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for me, it's Vaporeon
Memes and porn
It's what the people want indeed
*people* who obsess over a childrens format in a childrens video game maybe
Based. That dumb copypasta ruined its reputation, but it'll never leave from my top 10 favorite mons. It's cute AND cool.
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Okay, it really does need a Chappy! This one is thanks to you and to the ones who gave me all of these.
I also like Vaporeon, but Jolteon is my eeveelution of choice.
Still, played with it recently, pretty amazing toxic staller
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Did it get Toxic back? That was pretty nice in older gens
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I played FRLG
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I like him too since Fire Red.
Some months back, I was at a Game Stop for the first time in years and saw a figure of one. It would've been weird for a big, bearded almost-30 year old man to buy that, especially of this one

It was cool and articulated too.
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When you're big enough, you shouldn't worry about anyone giving you shit for being a pokemon fan!
Glaceon is sexier
Just because you're an adult doesnt mean you cant do what you want, if you want a vaporeon plushy, just get it.
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actually it was since Stadium when he did backflips and turned into acid

hes so cool
here it is, just look at it, this wouldve been sick back then
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For me it's mewtwo (Female)

Only two things of any worth in this franchise. This has always been the case.
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Why Vaporeon specifically?
It's not normal enough to be relatable, like wanting to fuck Gardevoir.
And it's not weird enough for the idea that anyone wants to fuck it to be absurd, like Voltorb or something.
It's only barely worse than a furry, so why is this the one that caught on as a meme?
J*ws and Indians* want
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I apologize for the intermission but I must clearly warn you. Sexual desires over innocent creatures cannot be tolerated anymore.

It is I who purged threads on /an/, /co/ and other boards recently. Stop the sexualization this instant or /vp/ is the next board to be purged.

Alolan Ninetales from the future.
>12. Impersonating a 4chan administrator, moderator, or janitor is strictly forbidden
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>All because of a copypasta that says it compatible with humans
>Its egg type is ground
People really fucked over this mons image over a lie.
Besides, egg groups are disregarded by humans, who can canonically impregnate egg groups such as Fairy and Mineral.
Play the games some time.
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Do it faggot, no balls. posting the version with tits to make /vp/ mald
>Unironically using the term "mald"
You must be 18 year old or older to post here. Fuck off back to Pisscord where you belong
Stay mad, baldo
You first troon, mald was being used here long before you made your first post.
All Vaporeon fans need to listen to this. It takes a while to get started but you won't believe your ears!
I'm probably older than you Timmy (I'm 25)
undeserved dubs
Show us how bald you are
i love her too, she's my 3rd fav eeveelution after sylv and icecube

I have 4 "favorites teams" I play with, each one with an eevelution, vaporeon is on the 3rd one
I'm 32, get the fuck off my board you zoomer fuck. Unlike (you) I LIVED through pokemania. I went to live events, I had a certified mew back in the day on my Blue Version, I got a legitimate Eon Ticket for being a Nintendo Power subscriber, you will NEVER know such joys because you were born too late.

Lead the way since (you) are the discord troon.
Ok baldo
Stay bald :)
Btw I am 450 and not bald, so I get to call you all bald because it is very likely you will be.
>I'm 32
The act like one faggot, an adult doesn't use cringe zoomer terms like "mald"
Think of me when you get your fatal heart attack and die, burger
40* Also not a burger :)
>The act like one faggot, an adult doesn't use cringe zoomer terms like "mald"
You, who acts like a literal fucking child, has no right to tell me what words I can and cannot use nor do you have the right to tell me to "act like an adult".

Here's something you might consider more adult then, go fucking kill yourself you troon autist.
>Saborcord autists so butthurt they resort to faking their age as to feel more mature
Kek. You fags are lucky i am not a mod because i would have rangebanned you off the site
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>All this seething over a word
Meds everyone
Unlike you, I'm not retarded enough to be left in the past. I keep up with the language of the times. What, you think I'm going to start calling shit radical or tubular because I grew up in the 90s? Fuck no.
Sure whatever grandpa, now go back to watch Bingo with Ginette, you may win the 20 dollar gift card this time
Let them cope, like let them cook.
Fuck you bingo is great, though I'm more of a blackjack man myself. Texas Hold Em' if I'm feeling spicy.

You have no idea what you're saying.
More like you don't know, retard. Keep malding.
Why aren't these middle age anons at work right now?
Let them cook is used when someone is coming up with an idea that seems crazy, let them mald isn't the same shit.
I didn't imply it was identical. But I used it since it sounds the same, "let those retard seethe and cope" is like letting them do their shit, which is also what let them cook can be used for. Dumbass.
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Of course the Vaporeon thread turns into a shitshow. Can't have shit on this retard containment board
What the dog and star doin'?
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For me, it's Glaceon.
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I can't believe this little nerd will have his first experience with a top unf pokemon.

Most guys in his age start with Buneary or Smoochum. No, he's got the big jackpot.
Glaceon's hime cut is 10/10
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>She thinks egg groups matter to big human cock
Play the games
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It's not like there are any laws for the pokemon.
I've had wanted to fuck her before you were even born OP
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If you unironicly want to be a moraltroon for reals in 2019+5 CE, then pick a different website like Xitter.
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Ngl, μ2 is kinda based...
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Stop promoting inane groomer fantasies.
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I groom dogs, does that count?
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It is nice to see you, my ancestor.
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I’ll fold you in half and rape your slutty ice cream cookie if you don’t pipe down, uppity nigger fox.
>Get Captcha: WHAP
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I'm using Vaporeon for the first time and this guy is seriously strong. He can easily tank super effective attacks from mons 5 levels above him.
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> him
I caught a male eevee, so yes, him. Don't post pictures like that about him, he's a good, decent boy.
everyone starts as a good decent boy
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Vaporeon is extra tanky yeah, mostly on the special side.
If you are playing a gen where it gets Toxic, I highly recommend that along with Protect and Leftovers. Don't go full on defense though, you are wasting a very solid SpA as well.
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*Twitter groomers
**Imageboard pedophiles
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why is she so beautiful?
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cute fishcat
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post her being lewd already
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I think I have seen that pic somewhere before
>Verification not required
Isn't that the artist with a Sylveon (F) who's obsessed with castration?
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Throwing a bit more artist variety in here because jesus fucking christ
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Suicune is sexier than Vaporeon.
Get out.

Vaporean zoomers btfo
nick gurr gen 1 enjoyers are 30+

Minus the shading, Vaporeon looks like it can be a gen IV pokemon. The art is so goddamn cool, it’s hard to remember it’s gen 1. Add to the fact that Vap is a straight up tank in most games, easily a top 20 pokemon
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from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWJXG2SS6AA
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Now with magic timestamps!
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Vaporeon is so cute
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Fuck off and die Zozzle
get well soon
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You could easily use the PKMN Green version of Vappy sprites to imagine how it would look from the Gen4+ era of design philosophy
Thanks for reminding me that I need to beg for another piss drinking pic featuring it.
The moment I turn 40 and my libido drops I'm gonna remember what I did and I'm gonna have a fucking crash out m8

But until then, vappy sexo
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No idea, I don't live in Gotham
(|) is still a (|)
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You need to expand your cartel execution WEBMs folder before your vacation expires, Batman!
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>by strombo1inator
Imagine being such a shitter as to post AI art on a gallery as though you made it yourself. Like someone posting screenshots of vanilla Minecraft because the seed they generated looks pretty, without so much as breaking a single block.
>luddite noises
AI art is valid
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What does it feel like having fishcat wrap its body around you? Cold and wet?
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Blame GIS for giving me AIslop as the first result on their searchpage you obvious autismo, I thought you retards despise interacting with real people...
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A lot is.
I actually hate that it became the pokephilia eeveelution when Espeon, Glaceon, or Sylveon exists and are all much sexier.

It’s Luchachu getting all the attention/memes and taking the porn spotlight from Idolchu all over again. Why does this keep happening?
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It feels very fishy.
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just as long as it doesn't smell fishy...
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Vaporeon doesn't get
>Sweet Kiss
>Play Rough
>Draining Kiss

Mean while Jigglypuff is sitting over there looking all sexy.
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I hate when people draw it with fur. It obviously has blubber like skin
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>here’s your Vaporeon bro
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I don't wanna fuck this thing
To clear the confusion. He asked the ai to use an artist style, that is an actual artist username. Most Ai models now days (especially furry ones) use booru tags instead of natural language and that includes artist tags.
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I don't think that's right. That would mean that the rest of the prompt was "hey Batman... I caught a Vaporeon," but I doubt that would spawn the Joker, a character who isn't mentioned.
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Yes it can work like that, but now that i looked it up, the username is some kid that's using ai to make movie posters in deviantart. At first I thought he was juts using artist tag like I do to get a specific style out of ai. (sorry I don't have a appropriate vaporeon pic)
! ! ! ! !
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There we go, have a quick one
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>>56412777 (checked)
that doesn't even look like vaporeon to me
same with this, snout too pronounced, doesn't look right
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They tried to make them fit the Batman animated series look too
It’s going to fuck you anyways
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For me its Sylveon because a pokemon that can read my emotional states would make an ideal therapy dog
>espeon can do that
Yeah but they look like a cat. I don't like cats
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