vintage White has awful awful balance.
>Drowzee has 100 bst in all defensive stats and hp and has bad dreams as an ability with 70 percent hypnosis
>Electrode is basically a better Flutter Mane
>Everything up until the third gym has obscene base stats while you're stuck with garbage or maybe a spoink at best
>But but it's designed with heckin nuzlockes in mind
Doesn't matter. It's fucking garbage. I've made it to Wallace in EK and made it to Lucian in renegade platinum deathless.

Notsuicuu it you're reading this you are a fucking retard when it comes to balance. Next time play test your game. This is basically barely a step up from Dark Rising.
>reads level caps docs
>creator says he didn't adhere to level caps when playtesting
ur fault bro
>But but it's designed with heckin nuzlockes in mind
Aren't they always?
Drayanos stuff isnt believe it or not. Or at least they weren't at the start. RR wasn't either at first
That seems really slippy to me, not making sure someone can beat a challenge with the tools you give them at level cap.
>>56408408 was probably meant for >>56408271
No picture because I'm currently not ar home but this morning I started Yellow. Happily Brock was not an issue because I had like 50% chance to grab a Mankey.
Current team:
Kira the Pikachu, level 13
Key the Mankey level 13

In a lieu of team picture I offer you instead screenshot from Blue Archive.
I've been itching to nuzlocke Platinum, but last time I did a while back it was a bit too easy.
Any recommendations for a Platinum romhack that ups the difficulty without overdoes it with something ridiculous like 6 pokemon teams from the very first trainer or no fakemon nonsense?
Renegade Platinum will probably be the most recommended, but you could also do a randomizer.
Mogul Platinum might be worth checking out, but it's on thin ice in regards to what you say you want, no fakemon or full teams but types and stats are tweaked for a lot of Pokemon and Roark has 5 instead of 6.
Isn't that just a reskin of Renegade Platinum but dedicated for some streamer? Like the bosses are based on his mods or whatever.
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Should I post my Unbound random ability nuzlock?

Just grinded out a Gyarados with Wandering Soul before the 3rd Gym.
Yeah, go for it.
Am I a pussy if one of my Nuzlocke rules is "License to Kill", meaning that only "important" characters can kill my pokemon? Example, Joey's Rattata can crit my Sentret and it'll survive, but Falkner or Proton can kill my Sentret.
Well, yeah
A death's a death no matter who delivers it
That sounds like the pro nuzlocker way of playing except you actually fight the trainers in between gyms.
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Been a while since the last update, had a sort of busy week.
>Vs Blaine
It uses Agility, then falls to Flex's Earthquake.
It Growls at Flex, then falls to Earthquake as well.
It Tail Whips Flex, and then survives Earthquake by a hair, allowing it to get a Growl in before going down.
I swap in Movie Star on an Ember.
Then Blaine uses a Super Potion while on full health(?), and Movie Star gets a crit Surf for the easy oneshot.
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This was a really frustrating fight.
>Vs Sabrina
Rat wipes it out with a Hyper Beam.
>Mr. Mime
Rat uses Super Fang(I am not going for the kill here) and Mime gets a 3 Hit DoubleSlap crit.
I send Polly in next on a Confusion.
She Sand-Attacks twice as Mime sets up a barrier and then misses a DoubleSlap.
Marcel comes in on another DoubleSlap miss.
She proceeds to set up both Light Screen and Barrier as the other Mime just misses more DoubleSlaps, then takes it out with a Thunderbolt Crit.
It falls to a Psychic Crit.
And now for the mon I wanted that Light Screen for. And the Special from Blaine's badge!
I luck out immediately, getting Thunderbolt Paralysis onto Alakazam, which uses Recover. I'm probably outspeeding thanks to the badge boost glitch, I realize after the fight.
So now the main thing I need is just a Psychic Sp Def drop on Zam so it can't just stall out my attacks with recover, so I go for Psychic... 9 times. Despite the 33% chance of a drop, it doesn't happen once. Zam isn't helping either, spamming nothing but Recover with almost no turns of full paralysis.
No problem, I can just use Thunderbolt, eventually Zam will get paralyzed twice in a row and let Thunderbolt KO, right? 14 Turns pass, I run out of Thunderbolt as Zam is still just using Recover. Nobody is getting anywhere. I'm now forced to switch(which is what I didn't want to do).
In comes Movie Star, and Zam sets up Reflect.
Movie Star Surfs for very good damage while Zam goes for Psywave, inflicting 2 HP of damage.
Another Surf, and Sabrina is defeated!
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Ok then.

Run is going pretty solid granted how BS the gym bosses and gimmicks are. Lucked out with the 5% encounter Riolu on Route 2 thta carried for a while after instantly walk-grinding for Lucario.
First gym is Grass type with a 10% accuracy drop gimmick but didn't effect my starter Gible and Power-up punch Lucario from just running through them.
However while trying to train up my team a random level 10 Poliwag murdered my Cutiefly.

then made it through the grim woods, volcano, and the routes 3-4 without issue. Then came the Dark Gym where the gimmick is non-dark types take 1/12th damage every turn. I got a Clefairy I instantly grinded the underground to get a moon stone to make into a Clefable. But Absol double critted it and "darkness" chipped her to death. Power-up punch+ feint lucario took him down though.

Just made my way through route 7 to get the old rod and my Gyarados. Having random abilities is keeping me on my toes, but I haven't gotten anything gamebreaking nor fought anything gamebreaking yet.

Parental Bond on my gourgeist is the nerfed version so the 2nd hit only does 25% the base damage of the first hit so its not the biggest thing.

3rd gym isn't that bad as its a flying gym with the gimmick being flying types get infinite tailwind.
What I'm more worried for is the 4th Gym (normal Type) with inverse battle with a Normal Gem wielding Miltank.
Also, I lost Meow(Grimalcoin) in the Viridian Gym to one of the Blackbelts. Was super sleepy and didn't pay enough attention to what I was fighting, and his Level 43 Machoke scored a Low Kick crit.
This Persian was only 4 levels away from Slash at that point.
Sounds like you're a fucking pussy.
Death is death and "uhh it's not an important trainer" bs is not an excuse. After all the entire point of Nuzlockes is to make these mildly annoying roadblocks actually dangerous and put some weight to all fights.
what are your thoughts on using items that you find in the game? like you can use a potion if it was one of the field find items only?
It could have been worse rng at least. Who are you replacing Persian with? That's also why you only play with a clear mind.
Whitney left her mark on a lot of kids. Good looking team with some... interesting abilities.
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Its not Whitney, I'm playing Pokemon Unbound. all the gyms have pre-set field gimmicks and the teams are tailored to be hard as hell relative to baseline.

Also Its a pain that I can't get King's Rock in the underground to get Slow King early to help bolster my defenses. Slowpoke has Dauntless shield which I would hope it keeps with its evolution.

But my RNG with random abilities has been otherwise pretty bad.
Froslass got Surge Surfer
Mawile got Aura Break
Roselia(just caught) got Shadow Tag
Swoobat got Marvel Scale

Only one that is an upgrade from base is Lucario got Water Veil over Inner Focus, but his attack IV is 5 while his Special attack IV is 25....
>Who are you replacing Persian with?
Crinkles the Tangela.
I meant that she was so difficult she inspired romhack makers.
Nice choice, frees up the Great Marsh a bit too.
What's harder between Renegade Platinum and Storm Silver?
Do I get a new encounter for every different Mt. Coronet area? Or at least for every different entrance I use?
One encounter for all of Mt. Coronet.
I usually see people either go with one encounter, or one for inside, one for outside, similar to Pinwheel Forest.
Almost ready for Giovanni.
But now I need to decide on my long term set for Tangela.
>Sleep Powder
>Mega Drain
>Solar Beam/DoubleEdge
>Sleep Powder
>Swords Dance
>Mega Drain
I shouldn't really be fighting grass resists with this anyway, so maybe SolarBeam for the extra power is the play since Tangela is tanky.
Could also try Mimic in the final spot on the Growth set, since Mega Drain is the answer in most scenarios..
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Route 119 Brendan was next, and he has a Mega Swampert, but I've accounted for this
Scarf Manectric Volt Switch kills Swellow and brings Pelipper in safely, for the purpose of setting up the rain (since sometimes it rains on the route, this time I needed it to) and for baiting Vikavolt
We predict the Thunder coming from a mile away, switch Emolga in to nullify it with Lightning Rod, Encore it to get another Sp Atk boost, forcing Vikavolt to switch out, and we start blasting stuff with Hurricane
It even did a ton of damage to Brendan's Swampert on the switch in, confusing it even (which is what took it out) but I was fully prepared to have Cloyster duel with it
The fun part was facing off against Mimikyu, as Mega Banette has a very specific combination of Prankster and the moves Imprison and Play Rough, so we get to lock Mimikyu out of using its own Play Rough
And since Banette is part Normal-type here... it becomes completely immune to Mimikyu's Ghost-type attacks (and its Shadow Sneak would've been locked out anyway)
Kommo-o duked it out with Arcanine, and that's the game
I've finally made it to Fortree City, so I can rest easy for now, then start preparing to head to Lilycove City and get some more encounters along the way
Just realized I forgot to replace Quick Attack with Super Fang here. Whoops.
I think RenPlat since Drayano had more experience when he made it as opposed to Storm Silver.
You've got three gyms and the league left right?
Yup, as well as all the Team Magma and Aqua encounters in between
That sounds like there's still quite a bit of game left to go through, good luck!
Appreciate it anon, hope whatever you're playing through is also going well too
It is, though it's not a Pokémon game, i'm just achievement hunting at the moment.
Does Solar Beam get canceled out by moves like wrap? Might be a point against it in that case.
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Did the Giovanni fight some 15 hours ago. New teammate Crinkles the Tangela enters in style.
>Vs Giovanni
Crinkles uses Sleep Powder, but Rhyhorn wakes up, so Crinkles reapplies another as Giovanni uses a Guard Spec..
Four turn of Growth follows, and then Mega Drain oneshots Rhyhorn.
Crinkles outspeeds it, to my surprise. I suspect the Badge Boost had a big part to play in that.
This means Mega Drain wipes it out.
Mega Drain does a huge chunk of damage, and Nidoqueen does almost nothing back with Poison Sting before falling to another Drain.
Much the same as the Queen, just swap the Poison Sting with another Guard Spec.
Falls to Mega Drain.
I can't see the league giving you any issues, you've been breezing through the game.
I'll probably face the league within a few hours, just trying to find a suitable level for it. Aiming for 60 across the board. Got close to that with a bunch of mons going through Victory Road, but some still need grinding.
I'm also preparing a Pokemon Silver run.
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Now, in this game, Winona's battle is a Double Battle, so the Protect TM would be very helpful
The problem? It's at the Lilycove department store, and Brendan is guarding it
So if you want it, you gotta earn it after another fight
It's just Brendan again, I just fought him, I could do it again, right?
This one... was quite a brawl, because I miscalculated from turn one!
I thought Typhlosion's Flamethrower could knock out his Vikavolt, but it stayed alive and got to use Sticky Web, which made things a bit more annoying
And every single possible extra edge for the opponent to get the upper hand, the game gave it, like, Flare Blitz burn, Liquidation Def drop, max five hit Bullet Seed (which from a Technician Life Orb boosted Breloom hits unsettlingly hard), you name it
I even nearly got stuck in a loop and had to break it, too
Thankfully, the other strategies from the last fight (Cloyster walling Swampert, Imprison Play Rough Banette to Mimikyu) still worked
Now I've got Protect and some other TMs, and now we prepare for Winona
I feel like i had to grind a lot for my Yellow run of the E4, but i don't remember if i did the grind before or after Victory Road.
An easy rival battle followed by a difficult rival battle. Sounds like you're due for a middling difficulty rival battle.
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And... League time!
>Vs Lorelei
Marcel uses Barrier, as Dewgong misses a Take Down.
Thunderbolt does a lot of damage, but Lorelei uses a Super Potion during the same turn to heal some back.
Another Barrier from Marcel, and a Growl from Dewgong.
Thunderbolt gets the KO.
Both fall to Thunderbolt
Thunderbolt does good damage, but Jynx gets a nasty Ice Punch Crit. Another Thunderbolt takes Jynx out.
Marcel levels up to 61, meaning whatever additional badge boost she had is lost.
Slightly scary moment. Marcel is the only one I can really trust to handle Lapras, but I don't know how hard Lapras can hit the injured Mime.
Thunderbolt does well over half, but Lapras fires back with Hydro Pump... leaving Marcel at 19 HP. Phew.
Another Thunderbolt finishes the match.

Marcel is really good against both Bruno and Agatha, but I don't want to accidentally end up too high a level.

>Vs Bruno
Crinkles sets up 3 Growths as Onix Rages.
Crinkles then Mega Drains Onix to death.
And she also Mega Drains all these.
It lives a Mega Drain and hits Crinkles with a Submission, then falls to another Mega Drain.
Crinkles levels up to 61.

>Vs Agatha
>Gengar 1
Rat uses Dig, causing Hypnosis to miss. Gengar falls to a single hit.
Rat oneshots it with a Hyper Beam.
Dig causes Night Shade to miss, and poor Haunter gets crit by the Dig.
Dig causes a Glare miss, then oneshots.
>Gengar 2
Dig causes a Toxic Miss, then crits for the finishing blow(probably didn't matter at all).
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Marcel sets up a Barrier, and Pidgeot uses Mirror Move. Free opportunity for a second Barrier. Pidgeot charges a Sky Attack, but Thunderbolt oneshots it.
Marcel outspeeds and Thunder Waves Zam, who gets fully Paralyzed.
Then both of them hit eachother with Psychic twice, with Marcel getting a crit on the second turn, landing Zam in KO range for Thunderbolt. Marcel levels up to 62.
I send in Movie Star on a Tail Whip instead, and it Surfs the Rhydon away.
This thing is not a threat. Polly hasn't had any time to shine, so I send her in... only to be hit by Hypnosis. No big deal, right?
...7 turns of sleep follow, and Exeggutor brings Polly fairly low with Stomp and Barrage, but a few of the Barrages missing means Polly still has HP enough to Toxic the Exeggutor before swapping out.
Rat comes in on another Barrage Miss.
She Super Fangs Exeggutor, who misses Hypnosis. Strength finishes it off, and Rat grows to Level 61.
I send Crinkles in, as she can likely live either a Hyper Beam crit or Hydro Pump crit... but Gyarados foes for Dragon Rage.
It uses it again before getting Sleep Powdered.
The sleep let Marcel get in safely and oneshot with Thunderbolt.
Since Flex has a good matchup here and hasn't seen use in the league, I send him in... on a Fire Blast Crit that almost gets him into the 'red'. So much for trying to flex on Blue, I guess.
Movie Star comes in on a Fire Blast that does nothing.
Zard goes for Rage, but falls to Hydro Pump.

Pokemon Blue, done!
...I accidentally missed posting Lance. Whoops.
>Vs Lance
I know Marcel probably oneshots with Thunderbolt, but I want to be sure I don't lose my Mime just before the Champion's Alakazam.
So instead it is Crinkles who deals with Gyarados with the Sleep Powder, 5 Growths, and then 2 Mega Drains.
Crinkles Sleep Powders it, letting Movie Star in.
Movie Star then Ice Beams it for the KO.
>Dragonair 2
It falls to Ice Beam
It misses a Supersonic and gets Surfed.
Slam does just about nothing, and it falls to Ice Beam.
And right now I'm trying to figure out which of these two systems:
I want to use for Silver.
I'm leaning towards the solid Medium Fast system, as it makes the endgame harder. Falkner gets more difficult than usual with the other system thanks to having Medium Slow Pidgeot.
I'll just have to see what I end up going with.
Congrats! Are you jumping right into Silver or taking a break for a day or two?
Would a "Named Location" Nuzlocke of Renegade Platinum be doable? My idea is that you can't use Pokemon obtained on Routes, but only in named places like Lake Verity or Oreburgh Gate. I'm not sure if this is a stupid rule though, or what I would even call it.
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My first randomizer nuzlocke. Just narrowly defeated Burgh, he somehow had a fucking rapidash and started setting up with flame charge and raped my team, had to sacrifice noctowl to set up a reflect hopefully will get a good encounter next two routes to replace clefairy
You've certainly got enough gift Pokémon to make up for all the skipped routes.
I guess Rapidash had a close stat spread with whatever it replaced.
Already started. That being said, might have a busy week, so I'll have to see how often I update.
Got it, you just have to find the quiet moments to put everything together.
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First Update!
I found out the Unown I found was Hidden Power Psychic because it failed to damage Lighter. I then decided to try and figure out the rough range of power Hidden Power could have on this particular Unown. I was pleasantly surprised.
>Vs Falkner
Lighter hits it with Ember, Pidgey misses a Tackle, and then the second Ember crits.
I send in Spectacles on Gust.
Pidgeotto Gusts again, and Spectacle Growls at it before eating her Berry. Another turn of Gust and Growl follow.
I then send in Fairy on yet another Gust.
Three turns of Gusts, a Berry and Hidden Powers later, and Falkner is defeated.
Nice choice with Houndour! Are you gonna champion clause Unown?
>Are you gonna champion clause Unown?
I might give it a try. I'm unlikely to luck into an Unown this good again, and the Stat Exp system of Gen 2 is way better suited for it to potentially survive than later games.
Finally got the time to go back to this run. Packet Swamp was a nightmare. I could not solve the maze no matter how hard I tried, I kept running out of healing items and the randoms encounters were really not worth it. Most fights were against 3 to 5 opponents so the damage really pilled up quick and the random Blossomon hit like a truck. Even running away was a risk because fleeing is not guaranteed and consumes your turn. The only reason no one died in the end is because I gave up and looked up a map online.
To make matters worse, even after all that battling, the party barely gained any levels and Tyrannomon hit the cap without meeting any evo conditions.
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Missed out on a Union Cave mon due to a combo of the champion clause and the three tries of dupes clause. Three tries also stops me from getting a Slowpoke Well mon.Took on Bugsy a few hours back.
>Vs Bugsy
Ember does a lot, but it lives to use String Shot before going down.
It uses Fury Cutter, and Lighter fires back with Ember.
It uses Quick Attack next, and Lighter hits it with another Ember, then eats his Berry.
Another Quick Attack puts Lighter in the red, and Ember just barely fails to KO. Slight panic moment.
I send in Anton on a Quick Attack. He takes a huge chunk of damage- but less than half.
Scyther Leers, then falsl to Swift. Anton levels up.
Anton stays in and after 3 Swifts, Kakuna goes down, its Poison Stings never a threat.
I probably should have leveled the mons outside the main three here a good bit more, things could easily have gone south here.
Gonna start a nuzlocke of pokemon clover.
>Standard nuzlocke rules apply
>No items in battle
>Dupes clause
>Can't bring overleveled Pokemon to gym battles, other than that, they're fair game
Good luck! Are you posting the run here?
probably. I'm going to bed rn, so I'll update sometime later.
A good plan, Muzlocking when you're tired only results is death.
Sounds like a rough part of the game, is the next area any easier?
That's why i train my party to level cap, in case anything goes wrong.
Apparently posting while tired is also not a good idea.
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Just beat Brock. I got really lucky with my encounter and caught a Pikotton with a Light Ball. It steamrolled through Brock's gym. This is the team so far.
I have no idea what any of these are, but they look good. Are there any original gym leaders in Clover?
all pokemon are fakemons and the gym leaders are original. I've beaten the second gym leader, but I'm going to with hold my update until after I beat the third one.
bros... I got too cocky. I thought my Caroline. (The bird thing) could sweep the gym, and for the most part it did. I knew going in that the Ribbizap could nuke it with ice beam, so I equipped Caroline with a Yache berry. However, I relying on Mud Shot for damage and it missed. Even with the Yache berry, my Caroline died to the ice beam. To make things worse, I lost my Muscledude to a misclick. Still, I'm glad I only lost 2 (two) pokemon to the gym instead of it being a wipe. A lot of these gym leaders in Pokemon Clover are sweep or get sweeped. 4 deaths so far. Lost my regional bird to metronome chicanery and another mon to a stray crit.
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Forgot to post team. Aftermath of the gym.
Wiped. Attempt number 2 begins tomorrow. I'll only update once I get back to where I left off.
What wiped you out?
big rip :^(
you might have to drop the nuzlocke at ebin post game unless you wanna use grindhaus and pokemon like narwhiz and chromox
Keksandra before the cave fight. I've been hemorrhaging mons before then and made the mistake of challenging a route master. Once I get back there, I'll make an update.
I actually EV trained most of the mons on my team once I got the macho brace (Autism). My Caroline outsped the Ribbizap during the guy Fight because of it. Too bad it missed that Mud Shot.
That's why i almost always go for the guaranteed hit instead if extra effects, not interested in getting fucked over by RNG if i can help it.
Kinda. The next area were pretty easy to navigate so it wasn't as hard despite tough opponents becoming a lot more common. I did a bunch of training in order to evolve the team to the next level and surely that made it a lot easier too. Some of them couldn't evolve and some were degenerated along the way but most of the team made it to Ultimate with no issues. It was smooth sailing for the most part.
Then I reached the boss and my highest level mon that had just evolved died on the first turn before getting to do anything. I guess nuzlockes be like that sometimes regardless of what game you are running.
Also, getting rid of your party members is a lot more hardcore in this. There is no releasing them back to the wild or saying goodbyes, you are straight up erasing them and are warned several times you are deleting them from existence. It kinda hurts.
Problem is, that's the only ground type move Caroline knows up until that point. It was better than a wipe.
True, you have to work with what you have, and I did figure there wasn't much better available.
Jeez, you can't just box them? Digimonbis hardcore.
So you just called the first gym leader Brock for simplicity, or is his name Brock?
Won Roselia vs Bulbasaur with 1 PP left!
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Bad(-ish) news out of the way first, I lost Persian and Manectric to a Gym trainer because of some dumb mistakes, but neither of them seemed too helpful anyway, I just needed to get past the trainers
The good news is, our plan for Winona went very smoothly
I was wracking my brain for a while on how to figure out an opening move, because a fast Hawlucha + an Intimidate Gyarados are a bit of a wall to overcome, but then it hit me: I have Greninja with Mat Block
The first time I ever got to use the move ever, and it gave me the safest opening move: Close Combat and Earthquake get nulled, Audino Mega Evolves and knocks Hawlucha out with Draining Kiss (Mega Audino gets Fairy Aura in this, a considerable damage boost)
Greninja U-turns out of there, hitting Aerodactyl, equipped with a Focus Sash to withstand its Brave Bird, not that it even needed it, hanging on a sliver of HP like a champ
We get Bronzong in, we set up Stealth Rock to impair her Emolga and Dragonite, use Rock Tomb to do some Spd control, and from there it's a matter of exchanging blows
Audino's job was to stand its ground, heal up, use Yawn to put Pokemon to sleep and give me some breathing room, and my other Pokemon (who have to contend with both of Winona's Pokemon at once) dish out damage
That went incredibly well, thank goodness
And... now we face off with Team Aqua and Team Magma again
Awesome! Was it during a gym battle?
How tough are Team Magma/Aqua compared to the gym and rival battles?
The grunts are fairly small time mostly in the sense that they don't have held items but they still have decent stuff, but those fights are pretty simple
The admins and bosses however... have weather teams
Sand and Sun for Team Magma, Hail and Rain for Team Aqua, the dry and wet weather respectively, it's kind of neat
But it does also mean I will have to go up against Maxie and his Groudon pretty soon, as well as Archie with Kyogre later
I've thankfully got a few weather setters of my own (Ninetales and Pelipper) so I do have some measures against it
That doesn't sound fun, but at least you're prepared. How long has this run been going for?
I've been at this since March, basically fumbled at the finish line (right at Sidney) in May, then it took a bit to try again
So this current attempt has been since July, and I now know to play way, way more carefully, planning each move to the letter (since every single time I don't and I try to wing it, something dies)
But if I could make it that far, I can hopefully do it again
Yeah, i would feel the sting if i were in your shoes. You can definitely make it again, dude.
This run is Inclement Emerald right? Where would you rank it in difficulty in comparison to the main series?
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Fought Whitney early this Friday.
I got the Sun Stone from the Bug-Catching contest. Also got the first loss of the run in the form of Muscle the Machop, who went down to PokéFan William's Raichu. I stayed in, expecting to be able to deal some damage while soaking a Thundershock... and it had Thunderbolt, which got an easy oneshot.
>Vs Whitney
>Drowzee 20 vs Clefairy
Hypnosis puts it to sleep, allowing Anton in for free, and he takes it out with three Fury Cutters in a row.
Stomp does almost half to Anton. Fury Cutter does even more in return, but does not get the KO. Hard to tell if the Stomp was a high or low roll, I decide not to risk anything and swap Rocky in.
Rocky comes in on a Stomp.
Miltank then Milk Drinks, and Rocky's Headbutt fails to impress.
Miltank stomps and then Rollout as Rocky screeches twice.
Rollout misses, and Rocky does huge damage with Rock Throw.
Miltank then Drinks some more Milk as I have Rocky Screech again(I expected the Milk Drink).
Miltank then begins another Rollout, but falls to Rock Throw.
I'll do my best, anon
Yup, it's Inclement Emerald
I'm not good at ranking difficulty, to be honest with ya, but I will try
I find Black 2/White 2 and Ultra Sun and Moon to be among if not the hardest main series games at least, and I'd say IE is fairly more difficult than either of 'em
I could consider those pairs of games to be like... at least a 7.5/10 in terms of difficulty, so decently challenging, and if I had to put it into a number, maybe an 8.5/10 for Inclement Emerald
It's absolutely tough, but there are harder ROM hacks out there, and unlike those ones (which often limit what you have access to), you get access to a ton of really powerful, guaranteed stuff
For instance, Greninja is actually a gift Pokemon, Togekiss is given from an egg at the Daycare (and you can keep getting more Eggs to get more Pokemon this way), that kinda thing
Any battle against Whitney where you don't lose anyone is a good battle, congrats!
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Took like ten minutes to finally find and catch a magnemite in Virbank in Black 2, then another magnemite it was fighting kept it in with magnet pull and killed it with sonic boom. I don't feel like catching another one so I decided it isn't a nuzlocke game.
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Follow up to this, actually managed to beat the whole Sinnoh elite four without losing anyone thanks to the busted Dragon Dance + Waterfall setup of Kingdra, absolutely busted.

Moved onto Unova in White 2 and decided to carry across the Togepi and Riolu eggs from Sinnoh as some of our 6 allowed survivors. Made a fun early game.

Actually almost wiped to Cheren because Riolu was traded and I forgot about it disobeying orders. Lillipup had a 2x work-up, but Riolu broke through.

This is the team right before the 2nd gym. Should be easy
Considering how difficult Inclement Emerald is, i don't know if i want to see a 10/10 difficulty game.
Did you not have Sonic Boom yourself? That should be a two shot at that point in the game.
Vimm doesn't have roms anymore
Sadly I did few big errors and lost few mons too much and got destroyed right after Misty... but I quickly restarted the run and currently I finished Pokemon Tower quest.
I lost my started but like... it's Pikachu in Yellow, fact that I'll be able to use it in later games is a better thing. Amber and Walter wait respectively for Flamethrower and Razor Leaf before I'll evolve them.
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I forgot to update badges, oh well.
also for some fucking reasons the download cut off right side of image - Titan also has Bite and Walter Stun Spore.
Yeah, my point was that the sticky needs an update.
There was a part that said (outdated) for the link to the official games for a bit, but it vanished.
That happens sometimes, it pays to double check to make sure everything's right the first time.
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Been a while since i posted an update. real life got in the way. Cleared Route 6 and caught Stan the Joltik at the Chargestone cave. I'll have to rename him at some point since i forgot i already had one "Stan" on my team. Also tackled the Driftveil gym.

>August the servine leads and takes Krokorok out with a Leaf Blade
>Sandslash comes in, August misses a leech seed and gets hit by a crit Bulldoze
>August is now slower and tanks a Crush Claw that sadly also reduces his Defense before hitting back with a Mega Drain
>August probably wont survive more hits with the defense drop so i swap in Reci the Espeon that tanks a Crush claw before taking Sandslash out with a Psybeam
>Excadrill comes out, i swap in Stan the Stoutland who unfortunately tanks a crit Bulldoze that hits hard even after the intimidate drop
>I decide to leave Stan in who survives a Metal Claw with 6 hp and hits Excadrill with a Dig that makes it eat it's Sitrus Berry
>I Swap in Waley, my own Excadrill who tanks a Rock Slide before taking the other mole out with a Dig
Nice to see Cymthia wasn't much of a problem. I kinda can't believe they let you get Riolu that early in B2W2 considering how good Lucario is.
Just thinknof it as an extended break. Skyla shouldn't give you much trouble, she's never been a problem for me at least.
I was surprised too, but very lucky. One rogue crit and it would’ve been over vs Lucario for sure.

Yeah, great to have a Riolu, hoping to get it through to Kalos so I can use the mega but we’ll see. I didn’t want to risk the encounter in the ranch so just brought it over from Sinnoh as one of my 6 survivors
Unless you have a rule against using evolution lines that die for future games you could always use Korrina's gift Lucario.
Yeah I’m using species/dupes clause across the whole run, so this will be the only Lucario

Speaking of, update time! Roxie and Burgh easy swept by Pignite. Ended right at Nimbasa City

Lost Herdier to the Braviary on the desert route which I forgot actually was a fight and Defiant boosted off my intimidate. Also caught and lost a Sandile so oops no Krookodile.

Elesa should be handled pretty easy by Eviolite Boldore I imagine, if not I’ll scrape through
How is Sunflora fairing? I know it's not exactly the best Pokémon around.
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Fought Morty back on sunday.
>Vs Morty
It curses Fairy, then falls to Hidden Power.
Haunter uses Night Shade on Fairy, then falls to Hidden Power as well.
I swap in The Gyaru on Shadow Ball.
Gengar then misses Hypnosis, allowing The Gyaru to hit it with Surf.
Gengar then hits her with Hypnosis and Eats her Dreams. The gyaru doesn't wake up.
I swap in Lighter on Dream Eater, getting in for free.
Lighter gets hit by two Shadow Balls while defeating Gengar with consecutive Bites, ending up at only 12 HP.
>Haunter 2
I swap Fairy in on Night Shade, which activates the Gold Berry, healing a good chunk of Fairy's health.
Haunter hits another Night Shade, then falls to a Hidden Power Crit.
Not shocked Morty was pretty easy to take down, good work!
I can't spell apparently....
>Storm Silver
That reminds me, for some reason Spinda is in Storm Silver's Bellsporut tower, it's an insane early game encounter and I have no idea why he thought it was a good idea to put it there since it can wipe teams at that point in the game with the 480 BST kept giving it until Renegade Plat.
If it's a rare encounter i think it's fine, but he probably realized how good it was once he got more experience with romhacking.
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But I think his Gen 2 hacks are the only ones where you can find Spinda that early.
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The first of four gatekeepers barring me from Hoenn's vast, vast ocean is Aqua Admin Matt, for his first bout
We had a good plan, and it went mostly well, but there's some stuff I could've optimized a bit better, and the AI almost tripped me up a bit
First off, we blast his Pelipper out of the sky with Thunder, which even when unboosted and off of Gyarados's lower Sp Atk, still wiped it out
This baits Heliolisk's Thunder, which Emolga can null with Lightning Rod, Encore to get another boost, then slam incoming stuff with Hurricane
When Heliolisk came back in, I used Protect just to see what it'd go for next, and apparently it was Focus Blast of all things
+2 Hurricane two shots Heliolisk and not even a Crit Focus Blast would kill, but a Crit Weather Ball WOULD (which it did use after), so I just almost foolishly lost Emolga there
Then, his Gyarados came in, and I used Baton Pass, right after realizing I'd be passing the -1 Atk drop to whoever too
I think it should've been Cloyster to pass to (as it could use Freeze Dry) but my brain kind of blanked and I just ended up passing to my own Gyarados to also use Intimidate, then into Kommo-o to set up
I also got flinched once or twice, although thankfully all I needed was one Shell Smash to seal the deal, and we took out his Seismitoad in the process
His Toxicroak made things a bit sweaty because I just had to let it set up to +6, but Aegislash completely hard walls it... provided it runs out of Sucker Punch uses
I had to stall that out, and I think I just need to put Substitute over Iron Head next time since that's not hitting anything, and a Sub would protect me from Sucker Punch
Overall, it went okay, but I need to remember some things for the next time since I'd have to fight him again after Magma Hideout, and his sets don't really change that much
Team Magma's next, so it's time to turn up the heat
Maybe he changed it on a whim? I can't say, but if it's generally a late encounter it's fine too.
So is the gatekeeper battle order Aqua, Magma, then repeat? Either way, congrats on the clean sweep.
The E4 went... not great but I almost managed to wing against Champion Rival. Sadly between bunch of unlucky crits and this asshole hiding one last Full Restore for very last moment we could not win this one, even if it was so really damn close.
I'm not sure what to do right now - should I just put all the E4 guys on the banlist and go to Gen 2 games, noting that this one is a lose? Start Yellow again? Try to win one more time against E4 members?
You didn't beat the games, so i wouldn't champion clause anyone. I would probably play gen 2 then come back with a new save, but you do you.
New thread.

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