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Sunday is Bunday.
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And yes, the OP image was made by a machine.
Ironic, it's in the Bunday thread where I finally see a Spinda that feels like a (teddy) bear.
Large loppu
gotta say it
i want to kiss her
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But where?
right on the lips
i couldn't find anything cute and wholesome quickly so just pretend that this is cute ok
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sorry ma'am i promise i'm not trying to be horny
it's everyone else that's horny
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it's the internet
everyone's a girl on the internet
But that's dangerous. She might try to eat you. A (more) normal-sized alpha is a safer option.
>She might try to eat you.
but that would be weird
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Not in a sexy way, dumbass.
Bnuuys are weird
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"Eating" is used as an euphemism for various sexual acts. In the case of a dominant female, it implies rough sex and total exhaustion of the male.
I meant she might try to eat you in the vore sense
It rained yesterday. The maracti in this area must be nice and plump right now.
holy cow that looks squeezable
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And juicy.
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...huh, I guess maractus is kinda a spiky grass bunny
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Thx 4 making me look up new maractus pics btw, dere cyoot
Ha ha, yes.
It would be ideal if Lopunny were redesigned to look like that for modern games (and yes, this goes for the eyes too). Also if they had at least four fingers.
>26 posts in 2 days
Where is everyone?
bunnychads do things like go outside and look at bunnies
this post would probably be a lot better if i actually had a picture of that jackrabbit i saw the other day
I will occasionally see a jackrabbit or two in my yard when I leave for work. They are really cute, and I try to not spook them as I'm leaving.
Would you visit an alpha lopunny's fluffle of bunnies?
depends, are there any boys there? boys are stinky and gross
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Is that even a question?
Obviously the answer is yes
why aren't tall girls real?
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Because real life is lame
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You wouldn't lose to lopunnies on purpose, right?
Nah. Spinda and Minun are better for that fetish.
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>when you bring a Buneary to the masseuse in Veilstone
Verification not required.
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I mostly see Lopunny, though.
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Would you really allow your arm to be mauled just so a giant Lopunny will be kind towards you for a couple seconds?
anon that is exactly how sizefags operate
But you've just saved the life of a Buneary, a future Lopunny, and endeared yourself in her eyes. It's a karmic investment.
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>water and sunlight in Maractus' plate
You get a buneary out of it, with the alpha's approval. Just spray a potion on your arm and you're all set.
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I don't see the problem.
Wild animals are gross
That's why you capture and tame them
>tfw never bathe with a bunch of lopunnys
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bunny buns on my face
I wonder if there is a name for the obsession with characters being "on-model" that you see among fans of things like Pokémon and Sonic.
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just... enjoying the designs as they are?
It's not "just enjoying" when it's an obsession.
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What about it?
those spikes tho... bunnies are supposed to be soft and huggable
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How do you go from this...
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...to this?
I consider this an upgrade.
delete that shit
A little stylization is fine, but the way so many artists draw lopunny wildly off-model is annoying. Just make a furry OC based on lopunny at that point.
Checked. Very nice pic.
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unf. nice
if they're anything like real life rabbits, unless they're a swamp rabbit, they would absolutely abhor the concept of bathing, markedly even more than cats.
Unless you meant tongue bathing, in which case they're very diligent.
Does Wynaut count as a bun?
And so we've come full circle to the idea of interacting directly with an oversized Lopunny's mouth
if maractus and mega-mawile count because of the big lop ears, then why not wynaut?
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holy sexo
Its nice with the sound effect
They're different enough from real bunnies that they might be cool with it. But tongue bathing might be an interesting angle regardless
Maractus hops around, like a rabbit. And the design was inspired by the bunny-ears cactus.

As fars as I know, nobody considers Mega Mawile a bunny- that is just conjecture. They got Huge Power (jp: Chikaramochi) because the yo-kai they were based on is often depicted eating the kind of rice used for mochi. Also it makes sense that their attack is increased when they have twice the amount of horns/maws.
>As fars as I know, nobody considers Mega Mawile a bunny-
Wasn't it in The Year of the Rabbit graphic PMCi put out?

Then again, Gothitelle is in the Year of the Ox one.

This makes me realize just how good, and how profitable, a Pokemon-Animal Crossing crossover game would be.
Too bad TPCI wouldn't allow it.
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>Wasn't it in The Year of the Rabbit graphic PMCi put out?
>Then again, Gothitelle is in the Year of the Ox one.
I suppose she was there just to add another cute element and wasn't too out of place because of the mochi thing. And yeah, some things about them kinda remind you of bunnies but not that much.
At this point, the only AC game I'd ever play is a remake of Wild World- and I doubt current Nintendo can even do *that* right.
I popped in my wild world cartridge just last night and had my full after about 7 minutes. AC really isn't for adults unless you have the weird kind of autism that's all about building relationships but hates talking to real people.
>building relationships but hates talking to real people
Makes sense when the people available are terrible. Verification not required.
>weird kind of autism that's all about building relationships
So women
>but hates talking to real people.
Ah, *literally* autistic women.
I understand the sentiment but AC really only works for people that want ONLY that and literally nothing else. But even then it's kinda iffy. Like if you wanna fish, catch butterflies, deliver people's mail, and do some gardening, you could do that in Skyrim. But in Skyrim you can also hike through the woods, ride horses, hunt, get married, and adopt kids. And of course all of that is secondary to the fact that Skyrim is also just an actual game with enemies and quests and stuff.
>I suppose she was there just to add another cute element
There is a reason Gothita is there. It's Japanese name is a pun for "[Pertaining to Cows] Cow"

I only know this because of a lockstin video.
Gastrodon is also there, and it's because they're "sea cows" not as in manatee but as in what japanese falls those specific kinds of slugs.
Or even just like... Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, or Rune Factory.
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Post bnuuys
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Nice bnuuy!
The filename made me think it was going to be a loop of Lopunny just standing there.
Typical Lopunny, always trying to get into someone's pants.
busty lopunny is besty lopunny!
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thank you, saved
Everyone in this thread should draw their favorite pokebunny
Flatpunny is cuter
Is there a fanbase for disingenuous than his?
made for male trainer face
hey man dont be sexist
Dont worry about it. Women aren't real anyway. Only a fool would believe in something so outlandish.
Women are real in Pokemonland which is where Lopunny is real.
I worship Lopunny ass
Please do so in >>>/trash/68780687, not here.
No I'll do it here
I do what I want

BUT also cringe, you should be more considerate.
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Why isn’t buneary a baby pokemon? It wears a diaper and is a friendship evo
I'm a total freak for lopunny ass
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It seems the ass freaks scared everyone else away.
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Something something SEX joke.
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must resist...
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this may help
thanks, anon. you killed my big erection
Sex with the buns
Something had to be done about it, anyway :p
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Bunnies are nice no matter the size.
But giant buns are nicest
High quality opinions
tfw ran out of giant lopunnies to post that aren't furry OCs
Cute snowbunny
It is the literal opposite.

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