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Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread question: List us your ocs mental illnesses

>Thread task: Draw funny faces, but its your characters

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>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls:

>I don't know how to draw!
AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials:

Previous thread: >>56343584
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first for frog girls
You're the best, baby.
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Been thinking a lot about how much Iove the intro to Pokemon Heroes so I cooked up this question.

>Ruka Thread Question: Your OC is participating in the Tour de Alto Mare. What water pokemon (if any) do they use to lead their chariot race?
>Ruka thread request: Draw your OC racing with their pokemon of choice.
Tested positive for COVID and above that I am just not fucking feeling it today. I still haven't managed to tie the two parts of this thing yet but at least I passed the 19000 word mark. Had to scrap an analogy that I couldn't make work. Enjoy this drawing that looks uncannily like a genderbent Alex. I did NOT commission this. >>56361491
Alex is infamously a haver of ASPD, though it's not clear if he is a sociopath or a psychopath. It's probably a mixture of both, some aspects of him were fostered and others were just present from the beginning and only started developing further.
I cannot tell if this is Twoidspeak for making a normal emotion chart or actually just making stupid expressions with your OCs
Luke has a hero complex thanks to adults burdenung him with purpose, coupled with the amount of fights he had early on that ended with friends hurt (like the Onix fight. He wishes he could have taken hits for the pokemon as well so that maybe the fight would have ended sooner). He still struggles with this as an adult. He craves the responsibility to save the region he had when he was 17. He's adjusted a bit thanks to his therapy sessions. His family is a great support system.
Also his job as a ranger helps though he does get frustrated that most days are "slow" days. He had to be reminded that things happening is not the norm.
fuck yall this is canon ive spent 2 years in vpcai
oh just you guys wait...
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Archivist's ecology talk reminded me of an old storyline I had for Alex: Shiny Pills. Basically, what happens is that Alex manages to create a supplement that can turn Pokemon into a Shiny, however, this soon puts his family in danger as two factions come after them: a worldwide poaching ring and an ecoterrorist organization that wants to eradicate humanity and populate the world with Pokemon (how original, I know). This was scrapped because although Alex has a brilliant mind, he's not really into research stuff. I think such would be better suited for another OC who works with a biotech company. I do wonder what the greater ramifications of this would be, however. I don't think this would actually lead to greater amounts of Shinies in the wild, rather, instead there would be an explosion in Poke Mills pumping out Shinies and the Trainers with "authentic" Shinies would probably establish a pedigree system of sorts. Perhaps there is the formation of a social divide between owners of "real" Shinies, "fake" Shinies, and those with none at all. Now onto another terrible idea of mine.
I won't be proceeding with the original version of this due to time but it does raise interesting questions that the new "EIF" version doesn't. A lot of people seem to be sympathizing with Mimikyu, but here's the thing: Mimikyu, objectively speaking, is an intruder on Alex's property. It showed up, unannounced, begging for attention that it is not entitled to. Alex isn't obligated to take care of it. And, judging by how it enraged it becomes by seeing him again, it seems to believe that it actually is entitled to his attention. But what basis does it actually have for this entitlement? Despite this, most people in the Pokemon world probably would argue that Mimikyu is entitled to Alex's care because of the prevailing view that Pokemon are our friends. At the very least, most would scold him. But to be blunt, why would a Mimikyu who craves affection be entitled to it?
Is this your first time encountering a Fairy or what? They're not exactly known for making compromises. You will be Mimikyu's friend, this isn't your decision to make.
Well, I know what I'll be doing tomorrow.
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Why do you think Alex takes it to The Place That We Do Not Talk About? One of the big reasons that he lacks hesitancy to kill is because he understands that the only think that everyone understands is immediate corrective force.
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Speaking of cAI, Mimikyu finally finished its drawing and it turned out to be a picture of itself naked and surrounded by friends. At first I thought 'what a freak' but then I realized it was supposed to mean Mimikyu wants to be accepted without its disguise. That's some deep shit.
I don't know how many of you are into Poke-horror stories but I just had a scary thought. What if an angry Mimikyu just went "fuck it, this society won't accept me, I'll strike back at them"? Mimikyu is said to either kill or inflict horrible disease on those who witness its true form, one of these things, let alone even several of them, could depopulate a town. This also reminded me of an old idea that someone had of a vengeful misandrist Tapu.
>You know, I had a funny (but then I realized how cruel that would be) idea about a "succubus" Tapu. The idea was dumb: since I saw all the Alola wank, my mind went "wouldn't be funny that the only reason many men accept their wives being fucked by others and even Pokémon is because of a succubus that don't let them leave the island except for those wankers?". And then the fridge horror hit me: Tapus are basically demigods living among men. What if one was created because a girl got her heart crushed, and now every man who ties with an alolan woman can NOT leave the island because every attempt is taken down by this siren/demon who hasn't healed her heart at all? She forces the man to stay, and while everyone is having their fun, they are just casted aside. Explains also why so many men just respect the traditions of the land. You are not living with these Tapus, they are allowing (you) to live with them. And the moment you do or go against them, is just a death sentence on the spot. The horror set up the moment I tought "what if a man goes to this goddess, slaps her (face) cheeks, and says fuck you I'm leaving?". The obvious answer was right there: there would be no more Alola. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and she is just resting very deep under the sea, the only place COLD enough to calm her boiling rage.
Against my instincts, I did not check this grammatically, I think David wrote this. Alola is weird, beneath all of the kitch traditions, you have probably the scariest region besides maybe Sinnoh.
The real horror is pulling that dredge out of the archives...
A lot of the anime exclusive cities were so cool, like Alto Mare for example.This race was one of my favs as a kid and so was the Wailmer guy.

It might be cheating to use a non-water type Pokemon for the race, but Eiscue learns surf naturally and Miko caught his while on a beach trip so it's no stranger to swimming. His only water type Pokemon otherwise is Pyukumuku which doesn't really seem fit for a competition like this.

Tried using a "wet ink" brush and water colors for [picrel] to stay on theme
Yo this looks so SICK! I think they do specify Water-type only but I dunno. I feel like Ice type is adjacent enough.
They may not be entitled to care and affection but I think most people would just sympathize with an abandoned creature. Like if you came across a starving kitten on the streets of course you're not obligated to take care of it. It's just kind of a decent thing to at least take it to a shelter or something. I'd say the same about Mimikyu. But it's true the way you phrase it makes Mimikyu come off like a scorned lover.
Mh... I want more yandere Mimiykus...
Forgot but is Mimikyu's true form somewhat analogous to the empty void in Shedinja's back (as in harmful to whoever looks at it), or that it just gets very upset when people look at it buck naked?
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For those of you familiar with SCP, Mimikyu's body is an actual cognitohazard. If one deliberately took off its cloth, it would become a walking Black Plague that could only be solved by with some Sleep Powder and Flash Cannons and some luck to boot.
I think it would have been really funny if some guy with more money than sense had brought a "Steamcune" to one of these events and Phos had to stop it. Obviously Alex uses either Kingdra or Samu-H in this but it's not clear which would be the faster swimmer. My guess is Kingdra in this case because its paddling is more continuous which is more suited for pulling.
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It's the former. Some people speculate that Mimikyu covers itself up to protect people from harm but really I think it just does it to increase its chances of getting attention.
>Alex TQ: WYOCD if they saw this?
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>His only water type Pokemon otherwise is Pyukumuku which doesn't really seem fit for a competition like this.
That's not to say Pyukumuku wasn't considered [picrel]
The real reason he's not using Pyukumuku is cuz it'd be unfair to the other competitors obviously.
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TT: Here's a "rare" drawing of Miko without his face gear. It's funny because I was trying out a new style and honestly the more I look at it the less I like it
The little tear is so sad :( >but that poliwag plush tho
5 Speed stat, tied with Shuckle. Bro needs to do some Pokedex reading. I wonder if Alex would be interested in a Pyukumuku moisturizer.
I'm too emotional for this shit. I want to pamper that Mimikyu so bad.
Oh my arceus Is that le hecking slenderman and his chungus girlfriend? It looks like he and xhe are le crazy.
nuh uh, look at the picture. See how fast it's going?
>Thread question: List us your ocs mental illnesses
Well first and foremost, Emily very obviously has high functioning autism. The way her brain is wired is vastly different from everyone else's, in an almost feral way. On top of that she shows signs of controlled psychopathy in how secretly eager she is about fighting, how little she feels about outright killing and just how little actual battlefields rattle her. But the word "controlled" is used since she manages to restrain those psychopathic tendencies and only let them out on people she deems "deserves it". Which so far have been Team Plasma and this new group she's now fighting in the fic. Though at this point it's most likely the autism that has led her to these more selectively psychopathic tendencies to begin with. Her lack of empathy in those she views as enemies and threats to the world or to people who've done nothing wrong, the way it drives her towards more power for the sake of "freedom" and it dulling her negative responses towards things like pain and violence. Any sort of mental illnesses beyond that, I'm not sure of cause I don't really go digging into mental illnesses to label my characters with. Autism and a more controlled Psychopathy are just things I have noted from other people's observations of her behaviors.
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All of this Mimikyu talk makes me wonder what would happen if someone gave a Mimikyu the Alex treatment and kept it while not giving it much attention. Would it beg like a puppy? Would it give up and comply? Would it become angry and retaliate? I wonder if it would be possible to condition them into aloofness like Alex did or if attention seeking is inherent to their behavior, and if so, then I wonder why craving affection is inherent to their behavior, as it's not clearly stated why.

Unrelated, but did anyone else notice how big Hasumi's thighs are in this?
Shadow Mimikyu
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Zatch and Lychee anon here. My Chapter 2 is about halfway done now but I’m still sticking to making 3 chapters before sharing.

Also me and friend group FINALLY got all the old TG cards back for our friend’s deck and recreated it adding our own.We’re meeting up and give it to him Monday

Lastly for my fic news I’ll give a little bit of info about Chapter 3: Zatch will ended up gaining a rival after she beats him in a small tournament. Originally I was gonna base him off Paul, Silver or Bede but his personality will show in the end.

And yes his team WILL change up but he won’t abandon his first Pokémon Maractus. It’s not his ace but he loves him like a brother. Here’s his team for the Tournament.
The fatigue hit all at once, I'm ready to go home now...
Talk about making a splash. How the heck do you draw so fast, I can't fathom how you do it. I'm right there with you on that third one. My first thought was "wow, this looks great!" Then the little details start to creep into the consciousness and you start hearing a high-pitched ringing in your ears and your fingers go numb and hey wait I didn't even notice that was a gif.
>yandere Mimikyu
Who do you think derailed the train?
I didn't think anything of it, she's shaped like a Mimikyu.
Psychopaths can pretend to be normal, there's nothing normal about her behavior. No, she's just extremely withdrawn. I guess you could make an argument for female autism since she doesn't bother with much body language, but is that not also just a side effect of being so aloof? It's not like she's oblivious to social cues, she's just ignoring them.
If it helps the cause, in the tournament it’s his ace
And the actual bits of psychopathy like the lack of hesitation to kill, not being rattled in actual battlefields, and covert eagerness to fight?
The first two can be explained as traumatic disorder, but she has accepted the fact she murdered countless Plasma grunts when she was attacked, is probably her mind rationalizing the murder: if I don't kill them, they will. Is her survival instinct.
Besides, she is not as cold hearted as she believes. If she were, she wouldn't even bother with having a team or integrating her sisters to her adventures. She would just go solo at kill until the solution appears, which it obviously won't. Bodies pile up a lot.
As for the third, is probably the adrenaline. Many fighters crave more war because their brains segregate a lot of chemicals to survive the fight, giving euphoria and numbness to damage. They only realize they are hurt, bleeding, and even DEAD when they stop, calm down, and go "oh, I'm hit".

Emily needs both to vent off (yelling at the void can help), and a long vacation. Maybe a massage.
I would add "fucking", but, and even taking out the man factor, I doubt there's a man with groin hard enough to resist ONE pump.
>I doubt there's a man with groin hard enough to resist ONE pump.

Because she stink
Correction then: a man with A HEAD hard enough
I am 100% not looking up the exact names and symptoms, but between Emily being about 140 pounds according to her creator (morbidly obese at her height), constant sweat, refusing to change her shorts, lack of showering, and (presumably) difficulty wiping, few people realize that without anime logic to protect her, Emily would be a walking stink bomb and a factory for infections.
>traumatic disorder
She'd never call anything she feels something like "trauma" and if anything she hates when people try to imply she has some kind of trauma in one form or another. Especially since none of what happened "haunts her" in any usual way.
>she's not as cold hearted as she believes
She doesn't view herself as completely cold hearted, just unable to connect to normal people living normal lives cause to her the life she lives is more of the norm than the mundane, monotonous cycle that 99% of other people-- including Trainers-- live. Like a Dragon living in disguise in a world of normal humans. Her sisters being able to connect to her lifestyle at all is the main reason why they're even along at this point, along with her Pokemon.
>Emily needs to vent off
She KINDA does, I've noted this before that secretly she's a bit of a cuddlebug when it comes to Mari and it's why she reciprocates Mawlie and Tinkaton's attention seeking in private. And I was already planning a vacation arc of sorts for her once the Kalos arc is done.

Not even gonna comment on the "fucking" bit.

>140 lbs.
My logistic reasoning for it is sheer muscle hidden in those thick thighs of her's and I follow the idea that "power" like Infinity Energy adds mass. When she's passive she still holds so much energy she caps out at about 140 lbs on top of her natural weight. When she's properly fired up she actually approaches 500 lbs due to the sheer amount of invisible mass that extra power output puts on her. But due to all that extra bodily power she is still able to move her body just fine. Mawlie actually is affected by this as well through having the deepest connection to Emily's own power out of any of her Pokemon and just how much it takes her beyond the average abilities of a Mawile. Most Mawile are 2 feet tall and 25 lbs. Mawlie is 3 feet tall (4 feet tall when Mega) and 100 lbs. (when passive)
Blackhole Emily when?
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>Thread question: List us your ocs mental illnesses
Wolke is actually pretty well-adjusted. Kayden is suffering from situational depression because of his brother's death and a bit of a savior complex.

I kinda wanna make a snobby shota with a Napoleon complex. Not for any great story or anything, just a pay-to-win asshole who stuffs his Pokémon with Rare Candies.
Sorry, I cannot get over how adorable Wolke is. She deserves the best
Literally impossible bruh, even by my own standards.
Wolke gets up in the morning just like everyone else. Inflating her shorts with helium one leg at a time.
David doesn't have mental illness, but he is probably more sensible with emotions. I can see him being a victim of depression, but then realizing what's wrong and moving on. Is all just part about growing up and learning your place in this little blue dot.

There will be a day when we will make meme AI images that won't break terms of copyright, but until that day comes, check this 3D gen I got while trying to recreate the "Literally me" frame.


I feel David would "accidentally" use a Mimikui without its disguise. Just to see how powerful it is.

Yep. That was me. The funny thing is David wouldn't be the one fixing that issue. It would be my Kayda OC: he and his gf would compromise with the demon, eventually purifying it, and David realizes how the human soul DEMANDS true feelings. He ditches his Aether fuckbuddy, and gets in a relationship with the Hex girl from Kalos.
As for Alola, well, since the succubus is gone, many Pokémon and Tapus stopped being sex freaks, Salazzles are scared because their orbiters are leaving them. Even some males started to evolve. And as for the people, there was a surge in puritans sectors and many divorces.
While David leaves with Hex, he only thinks "maybe is for the best", and sings a song for the brokenhearted maiden, hoping she rests in peace.

Now that is rad. Swampert may be a good swimmer, but I feel he would lost this race. At least he wouldn't care. How many times can you race on water? That's awesome.

"I have the head."
>t. David, moments away from his death
>No regrets
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tsk gotta answer my own questions LOL. also i don't know how most of the disorders are called, so, feel free to analyze the Schizoboss of /tog/(WARNING: EDGE)

Funnily, Tweny somehow enjoys his mental problems, maybe he's right.
ADHD, compulsive-obsessive behavior, mood swings, sociopathy and just apathy, funnily, no hero or messiah complexes or something related since huge data of cliches stored in his head are just like fail-safes for him, always preventing him from actually wrong choices. Tweny himself doesn't knows what he is, but he has goals and goals are important. Why? Or else Tweny starts breaking things and who wants Tweny to break things? No one, right. Tweny strictly follows his principles he made up himself (He's proud that he never read a book to "buy" a conclusion). Due to his /co/ brains and hidden lore, he stuck in a role of secondary character, he doesn't complies but still... he wants something for himself too...Tweny is a huge switch. Like those memes about changing personality with different people, but in absolute. Tweny changed a bit and to a better side, he now day dreams much lesser and is less autistic. Tweny hates being touched. He also likes to cause troubles and spice things up. Tweny is huge tidy freak and hates mess to the unhealthy level. To vent he just breaks something. Usually a pencil, but it can get worse. Tweny is a twilight genius and acts the most at the night time. He hates to admit that he's a show-off

Tweny would never be one of those "trauma" kids. He's too brutal and badass and metal for that, he usually shrugs things off. Usually, even Tweny has limits, he's a human after all

Funny doodles of Tweny being Tweny

>Tweny feeling hyped
>Tweny is finally about to do something for himself

Charlie made Tweny cry more than anyone else ever
Okay, that's great and all, but we were hoping to hear about your character, not the author.
Пoжaлyйcтa, cмeйтecь.
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oh you bratty little shit
Well unfortunately for us, we don't get to decide whether or not we're traumatized, we just have to live with it. I was gonna mention it sooner but like other guy pointed out, a lot of her behaviors are dead ringers for serious untreated trauma. Including that sullen and withdrawn attitude of hers. The human brain is a very talented liar that will invent all sorts of believable stories to justify why you're suddenly looking at a stranger in the mirror one day. Trauma? No, this was always your idea, don't be ridiculous.
and I know this was the furthest thing from your intentions, but the hygiene angle is also a tragically common reaction to abuse in women as they try to ward off unwanted advances by making themselves as unappealing as possible. I'm cursed with this knowledge and pass it on to you now.
This is strictly a Kayden household now.
>Captcha: G0DD
Praise be.
Yeah but doesn't trauma come with all sorts of negatives that make the person actually FEEL damaged or traumatized? Cause Emily frankly doesn't feel those at all and if anything she enjoys battling, both formally in normal sanctioned things but also kill or be killed situations. To her it's just part of adventures and that she honestly wouldn't try to live any other way cause it'd be boring by comparison. Emily's lack of hygiene is more of a gremlin-related/bratty tendency of her's. There's also no self-disassociation either, she sees herself in the mirror and knows it's herself, there is no "stranger" in that mirror to her. Though the admiration for how strong and free-willed she is from her sisters and Pokemon alike make it easy to feel like she's always doing the right thing and living her best life, as it ends up affirming her enjoyment of battles and conflict and her tendency to exert her will on the world by quashing people like Team Plasma and the new group she's now tackling.
I feel like you're deliberately trying to give Emily an immunity to psychological trauma, or chalking up her behaviors to anything except for trauma, just to make her more "above" everyone. Just saying, this is the kind of thing that gets you called a Mary Sue.
It's just a matter of she doesn't feel negative connotations about any of it. She ENJOYS fighting, regardless of why as long as it's for reasons she is fine with. Which is why other people have told me she comes off as a bit outright psychopathic, even if she manages to direct it in more "helpful" ways by attacking groups like Plasma and such. And that said psychopathy numbs her from any sense of trauma purely because it and her autism both reason what she does to her enemies as the "right thing to do" since it aligns with her own moral compass in doing so. It just also happens to cause her to find even visceral conflicts outright fun.

I personally only associate trauma with negative feelings. I personally never heard of someone being traumatized but still ENJOYING the thing that has "traumatized" them.
Her being a Mary Sue is what gets her called a Mary sue
It simply isn't trauma if you enjoy it
That's basically what I'm saying so I dunno where anon is getting it from.
No. At that point is madness.
Not at all, and unfortunately that common misconception allows for the much more insidious traumas to go unrecognized. Being traumatized doesn't just mean spooky dreams or gibbering over fireworks or dropped pots and pans; there's also a distinct possibility of having your sense of self overwritten while your own brain gaslights you into thinking the changes you're experiencing are actually your idea, and that this is definitely something you wanted of your own volition. Broadly speaking, it's a funny little quirk that sometimes stems from our hedonic adaptation--if your brain decides being traumatized is going to be the new normal, it might decide to bend over backwards to justify any new behaviors stemming from that trauma to try and help you get adjusted.
I'm having a hard time staying awake to type this, but hopefully you can see where I'm aiming with this.
I don't think Boulderdash is going to budge on this. He, like his OC, is quite in over his head and completely convinced that Emily's mind, at 15 years old, has somehow adapted to her frankly insane reality of her being. I am NOT >>56366943 btw.
I kinda get it but I'm not sure it applies since Emily has always had a strong drive for battling and getting stronger, even before the Team Plasma Fiasco. She was always kinda restless and hated the monotony of day to day life. She got a kick out of beating up snobby/delinquent kids before she got kicked out from regular school for it and it sorta ended up extending to an interest in Pokemon battling as she ended up asking her rich parents for a Mawile for her birthday. Once she got Mawlie on her 8th birthday she'd take regular forays out into the desert to the north and train and bond with Mawlie. Mawlie started out a timid and meek thing that relied on her maw to handle things a lot. But over time with Emily she took on more and more traits from her Trainer and started facing forwards towards threats and using her own 2 hands to deal with them. This battletard-esque drive was simply amplified through her time against Team Plasma and to her it was an inevitable progression.

But that exact drive is exactly why most people tell me she seems kinda psychopathic-- despite how well she reigns it in-- rather than traumatized. Cause she still outright ENJOYS doing it all-- as does her Pokemon-- even if she doesn't outwardly show it most of the time. It shows in her constant search of danger and conflict. Like prior to ending up in Kalos for a second time, she was delving in the veritable No Man's Lands of the deep Orre deserts for things in ruins and such since Orre obviously has those to some degree. And her having Arai investigate the claims of some Kalosian Elder that some group was harvesting Infinity Energy from Pokemon in the region was just Emily looking for another fight.
>doesn't trauma come with all sorts of negatives that make the person actually FEEL damaged or traumatized
Not necessarily. It's just like >>56366982 said. This is very common with victims of sexual assault in particular, so I'll use that as an example. Ever notice how a lot of people who were sexually exploited at a young age become hyper sexual/"sluts"? That's a coping mechanism of our brain. In order to protect yourself from the mental damage your minds tricks you into thinking that you enjoy the cause of your trauma. You're convincing yourself that "No, I'm not a victim at all, I like this actually". It's a complex issue but this is one aspect of trauma.
Okay but how would the mind justify it in this case considering also what was said here? >>56367040. She doesn't feel like a victim, and fighting is something she's enjoyed doing in all of it's forms since she was a kid. Cause I'm not trying to say there's nothing "wrong" with Emily but frankly I just think it's a controlled/more properly directed form of psychopathy rather than trauma-- as other people I've written with before tend to see it as.
I don't know. So far, I think Emily is just a fight junkie thanks to the adrenaline rush. Almost like a tweaker needing a needle once in a while.
Besides, she is literally hooked to God Juice thanks to the infinite energy. fuck mixing meds, she is just on the highest shit.
Full disclosure, I haven't read any of your writing, only what you post about Emily in these threads. So I may be wrong but I also got the impression that she's a bit of a psychopath. Simply because enjoying violence is a strong indicator of typical psychopathy traits: lack of empathy and remorse. I actually thought that was your intention, to depict a tragic character who has tricked herself into liking violence because of a traumatic event in her past (eg something made her feel helpless at one point so she started beating others as a way to feel in control - then she obviously wouldn't feel like a victim because she's proving to others and to herself that she's strong). Apparently I got that wrong.
>(eg something made her feel helpless at one point so she started beating others as a way to feel in control - then she obviously wouldn't feel like a victim because she's proving to others and to herself that she's strong)
Well, you aren't too off the mark. Wasn't Emily story that, at one point, she was trapped inside a Plasma Team's Blitzkrieg, got tainted with infinite power, and proceeded to cut said airship in half while killing everything that moved? It also forced her Mawile to Mega evolve into a Steel/Ghost Mega Pokémon.
>Just to see how powerful it is.
I don't know why but my mind immediately went to imagining David wrestling an undisguised Mimikyu to test its strength. Shirtless. Because if the Mimikyu does it then so would he. Maybe I just wanna imagine David shirtless.
I can roll with that, somewhat psychopathic battle junkie who just directs herself in more...helpful...ways to get her fix without people raising issues about her doing it. Her encounter with Team Plasma was an all-new high that elevated her search for strength but also that excitement she gets a kick out of. She started getting bored between the events of Team Plasma and these new events in Kalos. The moment she heard from an elder that someone was likely harvesting Infinity Energy, one would be lying if she didn't secretly feel a bit giddy about getting another Team Plasma-esque experience-- if not moreso since they're meddling with Infinity Energy.

Yeahnah, I don't write tragic characters. Personally, tragic characters annoy me and make me roll my eyes, and it does with a lot of people I talk to/write with as well. So I tend to leave things like genuine trauma dumps and backstory tragedies out of what I write. It just feels like people fishing for pity parties for their OCs (and sometimes themselves since in my opinion and experiences, a lot of people writing these kind of characters share these similar issues with said characters).

No, she was not TRAPPED inside of their Flagship. She flew on the back of her Hydreigon, boarded the ship and basically destroyed it by having her Magnezone put literally everything it had into the biggest Thunder attack it could muster. The attack put a giant hole in the ship which chain reacted into the whole thing falling apart and splitting in half with said hole as the division point.
Ahhh, I think I get it now. Though I think having such a negative opinion of tragic characters is a shame. Often sad backstories serve to humanize a character who otherwise would come off as unsympathetic. It's an explanation (not justification!) for bad or downright villainous behavior. IMO the whole fun is giving your characters development so they overcome those bad parts of their personality.
Maybe so, but many people don't do it well and it just comes off as annoying and pity party bait. Emily's main form of development as a person is usually just becoming less closed off, being able to interact and relate with normal people better and so on-- a little disguised dragon becoming more used to being around regular humans-- but that usually relies on a companion character other than her own sisters. But making one of my own specifically for Emily feels conceited and most of my experience in writing is in RPing with others, which usually means any sort of interpersonal development comes from the partner's interest in Emily as a character-- something earned by my own writing of her as a person. So just making one for Emily myself just feels hollow, so I'm not entirely sure where that development will come from in this fic I am writing since I don't NORMALLY write solo fics.
I like tragic characters as long as they get a good ending. Grym is a nice example, and I want to see how Cain turns out (especially given his backstory)
I can read tragic characters, even if they have a bad ending. Is all in how is written/exposed.
LISA is my favorite take in the "tragic trip, tragic end" genre: it was a doomed adventure from the start, but the MC truly believed he could change and save his dear ones. There was an attempt, and he could've made it. Sadly, it just couldn't be.
to give my two cents tragedy comes off as cheap to me when it's only used in service of making us care about a character without meaningfully exploring the ramifications of said tragedy. it can humanize characters greatly but if an author doesn't explore the fallout what's the point? why add it to the narrative at all? what makes it interesting is how it impacts the character. do they cope in healthy ways? unhealthy ways? is there salvation of some kind or does it destroy them? how does it meaningfully impact the way they navigate the world and their relationships with other people? how does it change the status quo?
like any other narrative tool it's about execution, and whether it adds some meaning, nuance, or serves to illustrate a point of some kind or if it's just being treated as a quick and easy way to make you care about someone
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This. But for me, most people do it poorly so I just don't care for tragic characters at this point. Other people here in /tog/ can do it if they want, I personally don't care cause I know there's some people into that sort of thing, but I'm most likely not gonna take an interest in said characters myself.
ok this place didnt get nuked. I was getting worried something happened to you guys too.
apparently a bunch of boards just got fucking obliterated.
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Huh? What do you mean?
No we have our trusty Archivist to protect us thankfully.
Look, talking as a crossboarder from /mlp/, many boards were DELETED in one second, a few moments ago.
Turns out that the Administration was testing something to delete AI posts, and deleted MANY posts with AI images.

I guess /vp/ was one of the few lucky ones that weren't affected by this test. /x/ and /vt/ was also unnafected by this.
bunch of boards just got wiped clean, I dont know which exactly but from a bunch, seem to be aco, vip, h, d, mlp, trash and many others, im actually checking around seeing what got wiped.
Ah, I didn't notice cause I don't really do much besides post in specific threads on specific boards.

Yeah I had the thing at the top with 4chanX on to show all the boards just now and I saw it randomly shift around just a moment ago. Wouldn't have noticed since otherwise I have that minimized. Other board's drama isn't my drama generally.
So far the affected boards were:


The reasons are weird. Supposedly it was an AI deleting program, an image of an alien in /x/ that (in theory) is real, or that there was an ad that connected to malicious malware.

In any case, I guess is fine posts were deleted, and not boards being removed. For a moment I thought I was living a /qa/ part two: hang harder.
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>/v/ somehow not among those affected
Literally how
>something-something alien image and/or malware
>Literally how
Fast boards get special treatment. That's why /pol/ and /vt/ were untouched, even if they are shit.
>/a/ and /trash/ is no longer considered a fast board
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>another ponyfag
You think you know someone.
I mean, you guys said "make an OC based on your lurking habits", and I said I couldn't because I would have horsemons so the joke would be too obvious.
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Originally was gonna have a third phase for the mecha Mewtwo fight vs Mawlie and Tinkaton but I think I'm gonna save that third phase idea for another encounter with another version of said mecha Mewtwo, cause this fight of Mawlie and Tinkaton vs the mecha Mewtwo has gone on a bit too long in my opinion. So guess it's time to start writing out the second fight with a non-Pokemon derived machine vs Emily now.
>non-Pokemon derived machine vs Emily now.
Is gremling time
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Yeah but I will probably start that tomorrow. I've already gone from ~15k words to almost ~20k words just from the latter half of the mecha Mewtwo vs Mawlie and Tinkaton fight alone today. I'm gonna do some vidya gaming now.
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It'd be silly for me to not do my on thread request. Azumarill would absolutely be game. He's the powerhouse so he wants to outswim everyone else.
Now this is rad
Gaming didn't last long, late night teams on team games are worse than disabled short bus kids I stg. Might just do some more writing while I eat instead. Anyone else still awake doing anything atm?
Playing through Red Rescue Team atm to kill writers block
Going back home after finishing my shift. Is a short trip, so I'll finish my short PUBG daily missions.
Yo, can you share a bite of that burrito, Em?
rip the PMD series tho

>PUBG player
First it's the /mlp/ cross-boarder and now this.

Would if I could but we lack the technology to teleport food
It is dead but I like playing it now for the music. That and can’t deny the story holds up.
Let me guess, this is exactly what happened to Phos. I know you said that you were done with Gaidens but at some point you should really get to work on the one you mentioned a while back about how she gets her outfit.
Did some slight edits for the team of one of my characters from the old Kayda threads. Her name is Kiku. She is from Johto and makes traditional fireworks as part of the family trade. Rock specialist and all her mons know Explosion.

The original team had more rock types from different regions, but I decided to make it more Johto-dex focused.
Pretty clever of you to use A-Golem as a firework launcher.
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>102 posts in
Why do you want to hurt me, children.

Submit cards here:

/tog/'s first ever community booster - ORIGIN RISING!
Use Pokémon owned by the various trainers of /tog/, including Phos, Ruka, Grym and more!

Use https://pokecardmaker.net/creator to create your cards.
Use https://pkmncards.com/sets/ if you need to know what cards look like.

The Schizo Resource Pack, over 600 royalty-free stock images taken and curated by the Archivist*: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15yLgfXZUNxehHv79cBMEk5M8dueHg_9e?usp=sharing
Edit your background/card style with https://www5.lunapic.com/editor/

RULES (full rules available in submission link)
>NO EX, GX, V, V-STAR, VMAX, TERA, STELLAR or MEGA Pokémon (yet). No MENTION of card rules involving them either.
>HP limit is 160.
>Replace the SV1 tag in the bottom left with TOG1
>If a Pokémon belongs to a trainer, please label it as "X's Y", X SUBNAME being the trainer, Y NAME being the Pokémon.
>Keep your card balanced with the (SV) era. https://pkmncards.com/set/twilight-masquerade/
>Keep images SFW.
>FLAVOR TEXT (Pokédex entries), Weight, Height, Classification must be included.
>Use your thread handle or primary OC as the "Illustrator" of the card.

Accepting submissions until September 4th! (TEN DAYS REMAINING!)
Fug's sake, man.
No, she had a wild youth, but most of her early behavior stemmed from losing her mother and then falling in with the wrong crowd. There was about an eight-year window where she was actually straightening her life out thanks to having a positive influence to coach her, and now she's the lovable rogue we know. Her trauma manifests as her body being totally numb to anything that isn't on the extreme ends of physical contact. She can't feel hot or cold temperatures in the air or Scrafty holding her hand, but she can feel getting socked in the jaw. Poor woman's desperate to be able to feel something at this point.
>about how she gets her outfit
I never said anything about her whole outfit, only where she gets that fancy glove from because you guys pretty accurately pointed out that it's above her skillset. That was answered in the most recent Gaiden.
Initially, the entire Mankeiser heist was going to be its own standalone Gaiden episode to give Zoroark and Murkrow a stronger stage presence. I decided to condense it down and all of the main story beats were portrayed in Urban Legends.
Those being (spoilers ahead): Phos renting a new apartment after being chased out of her original apartment by a Macro Cosmos kill team, having December introduce her to Colress and the Aether Foundation, Colress outfitting her with the glove, Phos and Zoroark attending the Mankeiser gala in Opelucid to steal the Anomaly he bought from Franco, then delivering it to Colress along with the other Anomalies that Phos had encased in concrete within the Dreamyard construction lot.
This led to only a few minor things being cut, like Franco taking Ida to see the Alolan Altos Primarina Choir perform a rendition of The Magic Flute at the Nimbasa City Musical Theatre while his kill team beats the ever-loving fuck out of Phos, and Axel's in-person cameo at the bus stop before Phos tails after one of Mankeiser's attendees.
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Dense is a good boy,
Let me guess, Apollo.
>This led to only a few minor things being cut, like (spoiler)
Fun trivia: I thought I had dreamed up this entire stretch of the thread after waking up in the middle of the night.
just now realizing that I unintentionally made Dense look terrified. Rest assured, he just hasn't realized he's in a race yet.
He's just strategizing, that's my thinking face too.
I remember Kiku. She is a cute, and her Rock team is based.
Yo, I'm back.
Excellent. How soon can you put Haley in a giant teacup and throw her into the canals of Venice?
Did I misremember her name?
Are you thinking of Hali?
Sorry, I've not long gotten off the phone with my bastard bank. Had to cancel my card and now wait for them to send me a new one.
Aye, that's the one. We need pictures of Water Trainers in giant teacups and we need them immediately.
Today's a rest and rehydration day for me, ironically.
I'll see what I can do tomorrow then.
>Unrelated, but did anyone else notice how big Hasumi's thighs are in this?
As the guy who drew her, no I have not lmao. Usually I try keep her proportions as modest as I possibly can, tho I don't mind the occasional mishap
Why do I feel this is a set up for a SpongeBob joke?
Just wen through my character sheets since we play tomorrow (wooh!) and remembered Luke also has a Poliwrath I could have drawn instead. Wouldn't have been as funny though so I'm happy with it.

>All the racers set up their water Pokémon
>Luke was going to pick Poliwrath, but his mind wandered off, and picked Dense: a Slowking
>He thought "oh, he is smart, he can ride for a while"
>Signal shot
>All racers flew away, our poor boy stayed in the starting line
>People sees amazing moves to push forward, some radical maneuvers, and even unexpected momentum
>Luke only sees the back of his Slowking's head
>Time later, the racers are so head to head they forget the race, and turns into a battle royale
>News reach to the starting line
>"Oh, well, I guess we-"
>[Dense used Teleport!]
>Luke appears in front of the battle
>the energy is so grand, big waves from around the area
>One of these waves hit Dense, riding it, and crossing the finish line
>"Our new racing champion is: Dense, the Slowking!"
>Not even Luke feels like he won
>Dense does
Dense alone is the honored one
Bump. Probably gonna re-write one part of the mecha Mewtwo fight and then mull over the choreography for the Emily vs Robot fight.
I understand why the boulder takes so many rest days now... I get the appeal. Does anybody here have a respectable sleep schedule? Maybe I'll copy them next.
Well, I don't know how neets pick their sleep schedules anymore. Been too long on the grind.
But what I do is this:

>Go home
>Be awake for 2 hours
>Sleep 6 to 8 hours
>Wake up
>Freshen up
>Do whatever (between waking up and the new shift I have 4 hours of free time)
>Ready up
>Go to work

I know is dumb to measure time when you start working, but I guess it changed my personal time so much I just picked that as a starting point. I work for 8 hours.
>so many rest days
I'm a NEET bruh, every day is a rest day.
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couldn't resist
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If there were a theoretical Horsemons Fair, would your OC attend?
Ever visit the tf2 server?
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messed up the refracted light (forgot made the first half-assed curve and then forgot about it). still pretty proud of this. Wouldn't have dreamed I could do anything like this a few months ago.

>Would your OC attend?
Totally. He loves to see many fairs and events.
But, going by game logic, I wonder why there wasn't any Miltanks around Solaceon. Not even around the Café or the short grass
>Use the PokéRadar
I mean Gen 4, not the remakes!

>Ever visit the TF2 server?
I would if I could. My laptop is ruined, and living in a 3rd world country means I have to stay on the grind A LOT until it reaches my possible budget. But maybe in a few months I can buy a new one.
I know you guys know I'm here, but is our meme at this point.

Non burger reporting.
Every day [chooses] to be a rest day. Without any responsibility, there's nothing stopping you from making exercise or studying or writing your full-time career. You choose to be a layabout (no offense), and I can see the appeal.
That's the way, lad. Celebrate every victory and you'll be amazed at how far you'll go.
Miltank was available via Radar back in gen 4 too. So like, technically they are around, they just don't want anything to do with (you) and require a specialized device to track down.
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Well as far as making a career out of my writing, I kinda just don't know how. Cause let's be real, nobody gives a fuck about books/non-visual mediums anymore now that the written mediums are filled with slop-- especially from liberal western women. And getting your writing into a visual medium is the same as getting into ANY visual medium-- you have to know somebody and I'm a connection-less small town goblin from the fucking midwestern sticks. Not that I'd want any of my work used in a fucking western work these days anyway with what is currently happening in entertainment in the West. And Asia won't take some literal who western piggu like me even if I'm not woke/zogged.
I need to learn how to use that thing. I even mistake it with the Itemfinder. Both are screens that you tap on it! Where's the label?
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>count of Ionos: 2
Matter a fact, apart from liberal women churning out terrible slop making people not want to read books anymore there's also just this generation's attention span issues and literal inability to MENTALLY VISUALIZE SOMETHING IN THEIR MIND. Half the interest in reading books was visualizing what you're reading in your own mind and a lot of this generation is too fucking stupid to do that now. So now only shit like TV shows/anime/video games get writers anywhere 90% of the time these days. Cause it takes the need to mentally visualize something all on one's own out of the equation for the imbeciles consuming the media.
>tap screen
>there's an item lost in this tall grass
>no surprise, it's nearly up to my nose
>reach in there, feel around
>hmm, squishy
>another Light Clay?
>come to papito
>hear a distressed moo
>Miltank lumbers forward
>she's not happy
Ma'am, for once it's not what it looks like
Heterochromia, yea or nay?
Has enough time passed for them to be taken seriously again?
I think it's fine
I personally can't take it seriously or remotely stand it but not everything is about MY interests. Other people probably like that stuff and I simply won't.
Depends what you're going for and the heterochromia in question. It needs rhyme and reason
I've never read or watched any stories where a character has heterochromia so I don't know any baggage the trope has. I have a character with it but she isn't special or anything.
my favorite character has heterochromia so I give my characters heterochromia occasionally. simple as
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Only real baggage it has in my anecdotal experiences is just lots of people with bad tastes and bad writing make characters with heterochromia. It's like how some people avoid people who make Vampire, Demon and Angel OCs like the fucking plague. Or on those + ninjas in my case cause of Narutards.
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Not him but may I interest you in some clocks
She looks cute. I'm sure nothing bad happens in this story
Basically >>56372945. In the wake of major pop culture icons like Final Fantasy 10 circa 2001 and anime in general exploding into the West, every single teenage girl and budding weeb wanted to give their characters heterochromia as an easy way to make them special, to the point that it was more rare to see an OC with normal eyes.
>to the point that it was more rare to see an OC with normal eyes
Wouldn't say it was THAT common, but yes it was fairly prevalent, especially so in the devianart-tier of art circles
Damn, I just think it's neat and made my character blind in one eye after her dad experimented on her, trying for to make her a Sorcerer (failed by the way). Now she has a purple eye that's basically blind and useless outside of looking cute.

I don't usually interact with fandoms much, nor do I typically read fanfiction or do anything remotely close to the stuff I do for these threads. So I find myself surprised a lot by stuff like this.
I know a lot of people that are wasting oxygen, but that's not going to stop me from breathing. Savvy?
Yeah I'm not going to change her or anything. It's been years and her story has been told
Owing to the exceptionally rarity of heterochromia, at MOST you should only have a single OC with it. More than one OC with heterochromia is a sign that you are trying way too hard as >>56372972 said
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Let's get this day started, /tog/.
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Oh yeah, it's all coming together now.
>captcha: NGRR0
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I am NOT happy with how that water looks, but I would waste the whole day trying to get it perfect. Halfway through, now the real drawing begins.
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no game today
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I'm rolling out of a hell week of work. I require OL Merry and her relatable Pokemon lore to sympathize with.
Got a WIP in prog that I can share later thoughever.
I think the water looks amazing, and I'm known to be correct the majority of the time.
Let's see that water trainer OC of yours!
Whatever her name was...
The DM lied, Luke and King Dense have been denied.
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It depends. I usually see many characters with heterochromia as gguys who want to be "o so spechul", they are screaming for attention. Especially when they are anime characters: they are the Ultimate chuunybios.
Having said that, I'm actually aware heterochromia can happen: my dog was a crossbreed between a Syberian and a German Shepherd. Was as big as a pony, and the moment you touched him he bite you (not hurtful, he just hold you). One of his eyes was brown, and the other was baby blue, and when you patted him, his ocular iris went from big black to a small black dot. He was a cool dog.

But anyway: heterochromia. Yay, go ahead.
I'm surprised none of my characters have heterochromia. Not even my Coloris cast.
This is coming out great so far! Is this for the Alto Mar thread task? And if so is this for Phos?
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>I think the water looks amazing
I appreciate it, I just wish the water had a little more *POP* to it, but I have to acknowledge it's not really the focal point anyway. You gotta understand: when I see anyone do something better than me, it makes me extremely competitive. "What's stopping me from doing what they're doing?"
An art school education, for starters. Time and patience, elsewise. But I'm a good mimic, I'll catch up sooner or later.
Thread task yes; Phos is a big NOPE. Bringing back an old friend for this one.
Hey, I know the water in >>56369079
was good, but don't feel the need to compare.
>But I'm a good mimic, I'll catch up sooner or later.
Disagree, you don't seem to have plateaued quite yet, but I can tell that you're approaching a plateau.
And what is the plateau? The point where you stop relying on natural talent and have to start putting effort in to improve.
I'm not so worried about that.
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unrelated but can somebody lend me some motivation so i can finally recreate all my old brushes from my previous laptop on this one? otherwise my lazy ass will just keep using the pencil brush for everything.....absolute fucking monster of a work week ahead of me but i have an extra day off next week so i just....gotta.....hold on a bit more........
if i had a nickel for every mesmerizer parody we'd done i'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's neat that it happened twice
taking a break from art to do art, i really love alto mare as a setting so here's bibi and palafin racing through! ruka looks lovely as ever and you always nail the expressions, azumarill's confidence really shines here
miko without his mask and eyepatch should be cursed but he's just adorable. what a good sport for not demolishing everyone with pyukumuku
absolutely love these
good to see you again, hope you're holding up well, looking forward to more renders
LET'S FUCKING GOOOO. absolutely killing it so far anon
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Hot damn, upstaged at the 11th hour!
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ahhh i wouldn't say so, you got a better handle on perspective and foreshortening with cassie's arm than i did plus your lighting direction's more consistent looking.....also, you actually drew your background i just edited and painted over bits of a pokemon heroes screenshot for mine
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Here's Cassie on her own. Now to draw the teacup and glue everything together for the final product.
We'll call it schmeven, then.
Somehow I was expecting another crop top from you.
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I can do a variety of different looks!
Phos emphasizes her midriff, Azelie emphasizes her hips and thighs, Cassie emphasizes the importance of proper protection while out in the sun. Those UV rays get intense while at sea.
So, if you ever drew a fusion of Phos and Azelie, would it emphasize her midriff, hips, and thighs?
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Thank you, anon, this was a very fun way to spend the afternoon.
For those who don't remember this one-off character, meet Cassie Cade, a Water-Type expert born and raised in Sinnoh's Fight Area. She's all about speed! She uses a Pelipper with Drizzle; and a Mantine, a Gorebyss, and Floatzel all with Swift Swim. Just like last time, I tried to incorporate all of their colors somewhere in the piece as an homage. Together, they compete in the Tour de Alto Mare every year! Each member of Cassie's team has their own advantages and disadvantages. Gorebyss dives below the competition, Floatzel is great at going really fast in straight lines, but Mantine's ability to glide gives it remarkable maneuverability through the narrow twists and turns of Alto Mare.
And... if it just so happens to be raining that day... Well, Cassie certainly doesn't mind that.
I, for one, would love to see Phos in a miniskirt and croptop. Give her a pair of roller skates too while we're at it.
Bump. Not feeling in the mood to game atm, so looks like I am getting some writing done for Chapter 2 today.
damn, fast work anon, looks absolutely brilliant, the fact that she's basically pulling surfboard tricks adds some fun personality to the image too. cassie's not just here to win, she's here to do in style

It's alright. Got to work on the game I'm running in a month. 10 players is going to make this interesting.
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Thank you, king. The composition came to me the instant I saw Rukanon's post up top, I knew exactly what I wanted to make.
I'm off to bed, I bequeath the last of my energy to >>56375298. Make it count.
Preview for if I have the energy tomorrow evening.
With all these rad surfers, I feel either we need Ocean Man, or Even Flow.
Funny enough I considered drawing Ruka using Slowpoke and doing a similar Joke. I'm picturing Dense just suddenly at the finishline before everyone else somehow.
Oh Palafin would be so good for this kinda thing. I love that Bibi's swimsuit is color coordinated with him! I really love how you colored his eyes the most.
I really like hearing all the different strategies for an all water type gym leader. Pelliper is an interesting choice because they never said that
the water pokemon must be swimming.
I'm so happy to see so many people doing my thread request. I always can't tell how /tog/ feels about anime stuff but there's some stuff, especially in the movies that plays around with Pokemon in ways that aren't strictly battling and I find those very fun to think about. Also sick moves riding on the chariot like that. Definitely earns extra points for style.
It's 9PM, the weather is nice and Lilico wants to say hi to you guys to let you know she's kinda better now. She just got her third pokémon, a cute Drifblim.
Hey, Lilico is back. Good to see you again.
Keep the alcohol intake low from now on, alright? Is no good to chimp out on top of a car. At least you are (relatively) healthy, so keep going like that.
Thank you, anon! Lilico is basically just younger me when I was a teenager but with Pokémon – and I (we?) have Bipolar I, it's a hell of a disease. Alcohol should be an absolute no-no, but it's hard. Always has been, rough life, the delinquency was real. At least I'm taking my meds now.

Anyway, I'm thinking of starting a blog to write Lilico stuff and publish some extra pics of her, I'm having lots of fun with stable diffusion.
Speaking of Stable Diffusion, does anyone know any AI models that can do big puffy coats like Bing can? Bing's starting to get annoying in how restrictive it is. Can't make a remotely complex scene for shit with it.
Ran a few tests but couldn't find any that could produce a puffer jacket this huge. Maybe it was my prompting. What do you put?
Usually just "large, puffy jacket" is enough to get the desired effect with Bing.
Yeah, couldn't get anything Emily-jacket-sized in any of my go-to models, even putting, like, "very large puffy massive oversized puffer jacket with fur collar" in the prompt. At least I got to make some cute pics.
Unfortunate. The model looks good but it's unfortunate it can't do the one singular thing I want.
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>Cute gremlins
Alright, I needed to get that out of my system. Bump.
Smoking gremlin
>Pelliper is an interesting choice because they never said that
>the water pokemon must be swimming.
Unfortunately, that trick only worked once before a hastily-written clause relegated Pelipper to playing cheerleader for the Swift Swimmers.
Good morning sunshine. Glad to see you're better, but you belong to /tog/ now, and that means taking proper care of yourself. Water, bread, and medications take top priority; you need to make sure you're properly prepared before taking the tough route. Your archivist demands no less.
Let's have a day, /tog/.
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>start writing the Emily vs Robot fight
>realize I have no idea what to have the fight properly start with
Not as annoying as Jockeys
You know that's not what I meant
I know you know that's not what you meant
Is a robot. Can't you go make it go KILLSUPERGREMLIN.EXE, and Emily grab her Fuck Off sword (tm), and start the fight?
>Let's have a day, /tog/.
Let's goooo. Pic related, shit so cash. But it's midnight here, I'm going to sleep.

A pack a day keeps the depresso away
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>keeps the depresso away
I give mine coffee, and he feels better. Have you tried coffee?
(User was banned for this post.)
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Oh, gee, I wonder who could be?
Caffeine worsens my mania during episodes, it's better to avoid. But thank you for your concern. Have an adult Lilico and good night, /tog/.
>Emily is the dump truck gremlin
>Lilico will be the shortstack gremlin

Now we only need the oppai gremlin, and we will have the fanservice anime trio.
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Are you blind bruh? That literally IS Oppai.
Another bump. Everyone died apparently.
Ugh I'm awake.

Reminder that you now have ONE WEEK LEFT to submit your cards.
Feels like yesterday that we started. What's our card count up to? Any recent rejects?
Bump. Still stumped on how to start the second robot fight.
Go fight a robot. Gain some experience.
I mean the first few moves of the fight, the initial exchange of attacks and such from both sides. Choreography stuff.
Go punt a rumba
And strap a claymore to it.
>the explosive device or the sword?
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This is not a rumba
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Zatch and Lychee Anon here

Progress on my own Chapter 2 goes well and has officially hit the halfway point.

Also my friend was overwhelmed at the fact we surprised him with his old deck with our best cards in it. To thank us back we got BBQ together but in private he gave me his old GBA SP that he had for years

….I’m treasuring the hell out of this
Give that big bitch a broom
Hell yeah, the gift that keeps on giving.
I'd have to know the context of the scene, but if I was a robot fighting a small child, I'd just stomp on the little bastard first and foremost and call it a day.
Late lunch gang, late lunch gang.
Y'know, I keep on forgetting to mention, but this is honestly some of your best work, I feel. The line art is very crisp. Any chance we'll see this one in color someday?
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Maybe I need some sleep, cause I should have come up with that myself but I didn't until you brought it up. Time to head to bed and use that as part of the "opening exchange" in the fight later.
Mind you this awesome piece of work STILL works. The very first game he played on this machine was Zelda ALTTP 4 Swords so that’s what I’m currently on while taking a break.

He said he had one more surprise for me too after I mentioned my fic to him but wanted to reconnect with dueling first. I’m just glad he’s happy and that asshole who robbed him in the first place didn’t win in the end.

And no they still haven’t arrested the guy that did all this in the first place but we’re all in agreement if they do we’re suing his Korean ass off.
no recent rejects, we're at 70 cards now.
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I am still out with COVID and will be for the rest of the week. A lot of writing time has been squandered, but I'm also just not super inspired for the Main Thing right now, and if I take a detour into Spinoff Procrastination Hell I'm not sure when I'll be back.
Gene is kinda cute when he's scared. Reminds me of the guy from Niggatoro (don't know what his name is). How has the modeling been? Why are you a ponyfag?
Archivist isn't enough. April 25th comes to mind.
This guy has the right idea >>56373155
It should come as no surprise, but I'm honestly a big fan of this specific unapologetically edgy early 2000s "anime" aesthetic and I wish that more people drew like this.
Bibi looks nicer with a whiter skin tone.
I feel like I'm the only person who remembers who this is.
>Rain team
>No Barraskewda or Basculegion or Kingdra
This honestly. Bonus points if the stomp is actually successful.
Is Mankeiser going to show up again? What did he want with Salamace, anyways?

Mankeiser reminded me of some loose plans I had on the backburner for Alex. When he's hunting down the thief in Alola, he stumbles upon his RV (I better not have gotten fucking Mandela Effected), and thinking it's a potential hideout, storms into it. Instead he finds the nerd, and in typical Alex fashion, pulls out the gat and demands to know what he is up to. Colress pulls an Indiana Jones on him and uses a taser built into his suit to incapacitate Alex, before giving him the usual "I don't have to kill you speech". Then he tells him one of the three most pivotal lines in Alex's entire story, you get your standard profound revelation bit for Alex, etc. Turns out the thief stole something from him, so Alex requests that a new "tool" be developed to catch him. The rest is history. But now it seems like I have to get rid of this because it feels like ripping off EIF.
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I'm on Power Trip
You too, huh. I really need to reel myself in, my immediate superior is starting to run out of patience with me. the higher-ups above him came by to thank me for being the only one in the company who writes his reports properly, but I don't expect that goodwill to last. Speaking of.
Shouldn't you be bedridden and miserable right now?
I actively avoid laying down while sick because the nights are the worst for me. Something about mucus drainage making my sore throat much worse. My parents keep telling me to do the opposite. They think that I am a Dondozo and that clicking Rest will make me healthy (it won't).
I'm just glad to hear you're suffering.
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Afterwards, he goes back to Kalos to revisit Malva and she manages to add a Holo-Caster. I might just reverse the order and have the X-Transciever received the Holo-Caster parts first before Colress upgrades it, but that might also take away a bit of the action during the Kalos arc. I could also just have X-Transciever built during BW2 and it puts a target on his back once he defects from Team Plasma, but I'm not sure if it would be too early game.

A while back people were talking about sets of pajamas for OCs. I can't say whether Alex would have a Weavile onesie or not, because while he's not opposed to owning cute things in private, I think he would actually find the zipper to be annoying to get in and out of. If he did, the hoodie wouldn't have a face on it, just a headdress and ears, and I guess maybe it could also have the tail as well. Now, why am I about to spend too much time describing potential pajama ideas? Because the Detour Into Procrastination, if I go through with it, starts with him being woken up in the middle of the night with the package on his doorstep. So here's three things that I've got. The first one is just a normal plain black PJ set. The second one is another black PJ set, but this time it's one of those button-down ones. Now, here's the twist: he really likes to feel the soft underside of his blankets on his stomach, so in the case of the first one he'd pull up his shirt and for the second one he'd leave it unbuttoned. This leads me to the third one, a plain black PJ set... that's a crop top. Why not just take his shirt off? He only likes feeling his blanket on his stomach and not his chest. As a result, I feel like he would enjoy the third option the most. There's days that he never leaves the penthouse and since he's alone he doesn't have to worry about people seeing that he hasn't changed out of it. The only issue is that he'd have to quickly change clothes in the case of unexpected visitors to avoid embarrassment
Gonna be taking a break until Sept 5th, which I'll be reviewing and setting up an imgur album for the /tog/ Booster 1 cards.

Remember you have until September 4th to submit cards. Anything after that will be ignored.
See you guys then.
C-call me. ;_;
Any WIPs to share? I got nothing to post atm but I like seeing other people's progress
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Note to self: Color pencil 40%, Rembrandt 30%.
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still cracking away at bibi and wolke but i haven't touched it since last week. i think i'd kill to get a few hours of free time to finish this since i'll also need a couple minutes to throw together some art for the tcg project (thinking of going with palafin, toxicroak, and ribombee for this set)
glad to hear about the progress, still think it's awesome of you guys to have recreated his old deck like that
i like to imagine miko, bibi, cassie, and ruka all gunning for first with everything they got only to have luke and dense appear at the finish line at the last possible second. kinda like that one bit from carnival phantasm but replace "trace on" with teleport
keep on taking care of yourself anon
Do you make your own brushes or do you download them from somewhere?
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i make em myself but i'll admit there's not a ton of rhyme or reason to how i handle my settings, i usually just fiddle with them until they feel right. these are my settings for my sketching and linework. when i color stuff like gyaru shopping i do it in csp instead of sai with a brush i know has a bit of a texture to it. if you're willing to wait a couple days i can share those settings with you as i'll probably get off my ass and try recreating all my art shit on my new computer properly. if there's anything else i can do to help lmk
No problem, take your time. And thanks for sharing.
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I've only ever used the default brush, you'll have to give me a lecture on that one of these days.
But not right now, I really should have gone to sleep over an hour ago.
Not a true session, but we havin a good time battling Suzi right now
Luke has 4 left, Suzi has 3 left.
I'm in trouble
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last two pokemon
Won, but barely
Bump. Should probably be working on the fic since I'm on the final stretch for the second chapter but I ended up gaming instead.
Is good to relax. I mean, the ending is just wrapping things up.
No I mean I still have a whole fight scene to be writing.
Got enough sneaky pebbles? Got damn.
Aww man, I was rooting for you. I was rooting for you!
I just got done with a few rounds and ate some lunch, I'm probably gonna get to writing now though.
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This anon's advice? Write a real pokemon battle instead of sonic-tier fanfic slapstick
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Didn't ask.
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Hey, Mothman.
What's this? Pokémon TTRPG?
>"You call throwing pebbles a martial art?!"
>"Hey, as long as it works!"
One stealth rock is never enough.

Yeah, it's called PTU and it quickly became my favorite game system
>One stealth rock is never enough

>Luke faces an indomitable enemy
>Cornered, he starts throwing pebbles around
>The enemy is obviously getting angry
"The next thing you'll say is: don't besmirch our duel, Luke!"
>"Don't besmirch our duel, Luke!"
>The enemy realizes: they weren't pebbles, it was Stealth Rock!
>As he tries to find favorable ground, DOT does him in
>Luke has won, thanks to bravery and quick thinking

This is something out of JoJo
Got a lot of mini projects lined up for this weekend. Should be a good time.
Let's make it through this day, /tog/.
It doesn't help that I can explode them too
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now what's the names of luke's stand?
i'm always game to answer specific questions if anyone's got any, but as for brush settings i think, generally speaking, people kind of make too big a deal out of them. they're only really relevant if you're trying to mimic the look of certain textures or traditional techniques like water color or pencil sketching. what matters outside of that is merely if the brush feels comfortable to use, for example having a low stabilizer setting to achieve a more natural brush stroke vs a high stabilizer setting to smooth out shaky lines, or minimum density being set low or high to achieve varying vs uniform line widths respectively. for example the only thing i think really matters all that much about the setting in >>56379439 is that i have the texture set to paper. picrel is the brush with and without that texture. i like the rough pencil-y look, hence why i set it up like that
forgot to mention i also like the posing on floette so far, very cute, i'm kinda jealous of how on model you can draw pokemon
Bump. I got some more progress done on chapter 2 but it's still not done yet.
Interesting. I'll have to look deeper into that, I could save myself a mountain of trouble if I had a specialized brush to do water droplets or shimmering.
>kinda jealous of how on model you draw pokemon
Well, it's like I said before, I'm not a good artist, I'm good at mimicking artists. I don't have the knowledge, but I can emulate the end result and hopefully gleam a bit of understanding in the process. For drawing Pokemon, it's as simple for me as having the mon's page open on Pokemondatabase for reference and alt-tabbing back and forth.
Godspeed, boulder-kun. Ganbatte.

Probably just Stone, given his simple "it is what it do" naming scheme

Bump before bed, I'm heading to sleep, see you niglets later.
Sleep tight, anon.
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Tragically, because of you, he slept too tightly and suffocated in his sleep. His dying dreams were of being constricted by a four-foot long white shag carpet.
What a god-damned shame.
>His dying dreams were of being constricted by a four-foot long white shag carpet
I FEEL I could make an Emily joke, but I CHOOSE not to.
The joke was already made thoughever.
Who even uses shag carpets anymore? Do people not have the decency to to it discreetly?
It was an anachronistic dream. Poor guy was so delirious from oxygen deprivation he didn't even know what decade he was in.
What a rotten way to die.
>What a rotten way to die.
Does that mean I don't get the job?
I understand a position recently opened up at UNATCO.
Those are her (future) ripe passion fruits
(Mostly) unrelated, I know you mentioned being interested in learning how to draw at some point, but have you ever considered writing therapy to try and work through your BPD?
Stop doing cocaine!
That's exactly the reason I'm here, desu. I'm trying to work my past and present traumas and issues through a character in a relatively family-friendly franchise and I'm in love with /tog/'s sense of community. I'm working a lot until next Sunday and then I'll take a break to focus on my wellbeing and writing Lilico stuff is on the plans.
Good deal, I'll be looking forward to seeing your work.
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Don't get excited, Lilico. Archivist says that to everyone. Like a Walmart self-checkout saying "Thank you for shopping at Walmart".
I don't remember asking you to speak for me, worm.
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What do they sell at Togmart?
Draw your OC working at Togmart for $7.95 an hour. Or another minimum wage job.
Silas would be the miserable greeter. He was once one at the Lilycove department store too.
Well neener-neener, looks like I do now.
I will answer this in the next thread. Sounds fun.
We're getting close ish to bump limit, why don't we make this one the next thread task/question?
Well, people need time to work on it anyway.
And I still haven't forgotten the actual OP task, it's on the to-do list.
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When I said I was working on miniature projects, I really meant miniature.
I will. I won't not listen to encouraging words from my father.

Thank uuuuuuu
If I don't fall asleep before bump limit I think it would be cool if I could bake it too
Absolute cinema.
Has Luke ever been jumped by wild Pokemon at night when solo camping?
Yooooo!!! I never expected something like this!
Luke once bonded with an absol that had been following and watching him. I wrote about it since it happened during time skip. If I can find it in my big ol Google drive I'll rewrite it I to something more interesting to read.
Also, for clarity I, Lukeanon, did not make that. I really am flattered and flabbergasted that someone would make that out of a silly little mspaint drawing I did.
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My new tablet arrived but I can't get the display to work. Hopefully later. For now I spent all day drawing another OC (and failing at drawing colored eyelashes). I am well aware that the hair is too similar to Wolke's. I'll change it up in the future but for the time being I don't have any real plans for this character anyway. I just wanted to draw a cute girl. Again. I really need to work on varying my designs.

This is so comfy I could fall asleep to it.
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You just keep taking care of yourself for me, we'll do just fine.
>My new tablet arrived but I can't get the display to work
Ahh, the mirror of my past. I had the exact same trouble. Can you still draw on it without the display, or is it a paperweight?
I can use it to draw just fine, so that's neat. I read somewhere that the HDMI plug has to go next to the screen's and that should fix it, but the two HDMI ports on my PC are nowhere near each other. You wouldn't happen to have any other advice?
Appreciate the small blessings. It works and you can adapt, the option to get a little more efficiency out of your setup later is open to you. I'm in the exact same boat you are--too many cables need to go in different directions and I'm not using a laptop anytime soon.
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>I just wanted to draw a cute girl.
That's all there is to it. The money printer.
Wigglytuff girl.
damn, sorry to hear the display isn't working, hope you can get it up and running soon. i don't think it'll come as a surprise to hear i think your new ocs a cutie. btw, do let me know if anything about wolke's outfit >>56379403 is bothering you, i don't know if i'll have the energy to course correct after i finish the lines lol
thaaaat's the spirit
wonder if they'll meet ever meet again
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Evening, bud, good to see you.
fierce indeed! and good to see you too, can't wait for tomorrow to be over so i can finally fucking catch up on eif and draw. but for now? it's the night long desk job grind. i like that you've been getting more adventurous with shading lately, maybe you've been doing it the whole time and i just didn't pick up on it but it feels like you've been using gradients and softer shadows a lot more lately. good to see you expand your skillset
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>It guides Volbeat to draw sins in the night sky. There are scholars who research the meaning of these signs.

>"Such beauty in this Pokemon's behavior. But what does it mean?"
>"My gf told me to do it."
I just hope Illumise wasn't created as the fake firefly that eats real fireflies...

Nice Flaboba
You're right. I've always liked the idea of shading more than ever actually doing it. So I've been practicing different approaches lately to get a better understanding of the technique. Normally, I do all the coloring and shading by hand; this time around I challenged myself to exclusively use different styles of gradients--of which I am only just now finding out there are multiple styles. The end result gives an almost 3D effect to Floette there... or maybe I should have gone to bed two-and-a-half hours ago.
Nothing bothering me at all! It's super cute and I love that you made it Mimikyu-styled! It's perfect. Btw I like jirai kei too so Bibi's fashion sense resonates with me!

Damn, why is it so pissed? It looks like it'll whack someone over the head. It's like American Kirby vs Japanese Kirby.
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based fellow jirai enjoyer
>It's like American Kirby vs Japanese Kirby.
>writing therapy
Drawing Pokemon is more so therapy for me than writing.
You can kind of go brain off with drawing and coloring monsters. Being alone with your thoughts to pour on paper or studying anatomy for trainers on the other hand... Kinda suck.
>studying anatomy for trainers on the other hand... Kinda suck
You technically don't have to study anatomy. You can copy an artstyle and build from there. I saw a video about it, maybe I'll post it next thread.
Newly baked poffin

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