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Please let this be a normal snek thread.
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You jinxed it.
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Lucille my beloved.
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With the Shaun? NO WAY!!!
Seviper cute
I always picked her over Zangoose
I liked having to save Seviper from Zangoose in Pokemon X horde battles to catch it. Shit was soul
With that misspelling? No way!
>Cruising on down Route 1,
>you're relaxed and feeling good
>Next thing that you know, you're seein'...
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Snek thread? Normal? Don't kid yourself.
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>[snakemon call]
>An Arbok in the neighborhood?!
>Swimming with Milotic
>Giving Zangoose scars
>Take a left through Serp's intestines
>Take the second FUG past Mars!
>On the Magic Snake Bus...
What in the schizophrenia are you saying, anon?
Seviper use Ice Fang!
There’s a reason he doesn’t come here anymore. This thread proves that he won.
zoom momento
Explain yourself then, now!
You are not an MSB enjoyer.
Am I supposed to know what that means?
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What would her team be? Definitely a Treecko or Kecleon as Liz, probably something that knows Minimize... plus a Smeargle, maybe?

Non-American, or did schools just stop using those videos?
>those videos?
What videos? I'm not American.
Charjabug for sure.

You missed out big time.
Oh yeah, I've seen this cartoon floating around the interwebs.

>did schools just stop using those videos?
Why do schools show you guys videos of this cartoon?
What is that flag?
>Why do schools show you guys videos of this cartoon?
They're educational and cover a variety of science topics, so perfectly acceptable to show during school. Generally, a class period might get a MSB or Bill Nye episode to watch when:
>normal teacher is out (sick, death in the family, whatever) and doesn't want to have the substitute just give the kids busywork
>class has picked up on the lessons faster than expected, so a day off from standard lessons keeps to the schedule better - avoiding having a lot of lesson-less days at the end of the quarter/semester
>after a large exam/project, both to reward the students for getting through it and to give the teacher time to grade the students' work while the show plays
This is generally restricted to science class (since that's the topic of those two shows); other classes can use different shows to similar effect - English class tended to show movies of whatever play or novel we had recently read, my French class had Lucky Luke and Asterix cartoons (subtitled in English), American history showed Roots...

In hindsight, they were a remarkably effective way to keep the class quiet with nothing scheduled; if a kid got too noisy, their classmates would shush them so they could watch the show better.
It's apparently a pride flag for zoophilia.
I don't support the LGBT community but at least they're attracted to other adult humans. To add to the zoophilia shit pedophiles are trying to wedge themselves in as well attempting to refer to themselves as "MAPs" (minor attracted people).

Pedophiles and zoophiles have no place in society.
Not even in Babylon or Soddom & Gommorha they'd be welcome they're that much of societal rejects.
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Aw, that's cu-
Wait a goddamn second.
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Zangoose bros...
Should be Demo in that gif, not Scout.
I see.
I didn't find that cartoon, is that its full name?
Wow, I see now! Thanks
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He has a nice texture in that pic. He looks very relaxed, as opposed to the more rigid position he’s normally in.
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He looks like he likes eating transgender blonde “woman”
garchomp tanks it and OHKOs with earthquake
How is Garchomp so good?
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That one's not a cartoon, it's a live action series about the lives of slaves in the South from colonial times to the Civil War. I saw it in late highschool, since it has some pretty violent scenes.

Sex with Lucy...
Yes, something you will never experience, even with girls that aren't Lucy
Why are you like this?
>a live action series
I see, sounds like propaganda
I would've gone with "with the schiz"
Back in the early 90s when I was in second or third grade, we'd get to watch Magic School Bus and Bill Nye Science Guy. Fun times. I'd be surprised though is schools today still show these educational cartoons.
now this is a proper snek
any more like this?
where are your manners mr. snek
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Define "Normal" OP
He's a sleeping-bagger you naive tourist
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>normal snek thread
>posts poison type snek
big long snek!
is it wise to touch a sleeping snek?
She's just resting her eyes. Office work is boring for a little sniv.
if snakes good then why no arms?
The joke is vore why aren't you laughing
Anon, the original verse is
>Surfing on a sound wave
>Swinging through the stars
>Take a left at the intestines
>Take your second right past Mars
This time's just a snake's digestive system they're learning about, rather than their human classmate's.
high society snek
What are those eyelashes made of since snakes don't have hair?
Probably some kind of plant material.
Alright, who made that giant brown mess in the Safari?
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Wheres da snek ?
Yeh postin a ‘viper now too, its beautiful
will these magically disappear after i reply?
yep, wtf lol
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sex with snakes
I love this snek.
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Fun fact! Snakes
lol snek is NOT amused
2 weiners
4 dickheads
Imagine. . .
>Sepiver's Air Balloon!
>Seviper used Ice Fang again!
I would not be able to sleep with snek (or anyone for that matter) staring at me like that.
good thing I'll never have that problem
Garchomp on turn 1 outspeeds it and OHKO's it with Dragon Claw or Scale Shot
Cute sunglasses
stop being such a bully, snek!
Sauce pls

I guess Japan loves Seviper over Zangoose?
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I just have a folder I grabbed from another Anon a handful of years ago, so I'm glad saucenao stepped up to the bat.
Seviper won?
The snek isn't that small
Nah, Demo has a different build.
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Kinda makes me imagine her wearing a Serperior and nothing else. An alluring idea.

I think it's because the original gif features a black guy.
I had no idea sneks could sweat this much
someone fan snek!
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Nah, someone just drew dots all over him with a white marker.
seviper is so cool...why does it have to be so shit
This picture is kinda sensual, in a way
poor snek :(
fuck you

*kills you and uses the chicken bucket taunt*
Happy snek!
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>normal snek thread
>almost 10 days old
Where the hell is the vore?
Is this a Lewdle I see
Vore is in the Lugia thread
I do not condone or approve of the torture done to lugia in that thread and it fills me with disgust that such legendary creature would ever be fed that disgusting subhuman known as J*stinRPG.
It makes me second hand want to vomit.
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I made a small reference near the top when we were still making Magic School Bus jokes. But I like to work off of other parts, rather than start from nothing.

Was there ever any doubt?
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Actually scratch that, I'm just bored enough to pull some shenanigans.

Don't worry! If you can't find it, it will likely find you. Find you tasty, that is.
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Well here's the lewdcario saying hello
Do you...like slavery?
Pike Queen Lucy forces Seviper in and out of her pussy EVERY NIGHT!
Deep Pressure Stimuli from a snake’s guts is not a substitute for human touch!
While it's still inside its ball, right?

Fairy type Sandaconda variant.
Haha okay
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snek go up
too sleepy
Just keep seething and getting banned, Shaun.
Oh, so it's Deshaun? You're black?
Please stop egging him on, you’re only making it worse.
Who's looking for human touch? Snake touch is the new thing!
snek looks very comfy
Cringe trips checked
Deep pressure stimuli fantasies again?
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I'm glad I have a vore fetish instead of whatever you've got going on.
[SPOILER] Repent [/spoiler]
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Love sneks so fucking much.
Isn’t that a kens?
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Love kens too.
>This Pokémon is terrifically strong in order to constrict things with its body. It can even flatten steel oil drums. Once Arbok wraps its body around its foe, escaping its crunching embrace is impossible.

ooh pick me!
>>normal snek thread
Underrated posts
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>hug time ends when she says it ends, and not a second sooner
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>quadruple penetration
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I posted wholesome art and this is how you respond
For shame
>inb4 deshaun posts here & demands the magic school bus snakes to do "something"
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Pay attention to me.
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Snivy made me see the light of cute snakes
now if only irl ones didn't frighten me if they have fangs
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My current phone wallpaper.
half the """people"""" in this thread want to be a bump
Nah, I'm only wondering how it feels to fuck 2 different sluts at the same time with by diphalic dongs.
know how some people get their tongue split?
no youre wondering how many animal penises you can stuff up your ass you gaywad
You can grab snakes safely by the neck
I will not be testing this statement for accuracy
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You can grab nakes safely by the snek
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snakes kissing snakes (not kissing you)
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But that's me on the right!
But what about snake yaoi?
how does a snek type
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Vines. Tail. Snoot. Dictation. Snakes have many tools at our disposal.
When sneks and pokegirls are involved, I prefer involuntary hugs to vore.
I wouldn't do that either, since grabbing a snake by the neck means putting your hand very near the face, which is the end of the snake you want to avoid. If it's a more heavy-bodies snake that can't double up on itself I'd rather grab the tail and lift the rear enough to keep it from reaching at me, then grab behind the head with another hand.
Though the smart thing to do when handling a snake that can actually hurt you is to use a snake hook to lift it and keep the head away from you while you free hand holds the body somewhere past the front half. If it can't seriously hurt you, just move your hand under it and lift it in a smooth, gentle, but fast motion.
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i deserve to go delirious from lack of oxygen caused by seviper's body wrapped tight around mine, thats fact
You're meant to keep your hands away from the snake's face while also grabbing it from behind to restrain it
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I like when you get beat up by indians, shauna.
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What's better, getting caught and constricted hard from the start, or starting with less pressure and realizing too late that freeing yourself when it starts to get too much is not all option?
only indians watch vore porn in front of everyone and get banned from entire airlines for it
I'm actually praying for you, Shaun. I know you're in a tough situation with your porn addiction causing your life to go downhill. Many folks from India struggle with such issues, you're not alone. I recommend you check out the semen retention generals on /x/. I hope you will be able to overcome your difficult situation and be able turn your life around and find a job that you'll be able to maintain, and hopefully find a loving husband some time in the future.
I wonder if Shauniqua will ever take her meds and just realize she just self inserts as the girl she wants to be
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The latter, a slow build-up of dominance and strength leading to a futile struggle. The former is also nice. This is all asuming we're talking we're talking about femtrainers losing control of their pokemon or encountering one in the wild.
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In the current year, it's legally forbidden for any snek thread to be normal Dear Anon.
>The "Dear Anon" guy is back
Hi, long time no see.
The Arbok x Tokitsukaze guy fascinates me. I stumbled upon him on my own a few years back. I kinda admire his autism, but it's also kinda annoying how that's what floods the results on Danbooru and especially Pixiv. I do genuinely like the ones where she isn't scared or in pain though, those are cute.
Are you jelly that you're not of them cute critters raping me or something?
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Cute and cozy
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Best snek
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Are you suggesting they don"t go well with sneks?
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They do very well!
Stupid sexy Rosa being all soft squeezable and nutritious with her buns.
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Being normal would imply being vanilla, which is boring, so im ok with the degeneracy in this board
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pretty bows
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A present for all the true snakefags out there:

I change my mind, you're one of my favorite anons now
>pokemon snakes mixed with non-pokemon snakes
Long Friends Anon... what happened to you?
No because unlike you I have good taste in vore.
We must allow non-Pokemon immigrants or else the long-friends folder will not survive
fr though there's been non-Pokemon snakes in the folder forever, what are you talking about?
Theres an astronomically small amount of vore art in the folder, how disappointing.
Sorry, I'm extremely picky when it comes to vore.
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Does Hydrapple count?
It's technically a hydra.. but a Hydra is a bunch of snakes on one big body..
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I could have sworn it was better organized in older versions.

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