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Dynamaxed Edition

Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, be racist, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread Question: What does your OC think about Dynamaxing?

>Thread Task: Draw your OC commanding a Dynamax Pokemon in battle.

>/tog/ artfaggotry

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls:

>I don't know how to draw!
AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials:

Previous thread: >>56383436
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Last day to submit cards, btw.
I already turned in all the ones I've done so far but i may be able to squeeze in a couple more when I get home.
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repostin this from the last thread cuz it's cute. grym anon my card submissions should be good now but if they're still jank i'll blow my brains out for being a disgrace (jk. i'll just try and fix em again before the deadline)
You just fucking adore that joke, don't you.
>”Can I help you?”
>”Hey, what the-“
>”Ow, hey, what the fuck?”
>Faint buzzing as his eyes begin glowing a faint red
>”I didn’t know that I could do that.”
Had a thought that if you posted one of the character template images in the archive as the OP, you'd get an influx of new OCs.
Posting last thread task here since the old thread's on it's last legs. togmart Ivy would be on stock duty since she doesn't mind heavy lifting (that and she's not allowed to interact with the customers ever since she's attacked a few in the past for acting entitled- it's a miracle she wasn't fired)

I'll see if I can turn out another card for Miko before submissions are up.
This came out so stellar. Thank you for posting tips on coloring and shading too, one day I'll become a master of colors like you bibi-anon. Also wanted to commend you on all the tcg cards you made, the toxicroak one in specific is so cool.
Peak as always
>anyone else got birthdays picked out for their ocs?
Ivy's is April 24th and Miko's is August 12th.
Loving the icon for Teach, Silas' teams was always one of my favs so it's cool to see them get some of the spotlight. Also so sorry to hear about your cat anon. Take solace in the fact she lived a long, love-filled life. She will be missed dearly.
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forgot the image
Bad idea, then we would just get a bunch of low quality shitpost and fetish “OCs”
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Thank you guys so much, so glad you liked it <3

>So uh, what happens once Pyukumuku falls into the water?
It's game over

The beauty of digital art is that it can be easily edited, so I added Alex/Kingdra and Emily/Golisopod to the pic. The downside is that my shitty composition makes it so I can't feature everyone as clearly as I'd like to, sorry folks.
>Emily and her Golisopod added
Wasn't expecting that but definitely neat
I don't think crocs are safety-compliant for moving inbound.
Screw OSHA. If /tog/-mart can leave a man carry a pallet with heavy boxes by himself, letting a crybaby with her Deino work the registers, and letting a boy with semi decent innawoods knowledge help grandmas, a girl walking with crocs is allowed.
Just put em in sport mode and you're good
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Submit cards here:

/tog/'s first ever community booster - ORIGIN RISING!
Use Pokémon owned by the various trainers of /tog/, including Phos, Ruka, Grym and more!

Use https://pokecardmaker.net/creator to create your cards.
Use https://pkmncards.com/sets/ if you need to know what cards look like.

The Schizo Resource Pack, over 600 royalty-free stock images taken and curated by the Archivist*: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15yLgfXZUNxehHv79cBMEk5M8dueHg_9e?usp=sharing
Edit your background/card style with https://www5.lunapic.com/editor/

RULES (full rules available in submission link)
>NO EX, GX, V, V-STAR, VMAX, TERA, STELLAR or MEGA Pokémon (yet). No MENTION of card rules involving them either.
>HP limit is 160.
>Replace the SV1 tag in the bottom left with TOG1
>If a Pokémon belongs to a trainer, please label it as "X's Y", X SUBNAME being the trainer, Y NAME being the Pokémon.
>Keep your card balanced with the (SV) era. https://pkmncards.com/set/twilight-masquerade/
>Keep images SFW.
>FLAVOR TEXT (Pokédex entries), Weight, Height, Classification must be included.
>Use your thread handle or primary OC as the "Illustrator" of the card.

See you on September 5th.

*Actually finally organized with hours to spare
If I make it home in time I'll make cards for Luke's Monferno and Luke's Machoke. Since I just remembered I could do that.

If not, oh well.
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there then https://files.catbox.moe/qoyaej.png
Got fired from my job (well less fired more "The Hotel/apartment building just sold all the rooms so now there is no point in keeping me here" let go) So I just got back part of my life, I Can actually take time of my day working on the cards.
Besides that thing with Pizza time scene I Got from somewhere else, havent done much so have my own OC couple
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Nope. I'm still blistering mad.
You're just really hellbent on pissing me off, aren't you, OP.
One thousand, two hundred and five (1205) images available in the archives; 26 new images from the last thread alone.
And you choose to repost your same unfunny joke. Again. Like the sniveling fucking weasel you are, you would rub your hands and say "but you only told me to stop reposting tesoro!!" as if that neurotic peabrain of yours can't follow a fucking inference to cut this bullshit out.
You're a fucking disappointment.
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It's up where it belongs, now we can be a family again. Sorry to hear about your job. Congrats on the new freetime.
>Gene is not only a yurifag (unless the black haired one is just a guy) but also a ponyfag
Why do you have to betray me like this?
12 hours until submissions close.
Once I've published the cards on an imgur album or whatever, I'm probably going to spend some time away until I start the next booster.

Or whatever the fuck. I'm just completely empty after today.
perhaps a game, this is my team for tonight if it do happen.
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Now that is just fucking unhinged.
This made me smile. Thank you.
I'm going to try and get some sleep.
>less fired more "The Hotel/apartment building just sold all the rooms so now there is no point in keeping me here" let go
Well, being let go by major forces is better than being normally fired. At least there's no stain in the rap sheet. Also, now you have experience.
Hooray! Now you are employable (by modern day standards), enjoy that pizza and free gaming time.

Relax man, we will have more threads with sweet choices. A meme OP once in a while is fine.
Besides, who likes Dynamax anyway? "Oh, my Pokémon is now bigger, can use unique moves, and can resist more hits".
You know what else did that? MEGA EVOLUTION.

Let's go, sneak pebble time.
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>waiting on a player to come back

Update: Luke was watching the complete DVD set of Friends when Lake Valor exploded.
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Between David and Ivy there's nothing that togmart can't stock.
>she's attacked a few in the past for acting entitled
That's the mentality that will get you to corporate or boost togmart to start competing with Devon Corp or Silp Co. down the line.
I pushed the button.
You must be really strong. I can barely manage thinking about the loss of one!
Pokemon Centers are not cheap. With a high white blood cell count, mine recently beat the snot out of three Rattata in the basement and probably got Poisoned. Not a bad Singles record for an NFE. A departure soon, but not today.
I'm happy with 12th place as long as the race is complete.
>Teach has enough claws to operate a go-kart, right?
Lel. With imagery like that I gotta think Pokemon struck out not getting their own cart racing game.
Agree with this.
>Crossover episode: Poker Night at the /tog/.
>Draw your idea of how TMs work.
>Crossover episode: How many OCs can we fit around MS Paint Luke's campfire?
>make a short mp4/webm of your character and a scene-appropriate song to fit the mood.
Going to need these soon.
People hate dynamax because they don't respect kaiju pokemon fans suck
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whats your favorite category of pokemon guys
Emily's team ended up a mix of 'em so--

>Crossover episode: Poker Night at the /tog/.
Arai would end up winning cause she's a card counting cheat.
Mothim fits Mothra better. Can't blame you tho, tree bugs from Gen 4 are forgetable as fuck.

I like to mix around with the Pokémon I like the most. I doubt I have a type.
And now, we begin again.
Non burger reporting. Bump.
Yeah I just don't have much to post about now that I finished Chapter 2 the other night and am kinda waiting for proper feedback on it cause that stuff is helpful sometimes.
Good session. Pulled some heartstrings. We got the band back together boys!
Well, I liked it. The only critic I have is that the fights feel separated, which is a shame. It would've been cool to see Emily fight with Mawlie and Tinkaton together, rather than seeing the Pokémon first, and the human later.
At least it gave us some sight on Emily's skills. Her team can fight on their own without trainer inputs Those two would be broken in the Battle Palace, and Emily has really good quick thinking during fights She realizing that hitting the energy orbs would end her problems quickly was good, but I bet she was a bit surprised Magnet Rise sent the robot to space, and her straight underground.
It was sorta meant to show the two halves' capabilites seperately. The upcoming fights in future chapters will most definitely be in tandem now that Emily knows precisely where she stands in "real deal" combat scenarios as an actual combatant now.
>second spoiler
Bruh, did I seriously write it that poorly? The robot did something akin to Trick Room but it inverted their gravity, causing them to fall upward through the skylight above and several hundreds of feet into the night sky and then part way through the robot disengaged it to make Emily fall towards the giant energy orb.
I guess I got reader's burnout at the point. I remember reading that, but my head was stuck in Magnet Rise, so I guess is on me.
Magnet Rise was Mawlie and Tinkaton using it to remain attached to the floor cause the gravity inversion was affecting them too.
But yeah the other thing was that I was implying that Emily was in some way directly "piloting" her Pokemon to some degree over that invisible connection they share that allows her to give commands to her Pokemon without a word when there's not enough time in a situation to be verbalizing the commands to her Pokemon-- like in the midst of a fight. Kinda like how Red in Masters implies he can give commands to his Pokemon without speaking.
>Emily has really quick thinking during fights
Kinda comes with being a battletard/battle junkie that outright enjoys fighting and it being one of the VERY FEW things she's actually good at. Developing battle-sense to better direct her Pokemon was her first step but then later on she started training herself in simulated "Elyisum" fights made by her Aegislash and Froslass and it served to sharpen her battle-sense that much more with more first-hand experiences. She's taking the whole self improvement and pursuit of power thing towards some sense of Transcendence very seriously.
>Draw your idea of how TMs work
I can't into Paint or paper, but I can explain it.
To me, TMs/TRs work as CD/DVD files. You record the information about a move in a CD, and store it inside that tube case.
Now: if you want to teach you Pokémon that move, you put the Pokéball (minimized, of course) inside the little blue area. Then, you connect your Pokédex/PC/media outlet that allows you to see if your Pokémon is compatible with said move.
If it is, a small command will appear with your Pokémon's moves, and say "which move do you wish to replace?". Everything next is basically as gameplay: pick a move, he will forget this move for the one in memory, do you wish to proceed/stop?, etc.
If it isn't compatible, it will say: This Pokémon can't learn "X" move, please pick another one.

Now, the difference for me between TMs and HMs is that when you use a TM, the data in that disk is like RAM data: your machine finds it, and can pick it up, but is disposable and prone to corruption/deletion, so you better be sure to use it with someone you want.
HMs are more like ROM data: the disk will teach one move and one move alone. TMs are disposable data, something somebody recorded once. But HMs are more like permanent commands, so they are more secure to use. Move Deleters are necessary because they have more specialized equipment to make your Pokémon forget that command.

As for TMs after Gen 6, well, a lot of one use CDs leave A LOT of plastic, and we know how crazy people is with "muh ecology" and "muh recycling". Besides, someone probably picked up people who knew how to save TMs/TRs may as well be scammers because if you need many same moves, they can charge you full price, so is a negative net gain for (you) AND a plus for them.
Fuck, I got a brain fart around the end. What I meant to say was:

>"A lot of people use "one use" CDs, leaving A LOT of plastic."
Well, I'm off to bed. Non burger out.

Ehhh... I suck at poker. How about Blackjack? I can split this hand.
Three hours left to submit your cards.
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like I said, free time, at least until I either find another job or my family puts me up with somethingelse, I have a month to do shit in the meantime and I should use it properly.
>yurifag (unless the black haired one is just a guy)
He is, I Accidentally made him a bit androgynous, but he still looks boyish, I got bored of short hair when making him, LET DUDES HAVE LONG HAIR STILL LOOK LIKE DUDES.
>but also a ponyfag
SHE IS A DRAGON GIRL, Its not my fault wings are a shit to pose around So I tend to not use them. Or the concept of "cutie marks" or any kind of tribal tatoo conceptually is cool.
Thanks, hupefully by weekend or so I can at least push one card out or show some actual progress with cards that actually look like the chars.
After the First /tog/ Booster album goes up, I'll likely hold a poll next week for what "gimmick" is introduced/reintroduced in the next booster.
There'll be at least a month or two before the next booster though, to give some breathing room.
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45 minutes.
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Well I suppose it is well worth asking but deck nigga, you added the green mesa card yourself or do I still have to bother myself up with the google form?
Album will be sorted and uploaded to Imgur tomorrow.
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I took care of it for you.
I'd like to know this as well.
Put Green Mesa in, deck nigga!
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Thanks my dude
God almighty, I was just thinking last night if I really needed to be archiving every card posted in the thread if they would all be put in a portfolio later.
Tragedy averted.
Hey all, as it turns out the first week of the fall semester has been more hectic than I expected so I haven't actually had any time to get working on my story. But I've at least brainstormed some other characters I could create besides Merry herself, so there's that. Maybe I'll do a write-up for one of them later.
>>Thread Question: What does your OC think about Dynamaxing?
Despite her current job, Merry still does her best to keep up with any international developments in the battle scene. No strong opinion on Dynamaxing, but at least it looks "safer" to her than Mega Evolutions.

And once again, another writing question. If you want to write a character that's clearly inspired by another character, at what point does a reference cross the line into being a rip-off? When do you go from "Character X is based off Character Y" to "Character X is just Character Y with a different coat of paint"?
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Forgot pic.
Plans for today fell through, and I already have the cards sorted and uploaded as an album.
Do you guys want me to post them today instead?
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>When do you go from "Character X is based off Character Y" to "Character X is just Character Y with a different coat of paint"?
Good question. Let me get back to you on that.
Jokes aside, there is literally nothing wrong with basing one character on another, as almost all characters can be deconstructed down to base archetypes based on our human condition if you peel back enough layers. Even entering direct exported character territory isn't inherently a bad thing, as it can give an older character a new lease on life that might even give them better chances to shine than their original appearance. I would say it only gets controversial when you're not willing to actually do anything new with the idea. When you can only repeat direct quotes or plots instead of further exploring the concepts behind them or steering them in a new direction, it raises the question of why I should care about this repeat when the original still exists, or what they actually add to whatever new setting they're in if they're not significantly changed by the difference in scenery.
I for one would be overjoyed for the here-and-now, but by all means feel free to build up the suspense before the disco ball drops first. Rattle off some statistics, give out some accolades. Which card format was the most and least popular, etcetera.
Unfortunately I'm in no good mental state to build up suspense, hype or the like.

I'll probably upload in a few hours or tomorrow. I don't know.
Tranquilo, tranquilo. Take a breather, man. Get some fresh air, calm your nerves, glass a chav on the streets, find your footing and steady yourself.
If it takes an hour or a week, come back when you're good and ready. You'd regret it if all of this hard work doesn't get the proper celebratory sendoff it's due.
Thanks. I'm having to put my project on hiatus due to over NINETY PERCENT of all my followers/fans actually being fucking bots, my reach is abysmal despite best efforts, I'm trying to handle everything myself, and any feedback I get is even less.
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Oh. My heart.
Yup. That'll do it, alright.
You just take all the time you need, we'll be here.
It might be time to throw in the towel, honestly. If you keep investing in this thing, and you still aren’t getting any reach, you’ll start to feel like you’re just wasting your time. It’s better to put your efforts into something else, especially since getting any form of exposure is harder than ever.
You're looking at it from entirely the wrong angle. It's not that he needs to put his efforts into something else, it's that he needs to put his efforts into a different form of marketing. A visual novel to introduce us to the characters, a playable proof-of-concept demo to raise interest, try to court someone with a larger audience for a collab, things like that.
in even the /h/ thread some people have pointed out he needs to get some concept or demo out, because its no different from a concept album or something like black rock shooter.
Basically focus on actually making the vn and writing rather than just the pretty pictures.
Easier said than done currently. I'm only one man, and trying to manage everything has caused me to become ill multiple times with nothing to show for it.
I'm trying to do the impossible by attempting to learn multiple programs with no progress or results, no thanks in part to my learning difficulties
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I'm not really good at consoling others, I worry about my words being insensitive or feeling insincere. But know that my heart goes out to you, and I'm sorry.
Yeah, you really might want to consider dropping it or at least taking a prolonged break, >>56404480 provides some good ideas for promotion but if it’s getting to the point that it makes you sick, you probably shouldn’t go forward with it
>as it turns out the first week of the fall semester has been more hectic than I expected
It doesn't matter, I require a Merry story or further character detail write up with corporate burn out and Pokemon themes at any length.
>Thread Question: What does your OC think about Dynamaxing?
Emily considers it a redundant and ultimately obsolete enhancement that only exists for spectator spectacle. Mega Evolution is simply more efficient. Similar-- if not outright superior power, actual range of movement isn't impeded by size and actual speed (closing the gap/avoiding attacks) isn't hampered (in most cases) either. It's also able to be used literally anywhere.
there are few things Emily actually likes huh?
Did you expect any less from a girl that can be described as an ice queen?

weirdo ass captcha; HYPNO
If it's of any consolation, I'm one of those passive spectators, so I haven't commented on your stuff.
I actually liked the project. It looked interesting. Shame to see it in hiatus.
After I've taken a break, I'm likely going to come back and look at tackling things from another angle.

But for now, I think I really do need some time away from the project.
This would be a great time to get those models finished
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I have been drinking for the past 4 or five hours. Figured I may as well post the album now.

Presenting ORIGIN RISING - the first ever /tog/ community booster!
Card count: 102
Tell the story of your legendary beginnings! Harness the power of /tog/ Pokémon belonging to trainers including Ruka, Grym, and more!
With over 100 cards to collect, build the foundation of a new power!
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Yo what up. I'll be typing up a full review now that I'm at the end of the second chapter--and I really don't think it's fair to call it a single chapter at that size--but I'm gonna take a dinner break to help organize my thoughts.
Overall, though, I can say the foundation of something really good is there.
Good lord, there were that many?
Very cool. I'll be adding this to the archives as its own separate folder and we'll go over some achievements later this evening.
Until then, please take care of your health.
Where did the art for these non OC trainer cards come from?
Original artwork, original renders and Danbooru art
Ok I didn't see any of the original artists credited on those so I was curious.
pov Wolke's party:
That Banette hug was cute.
When does my team get marketing costumes...
Right, I think I'm sufficiently sozzled now so I'm going to head to bed. Goodnight.
Whoops didn't mean to send that as a reply
Well I presume that of all the ghost guys, Mimikyu and Banette are by far the easiest to make costumes for.
Piss off shaunstein
Go play with the /vp/ discord retards. You have no effect here
God you're so useless
No wonder your dad kicked you out
No stalker child, it is you who is crying. Your life is already over stalker enjoy prison
>I really don't think it's fair to call it a single chapter at that size
I plan on downsizing in the future for the majority of chapters. No multiple fight scenes in one singular chapter shit outside of special major events in the plot. It was mostly just to highlight Emily and her 2 "main" Pokemon so to speak in seperate spots and for Emily to in-character know where she truly stands as a combatant.
>I can say the foundation of something really good is there.
Hopefully you explain this when you finish typing it all out.
Interesting thoughts on the subject, and I can't help but agree once you've put it that way. Thank you.
The OC I'm cooking uses another character as a "template" of sorts but I was planning to take them in a much different direction from the beginning, so it works.
Noted. Ideas will probably flow more smoothly once I settle on which corner of the East Coast to use as a base. I'd use where I live as reference but the Midwest doesn't really fit the urban, skyscraper-filled hellscape I seek outside of maybe Chicago.
Also damn, I see at least two other Porygons in here. I'm considering readjusting Merry's team given that at least two mons overlap with others' teams.
Suggestions for a good "office helper" Pokemon?
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He HAS a Dad but that Dad sure as fuck wasn't present in his life-- if this behavior is anything to go by.
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In light of recent events, I will, with quiet pride and decorum, be taking over as Master of Ceremonies for tonight. I want to congratulate and thank each and every anon who participated, with special thanks to our event organizer whose dream made all of this possible.

Origin Rising is available for viewing and downloading here:
Aaaand here:

To celebrate the conclusion of this collaboration event, I have the following statistics and accolades:
Of the 102 contributions, there are sixty-six (66) verifiable /tog/ original drawings & renders.
Number of Stadium cards: 7
Number of PokeTools: 2
Number of Items: 1 (whatever happened to the potions and pokeballs we were promised?)
Grymanon led the card pack with an astonishing 44 cards, followed by the Archivist with 25, then Yoto with 9.
Hasumianon, Lily, and Wolke were each one-hit wonders. One card, Flooded Jungle, goes uncredited.
The most common Energy Type was Grass, with 15 cards, followed by Water and Psychic with 11.
Fire was the least common Type, with only two representatives: Luke's Infernape and Origin Rising's mascot, Entei.
The following cards are reliant on a card that doesn't exist. The Save the Orphans Accolade includes: Luke's Infernape, Lily's Weezing, Bibi's Toxicroak, & Luke's Machamp.
New Meta Award: Ruka's Clefairy and its Metronome Attack has no equivalent or alternative present in any other card.
Rip Van Winkle Award: Midori's Goomy, Sliggoo and Goodra are vulnerable to the Fairy Type that no longer exists. Ruka's Clefairy likewise relies on the Fairy Energy card that is no longer in circulation for the attack that isn't Metronome.

Once again, my heartfelt congratulations to everyone who submitted a card through the helpful "Submit cards here" link provided in each thread. May our art portfolios continue to grow in the meantime.
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I like the idea you need a dongle to connect your device to the TM tube case. Quickly whip out your laptop on the top of a mountain and do a little tutoring.
Silas may try to offer services to wipe HM data clean off a device using Nosepass as a giant magnet. *Silas is not liable for possible other unwanted data losses*
If (unlikely) someone like >>56403671 at the table catches Arai in the act. What would go down?
I would agree Chicago doesn't seem Merry enough to me imo. It's just filled with tourists that take up the entire sidewalk so I can eat my beans (Chipotle) at the bean in peace.
If East coast is the vibe, maybe a Pokemon city setting that's Boston equivalent. Depressing and mellow enough for a major city.
Arai would just take what winnings she already has and dip, she don't bother fighting people who aren't her outright enemies. It's sorta something all 3 sisters go by unless an idiot makes it a point to pick said fight.
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Hopefully I'm not ruffling any feathers or stealing any thunder with this,
While our modeling friend (no, the other one) takes some time off, I figured that maybe I could up the ante a bit.

Introducing Calamity Storm, /tog/'s first community booster that's designed for actual competitive play. Introducing powerful new cards owned by the various trainers of /tog/. Unlike the Grym expansions, these do not exist in a vacuum.

Use https://pokecardmaker.net/creator to create your cards.
Use https://pkmncards.com/sets/ if you need to know what cards look like.

>EX: 300
>Stage 2: 180
>Stage 1: 120
>Paradoxes: 140
>Basic (can evolve): 80
>Basic (cannot evolve): 140

>No Tera or gimmicks besides EX and Ace Spec
>No instant KO attacks (the sole exception to this will be the Kingambit EX card that I make)
>Attacks cannot deal more than 300 damage in any way
>Don't make Supporter or Item cards ridiculous (this is up to my discretion)
>Replace the SV1 tag in the bottom left with TOG0
>If a Pokémon belongs to a trainer, please label it as "X's Y", X SUBNAME being the trainer, Y NAME being the Pokémon.
>Keep your card balanced with the (SV) era. https://pkmncards.com/set/twilight-masquerade/
>Keep images SFW.
>FLAVOR TEXT (Pokédex entries), Weight, Height, Classification must be included.
>Use your thread handle or primary OC as the "Illustrator" of the card.

>Try your hand at making an Ace Spec card
>Try to make your attacks deal at least 30 damage
>Make full art EXs, they look better

This will run until I say it ends with a week's notice in advance (probably the week that Grym comes back). To submit your cards, just post them and say "SUBMISSION FOR CALAMITY STORM".
>ruffling any feathers or stealing any thunder
How about you repost that tomorrow.
It's probably a bit soon for this, maybe in a week or two at the earliest. Best to spread these ideas out across a span of time.
I think he made that with the intention of giving us something to do while Grymanon takes his extended vacation. Delaying it might cause the expansion to be a bit too small for his liking and cause it to potentially overlap with the next expansion made by Grymanon.
That's all well and good, but can we maybe have more than six hours to rest on our laurels before getting carded off back into the mines?
We don't even know what Grym's next expansion will be and this might make one of the two redundant. So let's just not until we know the nature of Grym's next idea so no one is stepping on the other's toes for o good reason.
Hey, boo. Thanks for waiting, I appreciate your patience.
Just like I said in Chapter 1, the way you write is very charming. Intentional or otherwise, you really want to make sure you're being perfectly understood by others, which is a funny bit of meta humor hanging over all of this. In spite of your wants, I'm going to headcanon the Collective as a name the girls made up to put a label on the baddies. It’s a uniquely conversational approach. Every neuron in my subconscious brain is screaming “NO HE IS DOING IT WRONG,” but I actually appreciate the avant garde narration and like before I applaud you for actually taking the time to explain things for someone who doesn’t know jack shit about Pokemon.
In my opinion, I think the girls are too wordy. There's long, long stretches where they just talk at each other and repeat information when they made their point three or four lines ago (this becomes a recurring issue in the text). It's really funny having Emily complain about super mundane things like the waiter being late, but she raises a good question: where's the waiter? Where's anyone for that matter? What's going on elsewhere in the scene? Trainers can pretty much go wherever they can afford to, but no one's batting an eye at three little girls in that nondescript steakhouse? You do touch on this later on, so I feel the absence.
Likewise, you describe and redescribe Elysiums no less than three times in the same paragraph AFTER giving us a cold introduction to the concept two paragraphs prior. You do this again later with the first major antagonist.
The callback to Vega and "a certain imageboard website" was another welcome and characterful surprise.
"Sighing through her nose" and “One’s view” is a lot like my use of furrowing brows, huh. Comes up maybe more often than you realize.
I wish there was more "do" and less "say," though I get why you present the story like that. Things like the girls exploring Lumiose and Mawlie's vocab lessons could have been much larger. The girls have a great dynamic, I want to see more about it, not just hear about it.
You make good use of actually making her Pokemon important throughout the break-in, which I appreciate. The story really begins to hit its stride at the page 30-mark. You did a great job of creating a mystery and setting up the first major antagonist as a foil to Emily.
I think your next challenge to tackle is working on your grammar and formatting for better readability, as there’s a lot of distractions that make it hard to focus on the narrative. You mentioned before that editing was someone else’s job, but there’s still a certain professional courtesy involved in being willing to do some cleanup work on your own. As a self-hating repeat offender who repeats words constantly, you should shake up your synonyms so sentences don’t become awkwardly repetitive. Don’t point out the obvious joke.
There are wildly inconsistent levels of quality all throughout the text. Frustrating moments where the writing jumps leaps and bounds ahead of my expectations before leveling back out and trying to recognize a pattern in this is making me develop schizophrenia. There is an insanely talented author screaming for release in your soul for a few seconds at a time. I think the writing would benefit most from a change in perspective—shifting away from a third-person, omniscient narrator to Emily retelling events to her sisters or some unknown party would clean up a lot of the incongruities throughout the text. That's just me spitballing.

Overall, the chapter makes me very hopeful for the future. Your writing only gets better from here.
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Also, seriously fug you for linking not one but two Goddess of Victory songs. I don’t know what it is about that game but the damage it does to my youtube algorithm is catastrophic, it completely overwrites all of my usual topics, I deadass do not understand how it's so powerful. If I become a phone game zombie one day, the blame will fall on your sloped shoulders.
>avant-garde narration
Avant-garde how exactly?
Yeeeeah that's probably my lack of proofreading or lack of confidence that it's properly hammered into people's heads cause FOR SOME FUCKING REASON THERE'S NO FEWER THAN 2-3 PEOPLE WHO EITHER MISS OR MISINTERPRET SOMETHING REEE-- and also it's just the result of me dipping in and out of writing the fic over the course of maybe 2 dozen cram sessions that come together to form this incredibly long winded chapter.
>girls are too wordy
At this point I think it's just the parts of my brain that pilot the characters sorta just finally getting to open the valve since otherwise all 3 of them are rarely ever talking cause they're usually getting down to business and such. As far as the server room bit is concerned, Arai was just genuinely splurging how crazy the digital infrastructure is despite the poor internal security that seems to rely solely on the external firewalls and closed-connections to keep intruders out.
>scene detail like what NPCs around them are doing
That's mostly just me being lazy and I should probably be better about that but it feels kinda hard to put in all this detail with no partner to directly bounce off of like I normally do. My actual RP posts are actually more descriptive than my comparatively piss-poor solo writing
>things like sighing through her nose and one's view
The former is just Emily being Emily, she huffs through her nose like that A LOT as part of her much more...subdued way of expressing herself. As for "one's view" it's honestly my first attempt at trying to word the idea that one's view as the "camera" or "spectator" like in shows and games is being pulled away from current thing to something else to help someone visualize something in a much more cinematic way. So I admit I don't really have a broad selection of terms for when this in particular happens.
>I wish there was more "do" and less "say," though I get why you present the story like that.
What do you mean exactly?
>Things like the girls exploring Lumiose and Mawlie's vocab lessons could have been much larger.
You're not wrong but as I said before, I find it difficult to really get in deep detail about these with no one to properly bounce off of as I normally do. Solo fic writing is generally very out of my element.
>You mentioned before that editing was someone else’s job, but there’s still a certain professional courtesy involved in being willing to do some cleanup work on your own.
I assure you, there's already a shit ton of editing done on my part already, it'd be MUCH sloppier without it.
>synonyms and such
>There are wildly inconsistent levels of quality all throughout the text.
Eugh, yeah I noticed that a bit but again it's just one of those things where my brain just isn't clicking properly like it does when I'm writing WITH someone. Just one of those "not particularly in my element doing solo writing" things that I will probably have to work on if I intend on continuing this fic.

>I think the writing would benefit most from a change in perspective—shifting away from a third-person, omniscient narrator to Emily retelling events to her sisters or some unknown party would clean up a lot of the incongruities throughout the text. That's just me spitballing.
Emily as a character is terrible at that. I as a writer am even worse at formatting it in such a way and honestly have no clue how I'd go about it. Plus the third person route lets me write up my more cinematic bits I like when one's view pans out to the treeline and sees the orb exploding in the sky from a fair distance and such.
You becoming a phone game zombie someday and me getting gacha game music in your Youtube feeds are not correlated. I don't even PLAY half the games I pull OSTs from, y'goon.
>Avant-garde how exactly
Your writing has the same cadence as an excitable old man reminiscing about the good old days while sitting in a rocking chair.
>What do you mean exactly?
There are a lot of opportunities where you set yourself up for a great chance at some characterization and then skip over it because you're worried about rambling or digressing in an already overlong piece. If you instead planned on larger scenes and smaller chapters, we could have had a whole adventure about just the girls being normal and not-so-normal girls while out shopping. This would allow you to take the contents of some of those more egregious walls of dialogue and pepper them throughout more dynamic scenes.
Like I said, overall, I acknowledge you're not in your element, but as you get more acquainted with it, more experienced, and most importantly more confident in your work, you'll be able to really take off. Right now we're still stretching our wings and that's okay.
"Half," he says. Oh yes, that's how the brainworms start. Listening to music, viewing a few memes, watching a few cutscenes, digging up my mother's grave and renewing her credit cards so I can +6 Amber or whatever the hell the kids are doing these days when they're not doomscrolling through tiktok.
I won't be beguiled so easily. Yet.
Personally I just think it's the lack of actual interaction that has me cutting all these things short. There's no IMMEDIATE INTEREST made by a partner in what I am putting together, no endorsement to put more time and detail into it as I am still putting it together and such. Solo writing is just super fucking me up at this point.
Confidence in your abilities doesn't come from a democracy, it has to be achieved through the self.
At any rate, take it from me: I really did not think I would be as smitten by these characters as I was after reading through chapter 1. They have a great dynamic that lets each character prop up and bounce off another in interesting ways. Reading through more of their interactions in the second act was enough to make me wish all the conspiracy business was a background plot and that the prep work and downtime and distractions between missions was the real focal point of the story. (I acknowledge that I might not be the target audience.)
But it's late as fug and I need to catch up on my sleep. You did good, Rocky. You did good.
I dunno I guess I will probably put more focus into the side stuff but I will admit it was mostly just filler and I didn't have any genuine ideas at the time. The lack of a partner character outside of her 2 sisters that acts as more of a conduit for Emily's development as a person/somewhere for me to get my fix of fluffy slow burn romance shit on the side of all the shonen mayhem is also an issue for my writing of the "side stuff" you like to see is also a bit of a problem that compounds into the whole issue you've given me feedback on and I don't know how to remedy it-- and I have gone over WHY that is before as well.
>Confidence in your abilities doesn't come from a democracy, it has to be achieved through the self.
I have confidence, it's moreso "people's responses to things let me know if I should go into full detail of X thing or if they'd rather I just skipped over it cause the reader doesn't fucking care and would find it annoying for a whole ~10-ish pages to consist of in-between fluff to be in the way of what they actually ARE there to see"
Damn, I brainfarted.
>*Emily's development as a person/somewhere for me to get my fix of fluffy slow burn romance shit on the side of all the shonen mayhem is also an issue for my writing of the "side stuff" you like to see, which compounds into the whole issue
NTA, but you could add that in the vacation chapter. A small exploration into Emily's inner mind when she is not being a walking war machine, and gets to be "mundane" for a chance.
My issue is just it feels vain to make my own OC to act as Emily's more direct foil for that kind of stuff and idk what other option to opt into. As for "mundane" things in general I planned on placing bits and chunks of it between major happenings in chapters but idk, maybe the premise of having to get 2 major fight scenes done in a single chapter AND the lack of the "fluff outlet" I mentioned compounded into making me rush like a retard.
Don't think I can edit any more tonight so I pasted what I have for Chapter 7 of Gilded from my Second Draft sheet to the Published Doc. Happy with it... for now.
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Luke is okay with Dynamax. It means big monkey
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TMs would probably be step by step instructions on how to direct your pokemon's energy correctly or something.

I really liked >>56403465 though
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i can't sleep so i figured i'd go ahead and do this, thanks for letting me be self indulgent anon
>This came out so stellar
hey thanks! frankly i think we should do a fusion dance, with your dynamic art and my colors then we'd truly hit the peak
i also love togmart ivy. i think she should be able to beat up any and every customer she wants. also, seems like adding charms to crocs has been trending, ever think ivy would do something like that?
>Got fired from my job
ouch....i do hope you enjoy the extra free time you've got on your hands, we've missed your modeling work
i hope your break brings you some peace of mind. getting even small amounts of clout is difficult these days unless you're constantly bandwagoning and making connections that benefit you from a marketing standpoint. i'm sure you'll be able to make coloris really shine and it's clear you're very passionate, but until the hurt subsides take it easy dude. taking a breather will let you come back and view the project with fresh eyes which is a necessity for refining work
you never disappoint with these, king kong torch is perfect
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Doing some sad luke stuff for the webm

Might scrap this and start over tomorrow if I think I can do better. I have yet again stayed up too late.
Remembered I am Photoshop certified This is actually Photopea
Thanks, I've been practicing my drawing skills and I'm pretty proud of my progress so far.
I wouldn't
It's way too early for anything new and this seems bad.
Jesus christ, I was only gone for half a day and already we're doing this apparently.
The goal of the first /tog/ booster and following boosters were to slowly ease into higher HP/power.

But whatever. If you really can't wait that long who the fuck am I to stop you.
Don't you understand? If someone else is getting attention, it means he's not.
I know is unlikely, but if it were to happen thanks to the powers of "this is a random story written in an open forum", AKA "shitposting", I feel this is how it would play out.

>Inside a local Game Corner, a small blonde girl has been playing the table cards
>gamble after gamble, the coins piled up next to her, even being taller than her
>Players started to complain, as she confidently put her hands down
>"And now is your turn sir. Do you stay, or pass?"
>"I... I...."
>The girl put extra coins on the table
"All in."
>The crowd silences, expecting to see the man's reaction
>"I... I... I'm in!"
>The man puts the same amount, and puts his hand down
>"Flush! I win!"
>The man moves to the pile, but the girls stops him, showing her hand
>The girl won him over. The crowd cheers, but many gamblers start to accuse her of rigged gaming
>She takes her cases, and goes with her sisters. If they try anything, at least she would be covered
>Besides, no need to torch down a casino over some coins
>"Happy with your hoard, little cheater?"
>The girl looked at the mocking man. Relatively tall, and strong. Security?
"I got a lucky streak, so I can't complain."
>"And how about one extra prize?"
>"No thanks."
>The man takes a penny from his pocket
>"Is simple: I win, you give me all your coins. You win, and...."
>Looks at the white haired girl
>"I get headpats?"
>Her (already noticeable) scowl turned into one of disgust
>The man looks at the taller black haired girl
>"Or a kiss?"
>"How forward!"
>The lady starts to fanning herself
>"You sure? I got a good size here."
>He pulls out a coin case, filed decently with coins
"You are only getting drinks at the bar, leave us."
>"Deal! You win, I earn a drink on you."
>The girl with white hair moves forward, but the blonde girl stops her
"I did not agree to this."
>"Fear of losing? What, you are telling me you only cheat with cards by waving your arms arouund, but not over a simple coin toss?"


>People have started to gather around, and even whisper about her skills
>If she declines, she may expose herself as a cheater, but if she accepts, she may lose her hoard
>Security starts to come nearby
>No time for doubts. A simple physics issues, no big deal
"Prepare to lose."
>"Here. You can check I didn't do anything weird."
>The man gives her the penny. Face, tails, rim, nothing out of the ordinary
>She looks at it with more care, calculating the necessary strenght and lift to toss it
>After a moment, is done: 99.99999% chance of heads
"I pick heads."
>The girl launches the coin up in the air, spinning all the way up and down
>A small moment later, the coin falls flat on her palm. She covers it at the same time
>She doesn't even need to watch it, she shows it to the boy
"I earned your case."
>The boy looks at the black haired girl
>"You tell her, or I do?"
>"... Arai, the penny landed on tails."
>The girl takes her hand down: it effectively landed on tails
"Wha- bu- ho-?!"
>The man takes his penny, and one coin from the pile
>"Is not about if it's heads or tails. Is about having a chance."
>He looks at the crowd
>"What a game, eh, guys? Not a cheater, she lost."
>The man leaves to the cashier, exchange his earnings, and leaves
>The sisters just go and sit on the bar


"But I got it all calculated, it was going to be heads."
>"I'm sorry Arai, but I saw it. The penny landed on tails."
"But I don't get it, even if it were to be tails, it was a-"
>Arai looks at the white hair girl
>"He cheated in your face, and you haven't noticed it? He used energy to put the penny to land on tails."
"He.... is he from-"
>"No. For starters, they would be too stupid to send an agent and let him expose himself like that. And second: his energy feels more like a Pokémon, not like ours."
>"A man that uses Pokémon energy?" replies Mari. "I know some people can use Pokémon powers, but use their energy?"
>"I know it sounds strange, but he used it. And he cheated."
"But if you knew, then why didn't you tell me anything!"
>"I thought carving his skull would be enough, but then he made the spectacle, so if we fought, we would've lost our earnings. You noticed Security too, didn't you?"
>Arai does not reply
"Well, it doesn't matter. He won, and all I lost was a coin, so is fine."
"You are going to tell me something that will make me angry, aren't you Mari?"
>"He took one of the 100K coins."

Wel,, that's it. Check this cool image I got with a dressed Saxton Hale.
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>That's the mentality that will get you to corporate or boost togmart to start competing with Devon Corp or Silp Co. down the line.
When togmart says they'll beat any competitors prices, they actually mean they'll send Ivy over to physically beat people until their prices are raised.
>Crossover episode: Poker Night at the /tog/.
Miko's dream come true
I think I personally fall in the cutemon camp and that's kind of reflected in Ivy's team, but Miko's got his fair share of comical and object mons. Honestly, I fuck with all the categories except for cool and kaijumons- they were never really my taste growing up, but I always appreciate the people who do like them.
>To me, TMs/TRs work as CD/DVD files.
I really like this idea of sort of "downlaoding" the TM to your pokemon while it's in its pokeball. I always sort of thought of it as kind of instructional videos you can watch with your Pokemon. A lot better than forcibly jamming the disk into your Pokemon's head a la FRLG.
Oof, that's rough. Sorry to hear anon, tyr not to get too discouraged. If you feel like you have to start over or tackle this project at a different angle, I find that making lists helps visualize what might seem like an insurmountable pile of shit to do, making it more digestible and less daunting. It's also really satisfying when you check something off the list and later on see how much you've accomplished. Take the time you need to recoup and hang in there- you got this anon <3
Woah this is coming sooner than expected. Idk if I'll be making cards for it right away, but at least it's something to think about.
Thank you for blessing us with these <3
Sooooo cute. Another banger.
> i think we should do a fusion dance
life hack for being a better artist is to simply fuse with other artists <3 I just had to draw up a quick fusion between our girls lol Introducing Bivy? Ivbi? Vivi?
David sure loves tempting danger, huh.
You should gen him wrestling with Saxton Hale next if he's so insistent on living on the edge.
Yesterday was ass for several reasons. Most notably, vomiting and coughing both right after I woke up and right when I started to go to sleep. Don't know if I'll get too much writing done today or tomorrow. The rush of rewriting Chapter 2 has worn off and yesterday I only got in about a measly 500 words.
I am going to be much less flowery than the archivist. Your writing is not "avant-garde", it is autistic. It bleeds through so much more than just Emily's personality, to the point where I seriously question if you have been diagnosed or not. I think you generally handled some of the "reference" insertions well enough, but some of then were jarring breaks in writing, especially the ones inserted directly in the middle of a paragraph with a dash as opposed to the ones that were cleanly in between two complete paragraphs. You might actually be just genuinely unaware of this, but there's a way to wrap an image around the text and I think it would do wonders for your textual structure to downsize certain images and/or place them wrapped around text rather than directly in between it. Aside from that, you also seem to place extreme emphasis on particular things, some of which may be unecessary. The bolded words get me a lot and I think that they should be used very sparingly, instead relying on expanded vocabulary to convey ideas. For example,
>His initial impression that she’d only be a mere nuisance had now blossomed into a tinge of actual worry and concern that she might *actually be a threat.*
Could become
>His initial impression that she’d only be a mere nuisance had now blossomed into tinges of actual worry and concern. The seeds of fear had been sown within him. It began to dawn upon him that this being of tiny stature may be posing a threat much larger than her bodily size.
You are very direct, and it feels like your writing wants to make all things extremely unambiguous, I think that's the reason behind a lot of the idiosyncrasies of it
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Couldn't fit this all into one post so cont
>seems like adding charms to crocs has been trending, ever think ivy would do something like that?
She does! She has a little punching glove charm, an egg, a heart, and a plus. I did a touch up of an old painting of Ivy but I outlined the charms at the bottom for clarity. togmart Ivy left her croc heels at home with the charms still attached aka too lazy to draw little details like that for that piece :P
The harsher lighting and heavy shadows looks really cool. Also for those of us without photoshop, photopea fucking slaps. It's my go to for photoshoppy things lol.

I am working on an OC, and I'm worried it's too much like Dot/Penny. So I'm requesting some suggestions on how I can make this character not as exact as Dot/Penny.

All I have so far is that they're a programmer/NEET with a hairstyle that's similar to Dot's...
Wayyyy too soon
I think we should let grymanon handle them anyway
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He loves the edge, he is not suicidal.
Without knowing anything about your character beyond what they might or might not be like, if you're worried about being too similar to another character, give them a trait that plays against their type.
They're a programmer, BUT they're not very good without a manual or Rotom on hand.
They're a NEET, BUT they're actually very sociable.
They've got the hidey bangs, BUT it's just because their hair grows in faster than they can cut it so they don't even bother trying to keep up with it.
See also: >>56404397
That's understandable, I also love edging.
Like, during the unveiling of the Eikonoklastic Assault System or the Ancient Light, the break in writing to explain what they were felt like the narrator taking a break to speak directly to the audience sort of like the explanation of Steel Beam during the Duraludon vs Charizard fight. You don’t leave a lot up to reader discovery and interpretation, which I can understand, but it also kind of takes away some potential mystique that the story could use to its advantage. If you need to explain everything, doing it in shorter and more elusive manners could help. I think this is shown during the introduction of the antagonist, by far the best part of Chapter 2. Very little is known about him, which makes him intriguing, and leaves the reader wanting to know more. There were also no bolder words during his introduction, which further helps that. I also think that the “One’s View” sections are interesting, and likewise should also be used sparingly to preserve their intrigue. Overall, not bad, although admittedly the premise is very outlandish, but I think stepping away from constant emphasis and explanation could really benefit the writing.
For starters, make them a guy, since both Penny and Dot are females. Avoid playing into stereotypes since Penny and Dot also kind of play into stereotypes. Don’t make them a femboy or a slob.
I might take that into account in future chapters. The explaining of things is simply a habit of my writing WITH people, as said people usually prefer to at least OOCly know what the fuck is going on when something like the "EAS" or Ancient Light are put onto the screen in a sense. But it's also a matter of I have no idea WHEN a good time to properly explain those things or HOW would be, even in future chapters so I kinda ended up deciding to do it on the spot as I usually do with my writing partners.

As for how often I do the perspective change, I find it a bit difficult to lessen it since I heavily value helping people form a more...cinematic visualization...of the scene within their minds cause to me and those I've written with it makes things more interesting as you read cause it presents a more vivid mental image.
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>I question if you've been diagnosed or not.
I have. I'm a high functioning "ass burger".
>You might actually be just genuinely unaware of this, but there's a way to wrap an image around the text and I think it would do wonders for your textual structure to downsize certain images and/or place them wrapped around text rather than directly in between it.
I'm unsure how you mean exactly I'd do that.
>You are very direct, and it feels like your writing wants to make all things extremely unambiguous
I've had many experiences where trying to leave a paper trail or being ambiguous is just lost on whoever I am writing with and it kinda carries over into my solo fic writing. It's one of the things I'm a stickler about; People not picking up on the ambiguous, vaguely implied things that they need to actually use their brain a bit to pick up on or in the case of SOME PEOPLE HERE straight up fucking misinterpreting what I wrote, like how TWO PEOPLE already misinterpreted the final gravity inversion bit and visualized it wrong.
Ngl, I cringed a bit.
Vote for Community Booster II's "gimmick" here.
You have TWO WEEKS to vote, so no rush.
Also, Origin Rising and future community boosters will work with existing official tcg cards to expand interest and "viability".

Next Booster will begin in mid-late October or early-mid November, depending on how things go. Again, no rush.
>as said people usually prefer to at least OOCly know what the fuck is going on when something like the "EAS" or Ancient Light are put onto the screen in a sense.
NTA but I think you could benefit from having a brainstorming/lore/ideas googledoc alongside the main script googledoc, that way you all could get in sync about what is what without necessarily having to do so in the main script.
Don't MOST people actually explain these things WITHIN the story though?
How are these “rebalanced EXs” supposed to be? I don’t want them to get blown out of the water by the official stuff.
Basically not as absurdly bloated in terms of damage and HP (especially SV's "ex" cards good lord). Think Gen 5 EX cards, but toned down just a little more.
Sure, you want to explain everything eventually but not in the exact second that you come up with the idea. It's mostly about timing and pacing, building antecipation and then delivering it.

Maybe there's no remedy at all because the method of "writing with others" like as if was a co-op video game is inherently flaweled, a second party can edit your script, can point out flaws, can make suggestions, etc, but to work on the script simultaneously you need to sacrifice some building blocks that make up "good writing".
When the time rolls around for the new booster and the gimmick is chosen, I'll try and expand on it more.
>It's mostly about timing and pacing
I don't even know WHERE I'd explain things like Ancient Light down the line. And the bit about the "EAS" was Emily directly pondering it in that exact moment but in a not-so-directly verbal way. Like when pieces are coming together but there's no DIRECT inner voice behind it.
I think that you should be aware of how low that power level is compared to current cards. EXs from Gen 5 are the same thing as normal Stage 2s from current generations. I find it odd that you’re saying that these cared are supposed to be balanced within SV >>56402348 when that’s clearly not the case. I think we might as well just use the Gen 5 styled borders in this case.
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made a video and then realized I don't know how to Webm

here the picture though
and without the snow
Look up webm for retards or whatever name it goes by these days.
For some reason, I feel this is playing.
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Someone way back had the idea that since Ruka gets most of her pokemon knowledge from magazines and guidebooks that for her TMs stand for Technical Magazines. Which are each based around a move and how to perform it and including different methods for performing the move by different trainers. You can still get them on disk but this is ruka's preferred method.
Any luck finding a webm converter yet?
>she's wearing the Johto Beauty outfit
Blessed post.
That was the anon that you had replied to.
It's a total masterpiece. Totally not bias because I loved the idea from the get go. I think Ruka and Jynx sharing the learning of the move over a chat and a popsicle is such a connective, lively depiction of an otherwise instantaneous in game mechanic.
You're such a disappointment.
I'm glad I'll never be as pathetic as you. You should do everyone a favor and hang yourself with the socks you jerk off into daily.
Keel over and die, that way you'll actually be useful to somebody.
So boring and predictable.
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Shaun, Shaun, pathetic Shaun,
Kicked out of his house by Rabbi Rosenbaum.
We report, report, report him away,
But he'll always come back to pester us another day.
That one sure struck a nerve.
Did your rabbi tell you to type that?
I bet you beg him to wear the Cynthia wig when he buttfucks you lmao
>oy vey anudda shaun
This is another good reason why there isn't a /tog/ discord and thankfully never will be.
So from the feedback, people want me to focus on the mundane bits more going forward and to "handle the explanation of things better". The former is something that's easier with a proper partner for Emily other than her own sisters, and I am struggling on that front due to my particular 'tisms about it. And the latter I have no clue how to handle. Like idk when a good time to properly explain stuff like Ancient Light proper (basically Emily's spins on existing Pokemon moves that she has her Pokemon use) would have been or HOW to go about it at said time. I dunno what to do about the "one's view" thing cause I find it important to add some "cinematic-ness" to one's mental visualization of the scene.
Oy vey shauny this is just like the holocaust huh
Quit larping.
Make up your mind, yiddishaunbergstein
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Simply do not reply. Simple!
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Sorry to interupt the schizo episode that's going on
But I wanted to sketch out this doodle to show that the fusion has one of Bibi's red eye's... that's it.
also i think Vivi's a cute name

Digging the snow
This song is super fitting wow. You have a secret talent for pairing music to art don't you?

I gotta give chapter 2 a read! Sorry I haven't yet, but I'll provide some feedback too once I have if you still want it

cute :)
aw did I miss the most recent shaun faggotry? looks like he got mad
You can give feedback if you want but I'd say I definitely have a direction of what to manage better in the next chapter already.
Been saying that for some time. Don't see the worth in touching the poo.
Really, it's like with Fatrick, no improvement will come out of engaging with him, or them rather since it's a group of people imitating him, best you can do is ignore it
Vivi's looking great, good job!
That was our policy for most of the year, it didn't actually discourage them in the slightest.
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no, decided to write a few more pages for Gilded instead. Since I felt like I was spending too much time on it when I really just wanted to be writing.

Thanks, I didn't make it, but separating it into 22 frames so I could use it properly was mad annoying.
Archivist. do you think we could get that Phos and Azelie fusion that emphasizes her midriff, hips, and thighs?
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>That was our policy for most of the year
Except for the part where it wasn't
Btw you forgot the bigass scar that Bibi has on her stomach that makes her afraid to wear crop tops
It healed up in the fusion process.
Fusing all our ghost girls into THE ULTIMATE GHOST GIRL
Like the power rangers mech kind of fusion?
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Aw thanks :)
I know you didn't make it, but you still deserve your flowers (no pun intended) for your hard work and posting a cute gif
>Phos and Azelie fusion
I just know the Archivist would execute this amazingly
>It healed up in the fusion process.
haha my thoughts exactly
Do you think all the ghost girls would conglomerate into a hex maniac?
An amazing idea- who would be what body part?
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>I just know the Archivist would execute this amazingly
Now, now, let's not get too hasty here. I'll do my best and nothing more.
your best is more than enough <3
i think generally speaking i lean slightly towards coolmons but i have favorites in every category
>I'm pretty proud of my progress so far.
as you should be!
YOOO i'm absolutely losing it over how fast you put this together, vivi looks sick as hell! were i not battling the overtime demon i'd be doing my own take but honestly, it's not even necessary given how you knocked it out of the park!! super charming as always (and speaking of charming, good to know about the croc bit, i'm not sure what it is but knowing ivy goes to all kinds of lengths to customize her shoes is so endearing). pretty funny going with vivi as a name, given that if you render bibi's name out in japanese they'd both be read the same way, it's really fitting for the fusion given it's meaning too
nice stuff, love it's translucent bro hanging in the back and all the creepy wisps, peak "wandering in the forest was a bad decision" vibes
your best is pretty damn good anon, you're putting out art at a killer pace of late
it'd end up being like a neutron star of peppy goth girls
Could be fun.
>your best is pretty damn good anon, you're putting out art at a killer pace of late
I appreciate the votes of confidence.
Truthfully, I've been trying to up my work pace to be more like >>56410454.
Good night, m8.
Whut? I was talking about the snow lol
Can someone explain this thread? I still don't get it.
By "thread" I mean general.
What do you need us to elaborate on?
Original Character general thread, with a combined emphasis on actual story-writing AND original artwork. Improve your writing skills, improve your drawing skills, make new things, grow as a person.
We are an open group of Anonymous where we all share stories and art of our "Original Characters" in the world of Pokémon.
Bring yours: can be original, can be Alternative Universe, can be self insert. Everyone is welcome (as long as they respect the rules in the OP).

So far we are a semi active general with stories and people posting around and having fun. You can join too.
Now I realize (HOURS LATER) that I wrote the gamble backwards. If Arai won, she was going to get all of David's coins. And if David won, he would get a drink.
Never write when just waking up, guys.
Yeah I was rather lost what was going on at that point
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How's this looking so far.
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holy shit is that a throwback.....but i don't think it counts unless anon decides to add knee or thigh highs
If is Phos and Azelie, it means 100% sex appeal. I'm just preparing the ground.
Phos and Azelie are basically the Miss Fortune/Rouge the Bat of /tog/. The one allowed instance of raw sex appeal cause there's actual writing being done behind them rather than just porn brainrot.
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That's uh... certainly not how I would have put it... but there's a compliment in there somewhere.
It's in case people start getting uppity about it being "risque".
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That line was crossed a long time ago.
Thanks for fulfilling that request, by the way, you did great. Kind of funny in a not-very-funny-at-all way how I'm the one who established the thread rule and also the only one who breaks the thread rule.
Let's do as I say, not as I do, /tog/.
>Let's do as I say, not as I do, /tog/
is this a bad time to mention my next eif piece was going to be slightly risque i've been a little hung up on phos asking azelie if her dress came in black
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Well, I hate to walk away from a job while the Fae Mood is possessing me, but it's late-as-fug o'clock and I'm not tanking my sleep going into this long work weekend.
Here's where we're at so far. I could probably leave it as-is and no one would notice anything's missing.
Be well, /tog/, dream of sweeping curves.
Sweet. Goodnight man.
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ohhh this night was wild

i wrote IONO somewhere on the wall, in this, squarish tweny-font

also fucked up my sneakers and i feel how my gut twists and aches, asking to throw up again
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skibidi bop bop yes yes
wtf blue board
spoiler this shit
Get some sleep Tweny.
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Suzi did a bad last session
Some trees around here are starting to turn a bit yellow and orange already and I heard geese leaving too. We're officially in the comfy autumn times. Best time of the year.

Emily is an autumn girl and would be regardless of my own disposition.
Arai's a winter girl and Mari prefers the summer. It's also the rare times Emily changes out her bike shorts for leggings or pants.
Bump before bed just to be safe, see you niglets later since we seem to get random board activity spikes again with Sha*n being back.
Is just him trying to slide threads. Goodnight, anon.
Been seeing a lot more booze flowing lately. I sure hope that isn't my influence at work.
More like "Ehh oh no," am I right?
Your eyes are hers, caught in her Ehh-lectroweb!
An astute observation, anon.
Not even close.
For many long years now, I've noticed a trend that Team Plasma is the universal punching bag among the extended fandom. In a franchise that has brought us the yakuza (and the only antagonists with a canon kill count of one), bandits-turned-ecoterrorists that almost damned the world on accident, a psychopath who turned an energy company into an unwitting doomsday cult, Scientologist fascists, and mommy issues, it's the PETA monarchists that have the fandom's collective kill-on-sight status more than any other faction.
Does our hatred of PETA extend beyond our own universe (understandable), or is the thought of being separated from our favorite mons more reprehensible to us than omnicide?
Nah I just find Team Plasma more interesting and more unhinged than any of the other factions-- making it more ideal for Emily's background to explain why she's quite literally going down the road of "living weapon". Which is to say she fought a group that would have frozen the entire nation and killed people in the process for their return to royal power so now that's the norm to her, she came to like said norm cause it's when she felt the most "free" and she has a hard time just being normal again because being "normal" rather than a rogue little fighter of giants feels "restrictive". She likes the warrior's life over the civilian life.
Oh yeah, and I forgot about Cipher, so add international smuggling cartel to the list of criminals that somehow are less heinous than Ghetsis and friends.
Anyway, if your OC decided to reshape the world, what would their villainous team look like?
Rate my team
>more unhinged
Stopped reading there
Explain who else quite literally flash froze an entire city center and killed whoever was standing outside with zero remorse-- if not entirely on purpose (even if it was in a technically only in Pokemon Generations)
They were the most successful not the most evil. Lysandre wanted a genocide to make the world more beautiful. Cyrus wanted to destroy the universe to make a new one.

These are more unhinged than "Froze a city" Just because Plasma was more successful doesn't mean they were more unhinged.
Their end goals were crazier but their means towards that end were watered down as fuck.
Team Plasma and Team Rocket are more down to earth than anything. Everyone else is batshit insane and also would have felt no remorse over what they did except Archie.

As for the means, Cyrus blew up a lake with a bomb heard around the region, enslaved legendries (plural), and damn near succeeded. Calling Team Plasma anything other than tame in comparison is silly.
Well, instead of being productive and studying or anything of the sort, I decided to try my hand at literary endeavors, as I had made up a nice segment in my head during the world renowned philosophical activity known as taking a shit, so I thought why shouldn't I write it down and see where that goes.
It's more or less just putting down in writing a scene I had previously thought of, and the means to hold my (dogshit) vocabulary levels under scrutiny.
So without further ado,
Mass loss of civilian life is honestly more unhinged than bombing some lakes imo. And Plasma basically shackled Legendaries to their own will too. It's just the END GOAL that was wilder than anything else.
>Mass loss of civilian life

I'm going by Pokemon Generations when it comes to Team Plasma, shut.
>and more unhinged than any of the other factions
Nah that's cap. Except for the joke teams, they're probably the 2nd or 3rd most reasonable of them all.
Possibly previous dynasty fallen from power wishing to regain control of unova, amasses manpower and a degree of public support via the frontend of "hurr durr liberating pokemon", which also doubles down as disarming the population.
Worst thing he did was ice up a few cities and turn Unova into an absolutist monarchy or your preferred flavor of dictatorship, not some of the dumbass crap like
>fuck up Hoenn by increasing the ocean level
>fuck up Hoenn by decreasing the ocean level
>try beat Necrozma, only to realize Necrozma's got hands and make things worse
>END THE FUCKING WORLD just because you refuse to build a nuclear reactor or three
The ends are just as important as the means though. The intent to destroy the universe is more unhinged than the means of freezing a city.

I'm watching this now and its pretty cool ngl
Piggybackig off myself here because I just thought of something and I just watched Episode 14.

If the lake trio were found in highly populated cities, he still would have done it.
I consider the actual on-screen loss of human fucking life as a mere means to the end more unhinged than an unrealized destruction of the universe by the most emo mf in the world.
That was the end though. Not the means. They wanted to test their cool frozone gun 9000. Which they did and then left. So that wasn't a means that was an end. The means here would be capturing Kyurem.

Sure human life might have been lost, but their ends were no grander than "How powerful can gun go?"

Which again, pales in comparison to "What if I destroyed the universe." Unrealized or not, it is more unhinged.
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Controllng Unova with a new Monarchy was the end goal but whatever.
Not in that episode it wasn't
Ooohhhh, I get it.
>doll costume
Heh, that's really clever. OH, and the name too, of course. Nice one, anon.
Nice, I'll take a look at it when I have the time later.
You know what I mean you little shit.
I don’t think he knows what you mean. He is too autistic.
But while I'm on the subject of villainous teams, here's a sobering thought for you: Lysandre is objectively correct.
I'll die on the hill that Team Flare is tragically misunderstood by the playerbase, their leader chief among them. Lysandre's beliefs can be summarized in three points: The world can be divided between those who give and those who take, all Pokemon need to be destroyed in order to build a perfect world, and he has an ethical obligation to make the hard decisions no one else will by his birthright as a descendant of royalty.
A lot of people question how Lysandre reached his conclusions in a saccharine place like Kalos where people hand out freebies like there's no tomorrow, but I ask you: did you connect to the PSS while it was functional? You could collect a free item from nearly every town every day. How many of those items went unused in your pockets? How often did you hand out O-Powers? How many people fleeced the Wonder Trade market with Bunnelby and Fletchling? Those who give selflessly and those who take. The PSS was the metric by which Lysandre's rhetoric was either proven true or defied, with the playerbase deciding whether or not Kalos deserved to live or die. Make of that what you will.
In previous blog posts, I've spoken at length about my theories on how the world of Pokemon works. Things like Pokemon being implacable embodiments of nature that you either learn to coexist with or suffer, Berries being plants adapted to absorbing the excess energy expended by Pokemon, so on. The Pokemon World is a world absolutely overflowing with energy. Plant a seed and you can watch it grow before your eyes. Pokemon can gather energy, turn it into mindboggling displays of power, get plugged into a Pokemon Center to recharge and do it all over again. The world is on the cusp of being totally post-scarcity.
So imagine how much more the world would have if all that energy inside of Pokemon was suddenly up for grabs?
Think on it.
true, my bad arguments aside, team galactic is still the most unhinged. Sure they didn't kill a city, but they didn't have to. If they did have to I'm sure they would have. You can't judge unhinged levels on kill count because while both are egregious displays of power, one takes place in the middle of a densely packed city, and the other takes place at a lake. Both of these happen where they happen because they have to. Drayden is in a city. Azelf was in a cave or whatever. If Azelf had been in in the center of Jubilife Cyrus still would have used a bomb to get to it.
>The Virgin Selfless Giver vs The Chad Selfish Taker
Lysandre was a wordcel tbqh, you yourself even admitted that he was "a psychopath who turned an energy company into an unwitting doomsday cult".
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I made a thing
He says as he sets up hail, fucks off and regens 30% hp
That one was Cyrus, actually.
Who the fuck are the “Scientology Fascists”, then?
I don't think I gave him regenerator. His main job is to use Telekinesis on someone while a different pokemon beats 'em up. I don't switch often as Luke
That's Team Flare. They own the media and their members need to pay a ridiculous amount of money if they want to know what they're actually doing.
Oh also, to the few who actually read Gilded Platinum, does the Live Doc getting too long to be worth it? Should I try something more navigatable?
I think it's fine, but maybe create some chapter brackets to ctrl-f to if you're feeling awkward about it. [ch01], [ch02], etcetera.
Or maybe consider organizing the documents into acts, with act 1 ending at the point you jump off of Platinum's traditional story beats and act 2 progressing from there.
I'm mulling over a proper foil to partner Emily with in the fic to help flesh out the other half of her dynamic she was meant to have but two issues I am having is HOW the two would meet and the fact that I am a bit of a bum and don't want to have to write more "main character Pokemon" beyond Emily, Mari, and Arai's.

Anyone care to pitch me some input on these fronts?
No dummy, I have an idea of what to do for just about everything BUT the two very specific things I mentioned in my post.
Well you didn't have to be so mean about it.
I can assure you, I was being nice, otherwise I would have called you an outright retard or something.
I will try the brackets. I don't want to clog the pastebin
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Stop that.
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So the elegance extends beyond your talent for drawing clothes.
Bravo, you should do this more often.
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here's my take while i wait for my joycons to charge so i can play miku fitness boxing
Dammit, why does it feel like none of these picrew templates have good hats?
Cause they usually don't.
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No time for commentary, it's late as fug and I needed to go to bed two hours agao.
The things I do for you guys, I swear...
Now what if we did a quadruple-synthesis..?
Bad, sexy bitch. I love it!
Well, only 25 to go. Bump.
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I have nothing to contribute to this thread except for this
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I'd like to introduce my character that I will play after Gilded Platinum has run its course. A much smaller game with only us three as players instead of the massive games I run.

Anyway, meet Sylvie! She and her friends are magical girls who get flung into the past and now must deal with the war that separated the Original Dragon in order to find their way back to their time. The GM is calling the game Legends Victini.

Sylvie is a Fairy specialist and has a male ralts named Beau. Her Elemental Connection allows her to open portals and use fairy blasts. It will probably be beginning of next year or later before I get to play her (I still need to run this Ultra Space game, but we like to plan in advance).
Gilded Platinum? by the way you talk about it, it sounds like a pokemon trpg campaign.
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oh that's perfect, the leather jacket gives bad girl vibes but the shading on her skirt really conveys a sleek luxurious sort of texture to it that really calls forth azelie's personality since unlike phos i think she'd be super particular about fabric choice and quality, great stuff anon!
>Now what if we did a quadruple-synthesis..?
i wonder what the connective tissue between these 4 would be...? strong willed yet feminine i suppose
that's a really cute premise, i like her
It is Pokémon Tabletop United.

We have a tight game group of 4 with 1 GM and 3 players. People I know irl.

We also have a wider group I run games for which is 9 players strong atm.

Luke is my first non NPC character in the 4 or 5 years I've played this game. I'd share more about my NPCs but I'm not sure they belong here.
>I'm not sure they belong here.
Maybe? They can give flavor to Luke's story. People that crossed the path of our lucky trio.
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I like her too, I think she'll be real fun to build mechanically and also grow as a character

Here is Sylvie, Tanya, and Faye
Eh my NPCs aren't from Gilded since my friend is the GM for that.Though I could definitely show some of them.

But no my npcs are from different games all together.
Ah, I understand then.
Ah I see, thats cool as hell anon. I've tried to find a pokemon rp's as well using the internet, but nothing came from the ones I joined.
I definitely recommend joining the Kairos Isles discord server. They have their own updated edition of the game and are pretty fast in terms of development.

They have events and stuff, but I'm too busy running my own games to join in on those. They do have the pdfs there though.
Oh, they're looking lovely, keep up the good work.
>I wonder what the connective tissue between these 4 would be
Me getting sandwiched between four beautiful women and melting into soup.

Afternoon lads.
Calm down.
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Im mad and armed
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I don't think I missed anything. If I'm not available when the next thread rolls around, please copypasta the following:

View Origin Rising, /tog/'s TCG collaboration here https://imgur.com/a/kOvGkJR
Aaaand here:
R8, H8, & appreci8 102 themed art submissions.

Read Hasumi's writing debut here: https://sys.4chan.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fdocument%2Fd%2F1Jh6DSGLVYuCHrwG4LEmCzuOB0qyfZ_88%2Fedit

Watch Luke make embarrassing typos in real time while writing Chapter 7 of Gilded Platinum: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ-nOYYjxC_pJ1h03frpZgCDbtlMp94oYRB43MrhMsu7sYL_dBT-ypbrrr16CIS-i_RfMgCtkwRvj98/pub

Read the latest Gaiden episode of Eons in Flux here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19kxXsSw_vIS69eAiVQPvpZ2QKrsrmIXs/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103317507145300335464&rtpof=true&sd=true

Read Emily's second full-length novella here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T5pyEdnOqGoXfbU6eb3o-__qg5f8PAyJ6vfoxq3-Fvc/edit
So, any new task and question? We are at the edge.
Ok but at least wait to hit bump limit AND get to like page 8 or something before creating a new thread
You messed up the link for Hasumi's fic, btw
Migrate whenever ready
You are welcome to try
Are these supposed to be two Azelies?
Do the straps still function as Pokeball holders?
Works on my machine. :^)
Look closely at the bangs--one of them is Phos.
Isn't Phos like, far taller than Azelie?
Yes. 6'0" to Azelie's 5'4".
Trust the king, he'll sort it out.

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