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Work Never Stops Edition
Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread question: What would your trainer OC sell for some quick cash?
>Thread task: Draw your OC working at /tog/mart for $7.95 an hour. Or another minimum wage job.

>/tog/ archives

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls:

>I don't know how to draw!
AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials:

Previous thread: >>56364159
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First for jesus christ I'm so fucking tired, bros
Second so I can tell you go the fuck to sleep
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I can't. Not until I've found the right background image to use.
>Thread question: What would your trainer OC sell for some quick cash?
Emily is capable of move tutoring and she's collected TMs and TRs ever since she was an actual kid and kept them all in a CD drum. She's actually one of the very few people who still has some of the oldest TMs like Mega Punch, Swords Dance, Dynamic Punch and Zap Cannon.

She charges people for direct move tutoring for their Pokemon and sells copies of her TMs and TRs to people.
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I give up for now.
Good night and farewell. I'm sleeping in tomorrow morning.
Luke makes Apricorn balls and sells them. Also, he could sell anything he grows in his portable growers or even any herbs or mushrooms he harvests off his Parasect.

I'll draw Luke in the /tog/mart camping section later. Attempt at sleep take 2.
David EXISTS for the minimum wage quick buck. He used to sell Battle Frontier trophies in online auctions, but then bids started to dry up. At least he was smart to save the earnings. Now?

"Wait, so you want me to do this for 7.95 an hour? Pass."
>"But we need men now! How about 7.98?"
"Dude, you saw my resume. I do this for a living. Give me something better."
>"... 7.99?"

Moments later

>get back into Masters after playing it for 3 minutes on day 1
>plan is to save up gems for when they release Lacey to guarantee pity day 1
>get that in 2 days
>get Shauntal in daily rolls
Well shit I pretty much finished my shortlist lmao, guess I'll have to actually start working on things now
Wow, fast luck. Cool.
Jesus Christ that doesn't look safe, the way he's carrying that thing. Yet at the same time I think he could throw it across the room no problem. What a bear of a man.
[incoherent Russian crying]
You got the wrong guy here, Iono may be on my mediumlist, as she is most probably the 2nd best SV girl, but not a priority strictly speaking.

i have two of them! [inadequate Russian laughing]
Yea, idk when they're gonna release Lacey, and ik that sooner or later I will quit Masters (again). So when my sleeper agent ass gets reactivated, I wanna be ready to get her full pity in the first minute.
I was going to do the same thing e
With Rika but then I realized I just didn't like playing Masters enough to get her.
Good thing that every gacha made after 2013 comes with a button that lets the game play itself
They what. Since when?
Wow, am I ever behind the times...
Where’s this button for Mihoyo games?
And Kuro games.
With the exception of 3d games*
Just two more cards and it's back to writing for me.
It's a good day to have a good day, /tog/.
If you think about it, Pokemon battles are really the perfect solution for disagreements. Making a bet at the bar, disagreement with the neighbor, wife simmered the noodles and boiled the pasta sauce? No need to punch it out, just have your Pokemon settle things. It's telling that even the most docile, friendly or timid mons still love a good fight. No one enjoys losing but even getting suplexed through the floor is still a net gain for the scrappy little bastards as long as they can soak in that sweet, sweet Move energy. Is the energy channeled in those attacks somehow dampening the impact? Some sort of Chi imbalance that makes it impossible to keep using magic but somehow that Krookodile's Crunch isn't breaking bones except for when it's raiding Trapinch pits?
The real trouble with all that of course is that even the most docile, friendly and timid creatures are still willing to fight you if you fuck with them. Imagine if the cicada perched in the branch above your mailbox decided that picking up the latest edition of Gameinformer violated the NAP. As mentioned prior, Pokemon have the plucky combination of being nature spirit Kami standins, can fill any ecological vacuum as it appears, and don't refuse a challenge. Being one with nature is non negotiable. You can't get rid of Pokemon no matter how hard you try, and they'll merc you if you did. The bond between man and mon is the only solution, and letting them cut loose in battle is the most sure fire way to keep the peace in both worlds.
I say all this in the hopes that winning Pokemon battles means I can earn a bunch more free mix drink tokens at the local dives.
>Hey, you tripped me!


>”Good game scrub”
>”I demand a rematch”
>”How about here and now?”
*Aggressive door knocking”
>Krookodile's Crunch isn't breaking bones except for when it's raiding Trapinch pits?
Krooks and Flygons hunt together. My man, he ain't raiding the other's kids like that
Krookodile and Flygon are enemies to lovers at best. Sandile still takes advantage of awkward Trapinch fumbling through the sand doodlebug-style for an easy meal. Predators rarely fight pitched battles against one another because the risk of being crippled by an equal opponent isn't worth the caloric reward. Even lamed carnivores are overlooked by opportunists due to a lack of nutrition and higher presence of toxic substances like heavy metals and diseases compared to non-carnivores. Lions will kill hyenas but not eat them. Wolves will punch down on coyotes but only eat them in times of desperation. The only exception to this is during duels to decide mating rights where there is a reward more valuable than survival at stake. These rivalries are a test of the individual's worth as a hunter--the more successful killer with the more deadly tools will pass on their genes.
In the wild, evolutionary game theory disincentives conflict between carnivores. It is much more common for two competing carnivore species to simply avoid territory overlap or otherwise find better real estate after an intimidation display, or to be targeting different ecological niches and thus have no true conflict with one another. The symbiotic relationship between Krookodile and Flygon is a matter of convenience between two hunters, not a true alliance seen elsewhere in cases like Tatsugiri and Dondozo. A victory for one over the other would leave both individuals worse off and vulnerable to a coup de grace from a third party. Going halvsies is just pragmatism on their part--the same pragmatism that also encouraged insectivorous Sandile to hunt Trapinch. We see similar behavior between Hornbills and Mongeese in the real world--they'll both prey on each other's young while benefiting from being in the presence of matured individuals.
When did I have time to type all that?
Sometimes, strokes of text just hit us.
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Much nicer than before, I think.
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Gotta understand, I had a fish fry and a bottle of vodka for breakfast and then clonked out when I got home after spending the morning with the boys. I wrote that first post while vibing on the front stoop of the building and only found out about that second one after I woke up. It's a bit meandering, but at least all the info checks out.
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Why does Florges have such a dumptruck ass tho
I feel that Ludicolo was your realization today

"Wait, so you are telling me after all that, I was..."
>"Yeah, you wrote all that."
"FUNCTIONAL?! Wow, that's a first."
There was a thread where a guy asked why so many grass waifumons, so I guess the answer is that someone is a dendrophile inside GF's Pokémon idea department.
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>Wow, that's a first.
You must be new here.
Okay, there's giving Leafeon curvier hips or giving Tsareena the ball-busting motif, and then there's PUT THAT PIXIE-PLANT SYMBIOTE IN A SKINTIGHT COCKTAIL DRESS AND HAVE HER SCOOT THOSE GLUTES, ALWAYS. ARCH THAT BACK, BITCH!
On the plus side, Arboliva isn't a waifumon. I mean, I know Meowscarada got that place, but we know she is a Lucario clone.
I got distracted and got zero writing done today.
Was it because of the shag carpet.
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I must know the secret.
Silas will haggle as low as possible for the Zap Cannon TM to attempt to put onto Volbeat.
What's Luke's favorite Apricorn ball? Does he have the balltism?
This came out great. Background is a little noisy but the colors/lighting for sure work.
Motivation unmatched. No wonder so many people quit their day jobs to become Pokemon trainers, they have David to compete with.
Were they his Battle Frontier trophies? Or knock offs?
>ayyyy me bottle of scrumpeh
Thanks, now I will go play tf2 instead of finishing this.
What's Emily's Pokemon equivalent to taco bell order
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>I must know the secret
Zap Cannon's actually one of the less popular ones due to the low amount of Pokemon compatible with it through conventional TR/TM methods. It wouldn't take much haggling to get a low price for it since most people don't buy it at all.
>Emily's Poke-Taco Bell order
She's fairly simple in her tastes in food. Soft flour tortilla, ground beef, lettuce and taco sauce. Especially since she's lactose intolerant.

Oh, My dreams actually RARELY involve anything resembling Emily, it's pure chaos whenever I deep sleep.
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>lactose intolerant
Lactaid helps but cheese isn't a flavor she likes in her tacos anyway.
He prefers making lure balls (in PTU they make pokemon you've baited with food 20% easier to catch). He largely doesn't care what ball a pokemon gets but he does really enjoy the handiwork aspect of apricorn balls and how each one reflects a bit on the person who made it.
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I'm not getting any writing done. But I'm getting used to my new tablet. Have some fanart.

That's gorgeous!
chibibibi cute
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Sorry, I suck at drawing buff guys. And how do you do buff chibis?
These are super cute, we need chibis of a bunch of OCs for the tcg cards in the future
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>I'm not getting any writing done
I'm just glad to hear it's on the table.
He's already perfect exactly as is.
Yay! I would get these plushies.

Fancy Florges
Thanks! I like to think chibis are kind of my specialty lol

Awwww that is sooo cute!
He is used to a lot of carrying and lifting, so you aren't far off.

>"is not much, but is honest work."
The trophies are real. You see, after David quit the Frontier, Scott sent the many trophies he invested his money. The idea was to give whoever defeated David one, but since the only way to challenge him was to get all 7 Gold Symbols, not many did. David only gave 2 in his entire career.
Now, he is broke, living at his parents' house, and his room is filled with lots of trophies. What to do?
Well, he discovered a loophole: trophies have to be earned, but they could be sold as well (as long as he gives a share to the Frontier's committee).
A small rebranding later: get your BF souvenir! Only 100000 yen!
Many were sold relatively quickly, and now he had money to spare. But then Scott got wind, tried to sue, David uses the loophole, and both sign a contract agreement. Now, to get a BF trophy you must pay 250000 yen (Scott cornered the market, and David can't sell them anymore), or get over 1000 BP for one.
Still, David keeps a big box with many leftover trophies. He mostly gives them away as a present. On the good side, he gets royalties thanks for being the one who brought one more revenue to the Battle Frontier.

You are not making the butt jokes any easier to avoid!

Chibis are cute. I wonder if an Emily one is "real size". Hahaha....
>*Gets bonk'd*
I'm curious, does he specialize in types? does he have an ace? is it gimmighoul?
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not a ton of time for the thread task but nyx has never had to work retail and she *knows* she's lucky for it. she's wouldn't last 5 minutes. much as she hated her last job, at least people were usually civil. all it'd take is one irate customer yelling at her for not accepting expired coupons before she starts bawling at the register with zweilous popping out to make things worse. as for what'd she sell for a quick buck, when it came to buying cigarettes or other contraband in high school she got used to pilfering mushrooms or pearls off shroomish and clamperl
!!!! oh she looks absolutely darling thanks so much anon, you've got to give me some tips on drawing chibis at some point, david came out adorable too
now that's really sweet
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also dunno if that anon still wanted it but here's the brush setting i use to shade and highlight. i guess it's worth noting that bar stuff like the thin blue highlights on bibi or the yellow ones in ruka's hair, i don't really use normal line strokes to color, i dunno if i'd call it stippling, but i actually just kinda gently dab the pen against the tablet to get the desired effect and texture. if it's not clear this is a thin gouache pen from csp that i fiddled a bit with at some point
Well, David's team are the Hoenn Starters. He keeps them in a categorized system:

>Blaziken: Heavy Hitter
Is a fighter, can use fire, and is very reliable. He uses him when he just want to finish the fight on the spot. Thanks to his knowledge in martial arts, he has developed moves that can strike various enemies with no much difficulty. In fact, he can take battle stances to change his strategy (imagine Deoxys as a move), and even change his physical attacks for special ones, so he can "punch a ghost" so to speak.

>Sceptyle: The Hazard
Sceptyle doesn't like to fight directly. He is more scummy in his approach, tiring his enemies. He uses the terrain to inflict openings, and use hit-and-run tactics to defeat them over time.
In fact, he can change terrains with ease using spores stored in his tail. It can replicate an ecosystem, so the moves he uses can always have the advantage. And trust me, Sceptyle can cover quite the interesting moves.

>Swampert: The Ace
Between Blaziken and Sceptyle, he would be the inbetween in strenght and speed. But don't let him fool you: he was trained to STAND. It uses both power and technical moves to defeat his opponents. At difference of Sceptyle, he doesn't look for weak points, he MAKES them. And at difference of Blaziken, he doesn't need to set a turn aside to prepare, he does it as the fight goes along. This, combined with the ability to reach Ultima Fusion, he is the Ace powerhouse he needs to tilt the odds in David's favor.

Imagine a fifth evolution, that's the explanation. Since David got tainted with Mega Power at Sootopolis, he can reach Mega Evolution without the need of a Mega Stone. Now, after his investigation in evolution (friendship, stones, events and circumstances), he managed to create a new evolution. The steps are simple yet precise. I'll follow it next post.
They looked lonely.
I actually know this one! The trick to drawing chibis is to direct emphasis to the features that normally go overlooked on proper proportions. For example, take Phos's normal sex appeal and condense it down so that you're seeing more of her curvature within a smaller field of view. For that Bibi, you see her silly glasses, big grin, cute school outfit and bright pink boots all in the span of a few inches. David has that gap moe appeal going where you see all that confidence (furrowed brows, smug smile, crossed arms to emphasize his biceps) delivered in a package you could lift up like a baby. So on, so forth. Big balloon heads, round shapes to emphasize cuteness, simplistic details.

>1) Get a Pokémon
This is the easy part

>2) Be capable of Mega Evolution
This is the not-so-easy part

>3) Train both body and mind
You must be trained and disciplined, otherwise the overabundance of power may destroy your mind. The method is like Reburst backwards: (you) fuse your soul with your Pokémon. Since both men and Pokémon are connected and share many aspects together, fusing in the most pure way possible allows to both tap into the most sacred power imaginable

>4) And probably the most dangerous part to dominate Be willing to die
David and Swampert managed to tap into this power by accepting the fact this is something NO ONE should have. Ultima forces a sudden increase in a Pokémon's intelligence, so the new emotions and self awareness can destroy the unprepared mind of an innocent being.
As for the human side, David says "I feel the more I try to use it, I slowly lose myself". This is because the craving for this power makes the human soul fuse with the Pokémon soul. But if both souls synchronize into one, the new being is more likely to develop a bipolarity disorder, since now two beings are living inside one, and there's no way to undo this because if the fusion is permanent, the human's body dies, so it can't return.
To "dominate" this technique, you have to be aware that both sides can reach the final consequences, and there's no going back. No regrets, only the result of your actions.
Her hair was looking a little flat compared to her peers.
I'm off to bed, have a great night and even better day tomorrow, /tog/.
This concludes my drawing for a while. It's back to writing now.
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I found the secret! It took me a day seeing Second Wind videos, but then I remember the right one. Here it is.
Is a good method if you ask me. I saw many artists beginning as copycats until they developed their own style, which is awesome!
Then sadly turn to the porn/furry well of degeneracy and quick money, taking their style into stagnancy, eventually dying.
I swear, there's not enough hands in this world to count those wannabe jizzbrains who try so hard to make their comics hentai when their style is massively western. Bloody wappanesses.
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summer's last day
What does intolerance have to do with butt jokes?
"Wind" jokes, considering Emily's sizeable derriere.
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I told you: not any easier. I have to admit, I may be a boomer, but I feel this place has affected my humor to the ones of a 12th years old.
They to drawing chibis is pretty much what >>56387026 said. Reduce everything to a more simplistic design and by contrast exaggerate their body language. Add stubby little fingers like a toddler's. Everything is round and short, and the head makes up roughly 1/3 or even 1/2 of their total height.
Personally I prefer drawing them with "pillow-y" bodies (like Chibibi) but that feels wrong when drawing characters with pronounced chests like David or Phos. Hence why chibi David turned out a little less stylized.

Also thanks for these brush settings and tips!

And this sounds interesting too, I'll give it a watch later.

They look great together. The two mature characters emphasize tiny Bibi's cuteness like this.
David + Circe's Sceptiles teaming up for a Duo Move
Imagine an animation of /tog/ OCs doing this group dance

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>got a call at 4am this morning
>Chosen One, we need you to come into work ASAP
>my goofy ahh ahh self cradling a bottle of scrumpy in one arm and Circe in the other
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im still on the way to my rock bottom.
err... guess 25 will sell something on marketplaces? dunno, he keeps a lot of interesting trash

>1 am
>feels like a total shallow husk
>have a second tg channel where i posted random memes
>change pfp to eerie jesus pic and change name into "friend inside me"
>post single word "friend"
>few people actually got spooked shitless because of this
>smiled first time today

lets spook other people today, /tog/!
I forgot about the body pillow
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>That body pillow will never see the light of day
Absolutely man lad
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phew It's been a busy weekend so far. time for some catch up.
This was prob my fav thread task so far, thanks Ruka-anon for gracing us with another banger <3 I loved everyone's contributions to it and I wanted to draw a little scene with everyone racing together. I tried including everyone who responded to the ruka question but sorry if I missed you and your OC/added you in late

(Also super hyped to have gotten some Cassie Cade content out of this too. I only knew her from the hall of fame and was always curious about her.)
I want to give Bibi-anon their flowers for yet another amazing piece. Bibi's water outfit is so amazing- I'm such a fan of long hair bibi. I also love how you're highlighting base form Palafin here, I feel like it's such a fitting mon for Bibi's personality as the sort of cute into strong hero/protag type.
Poor Nyx wasn't cut out for this kinda life, she deserves so much more
These came out so great. I love how well your drawings fit with the backgrounds and how you made them come together.
These are sooo adorable
I didn't get a chance to post this in the last thread but all the ms paint luke drawings you post are so precious and I'm your biggest fan. I really loved the animation you made too. I can tell you put a lot of effort into it and it really paid off- amazing stuff!
Depressing but cute
based tweny content
What kind of company is /tog/-inc.?

TQ: Ivy is known to have a side hustle of selling vitamins and other "drugs" (ability capsules/patches/other hard to come by medicines) to students for a quick buck. She's basically a plug for Pokemon steroids.
Miko on the other hand is too young to work, but sells any valuables he finds while he's out scavenging... that and he's a lucky little bastard when it comes to gambling.
TT: Gonna see about drawing Ivy later when if I find the time to, seems like a fun task :)
>remember the water chariot thing is still on people's mind
>think about Emily's team
>zero water types except Golisopod
I'm personally unsure of Golisopod even swim-- let alone quickly-- and if they do swim quickly, it's a question of HOW they do.
>>zero water types except Golisopod
So you have one (1) water type
Okay but it's not like a primary water type and you'd sooner attach the word Bug to it than Water when asked about it. While everyone else has Pokemon that people would say "Water type" first and foremost at a glance.
Miko's only water type is Pyukumuku, so I had to get creative with its locomotion. Even then I'd probably say that throwing your trainer and chariot is against the rules and not very effective for taking turns :P
At this point I assume Golisopod can just jet through the water since it's Pin Missile is like a little missile salvo launcher inside it's shell in it's back.
I'm glad you like mspaint Luke. He's a good boy.

Unfortunately, I did not do that animation. Some really cool guy did.
It does really mean a lot to me though that MS paint Luke is someone's favorite
That's hilarious.
I'm going to be completely honest: that started off as an ironic joke. It is no longer ironic.
Oh hell yes, what a 10/10 post. That drawing is absolutely terrific, thanks for doing the ensemble.
that Luke meme took maybe six minutes from start to finish, but I'm always happy to let others heap praises on me. Download the fire stock sounds off of YouTube, snip the audio of Eddie Vedder in Audacity, make a gif in movie maker, glue it all together in webms for retards, and catbox'd.
Hey man it's a non 0 amount of effort which is already more than I expected
>What kind of company is /tog/-inc.?
nigga this place is kinda gay and mr tennyson really wants to make a big change. the companeh needs new eager blood, in the same tier as bloodstream grim morningwood. Maybe he'll start with his own last name. How does Tweny Tension sounds like?

also fuck it, Uchiha Madara is officialy Charlotte's godfather
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almost done this linework. gonna finish up the coloring and try and come up with a tcg card effect (suggestions welcome)
yooooooo! sick! i love that you took the time to make an ensemble piece like that and the framing is just perfect! is it bad that now i'm thinking of miko being thrown like a skipping stone but at like. mach speeds? you never disappoint when it comes to making a dynamic scene anon
>ironic joke
stay strong anon. your first priority should always be committing to the bit.
ms paint luke brings joy
can't wait til charlie murders all of tog to measure her abilities
Always remember, /tog/. It doesn't matter how you finish, it only matters how you start.
Y-you should draw them holding hands. Ironically.
Holy shit I just noticed this picture has all the OCs in it! I love it! Look at Dense go!
There's a lesson to be learned about the value of small gestures making big impacts in someone else's day.
Full song, incidentally. It's a certified Archivist classic:
I also love that Miko got thrown and how readily apparent you made that. As well as the stars in Miko's eyes
I love our ghost girls
hey same
Finally, a post we can all agree upon.
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okay rough time trying to come up with card concepts since i don't play the tcg, even if i spent like an hour mulling it over while making lunch. but do either of these sound reasonable to everyone?

1: if a pokemon was knocked out during your opponent's turn, search your deck for a pokemon card and a basic energy card. add them to your hand

2: upon playing this card flip a coin, if heads choose a pokemon to be immune to damage on your opponents next turn

i think the "knocked out" condition on the first one sells the ghost type theming. as for the 2nd, i intended to title this card "ghost dive" after the japanese name for phantom force/the song of the same title, so the whole immune to damage thing is a reference to the move itself

Wow, what an amazing transformation that coloring job makes. To one day steal your powers and add them to my own... a lunatic can dream.
I like the first description more specifically because you don't specify what kind of Pokemon you can choose. It creates an interesting strategy of sacrificing a basic mon and giving your opponent an easy prize card in order to bring out a fully-evolved bruiser earlier than you would have otherwise. A card as stunning as that should have an equally memorable effect, it almost feels like a waste that a coin flip could decide to let it go unappreciated.
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i'll take that into account, so that's 1 vote for option 1!
>steal your powers
i've said it before but i don't mind lending advice where i can, it's just that i have no formal background in art, so everything i say should be taken with a grain of salt. regarding colors, i think my biggest tip is that a shadow should always be more saturated than the base color, and i usually make them a bluer or purpleish tone to convey a cool feeling (there are times when you don't want to do this but i feel it's a technique that's generally applicable). conversely i make highlights warm by tinting them yellow. see how the colors on the left in picrel are kind of icky compared to the right? it's because they're just being shaded with lighter/darker versions of the same color without the hue or level of saturation shifting. case by case basis and all, but this is my standard approach.
don't tempt me......
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>don't tempt me
Do it! Cute girls doing cute things!
>see how the colors on the left in picrel are kind of icky compared to the right? it's because they're just being shaded with lighter/darker versions of the same color without the hue or level of saturation shifting.
Damn, just mention me by name if you're gonna call me out like that, why don'tcha. But that is going to be some invaluable advice moving forward for me, thank you sensei.
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Alex would sell freshly caught Pokemon to children.
Alex would Crash Out instantaneously if he had to work in retail, and so would I.
Well, I finally did it. Nearing 20K words, I finally tied Chapter 1 and 2 of this Thing together. Now I can get to reworking the opening of Chapter 2 to be congruous with the changes that I made to the story in Chapter 1 (since Chapter 2 was originally the only part of this that was supposed to exist). Speaking of which
I guess this kind of vindicates but also kind of doesn't vindicate the idea that Alex would have to fight someone over a poker game. I imagine that certain establishments would try to arbitrate things without battles, and casinos would probably be one of them. How does Alex end up where he does, then? Well, you'll just have to wait and see.
Zap Cannon and Dynamic Punch are shit moves with 50% accuracy, you'd be much better running Thunder and Cross Chop, or Thunderbolt and Close Combat.
Was this inspired by the "desu" thing? I love this. Maybe you should draw your other OCs making that expression.
Why not just use a Rilaboom?
So uh, what happens once Pyukumuku falls into the water? The reason you don't see Alex in this is because Kingdra already got across the finish line/
Actually, the correct term is MLRS.
I laughed my ass off when I saw how small Mimikyu's face is.
I am generally of the opinion that Bibi is wearing Too Much Pink just like Ivy but holy fuck that is an insane outfit. I wish I could design outfits like that. They kind of remind me of the Sygna Suits from Master Sex.
you DO make a compelling argument. i'll draw it at some point
didn't mean to come off like i was insulting anyone's choices. plenty of artists do make it work, and it's the choice most artists intuitively make because, well, shadows=dark, so the answer most anyone comes to is usually "to shade x color, i should use a darkver variant". that said, if anyone finds the tip useful i'll be thrilled
>Too Much Pink
one of our monitors must be fucked because she's wearing red, the outfits meant to look like skeledirge....anyways if you need outfit inspirations i really just recommend looking into j fashion or watching kpop music videos. imo asian fashion scenes are way more fun than western ones, so i model a lot of my designs off of their trends
>didn't mean to come off like i was insulting anyone's choices.
You misunderstand, king. If I can still hold a strained paternal love for Alex in spite of his best efforts, you're not hurting my feelings anytime soon. You're absolutely spot-on, I was going for the obvious answer of just sliding the colors directly vertically. Because I'm a caveman with a supercomputer and I'm teaching myself as I go. It's invaluable to be able to see a broader, more creative perspective that goes beyond the unga-bunga solution.
No, I was referring to her normal outfit which you stated was based off of "Jirai Kei" but without a skirt because Bibi hates skirts. It looks like a orangish red to me. I mostly just take inspiration from certain anime outfits such as this one which I used for one of his "Special" outfits with a few minor tweaks, most notably a vine pattern on a black belt instead of the white belt here, meant to resemble Serperior. I don't know if either of us would be in to J-Fashion and I can't stomach K-Pop.
Hmm.. I see...
Emily, Azelie, Grym, David and Gene. Someone else should get on that.
I'd much prefer a coordinated /mandervilledance or /hdance truthfully, there's no topping the classics.
Not into the vanilla game dances.

I also forget who Azelie and Gene are
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Grymanon here, just a reminder that card submissions close on September 4th.
If you've made cards, great! Now all you need to do is...

Submit cards here:

/tog/'s first ever community booster - ORIGIN RISING!
Use Pokémon owned by the various trainers of /tog/, including Phos, Ruka, Grym and more!

Use https://pokecardmaker.net/creator to create your cards.
Use https://pkmncards.com/sets/ if you need to know what cards look like.

The Schizo Resource Pack, over 600 royalty-free stock images taken and curated by the Archivist*: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15yLgfXZUNxehHv79cBMEk5M8dueHg_9e?usp=sharing
Edit your background/card style with https://www5.lunapic.com/editor/

RULES (full rules available in submission link)
>NO EX, GX, V, V-STAR, VMAX, TERA, STELLAR or MEGA Pokémon (yet). No MENTION of card rules involving them either.
>HP limit is 160.
>Replace the SV1 tag in the bottom left with TOG1
>If a Pokémon belongs to a trainer, please label it as "X's Y", X SUBNAME being the trainer, Y NAME being the Pokémon.
>Keep your card balanced with the (SV) era. https://pkmncards.com/set/twilight-masquerade/
>Keep images SFW.
>FLAVOR TEXT (Pokédex entries), Weight, Height, Classification must be included.
>Use your thread handle or primary OC as the "Illustrator" of the card.

See you on September 5th.
DAMN, I knew I was forgetting something.
>No MENTION of card rules involving them either.
Double DAMN, I was literally making plans on arguing that with you just this evening.
I'm off to bed.
Weavile: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56091920/#q56100484
Hisuian Samurott: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56091920/#q56102182
Weapons: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56091920/#56100232
Embarrassingly, I did once actually design an outfit from the ground up based on DND with some anime/gacha game elements. Archivist did call me out for my build kind of being shit for DND and the “Lore Bard” basically doing all of what I wanted to do and more, so I guess let’s just ignore gameplay mechanics for writing purposes (how ironic that I am saying this). I think that you also told me that I should look into Monster Hunter armor.
>Why not just use a Rilaboom?
I don't know if this is a joke, considering David can be considered as big as an ape (in muscle at least. He is 173cm tall).
Still, he will use a Rilaboom. By the time he reaches Galar, he is relatively adult, so he will go MONKE, mainly because many of his enemies will start parroting about "EVs" and "IVs" and "Meta". He just go "Big monke, big punch, figure out the result".
Non burger reporting.
So, I'm stuck on how to progress Gilded Platinum. I don't know if I should include the gym battle or skim over it. I've already depicted what Roark's challenge is like and I don't know if it would seem too much to go through the challenge again but with the main characters instead of over a VOD..
I haven't read that part yet, but if you think the fight is basically filler, maybe you should skip it.
Sure, filler moments can happen, but those are better played as downtime from serious chapters. If you only repeat what happened in the last chapter, maybe it shouldn't even be considered part of the story.
Yeah, that's an awkward spot to be in. Try skipping to the final minute of the battle or an otherwise pivotal moment where the dynamic of the fight changes.
I would love to see Tweny wearing that alongside a pair of aviators and a military officer's cap.
Whoa, you're fast! Going from outlines to colors in that short time is amazing. And it looks so great! I love it so much!

To be fair, there is no one right way to do shading and using less saturated colors has its place. There's so much to take into account, like lighting, personal style, mood... Don't forget that shadows are also affected by the color of the light so eg in red lighting you'd choose the shade of your shadows accordingly.
That said, >>56389914 is a great tip for creating vibrant pictures in standard lighting and it makes me wanna do more colorful pictures too.
When my time in the sun is over, I promise to never end up like these guys.
Come on, that's rude. Some of us have our roots in the edgy threads, let us remember them for what they were
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Grim and Edgyverse, as well as its fanbase, fell off hard. Whereas previously there was some actually compelling stuff about them, now it’s just devolved into circlejerking into how UNBEATABLE Grim is and how COOL Zircaslop is compared to other stuff.
Wouldn't say so really, it's just moreso the content well dried up.
The Grim artist barely releases any noteworthy edgy crap, Nyantcha went back to drawing just porn and nothing else, no up and coming source for edge that wasn't already touched upo>now it’s just devolved into circlejerking into how UNBEATABLE Grim is and how COOL Zircaslop is compared to other stuff.
Not once have I felt that sentiment expressed genuinely in the threads that was not promptly laughed at.
At the very least, there is a shit ton of circlejerking about how much better Grim is better than anything that /tog/ has made, there’s a lot of out of pocket call outs against us which I find to be weird because basically nothing of what’s made here gets posted outside of this thread. And I do feel like a lot of Grim wanking nowadays goes un-laughed at because everyone got tired of it, so now the only people left in those threads are the people who genuinely enjoy bragging about the Mary Sue edgelord.
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>there’s a lot of out of pocket call outs against us which I find to be weird because basically nothing of what’s made here gets posted outside of this thread.
Please understand, if you're posting on the internet, it means that they can't. They're welcome to make as many threads as they like. I'd love nothing more than to see them actually accomplish something, I'd wholly support them if they could. If.
Until then, the impotent crying is really funny for me.
Anyways, that's enough about that, let's move on to bigger and better things.
unlike edgyverse lurkers.
>there’s a lot of out of pocket call outs against us which I find to be weird because basically nothing of what’s made here gets posted outside of this thread
Yea I found that odd at first, but I can sorta see where one could get there.
It could be people from the previous oc threads, or just who generally don't like some aspect of the current ones for one reason or another and found the edgy verse as the most appropriate place to dump that out on. Though one cannot really dismiss the inherent connection between the two threads, as some guys have moved on here from the edgyverse stuff.
In fewer words, someone possibly just doesn't like something here and wanted to talk about how much he doesn't like said thing, but not in here.
We have our own Gri(y)m who's vastly superior to that Grim anyway
It begins much as it always does: with a drink and a dream.
Hol' up right there, I need that Grimm fairy tale book style font. Name now, please!
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Tartarsauce Font

I was going to use it to show growth as a team as well as some evolved pokemon, but ultimately the gyms aren't super important to the story. I'll probably gloss over what happened instead of going too much into depth because there's more exciting stuff I want to get to. Especially since what most recently happened.
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didn't know you guys had beef with each other, i thought you were just neighbors or something lel
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Wouldn't really call it beef tbdesu, just one guy being particularly upset. Generally the two circles don't butt heads too often
What happens if I pull on his ahoge
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its so fucking cringe how each side reacts on eachother. edgyverse bros just shit time to time on tog cuz "muh trannies" and someone particular responds with "muh betterness" which is both sad to look at

but i kinda agreed with edgebros, we do lack sovlfull guys like grime darkwould
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Figured I may as well just come back now.
Afternoon lads.
If you haven't filled in your submitted card lines (Luke's Infernape for example) I would recommend doing so before Sept. 4th.

I have two plans for /tog/ booster 2, should this one go well.
I promise you, it's a very one-sided affair.
>don't butt heads too often
Ever? They stay in their threads, we stay in ours. In an ideal situation, everyone benefits from this. Don't like the way we run things? Go over there. Don't like the way they run things, come over here. Don't like either? Start your own threads. I welcome it.
Except the people making those other threads don't actually want to do anything, they want someone else to make everything for them so they can have some internet drama to doomscroll through.
>just shit time to time on tog
That is invariably every single thread they make and the only way those threads last more than a few hours before fizzling out. I can't be the only one who sees the comedy in that.
>we do lack sovlfull guys like grime darkwould
Factually untrue and disingenuous centrism at best. MS Paint Luke alone mogs their reposts any day of the week and you're welcome to contribute otherwise. REGARDLESS, there's really no need to dwell on it.
Hey, boo. Tell me more about the two plans.
>we do lack sovlfull guys like grime darkwould
What exactly makes him soulful?
Well, I'm thinking of bringing back Light and Dark Pokémon (the latter being "Shadow"), or re-introducing Mega Pokémon as LV.X cards.
>re-introducing Mega Pokémon as LV.X cards
That would give boulder-kun the opportunity to use Mawlie.
Why not just use EX or GX for that tho?
Because I'm not the one making the rules, I'm working with the material I'm being provided.
Light/Shadow mons (that no OC that I'm aware of uses) OR Megas (that several OCs use).
Light & Shadow mons will work a little differently from their predecessors, but let's at least give it a month or so before we start talking more about another community booster.
EXs are an absolute mess these days. LV.X were cool as a "power-up" to your Pokémon. I'm odd.
Upon reflection, I think I can make the fight feel different enough to warrant writing about it a bit more indepth. I'll definitely work some suggestions from this thread in if I can
>but let's at least give it a month or so before we start talking more about another community booster.
Yes please, I promised Silas I'd finish the series at some point.
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Finally on the last leg of the second fight scene and then will be doing a bit of post-action scene shit but my brain is being dumb and won't continue typing. Maybe I need food to focus again. What the fuck is with all this weirdo drama I came back to?
Nothing important, really. Have some fish oil, the omega-3s and lipids are good for promoting brain health, it'll help you organize your thoughts.
Does it regrow?
If so, will pulling it out produce another?
yes, which is why you should never do this
I don't think I've ever eaten anything with fish oil in it before. Might look into it. Ended up eating a leftover burger instead for a quick lunch. I wonder if fish oil would be good in beef and rice chow mein since it's the only asian food I ever make.
Typically it's a supplement you have with whatever you're eating normally and tastes like the vague idea of a bland fish stick, or you get it as a side effect of eating actual fish (I do both). Regardless, it's a super nutrient; mankind was born and raised on a diet of fish and fruits. Fish oil helps process fat cells, supports brain health, keeps your skin vibrant and supple (useful if you're drinking a lot of alcohol that would normally dry your skin out), and helps control your blood pressure. I like to pop a fish oil pill when I plan on doing a lot of thinking.
Ah, I don't really pop supplements and such. And as far as skin care is concerned I don't drink anyway so--
NTA but this is legit, omega 3 is really good to combat brainfog, it only loses to a good cardio session, when I combine 30m ~ 1h of cardio with a couple of Omega 3 pills it's the difference between heaven and hell to me.
The top 3 supplments for brain activity are Omega 3, Creatine and Magnesium L Threonate, in that order.

It's a more efficient use of time imo, I can waste 4 hours in "The..." >>56392152 or instantly become me at my best after an 1 hour investment. The "comfy writer" idea is a meme, a healthy body means a healthy mind.
Obviously this all comes in layers and you can choose what layer you stay on depends on your free time or logistics like if you have a gym nearby or if buying a treadmill is viable, becoming a gymbro is the "perfect" scenario but you don't even need to go all the way to 100% and become a fucking bodybuilder to notice a difference, even just Omega 3 is already a % of the way that you can benefit with very low effort.
>a healthy body means a healthy mind.
I will die on this hill surrounded by the bodies of the naysayers.
While they can be correlated, a healthy body does not mean a healthy mind. Plenty of gymgoers have mental issues, that’s why they go to the gym in a futile attempt to sweat them out. It’s a distraction from their troubled minds. Though less common, I have also seen people with unhealthy bodies yet healthy minds in spite of that, although I don’t think anyone appearing on My 600lb Life was very mentally well adjusted.
There's always exceptions, starting to lift for the wrong reasons and starting to take steroids, etc is also a common pitfall.
At the end of the day the human body is complex and it's not a zero sum RPG stats slider, even genetics play a role, but still, anedoctal circumstances of people that went wrong don't necessarily prove that you wouldn't feel more productive by actually doing cardio, lifting and/or taking supplements.
I still think it's a worthwhile experiment that every person with a creative inspiration should try for a while.
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making good progress on some doodles for cards thanks to the archivists backgrounds. hope i can submit em tonight after my guests decide to call it a day
funny enough i was gonna ask if it was a fruit bearing tree or ratatouille situation before that got answered
Great, now what is she gonna do with the little man? No backsies, he's already grown a new one!
Does he need to go to school? Or is he the same age as the big boy
I have no idea. How would he get to school anyway, how would he get up his chair and everything? He's like Stuart Little!
Little ladder and a tiny desk. The truancy officer will be checking in to see if he is there.
You know I had to do it.
This is art
Now draw this with Miko’s ahoge
they are sentient as an original one, but they lack self-awareness to have a personality, so you can use them as free labor or ingredient, depending on context
Brother in christ, self awareness IS sentience. You can't have one or the other. Then it just has the intelligence to communicate and take orders but is nothing more than a meat-bot.
Need me a bucket full of em
>pull on his hair
>a gimmeghoul flals out
I'm keeping that tequila typeo.
put him in a pot with nice loamy soil and write the most horrifying lab report jacq's ever had to read in his time as a bio teacher
that's exactly what i meant
They're not as sentient as the original then unless you're about to tell me the original has zero self awareness.
I feel this is a Pikmin scenario. Just throw as many bodies as you can until issues are solved.
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Welp, I'm up 3k word s and the booze buff is starting to wind down. The typos will remain long after our dalliance concludes. It's a windy evening in the windy sity and everything is as it should be.
More or less.
How are you doing, anons. No need to say anything, of course, just give it some thought and know I'm thinking about you too. I hope you've got plenty of bread to fill you and water to keep you afloat out there.
Here, have some easygoing music to listen to if you feel like winding down for the evening. I even checked some of it to make sure there were no popups (I use adblockers).
Let's have an easygoing night, /tog/.
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alrighty that's 1 of 4, does this register as balanced to anyone? full art here https://files.catbox.moe/d379wc.png
happy you're happy anon! was worried wolke might not be cute enough for you
ah anon, i finally caught up on the gaiden chapter, i usually hold off on talking about these things til i draw something related to it but that'll take some time so....okay, the "if i need an escort" line? i was gagged, as the kids would say. catty phos is so entertaining. these little trips through her memories also really solidified zoroark as my favorite party member, cute and shy but all that rage and bitterness just under the surface makes for one sweet package, and illustrates that she's got more backbone than malamar gives her credit for. no shocker the dialogue between phos and azelie really got me as well. grief never really leaves us, life just sort of expands to encompass it as we live on. lots of great action scenes in this one too since we jumped from set to set so often, i'm never not a sucker for motorcycles crashing through windows/into buildings, and i love that a franco appearance never occurs without some kind of monologue. despite eif's grittier tone, it remains something very heartfelt and sincere. a je ne sais quoi of sorts that makes it so that even if your writing has such a distinct personality to it, it feels like it was made with genuine love for the source material, and i think that's why it resonates so much
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>Lord Huron
So based.
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Well, chapter 2 is finally done. It's a TAD bit longer than I expected by around 2000 words. It's probably not perfect but it's kinda just how it is since I don't normally write solo and it feels a lot easier to make fluffy, enticing prose that makes a read through something more appealing when bouncing off of someone else, but not much I can do there.

I have NO IDEA if Google's suggestion to change all the "it's" to "its" is correct, kinda lacking the energy to care atm. But here it is.

This will help me write chapter 7 of Gilded. I plan on some late night writing since I don't need to get up tomorrow
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crop on this one turned out MEGA ass. this is what i get for not planning ahead. full art at https://files.catbox.moe/wkpol8.png

the coloring talk got me thinking a bit that i haven't broken my "rules" enough lately, so i tried returning to what gets thrown around as one of the mortal sins of art: shading with black. not sure if i got the whole heavily shadowed look quite right but it was fun
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If it were up to me, I'd instead have Sticky Web remove an Energy Card from the Active opponent and discard it. Making the opponent show their hand is a neat idea, but there's some real nasty stall potential in cucking them out of their one drawn card per turn while you can keep stockpiling uncontested. Stealing from the Active foe on the other hand, creates a more dynamic way of forcing a strategy shift as the opponent suddenly has to contend with their heavy-hitter no longer being able to afford their main attack. They're not being outright denied the chance to move, they just have to start putting Energy on one of their Benched mons to try and swat the little gnat out of the way.
>i finally caught up on the gaiden chapter
Thank you as always for reading, it really does mean the world to me to be able to create something that inspires such an amazing audience as you and everyone else who comments on my work.
I'm very glad you liked that final scene. It's been an interesting challenge trying to portray Azelie as a total bitch across her four major appearances without alienating the reader, but I think she made good use of her screentime in the end, especially with that heart-to-heart. Her involvement's done, but her story's not over just yet.
Personally, my favorite scene to write was the Wellness Check. I think the parallels between all three major players refusing to accept help from someone while figurative and literal death is following after them was some of their most important characterization.
>it feels like it was made with genuine love for the source material
It's true, this franchise has given me countless things to be thankful for over the years, and I love it dearly despite it all.
And speaking of being thankful...
I am so fucking proud of you, 27k is absolutely nuts and I hope you give yourself the proper credit for not only doing something out of your comfort zone but delivering with such results.
I'll be looking forward to reading it throughout my breaks tomorrow. Make no mistake, between this and the first chapter, you accomplished more than most people will write in their entire lives.
Interesting use of that photo, the shading looks great. Watch out for those few formatting errors--capitalizing Active & Punch, making Sucker Punch 40+ as indicated by the description.
I'm going to sleep, take the last of my energy and use it for chaos.
>you accomplished more than most people will write in their entire lives.
Surely you jest.
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Not at all. Think about it: how many people even get the idea to do a creative writing assignment outside of high school? How many people decide they shouldn't bother because they won't measure up, or talk a big game about what great ideas they have without actually making them real. How many people give up at the point where you kept going?
Chapter 1 was, what, 10k, 11k words? You'd be a page or two shy of a full novel at this point. How many people have written a novel?
Here's to you.
I checked chapter 1 to see what the word count was. Yeah it was 10k words for that one chapter alone. But yeah I suppose I see your point for sure.
Damn, I just realized I forgot to link a background song at the final bit...but then again I can't think of what would have properly fit there anyway.
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last 3 for tonight! i'm gonna wind down for the night and hit the hay soon but if anyone better versed with the tcg has any thoughts to share i'll check for them when i awake from my well earned coma
thanks again for the feedback! i'll adjust the cards tomorrow, the guidance is really appreciated. and now i sorta wish i hadn't read that chapter while i was so tired, that feels like such an easy parallel to see in hindsight
I also just realized my 2 chapters actually also have different fonts as well as a few other minor things. I should probably fix that in chapter 3-- which probably won't be done for another several months.
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Silas's Golisopod, Teach, is the muscle of the group. While Some may say it's a rather cowardly personality to be described as such, Silas sees it as fleeing from impossible encounters. Like a sixth sense, when approched by an Aggron, Salamence, or similar Teach knows when they're beat. The only thing to do is hit the bricks and live another day. Otherwise, he's happy to knock a few Numel out of the way or shield Silas from a Flamethrower or two with his hulking claws and exoskeleton.

My cat of 20 years has taken a turn for the worse. Whether it's heart disease or kidney failure, I can tell she's preparing for her departure. As if there needs to be another reminder: Trainers, I pray you take care of the Pokemon that you chose or chose you.
Let's be mindful of the friends we journey with here today and those we've met along the way. For while the time we have is limited, it allows us to measure the love of our relationships. From our story's sunrise to sunset, it's all we have.
These are the companions of the heart forever.
Luke, no.
I kekd. Yeah if you could have the next thread question on my desk by 5 that would be greeaaat.
If there was a fridge this would be on it.
I thought about this too and thought that Silas's would probably need to completely submerge and drag him underwater along with.
Stellar piece with awesome Halloween overtones for the ghost girls.
I see Tiny Hats is open Saturdays and Sundays now.
True, but Zap Cannon sounds cool and that's all it would take for Silas to want to try and turn Volbeat into a railgun.
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Thank you, brother. I need to catch up on reading.
Well that certainly looks like a lot of words. Putting that vidya down time to good use.

There's no moon tonight. But don't freak out, it's still there.
Luke yes
A peaceful night so far. I guess is fine. A calm night is 10 times better than an lively one. Besides, this place has been lively.

These tunes surely helped pass the time. Good songs.

This took me a while, but it was a fun read. Emily surely is cruel in her "interrogation" methods, but I guess is fine Arai and Mari remind her to take the slow approach. At least is easy to clean her mess that way. On the flip side, I'm 100% sure she would jump, scream, and laugh like a kid if she were in a sealed off room with no outside way to see into it. She totally enjoyed sending that robot to space.

Now that's a badass toad

F for kitty. Be happy you got to share her life with yours. She will be missed.

Well, back to the grind. Non burger, out.
Let's have a good week, /tog/.
Thanks for tuning into Skinhead Radio, maybe I'll do that again next time I'm buzz-scrolling through my playlist.
Ah! He said it! He said the thing!
>enjoyed sending that robot to space
Nah, the machine itself did that to try and make her unable to avoid the orb it created after that. It tried to catch her in it and kill her, just for her to destabilize and detonate the orb anyway. Like shooting a frag grenade that's still in someone's hands.
Take good care of your kitty while she's still with you. To them we are often their whole world.
My family and I have been taking in strays and abused cats since I was a teen, and over the years that's been a lot of cats. But every single one was my baby and even though it hurts when they leave I take solace in the fact that they had happy lives at our home.
The party's artwork is coming along well, good to see you've been chipping away at it all this time.
Oddly enough, these framed drawings remind me of the character select screen from Mario Kart, of all things.
Teach has enough claws to operate a go-kart, right?
This interpretation of that part of the fight scene actually makes me wonder if it was just you mis-reading it or if I worded it poorly.
Bump. Not entirely sure what I wanna do next for Chapter 3. I have a general overarching plan for this Kalos story arc as a whole but I am kinda winging it on a lot of the smaller in-between bits. But I suppose that's a non issue since I JUST posted Chapter 2 last night and am basically obligated to spend a few months on the next one. One thing I learned from Chapter 2 though; no more fucking multiple fight scenes per chapter, that shit drained the fuck out of me and pushed the chapter to 27k words.
Another bump, damn we dead rn
I simply got engrossed and lost track of time.
Bear in mind that there is a language gap involved, but I'll let you know if it's a problem when I get there.
>when I get there.
Oh, you skimmed last night then. Fair enough then.
No, I went to bed last night. I'm reading it now that I'm on my break. Like I said I would. FOOL. I'm not looking at spoilers, I read the first few words. "I wonder if I worded this poorly" okay, that all I need to see, I'll find out what you're talking about if I see it.
But you literally remarked on-- ....ugh I'm fucking lost now.
>bear in mind hat there's a language gap involved [for David], but [not David] will let you know if it's an issue when [not David] gets there.
Ah. Rare anonymous posting L. Cause I got mixed up on who I was communicating this with.
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ama about random things
Кaкaя пoгoдa cтoит в Cибиpи?
What's Tweny's full Pokemon team?
What music have you been listening to lately?
Does Charlotte plan on inheriting her parents' mons or will she be catching her own?
What kind of drawing setup do you use?
Thoughts on Philipp Kirkorov?
Which individual piece of /tog/ fiction is your favorite. We're talking single pastebins, not overall careers.
Have you made all your contributions to the booster project yet?
What's your favorite variety of vatrushka and do you think you can mail me some? I'm jonesing.
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You too, huh? I can't exactly relate, because the first fight of this thing is kind of filler to stop the first part of Chapter 1 from getting too boring, but at least you serve as a tale of caution to not do two major fights in a row very often. Speaking of which, I actually have Chapter 1 ready to go, but the structure of ABBITNS necessitates that all three chapters get released within the same document; I should also mention that I've now committed to this thing being a full on novella and including every scene that I have planned, no scrapping things this time. I don't have a specific word count in mind, but I anticipate that this will cap out at around either 30 or 40K words. For now, however, little to no progress will actually get done, technically speaking, since I am rehashing what I had of the original "Chapter 2" before I decided to create Chapter 1 and 3. I will not be expanding what I have of Chapter 3 currently, because I don't want to have to rewrite anything else. 20K words is further than it appears.
>rehashing Chapter 2
I went through a shit ton of revisions for Chapter 2. I know the feel.
I still don't know what ABMITTENS stands for and at this point I'm a little afraid to ask.
How dare you cut me off while I'm speaking.
Check the order in which those posts came in and try that sentence again.
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>Кaкaя пoгoдa cтoит в Cибиpи?
Hинaю, этo дaлeкo oт мeня
>What's Tweny's full Pokemon team?
>What music have you been listening to lately?
metal. a lot of metal. but when you find a good artist on soundcloud and check their profile suddenly its all megalovania
>Does Charlotte plan on inheriting her parents' mons or will she be catching her own?
Garchomp will literally ditch Tweny for his daughter and join her. Also Charlie will get her own Bellibolt
>What kind of drawing setup do you use?
Currently? A sketchbook and pens 0.4, i spent 6 bucks on them. My tablet is HOLY Huion 430p god bless
>Thoughts on Philipp Kirkorov?
haven't heard of him for a while. miss the old days of his and any other celebrity career
>Which individual piece of /tog/ fiction is your favorite. We're talking single pastebins, not overall careers.
clearly EoF.P The pokemonest story in whole /tog/. I kinda don't find it appealing to add new things to the universe. Also I should prolly finish reading last chapter
>Have you made all your contributions to the booster project yet?
my laptop met its doom last week, so nah, and I won't even bother to draw them in sketch format
>What's your favorite variety of vatrushka and do you think you can mail me some?
those that not glossy and have soft filling, not hot and sweet, without bitterness. Dunno when I ate one like those last time tho

no shipment :_( no matter how much I looked, i can't find a proper way to ship things off russia to somewhere else and vice versa
Bce этo oчeнь дaлeкo.
Could've sworn he/you mentioned having a Blaziken at one point, but Camerupt is a pretty based choice.
It stands for “A Black Blaze In The Night Sky”, the title of my upcoming novella. It is a subtle reference to “A Blaze In The Northern Sky”, the second Darkthrone album (no, the music from that album doesn’t appear in it)

Hoggy rider is back again
It took a bit at least.
No lie, I thought he gave up. How long since last Shaun post? A week, I think? That was a quiet week. Even the snek thread had moments, but it relatively went alright.
He was probably too busy masturbating in a corner.
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Damn that was a burn even he can’t heal from. Nice one
It's what I do.
Ooooooooooooh, gotcha.
The realization just hit me like that hammer, holy shit where did the time go?
Between archivist's bottles and Emily's gaming sessions, so it really burned fast.
Sorry for stealing your time lads, I just wanted it more than you did.
why does he post less? is it because he moved back to America?
public schooling started two weeks ago.
Let's hope this time he gets his GED so he can be processed into the system, and the second time he stalks a blonde girl, he gets inside a prison, for a change.
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Goodnight lads.
Remember to submit those cards. If they aren't in the drive, they don't get added or reviewed.
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>go to my youtube homepage
>Goddess of Victory OST
>Goddess of Victory OST
>Goddess of Victory Top-10 list
>BIG OUNCE RETURNS (feeding him to vultures) *NOT CLICKBAIT*
>Goddess of Victory FAN SONG
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One day I will play Luke again, it is not this day
Well, the game is popular, and we all know why.
By their ripping storytelling, and well rounded characters.
I will not click on the thumbnails. I will not tank my feed any further. I will go to my grave not understanding why people are screaming about a train and I will be happy.
Just embrace it, I don't even play the game, it just has good music.
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for good measure
Is funny to me, because Nikke's characters are SO SEXUALIZED, I actually have adversion to them.
Part of the lewd appeal to me is letting my head go free. If I get it served on a golden plate, I actually don't want it. Is like trying too hard to get my attention.
I'm just like "pass".
I think Emily and I are the only ones who bypass the move limit, but for the rest of you with Four Moveslot Syndrome, how do you guys feel about signature moves being "inherent" to a Pokemon's behavior? I know that Leon's Dragapult was shown to have five moves. It feels odd that a Pokemon has to learn and can forget a signature move, especially with Pokemon such as Dragapult where it just feels so inherent to their behavior. This kind of extends to some non-signature moves as well, such as Serperior's Glare.
You and Emily are not alone, PTU allows for up to 10+ moves (starting at 6) max per pokemon if you build it correctly, has a player whose pokemon had like 13 moves. Most of Luke's pokiemon have like 8 because he gets one free move slot specifically for a status move. He can also teach Swords Dance for almost free.

I'm a big fan of how Legends Arceus did move sets, I like having access to the whole move pool that can just be changed at will and so that influences how I write and world build.
Me (David) personally, I go with the 4 limit move to make things easier.
But when I can go my way, I mainly focus on the animal/realistic side. Going with the flow, so momentum isn't cut.
For example: David fights a Flying type. Now, if I have to advocate for the 4 moves rule, I'll make Swampert use either Ice Beam or Blizzard.
But when "I" can go my way, I see the many ways he can defeat the enemy: chuck a rock at it by crushing the land and grabbing a relatively big one (Earthquake + Rock Throw), propel himself to reach it and crash it down with his weight (Waterfall/Hydro Pump + Seismic Toss), use an Ice move, make a small ramp, and launch itself to the bird (Ice Beam + Body Slam/Take Down).

I prefer to go more "big kaiju fight" rather than "[X] used [Y]", but I understand why people picks 4 moves. It can be translated into the game's universe, so is more recognizable to the reader.
Nox is running the Payday 2 Dodge build.
In Ruka's world 4 moves is more of a regulation for battling. Basically having more than 4 moves can
1. Overwhelm the battling pokemon
2. Makes certain pokemon more adventageous over others in a tournament setting.
So prior to most battles you just sorta agree on what 4 moves you're gonna use for the battle and once you use the 4th one you're not allowed to declare a 5th move. That said, outside of battles Pokemon can use any moves they've learned at any point in the past.
What really gets me is how Nikke ONLY has female operators just like Girls Frontline and some other games. The oversaturation leads to a lot of the characters becoming forgettable because there’s no males to balance them out and they coast off of being sexy. Gachas do this because it’s very easy to just churn out hot bodies and feed them to players, all a female character needs to be loved is to be attractive and nothing else.
Opening my heart here: this is the main reason I hate gachas.
I'm tired of dry spell koreans who are exploiting EVERY loophole to put sex everywhere they can't have it, so that means only female sex bait MCs. Or chinese casino owners who either they put kid's first unreal anime skin, or BLs massive femboi fujo baits. Arknights maybe have some good hard dads and classic hero men, but then they have furry skin.
How the fuck you make furries out of fucking FISH PEOPLE?!

Fuck gachas, I stay with either Fortnite skins or PUBG clothing sets. At least some customization makes things interesting.
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getting around to organizing the schizo resource pack for future reference
it's been rough.
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I will now be going over my own personal thought process on how training pokemon works unprompted.

Every living thing is connected to the elements of the world around them. Pokemon even more so. These are called Elemental Connections

Take Biff here, he has a Primary connection to Fighting, thus the Fighting type.

That doesn't mean Biff can only utilize that Fighting connection. he also naturally resonates with Dark, Normal, Dragon, and Rock as moves from those types show up naturally on his move list. These moves could be vestiges of Biff's ancestors, or hints into what future Machamp might be like as biological evolution marches onward.

Move tutoring is, in my view, teaching pokemon moves that their ancestors once knew or had access to (I have no basis for this or really anything here, I just think it makes sense).

TMs are vague in-game and I never really know what to do with them, but essentially I think they are largely trainer made moves where trainer and pokemon work together to explore other latent connections they may or may not have (which at this point would have been recorded by professors for a while).

With PTU this can taken a bit further with features like Move Sync that let you change a Move's typing. Trainers can teach a pokemon to a move like Ice Punch and then teach that same pokemon to use Ice Punch through their primary Fighting type Elemental Connection resulting in a Rock Punch.
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today i found out that brendooms birthday is on halloween, quite scary
anyway, here's 12 years old broom
Also, TM moves that are naturally learned by other pokemon are like human made approximations of that move tailored for other pokemon to learn it.
Oops I messed up in the last line with "Rock Punch". mind must have gotten a bit forgety
>This was prob my fav thread task so far, thanks Ruka-anon for gracing us with another banger <3
Jeez thanks. I wasn't sure if people would dig it since people seem to have mixed feelings about the anime. But I feel like there's so much fertile ground for OC threads from there!
Also I absolutely love this. Azumarill is swimming exactly how I imagined him (with the forward crawl) Also having Dense using his psychic powers to swim is brilliant. Absolutely amazing pic!
I feel this is an accidental meta joke, considering he was made to counter edgelords. He was born the day of blood, death, and spooks, and is as joyful as a summer day.

Also, that's a cute Brendoom.
>most of those nighttime woods photos turned out to be garbage
Cool, great, glad I paid $60 for that silver bullet. Worth every penny.
I'm going to bed.
(and yes, there are plenty of water photos you can use)
>no feedback on chapter 2, 24 hours later
ech, not sure if it's cause of how long it is or not
As a lurker I have to say it does look a bit intimidating.
I don't think everybody has to pull a Traveler.
Huh? How?
thats a very angry shroomish
Dunno how this thread works or what's expected or not, I'm the definition of "tourist" but I do read books, getting 60 pages at once feels like I need to get ready for homework or something.
Bite-sized is more approachable for a web format but that's just my personal taste.
You don't need to listen to me, I'm just a little bug.
Ah. Well ideally other chapters will be shorter since I learned to not go putting more than 1 fight scene in a singular chapter.
Just curious, what all have you read from the pastebin?
Bump before bed just to be safe, see you niglets later.
teach is looking great! gotta know what's got his eyes gleaming like that lots of sad news about pets of late....20 years is a damn long run for a feline, she loves you a whole lot if she's stayed around that long. you did right by the sweet little thing for sure. i hope you're being easy on yourself through it all
>Now that's a badass toad
thanks! love toxicroak, so i really wanted to make it feel as oppressive as the sun looming over it
ooh if you got the chance anon, mind letting me know if there's any issue with bibi's? i'd hate to miss out because i made a typo somewhere or something
as of pla/sv you can swap moves in and out whenever so it isn't like they forget something permanently. i like it when people stick to 4 moves since it's just kind of how the series has always handled battles and kinda feels integral to the identity at this point, but that's personal taste. i'd justify it in universe as part of pokemon battling being a pretty thoroughly regulated combat sport. just like how groin attacks are illegal in the ring, you don't use more than 4 moves in a match
>plenty of water photos you can use
fuck yeah
huh, that makes 2 ocs born on halloween. anyone else got birthdays picked out for their ocs?
Eh, not being called a retard is equivalent enough to acceptance
I liked it. Sure, two fights in one chapter makes it very long, but is alright. Is just build up until the proper fight.
For now we have a bunch of cultists, mechas, and cute girls. Sounds like a good shonen weekend if you ask me.
Here I go getting three whole hours of sleep for the day! :D
I'm getting there, trust the plan. >>56399290
I use the date they were created as their in-universe birthday.
this means that Phos and Franco are just one day apart from each other.
>as of pla/sv you can swap moves in and out whenever so it isn't like they forget something permanently
What are youse personal explanation for this to fit the mechanic (or its effects) into your story?
I take it as simple as an advance in the curriculum, with a touch of technological progress (such as reusable TMs in gens 5-7) but I'm curious of your solutions to it
>any issues
Oh yes, I almost forgot: you should reformat your card text to be more in line with the official style. The card maker has a ton of commands available via the blue ( ! ) to make the text more authentic. Ie, [G] creates the Grass symbol instead of typing out "grass."
I'm gonna bump you off if you insist on doing that.
Look up spell slots and the Vancian system.
>captcha: HMM XY
Kalos remakes confirmed.
So anyway, aside from the Jack Vance > D&D > Dungeon Crawlers > Dragon Quest > Shin Megami Tensei > Pokemon pipeline, it's important to remember that some Pokemon are remarkable simply for their ability to naturally pick up on certain moves that other Pokemon need to inherit or receive special training to access. Glare is a perfect example--look at how rare access to that move is compared to something more ubiquitous like Thunder Wave. In this case, Serperior's remarkable Glare is simply noting the fact that it has access to Glare and is inclined to use it instead of exerting itself (reptiles are very calorie-conscious creatures and it seems the stately Serperior is the sort to passively gain energy via photosynthesis instead of getting swept up by the predator's literal rat race).
Afternoon folks.
ONE DAY until submissions close.
Sorry to be a pain, bibianon. Could you resubmit them with rarity grading and the TOG1 set stamp please?
>my friend messaged me to say Grym's theme popped up on their YouTube playlist
That's a nice surprise.
Be sure to plug my fanfics when the algorithm makes you a superstar.
Just for you, I'd be happy to.
I should really get Circe's theme sorted at some point.
Grym's theme is my third most viewed song, with 200+ views in the first day of it being uploaded. Even in Coloris, she loves blueberry pancakes.
Let's make today a comedy, /tog/.
Hell yes, baby.
Ech. I dunno, I tend to prefer actual feedback, lets me know some of the more important things for going forward.

Emily was born on October 12th. No rhyme or reason to it, mid-October is very comfy.
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I was thinking about just making it my own birthday, but instead I'm probably going to go with January 22nd which was the day I first started poking around here, or January 31st which was the day that I unveiled Alex. Or maybe just January 24th which was the first thread I participated in since the beginning. Also, holy fuck, his old team.
How far he's come since those days. That post just gave me a trip down memory lane.
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For comparison
Oh yeah me too. I just don't expect it here. I'm just having fun
>Let's make today a comedy, /tog/.
Ok getting Dante on the phone real quick
If it has Liquidation and the Aggron doesn't get off a critical Stone Edge or Rock Blast, it has decent odds of winning. Rock/Steel is notoriously one of the worst typings. Salamence would kick his ass, though.
If I pull on those tassels, do his eyes start to glow?
Concord unironically shut down in under a week, go browse /v/ if you need a few laughs folks.
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I have no idea what this is a reference to. Shenhe?
Things are busier at work than I expected this week, you're still in my top three priorities when I have to the time, I promise I'll give you the full review.
What do you suppose a Pokemon-themed seven layers of hell would look like?
>it's not the game's fault for being shitty, it's the fans' fault for not eating enough shit
It's a great joke, but I swear I've heard this one before.
Time to start gearing up for the thread hop.
As we gear up for the dawn of the final day, I propose:
>Which of the Origin Rising cards is your favorite (when the full deck goes public)?
I fully expect everyone to nominate themselves Pirates-style
>Drawception: draw your OC playing the OC cards.
>Crossover episode: Poker Night at the /tog/.
>How does your OC feel about the changing of the seasons?
>Tell us about your OC's worst day.
>Tell us something about your OC that you have never told anyone yet.
>Draw your idea of how TMs work.
>Do your best to draw one of your OC's Pokemon in the Dragon Quest style.
>Draw your OC bullying Alex.
>What would your OC think of your hometown if they could see it?
>Exaggerate a feature of your hometown to make it more like the world of Pokemon (ie, turning a small park into Pinwheel Forest).
>Crossover episode: How many OCs can we fit around MS Paint Luke's campfire?
>make a short mp4/webm of your character and a scene-appropriate song to fit the mood.
>draw your OC's reaction to eating a lemon.
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>What do you suppose a Pokemon-themed seven layers of hell would look like?
Every move (on my side) is replaced with focus blast, every opponent scald procs a burn, I get every sucker read wrong, opponent does the most optimal tera at the right time and the fucking bears are unbanned (which one? all of them), smeargle gets back dark void, and idfk
Then you go up by removing one of those gradually
I must have misread "pull" as "wear". I'm not sure how he would react to something so out of pocket, honestly.
Do all other moves always burn, or just Scald?
Well I too would be damned if getting hit by make it rain would also result in a burn
I'm sure the golden boy would love that. Let me rephrase the question, then: Do all moves with a burn chance always burn then? What about paralysis and poison and flinch inducing moves, do they always trigger their secondary effect as well?
How do you guys feel about inserting anime-exclusive characters into the setting such as the Iron Masked Marauder?
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I've thought about including a few but Ash will forever remain in the cuck pen.
That's kind of a given with how Ash forms the anime world around him. But I don't think there should be issues with minor characters such as the anime version of Charles, which I think Phos Guy actually included for when she steals the motorcycle.
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Something came to me a few hours ago. Bibi, have you ever thought about making Tes's earrings look like the Gholdengo coin eyes but more round? I think it would be a nice little detail, and I think his earrings are already gold anyways.
Don't see how it's any different to inserting game characters, of course with the exception of Ash himself.
I guess I just thought that it could be seen as some people as a disconnect since basically everyone here bases their stuff off of game canon. I wonder if it would be a good idea to use the Pokespe versions of the protagonists since the game versions are blank slates meant for self-instertion.
Migrate in an hour or two or whenever you are ready.
I use anime only locations because it makes the world seem larger. But I usually set my stories well before or parallel to (as in they never interact) the events of the games or show or whatever so I get to make a bunch of characters without consequence because I have no interest in fleshing out existing characters.
I'd say some locations are fair game while others such as all of the kingdom settings are too Ashnime to be included. I wonder if this place would be too ridiculous.
I didn't use it in my most recent game (based in Unova/the Dream World) because it wasn't different enough from Castelia to really merit using.
Fleshing out existing characters works, but you have to keep them on the side, and generally you have to use characters with very little background so that you can fill in the blanks. Phos Guy did this with December and Emma and nobody seemed to have an issue with it. A good rule of thumb is, the more major the character, the more minor the support they should have. Again, using EIF as an example, December and Emma were more minor so they could have more stuff filled in, while Blue Ahoge Guy, who has had more prominence, only showed up once and won't show up again. Protags are probably off limits except for very minor roles. You can break this rule sometimes, but you really have to know what you are doing.
The most I've used established human characters was for gym battles, evil guy stuff, or hype/tension building. Though I'm mostly writing and running games.
someone please draw this, i laughed my ass off
Blue Ahoge Guy?
Oh, right. Blue Ahoge Guy. Of course.
Yeah. I remember that part now.
I just remembered, did I shared the cards (you can actually share the Koikatsu models through a .png with metadata that the game reads to recreate the char) of these 2 here before or not? I didnt find them in the archive.
Maybe do it in the other thread. Link a MEGA.
You did, they're towards the bottom of the archive due to being named and not numbered. You're of course welcome to repost.
Nope, just kidding. I looted Gene from a scene you posted, I'm not seeing his card in the folder. Might as well relink them both in the other thread.
This one that OP didn't bother to advertise in the slightest because he's a little shithead that needs discipline like a brick to the fucking teeth.
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