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What makes a Pokémon become popular?
Shilling via placed on boss teams, competitive viably, Super Saiyan forms, prominence in the anime, and appearances in spinoffs.
Also fuckability, lets not kid ourselves.
availability in games + shilling efforts by gamefreak
Name 1 pokemon that got popular for fuckability that didn't have the other factors going for it.
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Let's use Gamefreak's golden boy as a measuring stick for what makes a Pokemon popular.
>early promotion
Lucario is one of the anointed ones that got an entire movie before it's generational debut, on top of other pre-release shilling like being the final rank in PMD and showing up in other early teaser stuff for gen 4, alongside Bonsly, Mime Jr, Munchlax and Weavile, though Lucario easily dwarfs all of them. A popular Pokemon gets a headstart on other mons for occupying the headspace of kids by being the first thing they see and latch onto, this is also why starters are universally popular no matter what.
>powerful/unique abilities
Kinda self explanitory, Lucario got to be Fighting/Steel despite it making way more sense for him to be Fighting/Psychic for literally no other reason than it's a unique type that makes him stand out, he also had amazing mixed attacker stats, a signature move in Aura Sphere with the coveted special Fighting type attack that isn't Focus Miss, and other goodies like E-Speed. This became a running theme among other shillmons to have minmaxed stats, a broken ability, an insane signature move, or all 3.
>alternate forms
This one's self explanatory, but to me it feels they give alt forms to mons that are already popular as a way to keep them relevant. This is mostly in reference to Mega Evolution since Regionals don't affect a Pokemon's popularity to a terrible degree and more often than not are kind of just set dressing, since most regionals wind up being mostly the same as their original form powerlevel wise, barring obvious exceptions like G-Darm.
>getting focus in spinoff titles
Another easy box to check, along with PMD, Lucario also stole his way into Smash Bros Brawl, getting in remarkably early compared to other fighters with only about a year between DP's release (Sept 2006) and Brawl's (Jan 2008) and Brawl had a delay on top of that.

With all of these things in mind, it's not hard to draw lines to Pokemon that debuted after Lucario and see which ones were and were not popular. Truly, tons of promotion is the fast track to making a Pokemon become a series mainstay, BUT it's not a hard, golden rule.
There are Pokemon that have tons of promotion in one way or another, and check every single box here, but wind up not being very popular, Incineroar and Zoroark come to mind. Being a competitively viable Pokemon doesn't instantly equate to popularity either, otherwise we'd be seeing Heatran, Amoongus and Lando plushies on every shelf.
On the inverse, there are some Pokemon that got little to no promotion, yet still wound up being the faces of their generation. I'd like to point to Tinkaton as the most recent example, a Pokemon that only shows up once in SV, used by an E4 member, and yet is right up there with the heavily promoted starters in polls.

I don't think there's any set formula to make a Pokemon popular (gamefreak has definitely tried; look at Zeraora) , you can try to boil it down to just design, but then we get into subjective arguments about what is and isn't considered appealing. Why is Tyranitar so popular but Baxcalibur so divisive? That's just a whole other discussion. It's easier to ask yourself a few questions and think about what Pokemon come to mind for the answers.
>Is the Pokemon powerful competitively?
>Does it have a strong ability/signature move?
>Does the Pokemon have an alternate form?
>Does the Pokemon have a prominent role in the game, anime or a spinoff?
>Is the Pokemon an ace of a popular character?
>Is the Pokemon related to a popular Pokemon from an older generation?
>Do you think the Pokemon appeals to a certain consumer base?

If you answered yes to a lot of these questions, more often than not the Pokemon is popular in some form, if you answered no to most, the Pokemon is likely more niche. There are always exceptions though!
Lopunny, unless you count not even being flint's ace as shilling. Buneary was also significantly more prominent as a stock cutemon in the anime and such.
You could cite megas, but it was popular before them, not the other way around.
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there was the joker meme too
>He also had amazing mixed attacker stats, a signature move in Aura Sphere with the coveted special Fighting type attack that isn't Focus Miss, and other goodies like E-Speed.

Not quite sure about this. Aura Sphere isn't a signature, in Platinum it's very possible that you have a Togekiss that knows it before getting Riolu on Iron Island.
I think he means signature move as in it being associated with Lucario first rather than it being exclusive to him
Whenever I see Tapu Lele I think of the absolute retard that bought a PSA 9 or 10 Tapu Lele card and made a thread about breaking it out of the sealed graded hard plastic. I can't even remember any key sentences or words used by posts in the thread to find it in the archive and the pictures he took are probably all dead.
zoroark failed because it was basically fucking impossible to get one in BW1. both the zorua and zoroark events required specific event distributions that you had to get with HGSS and transfer over, which meant they were postgame locked on top of being event locked.
no amount of shilling will make a mon popular if you can't use it in the damn game.
Honestly if GF just let Zorua be some random wild mon (or even better you had some guy gift you one) it would be so much more popular. Luckily GF realized their mistake and undid the gatekeeping behing getting Zoroark in B2W2 and seems to have salvaged their popularity since nowadays Zoroark is fairly popular, not syaing they're among the top but still popular enough to be in the public conscience. Now what the fuck GF were smoking when they tried to do it again with Zeraora I don't know
Maybe if you're a literal zoomer born after 2004
People like the design, anything else is pure schizo nonsense and cope.
Wait my brother, your analysis is good except for a fatal flaw.
A Pokemon "good for the game" doesn't mean competitively, no one cares for competitive Pokémon (just look at the numbers of people WATCHING wcs compared to actual sold copies of the game and keep in mind that most people express their opinion without even playing/buying the games, competitive is non existent in statistics)
It means how easy it is to access said Pokemon during your playthrough and how strong that Pokemon actually is.
Going back to Lucario, you are given one for free in dppt right before a steel gym, (followed by an ice one)
In b2w2 you cam get one in an extra easrly route
In XY you are given ANOTHER one for free and it can mega evolve literally beating the game on its own.
Starters tok twnd to be pretty strong, and no wonder everyone prefers charizard over bulbasaur or cyndaquil/totodile over chikorita, grass starters usually get the short end of the stick.
Point is, shillmons are usually gifted to you so that literal children don't have to waste their precious time to found one, or catchable in the first routes so that you can bond with them as you go (look at how ralts and eevee have been pushed into the earliest possible routes in recent games)

Zoroark failed because there was no eay way to get it (hell, now it's IMPOSSIBLE to get one in bw) you get a free zorua in b2w2 sure but that's around gym 5, and you have had plenty of shillmons to caught along the way.

A very failed shillmon imo is lycanroc, they tried all their might to push it, but people ended up loving mimikyu instead of lyc.
The problem with Lyanroc is how bland it is and the stupid requirement for the special snowflake form along with Midnight form having fucking Counter instead of a signature move
Wait what
Found it after trying a quick search again.

Maybe it's just me but the images are broken so I don't get to see OP's retardation
That archive lost all its images in 2021 and now only has new and repopulated images. b4k has all its images but only goes to 2019.
god damn it
>Midnight form having fucking Counter instead of a signature move
It's just Game Freak's obligated retardation with Rock type Pokemon. A sensible game developer (eg. not Game Freak) would've made sure that the midnight form had a signature move as well.
There are also more things that a sensible game developer would've done that Game Freak isn't capable of but that would be a lengthy post and would rile up bootlickers.
If 4chan hates it, it's popular and therefore a good design.

If 4chan likes it, it's not liked and therefore a bad design.
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Damn I guess Rayquaza is unpopular
>>Is the Pokemon powerful competitively?
>>Does it have a strong ability/signature move?
>>Does the Pokemon have an alternate form?
>>Does the Pokemon have a prominent role in the game, anime or a spinoff?
>>Is the Pokemon an ace of a popular character?
>>Is the Pokemon related to a popular Pokemon from an older generation?
Chandelure says no to a lot of those, unless you wanna argue it being discount gengar
>>Do you think the Pokemon appeals to a certain consumer base?
Ditto has the GENWUN bonus and no one gives a shit about Salazzle
>when it's popular for its gimmick of transforming and for being the premier mon for playing eugenics simulator
Chandelure is a weird one in that Japan just latched on for no reason
I actually would like to hear it, let the bootlickers seethe
Mawile wasn't popular by any stretch before Megas
seconding >>56405997
tell us
A Pokémon doesn't need to be solely popular due to fuckability for fuckability to be a factor in a Pokémon becoming popular
C'mon anon tell us the sensible things GF ought to do but don't
sometimes it's just pure luck
- Q&A testings for their games to ensure that performance isn't atrocious and there's no glaring issues
- optimization (there's no need for a large body of water to be under the world or have it rendered all the time, and there's no need for render distance to go out that far)
- Textures that are not a complete insult to the platform the game is for
- being able to skip ALL dialogue and cutscenes
- cut down on the <Pokémon's ability>, <Pokémon's stat rose/dropped> and have it all streamlined (Game Freak did this with Legends Arceus actually did this but backtracked in Scarlet & Violet with KLAWF'S ANGER SHELL
- redoing the stats and/or abilities of past-gen Pokémon (imagine if Jhotoian Typhlosion actually had its own stat spread and a movepool and if Meganium didn't get treated like shit)
- Moonblast being 90 BP and not 95 to be in line with Ice Beam and Thunderbolt (Fairy is just another typing, it isn't special)
- rework shitty abilities like Leaf Guard or remove them altogether (like Frisk)
- stop being niggardly as hell with physical Electric type moves and special Rock type moves (fuck Pikachu, stop gatekeeping Volt Tackle)
- IV reset equivalent to the Bottle Cap (why doesn't this exist already especially considering how much they're pushing VGC)
- unfuck the powercreep and curb the distribution of moves like Stealth Rock making it exclusive to Rock type Pokémon and Ice Beam exclusive to Ice type Pokémon (and Water type Pokémon (not already part Ice) that live in cold areas like Empoleon).
- give Dewgong Freeze-Dry (it's the only Ice type Pokémon that can't learn it IIRC)
- correct other strange movepool omissions (like Aurorus & Power Gem or Typhlosion & Thunder/Thunderbolt/Earth Power (volcanic lightning & earthquakes)
- stop doing asinine reveals like the 24 hour stream that "revealed" a Pokémon that people already knew about (Impidimp
- reveal ALL the Pokemon before the games release (they stoped in gen 8 for some reason)
>reveal ALL the Pokemon before the games release (they stoped in gen 8 for some reason)
Yeah because people complaimed about too much info in gen 7
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TL;DR: Shillmons are a fucking farce.
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Fucking zoomer.
Lopunny got picked for that meme because it's already popular and pornbait, not the other way around.
>Captcha: WANNA
Damage was already done and their agility got turned useless in following generations. It has nothing going for it now, except maybe furry privilege.
Chandelure is Pokémon's Gojou Masaru. You retards need to realize it's not actually popular.
Except for fans that grew up with it, along with N and Battle Subway brothers fans, Japan really does not give a fuck about Unova. A popular region would deal a some resistance to the botting. Chandelure got first place no problem lmao.
she's just that good
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like this
And then there's "they're not revealing enough Pokémon". People don't know what they want.

Game Freak can do the following and people will STILL complain:
>unfuck meganium (complaints over game freak "wasting" a buff on a pokémon no one supposedly cares about
>making more fossil pokémon (complaints over their rock typings
>not making fossil pokémon (complaints over how game freak doesn't care about fossil pokémon)
>change the typings and/or overhaul the stats of pokémon with bad typings like aggron and aurorus (err muh gurd they may as well be new pokémon and could've made new cool pokémon instead (as if people don't ask for them to be buffed))
>wild charge is no longer exclusive to pikachu (complaints over how pikachu is no longer "special" or something else dumb)
>age adjuster for the player character because "who wants to play as a 10-12 year old?" (complaints over how you'd be ruining the idea of a kid going on a pokémon adventure)
>game freak taking their time on the next game (apparently games not being rushed is a bad thing now, after discussions upon discussions of "game freak should take longer on their games and not rush them for the holiday season")
How right am I on all this?
If GF advertised that they were revealing all the Pokémon people wouldn't be as mad, hell I remember during the hype season for Gen 7 no one really complained in the moment, it was more of a post hoc complaint about Gen 7.
>- Moonblast being 90 BP and not 95 to be in line with Ice Beam and Thunderbolt (Fairy is just another typing, it isn't special)
Add to it 10% chance for Special Attack drop.

> Thunderbolt: 90BP, 10% chance of paralysis
> Flamethrower: 90BP, 10% chance of burn
> Ice Beam: 90BP, 10% chance of freeze
> Sludge Bomb: 90BP, 30% chance of poison
> Energy Ball, Psychic, Bug Buzz, Earth Power: 90BP, 10% chance of Sp.Def drop
> Flash Cannon, Shadow Ball: 80BP, 10% chance of Sp.Def drop
> Dragon Pulse: 85BP, no secondary effect
> Surf: 90BP, spread, no secondary effect
> Hyper Voice: 90BP, spread, no secondary effect
> Dark Pulse: 80BP, 20% chance of flinch
> Aura Sphere: 80BP, no secondary effect, no accuracy check
> Power Gem: 80BP, no secondary effect
> Air Slash: 75BP, 30% chance of flinch, can miss

>Moonblast: 95BP, 30% chance of Sp.Atk drop

Some faggot at GF just decided Fairy was going to get the nicest things
Bulbapedo searches do not correlate to popularity
I won't argue that GF permanently damaged Zoroark's potential by fucking up so bad in BW but Zoroark is at least somewhat recognizable to anyone that has cursory knowledge of Pokemon
Oh damn that's a good way of highlight the favoritism Fairy gets as the shiny new thing
>my takes are too controversial and will cause too much seethe
>coldest takes imaginable that every normie has said at some point
How did you come to that conclusion?
That's just because of the movie and ability, even people that haven't watched it know how it works from people that did.
>will cause too much seethe
By bootlickers I refer to shitposters and people who defend Game Freak. Yes all of what I just said is normie but fuck it.
They're designed by committee to be like jangling keys to fans. Their popularity is forced and not natural.
Which means the movie was successful in spreading Zoroark's name
Gardevoir was shilled as Wally's ace
To be honest, it has NOTHING else going for it except that movie and the related BW event.
still better than nothing. Plus you could get a movie and still be memoryholed. You don't see Volcanian be remembered despite having a movie about him.
Zoro only gets remembered through, let's be honest
only gets remembered through porn*
You know for a fact that the Pokemon Movie is what made Mew and Mewtwo so Ubiquitous
which is proof that Zoroark succeeded where others failed even with GF shitting the bed
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wally wasn't even in the anime, the main vehicle for shilling, gardevoir was shilled after it was popular, not before
it's interesting how the more a Pokemon looks anthropomorphic and resembles an attractive woman it's guaranteed to be one of the most popular Pokemon in their gen. Really make one ponder.
but the most popular Pokémon aren't that
Well, let's put to that to the test then:

>Most popular Gen I mon
>Most popular Gen II mon
>Most popular Gen III
>Most popular Gen IV mon
>Most popular Gen V mon
>Most popular Gen VI
>Most popular Gen VII mon
>Most popular Gen VIII mon
>Most popular Gen IX mon

All of them are bipedal, 2/3 of them are androgynous anthropomorphic characters. Don't you think there's a corelation?
Bipedalism does equate to anthropomorphism but you are correct about new gens leaning hard into it
For children (the target audience), how cool they look. For adults, sex appeal
More porn doesn't mean more popular anon
>CHARIZARD is the most shilled pokemon in the franchise, fucking Stantler wokld be popular if it had CHARIZARD’s Marketing team
>Lugia is the one or the very small hand up of Gen2 pokemkn allowed to have its fair share of spotlight during Gen2, nearly everything else was forced to second banana to KANTOOOOOOOOOO
>no one cares abut zoroack, Chandelure is the Gen5 pokemkn on people care about
>Greninja is almost as shilled as CHARIZARD
>decidueye flopped to hard it had to be replaced with a regional from
Actually thinking about it who is the most popular Gen 9 Pokémon?
It's 100% the cat. Even non-pokemon fans know about it, and you all know why.
Well there are two reasons, one is that Sprigatito was memed as DUDE WEEDCAT LMAO and second is the coom factor (which then spawns the 'woah you thought I was implying something lewd with Meowscarda but I actually wasn't, aren't I so clever' bit)
They purposefully made Meowscarada such a low-hanging fruit, the damage is going to last forever. It was de-facto engineered for coom and 'waifuing'. This is what sets its popularity as a shillmon apart from the others.
Fuckability and memeability.

There you have the reason
How does that set Mewscarada apart? GF have intentionally been making waifumons for generations
I thought it was tinkaton
No one cares about that 75 attack shitmon
It is Meowscarada. Even then Tinkaton belongs in the anthropomorphic waifumon category, so either way it would apply
t. Corviknight
Tinkaton doesn't feel that popular
No, they have been doing these since Gen VII. Meowscarada is the first blatant starter one.
zangoose is quite literally just a furfag mon to the point where it started a trend in japan of having days dedicated to pokemon and is the only one to have a second dedicated day exclusively for porn of it
>Have a better concept or design than its counterparts.
>TPC likes it, to the point of gaining privileges.
>Be easily available in mainline games.
>Be well remembered in the anime, especially by Japanese fans.
>Be successful with furries.
>most popular
most shilled*

Pikachu, Umbreon, Gardevoir, Lucario, Zoroark, Greninja, Decidueye, Cinderace, Sprigatito
How can you say that then say Pikachu as if the rat isn't the most shilled creature in existence
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Tinkaton was briefly popular on reddit, but at this point it's clear as day meowscarada is this gen's cinderace if not more so.
This lines up well >>56412256
Damn I guess Pecharunt and Terapagos are the most popular Pokémon
The lopunny meme predates the vaporeon one though
stopped reading
>minmaxed stats
lucario is slow, frail, and has middling attack stats among offensive pokemon
>broken ability
they sucked
>Base 90 speed is now slow
>over 100 in each attacking stat is now middling
powercreep was a mistake
No that it has any bearing on the popularity of lopunny (or Vaporeon really)
>muh botting
Guess no polls are reliable then if you use this cope for all of them.
>Japan does not give a fuck about Unova
Doubt. Other than Unovamons seemingly doing better in japanese polls, japanese polls on favorite pokemon games also seems to have gen 5 higher than the west would.
Zoroark got a regional recently and just appeared in the anime, so it's not like you have to be a coomer to know of it.
Nigga, botting popularity polls is a big meme in Japan. It stems from forums like 2ch wanting to ruin the enjoyment of fangirls and fujos, since they ALSO botted polls for their favorite male characters.
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Chandelure must be popular to have everyone want to bot it then, it seems to do well in every poll.
It's because it's a random ass objectmon that got into Pokkén as joke pick. It was just so that Reshiram or Zoroark didn't get number one.
bro Chandelure was winning polls in Japan long before Pokkén existed
Do people still care about the anime?
Nah you ain't convincing no one with that bluff
>It was just so that Reshiram or Zoroark didn't get number one.
should have posted the image
>All those wwwww
Bro, you're proving the point. Where do you think that poll was hosted? Do you think botting is a recent thing?
The point I was making was that Chandelure was winning polls before Pokken existed. He was making the assertation that Pokken is the reason and that poll was meant as proof that Pokken is not the reason for the Chandelure push.
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So the japanese just bot chandelure in like every poll then. I guess these numbers are botted too if noone really likes it.
Obviously they're ironically making art of Chandelure as a joke
Good, now compare those numbers to the other Gen V tags lmao. Is it so hard to believe some autists just latch onto random shit for fun?
Does it really matter if the popularity of a Pokémon is 'genuine' or 'ironic'?
How strong it is casually/in-game
How much screentime it gets in the game and anime

Note that being strong competitively but flubbing all of the above steps is actually a detriment to how popular a Pokemon is. Casuals who never touch online battles will SEETHE at an ugly Pokemon being on every VGC team because muh bro Arcanine is just as capable!

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It matters when it comes to sales and preferential treatment. Say an exclusive line of merch gets added, or that pokémon becomes protagonist of something important but no one buys it. That screws up the profit margins for producers, and shafts pokémon that are actually popular from getting catered.
But what if the people buy the merch ironically to keep up with the bit?
>Most popular Gen I mon

False. Pikachu and Eevee exist

>Most popular Gen II mon


>Most popular Gen III

>Lmao. Rayquaza

>Most popular Gen IV mon


>Most popular Gen V mon

Chandalure you idiot

>Most popular Gen VI


>Most popular Gen VII mon

Mogged by it's own base stage

>Most popular Gen VIII mon

Snom, Corviknight, Alcremie, and Dragapult all mogged the shit out of this mofo

>Most popular Gen IX mon


You're selective memory is pigeon holed
you mean Pidove holed
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Something either cool or cute
This seems outdated, where's Gen 9?
None of the gen 9 Pokemon are worth looking at
-acelerrock could have saved the rock type
What does Protean have to do with anything?
Dragapult is the most popular Galarmon?
Every starter that has gotten protean/librero has been the shillmon/favorite of its trio

This also holds true for dark types. Every single dark types starter has been the shillmon/favorite
>Hisuian Samurrott

Game freak isn’t subtle about which pokemon they want you to like
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What the fuck are you on about?
>Gengar is the only Kanto Pokémon in the top 20
I wonder how this will look once recency bias wears off
Then Aurorus, Nihilego, Coalossal, and Glimmora get left out.
Rock type special attackers matter too, no exceptions.
...and I forgot Diancie.
Just give them Power Gem
I hate Pokemon that are popular

I only like Pokemon that are totally unpopular among the Pokemon fandom

I also like Pokemon that no one uses in the competitive game and that no one uses in the adventure game
Diancie, Nihelego, Coalossal, and Glimmora already do.
Now we wait to see if Aurorus finally gets to have Power Gem once Legends Z-A comes.
If Aurorus still doesn't by then for some shitty reason I'm not even pirating it.
I want to know who at GF hates Aurorus so much
Thankfully Game Freak was assed enough to give it Aurora Veil.
Stop treating Aurorus like shit Game Freak.
Base 90 speed was slow as early as Gen III if not sooner
same with base 115 attack stat, really doesn't give you much in terms of damage output without boosting moves or items or maximum stat investment
more on the point: base 100 speed and above was fast, base 125 attacking stat and above was strong

magnemite popularity was ironic
I wonder if Meow will replace incineroar next Smash Bros?
They would play completely differently so I don't think one would supplant the other
Imagine how much art that ship will get if Meow gets in smash too.
What? Magnemite? What are you even talking about?
Sorry GF has to put their assets into shilling Charizard some more
He said Also, fucking retard.
only cringey attention seeking zoomer faggots find that funny and 99% of them in reality think feral Pokémon porn is zoophilia.

I find a Pokémon hot, so I jerk off to her and move on with my day till next time. I don't go laughing at memes about it or even bringing it up ever cuz I'm not an attention seeking underraged faggot.
Bold of you to assume we'd get a Gen 9 Pokemon in the next Smash game. Unless Sakurai decides to give every Generation a rep chances are the only new Pokémon is going to be whatever Gen 10 shillmon TPC wants.
not being a cartoon animal
We never got any Gen III, Gen V or Gen VIII reps, so it's all about timing. Incineroar only got in because Nintendo asked for another pokémon and Sakurai just wanted another grappler.
Rent free.
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Nope >>56439674
Damn you didn't need to murder him like that.
Stabbing yourself with your bones doesn't seem like the best defense tactic
Well yeah that's what I'm saying

>top ranked mon doesn't scratch 2%
See, this is the problem with those polls. They don't account for divisive and/or disliked Pokémon. If 1.7% of people have Meowscarada as favorite while 80% of people hate it, and 1.4% of people have
Fuecoco as favorite while 80% people just like it but prefer others, which one is more popular?
Not saying this is the case, maybe actually 90% of people love meowscarada, just giving an example of why those polls are unreliable
Looking at /vp/, if you add hate/dislike to polls like some negative modifier then all the starters would drop like rocks. Something random like Nacli could catch up to them since it got awarded "least hated pokemon" in a thread here.
bro if you complicate how to vote to much nobody is going to bother
Nobody said /vp/ would be a good sample
Imagine if we got Plusle and Minun in Brawl as the datamines suggest, pikaclones might have been the mandated Pokemon slot if that happened
Imagine if you got them in like a VR game where you could physically grab them
Like when VR becomes more advanced and you could use gloves to roam around in an open world, it’s online but you can find areas where there sometimes won’t be other trainers and you could find Pokémon and grab ahold of them so they couldn’t break free
I don't see how that's related to what was being discussed but okay
This poll has a fraction of the votes the previous one had, isn't there a recent poll with a larger pool?
There's no need to

Just asking 3 or 5 favorites improves immensely the poll's reliability

if you can't be bothered to choose 5 mons you might be a brainrotten gen alpha
>Pick 3 favorite pokemon 7/21/23-8/28/24
>Pick 6 favorite pokemon 3/23/24-3/27/24
shouldn't you like, make a thread for this instead of just posting this poll randomly in the middle of a thread? I mean I would imagine making a thread and putting the poll in the OP would garner more votes than doing this
the poll was already done, those are the results
Oh okay I'm just stupid
How did the weighting work? Is it simply number 1 is twice as much as number 2 etc. or was there a different weighting system?
That's a lot more varied than I was expecting
Being shaped like a friend
It needs to be hot to become popular and that's a good thing
I think its either the Fat preference art or vore porn art
There's a dedicated day for that in Japan?
explain all the mememons that get popular then
The design has to satisfy at least one of the two Cs, that being
Is it cute?
Is it cool?
Now a Pokémon can satisfy both of these but it needs to satisfy at least one of them to be popular.
You forgot the third C
Can I coom to it?
You forgot to mention autism being a factor
This, some Pokémon has the triple C..*cough*tinkaton*cough
Depends on your mindset
Autism is a symptom not a factor
75 is none of those things thoughever
I send my condolence for your dead bird
Fine let me rephrase it
Can the group at large coom to it?
This >>56458799 is like one of the main reasons why males like Fairy type as it's the type with the most female/feminine mons dubbing it as the predominantly Harem/Goon/Waifu choice for males into Pokémon, that is why gay men hates Fairy type so much because it not only strong against the types that has the gayest dudes as fans, but it also fractures their sensitive masculinity as they can only watch Clefable smack the balls of Machamp sending it into a coma..
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Fairies are sexy, guys like cooming to them, gays hate them because guys like cooming to them and using them to kill gay types like fighting/dark/dragon types which are the favorite types for gays.
Fairy type is popular because of the coomers.
How has this thread lasted two weeks?
You idiot coom is not a factor in and of itself it is a result of a Pokémon being cute or cool
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
cute I get the reasoning for but who the fuck cooms to a Pokémon because it's cool?

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