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>autist OP count: 104
>threads since counter: 109

Previous thread:

Rusefox GF pastebin:
https://pastebin.com/G0tjqZa5 (embed)

Zoroark Mom & Blind Son write.as:

Zoroark GF stuff (bouts of high horny, lewds not shown):

Untitled fic (deceptive Zoro GF):
https://pastebin.com/MpCifp8u (embed)

Mega Ruse (chronicles of freakin' huge ruse foxes):
Love these things.
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Do not take the Lord's name in vain in her presence.
Can dark types be Christian?
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>Can one of God's creatures be Christian?
Of course.
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Hmmm… I wonder why?
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Bully Zoruas!
>7 years later
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Zoroark if dark/steel
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Love big claws.
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Hop on
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Need biker zoro gf.
A zoroark motorcyclist would have their toe-claws filed down. Either intentionally or as a result from grinding off the road. My boot toe occasionally makes road contact at hard lean angles, must be impossible to avoid contact with 3" claws going past that.
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Feed your Pokemon well
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>"Feed your Pokemon well
>Posts "feed your Pokemon swell"
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Love the zoroark's face.
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Mega Ruse anon here, long time no talk, huh? I'm starting to get used to my combined work/college schedule and since I'm part time I can take some days off my work week to focus on school stuff. Since I've got a 5-day weekend with Labor Day so far, I'm going to try to crank out the Summer chapter of Mega Ruse by Monday night, so stick around this weekend!
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>Zoroark are fascinated by humans’ dexterous hands
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The rare /m/ crossover
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need alpha zork
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>"Get in the mech, Zoroark."
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That’s fine. I don’t like it when they do this to a Zoroark.
What would an in-universe movie about Zoroarks be about do you think? (Replayed B2 and did PokeStudios)

Something like, "My Girlfriend is actually a...!"
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There's probably at least a few comedies about Zoroarks getting office jobs. Pic unrelated.
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>Zoroark spy-thriller movies
>Some are grounded and serious
>Some are maximum cheese
>Some feature Zoro-Bond with a heart of gold
>Some feature Zoro-Bond willing to do anything to complete the mission
>Zoro-Bond always gets the girl, be they human or Pokemon.
>All make enormous profits because the Zoroark actors provide their own special effects, and are all particular about getting details right
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And now for our feature presentation…
bvilt for it
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*Have Partnered With the Zoroarks
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>The movies made the public realize just how prevalent zoroark could be.
>Ditto too, to a lesser extent.
>But the filmmakers showcased zoroarks' abilities to such an extent, a panic swept across the nation.
>Theories emerged of public figures, competent and incompetent, of being zoroark in disguise.
>Scandals were blamed on zoroark trickery.
>Embarrassing photos and scandalous videos were pinned on zoroark agents.
>Government agencies trained agents to detect zoroark infiltrators. Oftentimes these trainers had no experience or guidance dealing with zoroark to begin with.
>The 'Zoroark Scare' lasted a full decade.
>Out of tens of thousands of accusations, only two public figures did turn out to be zoroark.
>One of which was a schoolteacher. And a well-regarded one.
>While conspiracies nowadays are often made in jest; it's no conspiracy that Zoroark play a large role in successful Hollywood productions, and shaped it into the money-making, influential juggernaut it is today.
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It is granted.
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>even just a Zorua can be so good at illusions, the most you might notice is a too sharp fangy tooth when as a human

It must be weird to talk to a co-actor and then get RUSEd when instead of answering you get the
I like to think its the Zorua speaking in some snobby kid's voice
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>Pokemon 2D tournament fighter
>Each pokemon competes to be the one to reach Jirachi first
>Whoever reaches Jirachi is granted their wish; the player is rewarded with a cutscene showcasing what they got.
It's just too based to happen.
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>thread is 5 days & 8 hours old
>75 posts, i.e. 0.6 posts per hour
>furfags have to bump this thread once every two hours
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There's a reason 104 of the last 109 threads on the matter have been by one autist.
Speaking of autism, I need more Zork Girlfriend storIes.
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>Go out for a hike inna woods
>Find this on the trail
>That means a Zoroark parked her pup here
>That means this is Zoroark territory
>That means she has a mate
>That means they are going to be aggressive against anyone messing with their kit
>That means this area should be hidden by illusions
>That means they are allowing you to be here
>Why are they doing that?
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>Wake up one morning
>These are all around your house
>Oh boy, there must be an illusionist in my house!
>Fuck, there's an illusionist inside my house
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The surroundings say <3
But her face says ’,:|
>1.5 megatons
holy shit
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they should just migrate to /ff/, but they think they are too good for /ff/
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yeah it's just one autist, I see that now
Zoroark unleashed?
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Yeah, it's you
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Hey, it's me again. Yes, I fucked up and didn't have the next chapter ready yet by Monday night. Turns out I forgot about the Labor Day part of Labor Day weekend, and general family stuff sucked out a lot more time to work on it than I thought. Unfortunately it's still not ready yet, but fortunately it is about halfway done. I'll try to have it out by Friday night for real this time, and get my shit together so this doesn't happen again.
Thanks for checking in Mega Ruse Anon, and no worries, it happens.
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Zoroark is an anorexic Zangoose.
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two rusers in one pokeball
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>two rusers in one pokeball
Feels like a broken arrow nuclear incident waiting to happen.
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What's wrong?
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Oh no! It's retarded.
At least it seems happier now..?
Today is Thursday. Why is this thread still up?
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I wish I could cuddle up with a nice Zork girl.
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Tried to do a quick zororark without reference, thoughts?
Sorry in advance for the lobotomite tier colouring
I can see some unique style there. Reminds me of the Gevaudan beast paintings for some reason.
I like the gaunt style and long snout.
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It's finally time. Sorry for making you all wait so long. As always, let me know what you think, and enjoy.


I originally wanted to start color-coding the two Zoroark's dialogue with this update, but I guess I'll save that for a later date. I just wanted to get this the fuck out the door.
Based and trips
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I wish I could buy a house by being a trainer. I'd be rich
They deserve a second ability
What ability would they have? Disguising the entire team with illusions?
Something like Imposter but activates before being sent out and remove team previews.
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Zork goes to Brazil
>Order a burger
>See that
I'd share. Hell I'd buy them there own and while they eat it I'd go hire somebody to kick the shit out of their trainer for neglecting them
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What's to stop somebody from using a Zoroark to rob a bank, spring somebody from jail, or use it to steal blackmail material from peoples offices?
>Security cameras
What if nobody is watching those cameras at the time?
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Don't swoon this is the last thing you see before being torn apart
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I forgot how bouncy the little guy was.
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